The Becoming God

Monday, May 31, 2021

Paul McCartney's Fortune Maker

This has nothing to do with Paul McCartney. It was just a fantasy I had this morning. No, I do not usually think about Paul or any other man in the morning, but my mind was ruminating on recent ideas of imagination plus faith. It put together some ideas of a "fortune maker" to help me get there. It was an illustration, the language God teaches in. So if anything, it was God thinking about Paul McCartney.

A few years ago Paul joined James Cordon on Carpool Karaoke. I had never seen the program nor had ever heard of James Cordon, but my son played it from his computer to our television, and I enjoyed it. In the program Paul visited and gave a surprise performance at a pub where he had played in his youth. In my God-given fantasy I saw Paul in the pub meeting an elderly man, an old fan. The old man said, "I knew you'd be a success." Paul paused, putting two and two together. He recognized that this old man had been his fortune maker. For Paul had been compelled to success by the fan's conviction, his confidence and belief that at the end - in years to come - Paul was a success. Paul's success flowered from him. Yes, Paul McCartney was of the same mind, confident of his success which he pursued and won. But the old man was a support, an member of the cord, propulsion in the current that McCartney lived.

Again, this has nothing to do with Paul McCartney. He is symbolic to me, an image of mindset and success - an illustration. God was just talking to me, "It's like this."

There was a second part of the conversation. God is talking to me about godding as Rabbi David A. Cooper discussed in God is a Verb. He has me rereading portions of the book I didn't understand before. By godding we father Christ.

Our fortune maker is our imagination in the state of belief, not necessarily for ourselves. We can think for ourselves, but ought practice converting all bad input to good report for others. What we give them we get too. "With kind consideration let every human being regard their friend greater than themselves. And no human being should worry about themselves only, except about their friends also. Contemplate this within yourselves, just as the Messiah" (Philippians 2:3b-5 Alexander).

Sunday, May 30, 2021

God is "I AM," OUR (!) Awareness

That my imagination is God in no way insinuates that there is not the infinite and eternal God beyond all Creation. It only indicates that It is imagining me, that my imagination is It. Adam slept, and God brought the woman to him. Neville observed that here is nothing about Adam's waking up. His "wife" is his dreamed life. The Source of our imagined life is unconditioned awareness of being. Our dream conditions it.

God in the Other "Imagination Plus Faith"

I thought that God, being the Consciousness of the ineffable No-thing, the field-like energy of the (...?), was affecting me positively from without (though I [and all else] am within it and am of it) to generate Its high and positive nature in me. Then I found the Neville Goddard audio lecture "Imagination Plus Faith" that begins, "Tonight's subject is imagination plus faith." This particular lecture is different than the printed version which other people are recording. Neville's own-voice audio version has a description of God which has just revolutionized my concept of God. According to it, instead of God being outside or beyond me (though as a field including, one with me), He - God - is my imagination. Here, this thing, my awareness inside me right here and right now. And this thing, God, my imagination, is DIRECTLY affecting me to tear down the partition wall, the insulation that separates Him and me, to rub it out of existence. So God is this, here, me. It is only perfect awareness of and unity with Him is coming in the future. Then I shall know Him as I am.

Alas, I have not been able to find a text version of this audio recording, though text versions abound of another lecture by the same name. THAT "Imagination Plus Faith" begins, "This series is really a combination of both the Law and the Promise."

The first ten and a half minutes of Neville's audio description of God and imagination plus faith goes like this:

Tonight's subject is imagination plus faith. Imagination plus faith are the reality out of which man fashions his world. What do I mean by 'imagination'? I mean God. Man is all imagination, and God is man and exists in us, and we in Him. The eternal body of man is the imagination, and that is God Himself. The Divine Body of Jesus - we are His members. It is entirely up to us what we imagine. But, it is imagination plus faith. For we are told that without faith it is impossible to please Him.

Now, I can tell you tonight that your own, wonderful HUMAN imagination is God. I can't convince you that it is. I ask you to try it. I ask you to test it, but I can't persuade you to the point of conviction. You have to become self-persuaded through experience. So here any bold assertion on my part will really not convince you, but I am hopeful. But...

Imagination is the sole cause of the phenomena of life. If perchance you hear the word God, the word Lord, the word Jesus Christ, and it conveys the sense of some existent something OUTSIDE of your own, wonderful HUMAN imagination, you have a false Lord, a false God, and a false Jesus Christ. If you really know who you really are, that your own wonderful human imagination IS God, you cannot fail in achieving your objective. "All things are possible to him who believes." "With God all things are possible." Now, He equates man with God. I just quoted from the ninth of Mark and the nineteenth of Matthew. In Mark, it's man: all things are possible to Him Who believes.

In Matthew he tells a story - tells the rich young man to sell everything - if you want to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, sell it all and follow Me. And then he was disheartened because he had so many things, so many possessions. And then He said, "It is easier for the camel to enter through the door, the through the 'needle's eye', than a rich man to enter Heaven." And then the disciples said, "Well then, who can be saved?" He said, "With men it is impossible. But with God all things are possible. With men who do not know who they are - that is what He means - with men who do not know the Lord's name. "Those who know thy name put their trust in thee. For thou, O Lord, would not forsake those who seek thee." If I know His name. Well, let us look for His name as revealed in scripture.

"And Moses said to God, 'If I go to the Israelites, and I say to them that the God of your forefathers has sent me to you, and they say to me, "What is His name?" what shall I say?' And God said to Moses, say, 'I am.' THAT is who I am. Just say 'I am' has sent you. For that is My name forever, and by this name I shall be known throughout all generations. I have no other name." Just be aware, to be aware is to say, "I am." Without uttering one sound; just to be aware; that is "I am." That is God. Now, that's what I mean by 'imagination'.

Now, what is faith? We are told in the eleventh chapter of Hebrews that faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. By faith we understand that the world was created by the word of God. That things which are seen were made out of things which do not appear. And without faith it is impossible to please Him. He calls a thing that is not seen as though it were, and the unseen becomes seen. Now, having found who God is, my own, wonderful HUMAN imagination, then how would I go about actually creating something that at the moment seems either difficult or even impossible?

I start first of all, naturally, with God. For God is my own, wonderful human imagination. So the most blessed gift in the world is a strong, vivid imagination, a clear idea, and a determinate vision of things as I would like them to be - all within my own mind. Conjure a scene which would imply the fulfillment of my dream, see it clearly in my mind's eye, give it all the tones of reality, give it as much sensory vividness as I can, and believe in that imaginal act. Have it so fixed in my mind that I am completely oblivious to all the things round about me that would deny it, and walk in the assumption that it is so. Assume that feeling that the wish fulfilled, and simply ignore everything that denies it and walk in it. And I am calling a thing that is not now seen as though it were seen, and that unseen state will become seen.

I tell you I KNOW this from my own experience. It never fails. But we are the operant power. Knowing what to do is one thing, and doing it is another. So will I do it? To know it all well and good, but will I do it? "Those who know thy name put their trust in thee." In any other god, it is a false god. To turn to any other god, you are turning to a false god. He is housed within you, as you are told in scripture, "Do you not realize that Jesus Christ is in you? Examine yourself whether you are holding to the faith. Test yourselves." Well now, I can test you right now, this very moment. In fact, I have already given you the test, and you be the judge of whether you failed or passed. I used the word God, I used the word Lord, I used the word Jesus Christ. If your mind jumped on the outside to something other than your own, wonderful HUMAN imagination, you failed the test. Do you not realize that Jesus Christ is in you? For if in any way, and no matter how you try to excuse it, your mind goes out to some image on the outside, no matter how beautiful it is, how altogether wonderful it is, if it goes out, you failed the test. So we are told "examine yourselves to see whether you are holding to the faith." Now he tells you what it is: "Do you not realize that Jesus Christ is in you?" Unless, of course, you failed the test.

Now, it may be a shock to the whole vast world, but I cannot avoid telling the story. I have experienced it. I can only share with you what I know, and I am telling you that if you dare to assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled, knowing Who is doing it - it is God doing it, for God is your own, wonderful HUMAN imagination, and He is doing it. So if you dare to assume it and you walk in the assumption that it is so, ignoring the senses, ignoring the facts of life that deny it, in a way you do not know it will become a reality in your world. This is what I mean by imagination plus faith. For these are the realities out of which we fashion our world.

PS: Did I make any mistakes besides lousy punctuation? Please let me know.

PPS: Do not misread this: "Assume that feeling that the wish fulfilled."

PPPS: Related posts: Neville Goddard's Ten-Second "Flash" Salvation of Double Theredom

Dr. Joseph Murphy- Become One With The GOD Presence Within You (the video's text is unreliable)

Joseph Murphy - Whatever You Give Attention To The Subconscious Magnifies - Relax and Listen

Saturday, May 29, 2021



Cheryl, I May Have Misread Exodus 3:14 And Have God Backwards: Neville Goddard and the Other Imagination Plus Faith

Neville Goddard lectured in numerous cities from the 1930s to the 1970s. No one had the Internet or smartphones back then. Tape recorders were "high tech." So he had to repeat himself, giving the same lecture in different places to different groups. I was listening to Neville speaking in his lecture "Imagination Plus Faith," and realized in the fourth minute that he was saying that our imagination is God OPPOSITE of the way I had understood. So I brought up the text for the lecture, "Imagination Plus Faith," and found that it was not the same lecture. The content is ALMOST the same, but in a different order and missing the explanation of the name of God that is in the audio version. Huh.

I ask you to listen to the first five minutes of the audio "Imagination Plus Faith." That fourth minute is a doozy. I have been reading Exodus 3:14's "I AM THAT I AM" as "I am that 'I am'" (i.e., your 'I am'), and something like "My becoming is Creator of your becoming." But Neville is saying here that our imagination IS the Big Guy, the Great "I AM" as people say. As he reads the Bible, it is Moses' imagination (designated here as "God") addressing him: "I (your imagination) AM THE GREAT ‘I AM.'" It is not "I - the Great I AM - (am also) YOUR 'I AM'." Get it? At least, this seems to be what Neville is saying.

His saying the same in the text version of "Imagination Plus Faith":

"So, it does not mean that because you drop in the year 1971 that you are going to find the year ’71 now. No. You could find yourself in the Year One Thousand or the Year Three Thousand, but that is irrelevant. The section of time into which you are placed is done by the depths of your own being. He knows best what you need for the work: that He has started within you, and He is slowly breaking down the wall of partition between two until they become one. He is rubbing out that wall between you and Himself; when it is completely rubbed out, you are one. It is essential that He leaves all and cleaves to his wife to become one, not two. You are His wife till the sleep of death is passed.

"So, this is God’s emanation, and then, in time, He rubs out that little division and He becomes one with you. And when He becomes one with you, He awakes, and you aren’t two – you are one. And it is all spelled out for us in Scripture, and as we go through this series, the nine that follow tonight, we will try to explain it, using the Scripture to support my experiences. It is clearly stated, but I must confess I did not see it. I did not know it. I knew nothing of the Promise, even though it is right there in the Bible, speaking of promises, until it happened right here in this City twelve years ago tomorrow, on the 20th of July, 1959. It happened right here in this City at that hotel called Sir Francis Drake."

The "depths of your own being" and the "He" here are our human imagination within us. Our awareness of being - THAT is God. And this rubbing out, breaking down the wall of partition is the Promise, the Blessed Hope of Israel. So, Cheryl, the human imagination is the operant power trying to become one with us. Good job.

Friday, May 28, 2021

Joseph Murphy - Whatever You Give Attention To The Subconscious Magnifies

For entertainment, are you reading, watching, and listening to negative stories on the Internet? The news on TV? 'Tis input, my friend, evil input. Negative input which will manifest not well. Think your life GOOD.

I am thinking we should write our own stories, our own plays as Neville said. In Seedtime and Harvest (1956), he suggested as Producer we select the theme of our play, what we want; as Author we write out in detail the drama of our HAVING it (its last scene, the wish fulfilled); as Director we rehearse the actor in that scene over and over until it is natural for ourselves; and as Actor we perform the fulfillment of the wish as though it were completely real. Time to party hardy, to make it real and DO it in our imagination. Let's be positive.

Thursday, May 27, 2021

On Being God: Continuing Thought From Yesterday

When I hear God, Jesus, Lord, and Christ, I think of them as being the Energy beyond me, though in me, and I of It. I visualize Jesus as the Divine Energy covering me like syrup over a scoop of sundae, same as it did the human guy we know by the same name. I MIGHT differ from Neville in this. I agree with him that there is no character of scripture who had a personal history, that they were all ideas for the stories that teach, but I believe there were people who had those histories that were talked about symbolically. History shows that the Jordan Valley was rife with religious schools of people getting ready for the coming messiah. I believe that a human Jesus by His integrity and understanding moved to the head of the class and received the Anointed One - YHWH syrup - internal awareness of It. And He godded. Who godded? The YHWH syrup or the human Jesus? Yes. It was a very well mixed bag, as they both understood that they were one, the second in the reward of the first. My mind is pretty well clicked over to hearing 'reward' whenever I read the word 'Gospel'. I would much rather receive and enter a reward than believe a message about it being somewhere else. What would churches be like if everyone there was IN the reward rather than talking ABOUT it?

You will note the comment yesterday from Gyanbygurus on why we need temples, and by extension churches. I am a big fan of Vivekananda and the Hindu sages. Hinduism winds up being monotheistic at the top: "Life (i.e., everything) is but a breath of Brahma." I think something else is going on in churches than their retaining energy, as Vivekananda suggests. I think it orientates us. From the church we focus and build OUR energy, the energy of the reward. We learn the scriptures, the nature of God, what is moral, righteous, integrity. There is encouragement, clarification, correction, and advice for us. We find identification, that this IS the right way, a LIVING way, OUR way. And by all this our energy aligns in oneness with God's; we find faith in submission and humility to god with Him. How do we engage with God? We imagine that what we desire IS as we desire it to be, so that we ARE that. And then we let the rest of the Energy, YHWH, manifest it.

The thing about Christianity is that it isn't Him doing it, it is us Christing, our being the father of it. Belief is not waiting, it is DOING.

Neville Goddard Imagination Plus Faith

If We God (Imagine) In His Name...

...His (Our) intelligence knows and goes through the order of incidents necessary to form the manifestation.

Another Great Response/Comment From Cheryl Craig: Called to God

"Hi Dan, Thank you for such a thoughtful response to my question. I love that you ask me when I find God, "What am I going to do with Him," which leads me to ask you the question, when you hear the name Jesus Christ or God, do you think of yourself? Neville repeats this often and I must confess I am getting closer, but not there yet. I reread your answers to my questions because there is so much that I can see you understand and are trying to convey, yet so much one must work out for themselves, in those "ah ha" moments truth comes to us. I think that is what happened to me which led me to the question about desire. What good is it to know I am God but not be God? It is by being Him that I become my Self. The confirmation I have had in imagining creates reality, honestly, is what has brought me this far. Changing thought patterns and beliefs is not a small effort but well worth investing in. Thank you for your thoughtful responses. I truly appreciate them."

In a word, Cheryl, not exactly. When I hear or read the names Jesus, Christ, or God, I envision an infinite field of power which is conscious as a person. This "field" (which I know it isn't) is beyond the universe, beyond this dimension, beyond, well, anything I can think of except pure intelligence, though they are all within it. The field I envision is pretty static. It is conscious, and it has just one intention: "Be." In Its being It is what we call positive. It knows that here is nothing but Itself, and why wouldn't It love and want good for Itself? Increase is Its natural expression. Its increase and goodness are confirmation of Its presence, Its power, and Its disposition. The field is as a Person, and bits of this energy manifest as persons. Myriads, myriads, and myriads of persons, which I call "conscii." This is where "I" kick in. I am one of them, as are you. I know I am as dumb as a rock, but nevertheless manifest the Intelligence of the Ineffable. This is His project, and it is He Who has me in my stupidity manifesting Him. So yes, I do think of myself, but not as a very successful god. I see myself as Him facing My (His) problem: the span between My (His) ignorance and His (My) omni-everything. I have got a lot of catching on to do.

So I very much appreciate your observations: "What good is it to know I am God but not be God? It is by being Him that I become My Self." I am learning from you. How do we be God? "God" is the Ineffable's ACTION. We god. We are to imagine every good thing consciously honoring Him. The "Law" per Moses was a guide to living with integrity, morality, uprightness - fidelity to the Ineffable's nature, which is the Law. The big-kid conscii have mastered godding in the field's nature. Eventually, we will master it, too.

Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Preach the Reward

Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Matthew 8:20 and Luke 9:58, A Third Take

"The Son of Man becomes the Ascended Man. I am not there yet."

You can find any number of articles about Jesus being as a homeless person and would be disciples having to count the cost of following Him. A second take is that it was not a safe thing to be His follower; one could not count on sleeping in security. As has been noted, Jesus was not so much an ascetic. He had places to lay His head. But those places would not be as the ASCENDED Son of Man. He was as much as telling the guy, "I have a cup to drink, and have not drunk it yet." The show had just begun; there was much, much more to come. Buckle up.

The Reward is: the Old Life - I'M NOT THERE!!

I was reading T. L. Osborn's The Message That Works. I realized that the Gospel message he preached was the reward which resulted from Christ's death: if we believe we are reconciled to God, we are free from the condemnation of sin. That is, the life we have been living, we are not there anymore.

In 1933, Neville Goddard suddenly had an overwhelming desired to be in Barbados. His teacher Abdullah said, "You are IN Barbados" That is, "You are not here."

I started to write an essay entitled "Illustration Works." God has given us illustrations to work with, to believe. I know that they are not the real things they signify, but that does not bother HIM. For if we believe the illustration, we believe the real thing, and He takes it as real belief.

The reward is a real thing. We are "there." It IS here. We live it in illustrations. Go with it. Believe you are where you want to be, what He says you are. "It will harden into fact."

Monday, May 24, 2021

Bible Correction: Hayah Signifies The Transition We Are In

I have written many times about the Hebrew word hayah (to be/ to become; Strong's 1961. See Bullinger's note on Genesis 1:2 in Companion Bible). Hayah is one of the most important words in the Bible. Its significance is transition. The Bible is full of transition from state to state. E.g., "As the Beginning (a state the Consciousness of the Ineffable had transitioned to), the Ineffable created (imagined) God (His spiritual governing actions), the heavens (mind), and the earth (transition to physicality)" (Genesis 1:1, my understanding of the original). God first planned where He was going. And then, hayah.

Hayah indicates transition. "And the earth was without form, and void" (Genesis 1:2a KJV). The word 'was' here is hayah. In 1:1, the earth was NOT without form and void; and 1:2 says it transitioned or became without form and void. Though it was planned, the earth was not even a physical reality as yet. It was still but a gleam in God's eye. So what happened?

Hayah. The Aramaic version of Genesis 1:2, as translated by Victor Alexander: "And the earth was for Him and by Him, and the darkness was over the face of infinite space, and the Spirit of God was over the layers of the water" (italics mine). The earth was FOR Him and BY Him, and for it to become Him, it had to enter the Ignorance for His nature to be generated from. As God, God had overcome His own ignorance. For the Manifestation to overcome to become as God, it would have to go through the same process! All development into Him would have to "come to pass" - hayah.

The fulfilling of this process was the hope of Israel. To get there, a messiah had to transition through death to get the reward of resurrection and ascension, i.e., back to God's intention. The "Gospel" is that reward. It was gotten. Is now freely given to those joined to the Ascended Messiah.

The Religion of the Conscii of God

God is a field of consciousness. The Ineffable No-thing's conscience. We have no idea as to how the field comes to be from the No-thing, but it is there, else nothing else would be. The weird thing is the field is volitional. It is positive, not neutral, and it is responsive. It is CONSCIOUS.

Over the billions of years the universe has existed, and possibly much longer, in the field of consciousness have risen conscii, myriad bits of the field imagining as individual conscience. Many of them - us - have become aware of the nature of the field, of its positive and discriminating, selective nature. That it is God, worthy of honor, love, and gratitude.

The field probably does not do any overt thing. That we are it, and that it causes positive development is impressive enough. An aware conscience certainly concludes, "THAT is God, the consciousness of the Ineffable Source," and dedicates its life to it. These conscii may be the actors of Divine will perceived by them - Its "messengers."

The Reward: The Blessed Hope of the "Gospel" is neither to Escape nor to Get Things, but the Becoming of God, the Return to Being the Ineffable No-thing Manifesting Ongoingly

I was taught wrong for sixty years that the Greek word for Gospel, euaggelion (pronounced euangelion) means 'good news.'

I disagree. That is as silly as saying the Hebrew word Abraham means "the father of many nations." (Abraham means "Allaha's Mercy," "Merciful Father," or "the Father is Merciful," for which reason Abraham becomes the father of many peoples.) The Gospel is good news, except the word euaggelion does not mean "Good news," as in a message which is good. Says Millar Burrows in The Origen of the Term Gospel (see "The Mystery Post I Cannot Write: Gospel, Revelation, Reward, Power", on June 20, 2020), the Greek word euaggelion meant "reward."

Bing! Bing! Bing! Suddenly we have a whole new Bible, a new method, and a new procedure, no? There is a reward now available to believers due to Christ's birth, life, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension. The kerygma is not the Gospel; it is how the reward became available. Christ died FOR the reward and received it. He now gives it freely to whoever will believe (not philosophically, but in active belief). We are not to preach a theoretical message, a logic or argument, but are to announce the reality of the REWARD, the return to the state of sinlessness before God, by demonstration. The price has been paid, the fault (ignorance) forgiven. There is real and literal reconciliation to God - back to awareness of the oneness - IF WE WILL BELIEVE.

Sunday, May 23, 2021

On Exodus 3:14 - What I Believe is the "Traditional Misinterpretation"

I recently said that "I AM THAT I AM" (Exodus 3:14) is a traditional misinterpretation of the Hebrew words 'ehyeh 'asher 'ehyeh. For God is saying it, and that traditional meaning can only apply to the ineffable (...?), the No-thing Source of God.

I hold that what we call 'God' is the consciousness of the ineffable (...?), not the Ineffable Itself. "As the Beginning (the Son of ...?, the Consciousness of the Ineffable), (...?) created God, the heavens, and the earth" (Genesis 1:1, my take on Cooper, Alexander, and God's input). God, i.e., Eil (Aramaic), is the ACTION of the Ineffable. Thus God, the Consciousness of the (...?), would never insinuate that it simply, eternally "is" apart from its Source.

Instead, the Aramaic Ahyeh Ashur Ehyeh (see Alexander's notes on Exodus 3:14) suggests that the Hebrew words mean "I am that (relational) 'I am.'" I.e., "I am YOUR (the relation) 'I am.'" Ahyeh and Ehyeh are first and third person 'becoming'. Ashur is "the Beginning Spark Which Ignites the Flame"; i.e., Creative Imagining. Thus this God is the Divine Intelligence's Consciousness in us, our imagination and God saying, "I am here to fix you." Hence the Book of Genesis, which is all about THIS.

Said Cheryl, "I begin to truly realize who I am when I put my faith in Him in me."

Yes, yes, yes!

On "The Law"

We think of the Mosaic Law as rules to be followed. I think rather that Law is illustration of how one would act with fidelity to God's nature, how having integrity would appear in our lives. The Law to follow is God's nature: goodness, positiveness, beneficence, grace and mercy as if all were our relative.

Response to Cheryl Craig's Comment on Providence: A Mystical Fantasy Tour Into One Man's Oneness Pentecostal Theology

Cheryl's comment on "Providence" (February 27, 2018) was too good to leave in the comment section where most readers would miss it. I promised Cheryl that I would respond, and am greatly embarrassed that it has taken so long to do so. Cheryl's question (and it was a big one) sent me on my own mystery tour of questioning what Neville meant by what he said, and was it actually the case. Basically, the answer is yes, but how it is yes has been problematic to answer. Thus there is a lot of verbiage which I am afraid will obfuscate any truly valuable revelation. Cheryl's comment:

"Hi Dan, I love this post. I wish I could sit with you over a cup of coffee and ask you questions. It is said that the longest journey is the one from your head to your heart, and in matters of faith I am on this journey. Most of my life I believe I have had a connection to my inner Self yet it is not a constant. I have had visions and experiences during meditation with long periods between leaving me to wonder what shift I must make in my understanding or knowing to keep this communication flowing. I read in "Sermon On The Mount" by Emmet Fox that we demonstrate where we are at. I have been successful at manifesting consciously sporadically too, making me wonder what it is that is necessary to "find Him" in each moment. I have had a difficult time with faith because of the programming of my childhood but am beginning to see myself as healed and forgiving myself for the way I thought and treated myself. Perhaps this is a beginning. I believe I am on the way though, to that place where self meets Self. I am so grateful I found your blog. I read it every day because you understand in a way that very few people do. If I understand so much of what you are saying it is that as Neville says "we are the operant power" and it is an active practice of faith and learning. I won't really know the great I AM unless I actively assume I am. I think that (is) what Neville is saying when he teaches the law. I begin to truly realize who I am when I put my faith in Him in me. Does this make sense? Do you think I am on to something or do I need to go back to the proverbial drawing board and rethink this. I don't think I will be satisfied until I experience God but for now connecting with your teachings has been an arrow pointing me in a right direction. That is why I love Neville's teaching so much, they are to the point. There is not mystical initiation required to find God. All my life I have been seeking Truth and understanding. God answers prayers, ask and you do find. So thank you for everything you do. I appreciate it. Sincerely, Cheryl C"


What a great comment. Thank you. And yes, Cheryl, as Emmet Fox said, we demonstrate manifestly where we are at because we are, for better or worse, the manifestation of the ineffable (...?). We are where It is, and thus there is fault in It. I believe Its fault has been isolated as us, or at least as a part of our existence, and that this fault is what we are here to overcome. These lives we live, or rather this experience in death (/ignorance - seeming separation from God, see Neville's Unless I Go Away), is the Ineffable's Self-improvement program. The package deal we are with and within the ineffable (...?) to deal with Its fault is a hard concept to grasp. Although the Ineffable is a single whole, I think it helps us to think of It as a layered being. The Ineffable exists in layers, but at no time is It ever two. There is plenty of room in the dynamics of these layers for both Modes and Persons. We are bits of flowing energy within and among the manifestations of the infinite and eternal No-thing, one with all of Its Self and the Milta (Aramaic), Its manifestation.

I am writing more things below to express my layered-God/God in layers theology. But first let me address some semantic issues. Rather than saying, "We are the operant power," I would prefer, "We are one with the operant power." Our doing in the Power is directing, defining, determining. We seem to focus and fix imagically what is to be accomplished by the Power, the Ineffable's intelligence. This more or less intellectual endeavor makes our part effortless, 'cept for the self-control. Other than to deliberate on what is to be manifested, we have absolutely nothing to do with the power which actually accomplishes the manifestation. This is massively confusing, because there is no separation between the parts. All the layers, parts, functions, modes and persons, etc., etc., are one. The Devil (ignorance) is a part of the (...?), yet Christ can say, "He has nothing in Me." It is advaita, parts without division - not one, but not two. And that is the thing: "When it works, you have found Him...that your own wonderful, HUMAN imagination is also (...?).

My question is: when you have found Him, what are you going to do about HIM? I mean, THERE HE IS!! Cheryl said, "There is not (no?) mystical initiation required to find God." This may be true, but when I found Him, the event quickly became a time of fear, remorse, and self-loathing. I had the panic-filled experience of having fallen into the hands of the for-real Living God not on good terms, and of having absolutely nowhere to hide. In desperation I inwardly prostrated myself and surrendered, for there was nothing else for me to do. ALL I could do was, well, nothing. I surrendered and submitted, because I realized I was His. Simply HIS. Abandoned to being nothing but His, I shut up and did nothing but wait. HE then seemed to say, "This is a really good time for some mystical initiation: 'Remember this, and it is all right,'" He accepted me. "Then I must be forgiven!" I realized, and I, overwhelmed with relief, appreciation, joy, and adoration, sensed the flow of His Holy Spirit into my bowels, to which I simply released myself and received. Halleluiah. You cannot not speak in tongues at such a time. And with that interaction came a commission to do whatever He willed. Doesn't mean I understood it at that time, but it was there and is here nevertheless.

Anyway, regarding my concept of the ineffable (...?) being layered:

First of all, ALL is one, the ineffable No-thing I have been designating as the (...?), which is NOT, certainly, a being. It is not a force, a field, or an energy. We actually have no idea or concept of what the No-thing is. We are portrait (adam) of "God," the Ineffable's Consciousness, which must be in some way like us. But how the (...?) has this conscience we have absolutely no idea. We do not know if, or in what way, the Consciousness of the ineffable (...?) portrays the (...?) Itself. Because the (...?), the ineffable No-thing, has no "thingness" to It, It cannot move - for It has nothing to move. This (...?) is the only thing which can honestly say, "I AM THAT I AM" in the sense of the traditional misinterpretation of the Hebrew words 'ehyeh 'asher 'ehyeh (Exodus 3:14).

Second, the ineffable (...?) has a layer we call consciousness, imagination, or awareness. This, in my opinion, is the genuine "Son" and original Manifestation of the Ineffable. Consciousness starts the chain of sonships. For if a son is the image of his father, and the father has a son, then every son must be father to a son - and so on. You will note that we are manifestation of our Father, and father manifestation of ourselves. And all this is one. The Consciousness of the Ineffable is our Father, for we are from and are of it, as it is from the (...?). e Consciousness is as high and as close as we are ever going to get to the ineffable (...?). Consciousness imagines, and that action is the YHWH Who saves us - "Jesus." While I cannot form a mental picture the uncomprehendable (...?), I can picture Its Consciousness as an energy field like electromagnetism or gravity. I can imagine low frequencies and higher and higher frequencies - these frequencies being conscious as persons, or "conscii" - spreading forever in every direction.

Third hangs me up to no end. We have the universal physical manifestation of the Consciousness of the Ineffable. Having at least caption-knowledge of double slit experiments, I realized (or fantasized) that the power of the Ineffable's intelligence is such that it can become whatever physical thing it believes it is. Its intelligence has the power to transition into physical existence. From this we have Big Bangish matter, which in my mind is simply the Divine's pure intelligence energy believing that it is matter. This becomes the stuff our dreams are made into.

Also Third, we have in the Divine field of consciousness conscii, imaginations such as ours which can inhabit physical bodies believing that they are them. More than a few people have voiced the opinion that we are not even here, but are elsewhere and are only dreaming that we are in these bodies - that all this world is a dream, or at best a remote-control and repeatable experience our spirits enter. What? Me? No, I'm not smoking anything. I personally suspect that between the (...?)'s Consciousness and the kajillions of living planets in the material universe are graduated conscii, conscious living beings, some in bodies, some beyond bodies; some ascending in Divine consciousness, and some descending - all part of the One. Ascending is good and desirable, descending is not. As conscii we are part and parcel with them, less aware than their best, more aware than their worst, and just visiting here. The myriads of angels - "messengers" of God - may be among these, and may be channels for the Voice of God we hear, and for His appearances. He is, after all, an infinite spectral field of energy, and they Him.

Are you getting the idea of the somewhat separate levels or layers of God, all of which ARE GOD, the (...?), that I am trying to express? We have the level of the ineffable Beyond Being No-thing; the level of "God" (Its action of Consciousness); a Son of God or God-man (the Beginning of Genesis 1:1) who flipped into being-ness to deal with the (...?)'s Fault (ignorance); Man, who is now manifestation of the Fault; and the Son of Man who overcame the Fault to become Ascended Man, the Man-God. It is pretty trippy.

My point is that we are in there, somewhere in the line of destiny. That is US!! And there is zero distance from the top to the bottom, for it is all one energy from one unknowable Source.

PS: The religion of the ascended conscii is that the Field is good. It is positive, beneficent. From it naturally flows light, life, and love. Therefore, the (...?) must also be.

Friday, May 21, 2021

An Opinion on Genesis One

"Let us make Man in Our image, after Our likeness," was not the last thought God had in creation; it was the first. "And the earth was for Him and by Him," (Genesis 1:2a Alexander, italics mine). This was God's intent from the beginning. All the other days were FOR this goal: Man the manifestation of the ineffable (...?). Aboriginal man would have already existed in the creation of all the animals. "Now, let's make THIS animal US." Us? Layered like God. Layers, modes, persons -- we are like Him, the Field of the Ineffable's Consciousness. We do have our faults, His faults, and He is dealing with them. That is what this project is, His dealing with His faults, our ignorance.

Thursday, May 20, 2021

His Evolution is Our Evolution, His Desire is (?) Our Desire: A Response to Cheryl Craig

I received another great question from Cheryl Craig on "I Am Sorry For The Obfuscating Verbiage In The Upcoming Post In Reply To Cheryl." This post is not that promised upcoming post, but is a reply to this comment:

"Hi Dan, I have a question for you. I have been meditating on the idea that it is not enough to know you are God you have to be God. By this I mean use your imagination consciously. I was thinking that this is how we awaken, as Neville did. I must be a doer of the word and not a hearer only. Perhaps you are teaching this in your posts and I have not quite understood it in this light before. I am part of a book group that reads spiritual books, we are reading a book by Ernest Holmes right now. Many women in the group think that desire is bad, we must have no desires but I think as Neville, that desires are from God. It is by manifesting my desires and seeing myself as the cause that I awaken. I believe that there is an evolution to this process that one will eventually get to the place of having no desires because what could I as God desire when I know who I am? In the meantime, I must get to the place of Christ and be a doer of the word. Just a thought. I would love your input."

We must have no desires? Ask them about this again at supper time. All of this - life, the universe, consciousness, existence - is about a desire, about the appeasement of the Ineffable's hunger. Christ went to the cross, and we in Him, to fulfill it, to fulfill the desire God has for HIMSELF. There was a joy set before Him. God loves us because we ARE Him; we are God, that is. The Divine Intelligence is already sold on there not being anything else but Itself. I love the name Israel for this reason: Jacob is the doer of God being the doer, of God's doing: of godding (see PPS below and Cooper's God is a Verb). It is a synergy thing, the cooperation of two parts of one whole. I submit to His being me and to my being the fulfilment of HIS, er, my, er OUR desire. It is concerted; we do a thing together; I do part and He does part... as one.

Qohlat (Aramaic), or the Book of Ecclesiastes, reads a lot like Buddhist philosophy. Everything is, or at least seems to be, vanity, waste, ultimately worthless when you run it down to its essential value. It is a judgment thing: what is spending, and what is investment? What is unprofitable desire, and what is genuinely profitable? The answer is surprising: there is nothing better than to live in serenity. "Give us today tomorrow's bread," as I understand it, means I imagine and receive now what God will do. My imagining empowers Him to do His will. I am not making anything besides His making in and through our oneness.

Yes, it is evolution. We are God's Manifestation becoming His likeness with perfect fidelity and integrity. Is also why I hate the so-called Law of Attraction. Not that it doesn't work; it does. But why it works is not attraction; it is godding.

I hope you can detect in all of this the layering of God I have been trying to express in that "upcoming" post. There is the ineffable (...?), Its consciousness, and the consciousness' Manifestation, both the Plan and the evolving Fulfillment. The evolving Fulfilment IS Him. "Not one, but not two."

PS: This is an imagic world. Everything EATS (hint hint). The question is, hunger for WHAT? The stuff here, or His life there, er, here? Here if I am aware of it.

PPS: From the Ancient Hebrew Research Center on the Internet, their definition of the name (nature) 'Israel":

"This name has been translated several different ways including "he wrestles with God", "Prince of God", "he struggles with God", and several others. The name "Israel" is actually a complete sentence in one word. The name has three components - Y, SR and AL. The "Y" is a prefix meaning "he". The "AL" usually pronounced as "el" is the Hebrew word for "God". The "SR" is the part that seems to cause most of the problems in translation.

"The Hebrew word "SR" literally means "turn the head". It is often translated as "prince" or "ruler", one who turns the head of the people. The feminine form of this word is "SRH" or "Sarah". Abraham's wife Sarah was very beautiful and probably "turned the head" of the men who saw her (edit: she certainly turned Abraham's head, and God's, toward anything she wanted). Another word related to "SR" is yasar meaning "discipline". When you discipline your children you are turned their head from a path of bad to a path of good.

"Because the "Y" is in front of the word "SR" we know that this is a verb and not a noun (this is standard Hebrew grammar) and can literally be translated as "he turns the head of God". The way I like to understand this is that when Israel (either Jacob or his descendants) speaks to God, God, the father of Israel, stops what he is doing and turns to his son and says, 'What do you want my son?'" (Edit: or, "My daughter," or, "My child." The question mark here is also my edit.)

So it would seem, Cheryl, that God does not think desire a bad thing. Properly disciplined, we are on a path of good. What GOOD thing do we want? Will Has the Consciousness Who Is Godding already given us whatever we desire? If we know exactly what we want and are satisfied it fulfills the Golden Rule, is right because it is right, honors God and etc., yes. And here is an aside: especially if we have a promise for it. I noticed a book my son is reading: Because I Said I Would. Marry these words with God's promise: "I will do this, because I said I would." God watches over His Word to perform it for whoever believes. Whomever. Whatever. Just do it. See Abarim Publications The Name Israel, especially the last paragraph:

"Our guess: Israel means He Retains God, or slightly more elaborate: He Has Become A Receptacle In Which God Can Be Received And Retained. This most primary Biblical concept was obviously revisited in the story of the manger in which the Word was received."

Manger. This is an imagic world, and this is what we are to be. Takes me back to T. L. Osborn's testimony. "I saw Jesus was alive. I saw that life demonstrated by a humble man (William M. Branham). 'You can do that!' Then I saw Jesus in His Word, and stepped out to do it, to feed people God's love" (paraphrased).

Friday, May 14, 2021

I Am Sorry For The Obfuscating Verbiage In The Upcoming Post In Reply To Cheryl

But you are not going to get a shorter, more concise definition or description of God other than to say that we are a portrait of Him (that is what the word 'Adam', "the Divine's blood" indicates*). The life of the human body is in its blood, which notably flows separate from, yet in and of the body. This is imagic of the life of our spirit, which is also in its "blood" -- God. My discussion to Cheryl will be a little longer. I hope you will be interested enough to wade through its concepts.

*Indicates, insinuates, intimates; i.e., means.

Tuesday, May 11, 2021

Desire Can Make Us Do Some Of The Most Stupid Things

Saturday, May 08, 2021

Scripting: You Want To Pray? Write To Your Pen Pal, Jesus

Scripting and journaling do not belong to the so-called and ridiculous Law of Attraction. I am against that manifestation of greed. Lust for the world is distraction, and the LOA is, in my opinion, a Satanic perversion of God's field of consciousness attraction of us to Him. But this form of prayer does not have to be greed. God uses scripting. He has a book listing those destined to life. Hopefully, we have been in it since it was first written. Prophecies are scripted future. The Bible is God's scripting of our lives.

"Come unto Me," Jesus says. If one would go to God in faith, he or she must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. How are we to go to Him? If we believe He comes to us through His writing, why would we not believe we go to Him through our writing? It is all psychological, anyway. Let Jesus be your pen pal! Seek Him reading of His love for you and for the world, and respond expressing your love for Him. He IS a rewarder, so the reward IS given. Thank Him for it. "Reward," by the way, is the original meaning of the Greek word for 'Gospel.' Share the reward; preach the reward.

Writing helps us focus. Composing helps us define what we want in the belief of His being and His reward. Writing is our "mouth" speaking out confession of what we believe in our hearts. Writing is speech made permanent: "It is written," means God has already said it. Therefore it exists. It still is in effect. We are God's manifestation. Read again and again what you write...with joy. love, praise, and thanksgiving for what you have received. Jacob, Isaac's son and Abraham's grandson, built feeding troughs for his God-offered thoughts: striped troughs to produce striped goats, spotted troughs to produce spotted goats. The troughs functioned as journaling - they said, and the corresponding animals came into existence. Through faith in his reward, Jacob became Israel, God ruling as man. Jesus in the Season of Grace was God's writing - a love letter to us. He gave His back to the smiters for us. Love Him back for your salvation in writing.

Scripting is not so much for getting as it is for GOING to the Guy who said, "Come." God, which is the ineffable (...?)'s consciousness, exists as a field of powerful vibrations, and as a Person. He - the Master of the Universe - assumes (!) beneficently that It is us, and that we are Him. We can do as He does. The exercise in scripting and journaling is to increase our nature in the field to His likeness - us toward Him. Visualization, likewise, is as writing in the way God creates, by imagining. God, and thus Creation, by His very nature is beneficent. I believe that this is the "Jethro" Moses perceived, and THIS is the nature we want to dwell in. Explain to God, to your pen pal Jesus, the beneficent world you want to live in, the world that you want for your relatives and for the world itself, and thank Him for it.

Thursday, May 06, 2021

Preview Your Reality

God previewed His reality in Genesis 1. He created what He wanted by imagining it in chapter 1 before it actually became in chapter 2. Neville Goddard said his father, who had been very poor, would sit in the morning as if he were in a stupor imagining - rehearsing in his mind - all the conversations he would have with all the people he would have to deal with through the day. He died leaving his family very rich. Either he guessed very well, or his preview imagining created what became in his life.

God is Israel AND Esau, All Together One Man

Genesis 32:28. 'Israel' - God rules as man. According to Alexander's translation from the Aramaic, Jacob proved himself against the angel and the man, and was found to be capable. Capable of what? Capable of attaining and maintaining the frequency of faith, of belief, in the field which is the consciousness of God. Man attains to faith, and God is the doer of the action. So when Jacob here, who is the inner man, sees Esau, who is the outer man, he says, "Your face is the face of God." When we see ourselves in the mirror, that is God we see. We are a package deal of love and beneficence in the higher frequency of God's consciousness, the "field."

Deuteronomy 6:4, "Listen, O Israel, the Lord our God, the Lord is one"...with you!

Psalm 82: 6 (referring to Exodus 22:9), "I have said, 'You are God!'" (emphasis mine).

Luke 10:20, "However, do not just be happy that you can send demons to oblivion, except rejoice that your names have been recorded in heaven." (Alexander). The word 'name' means nature. If your nature registers in the frequency of faith, you are marked to continue in Consciousness and Life instead of possibly being obliviated and your energy going to those who continue.

An aside about some related thing I just thought:

As the sperm who won the race to fertilize your mother's egg, you are already a winner. I just found out that about 90% of a human's sperm are deformed. Only one of upwards of one billion makes it (congratulations). If the world has an imagic correspondence to this, how many people find the narrow way that leads to life? We are to suppose that any of the billions of people on the earth can attain to life. It is everyone's potential. I subscribe to the notion that the spirit/ consciousness/ imagination we really are inside and in the field goes through any number of incarnations as man, all in the hope of achieving a believing life and an unending life in the higher faith-vibrations of the field, as that success is the intent of God's love for us. HE WANTS US TO WIN HIS ETERNAL MANIFESTATION OF ETERNALLY BECOMING.

Well, okay. Here is another aside:

I believe there is a possibility that the so-called angels people encounter are conscii who have already won and constantly manifest God's will, works, and word. The earth is 4 to 5 billion years old, the universe 13 to 14, with trillions of galaxies full of trillions of stars and unimaginable numbers of planets. "It is all evolution"...of the ineffable (...?).

If This Is The Church Of Christ, We Are Our Father

I was born in the first half of the previous century, and back that-a-way there was no Internet. My pastor at one time (1977) was Jim Spillman at Omega Fellowship in Orange, California. He quoted something from Frank C. Laubach's Channels of Spiritual Power, and it took me seven years of physically haunting and calling used book stores to find a copy. It was worth it. For years I have considered Laubach to be my actual pastor. Last night I reread his Christ Liveth In Me, which highlights our unity with Jesus. The book offers fifteen corollaries to the postulate that Christ actually lives in us. The fourth corollary blew my mind (as did the others): His will directs my will. "He is in my mind when I have Him in mind, that is to say, when I am thinking about Him. He is in my tongue when I am talking about Him or to Him. He is in my eyes when I am seeking to help someone in need. He is in my fingers if I am writing about Him or for Him or serving a need" (& etc.). All of Laubach's books are gems, but be aware that many had to do with literacy.

Christ Liveth In Me made me want to say that the whole premise of Christianity is that Christ, the Messiah, is the incarnation of God, and that we are that Christ. "I am that I am" (Exodus 3:14) is clearly misleading. It misses the constant transition that is implied in the verbs. They should be "I become" and "His becoming." Victor Alexander makes the whole quote much clearer: "The intent of the Becomer"; the relative Spark which ignites - the Creator"; and "His becoming (the effect of the intent - us." In colloquial English: "I am God in you."

"Christ" is God's doing, and that is us, the Church. One with Him, we are His doing's "Father" - God - accomplishing what He wills. We believe God is "there," and that He is present here, IN OUR DOING. We are zero distance from the being we are the manifestation of. Christ is not just the person, He is the corresponding frequency in the entirety of the field God is. Faith is in that frequency.

As I recently said, manifesting is not getting things; it is our serving Him (i.e., not usward, but us Himward). If God evidences Himself through the actual getting of thing you "manifest," consider seriously the implication of the confidence and humility with which you should be serving Him. Take the idea that Christ liveth in me, i.e. in you, seriously.

Tuesday, May 04, 2021

Almost an Apology to Law of Attraction Advocates: the Law Goes the Other Way

I recently almost apologized to adherents of Calvinism, for I see that there is a lot of truth in what John Calvin believed (that some gain faith and connection with the Spirit, reaching a certain level in the field which is as a door to Life, while others go into the oblivion of irrelevancy to God). This almost apology to Law of Attraction advocates is due to a truth I see in their now slightly mitigated bs. The premise of the Law of Attraction is that like vibrations are attracted and move toward each other. So if you strike the exact mental vibration of what you want, its vibration will be attracted to your vibration and will come rolling down the street to wherever you are. Yeah.

I apologize to this? Yes. Sort of. Because I now understand that "God" is a (the) field of power of the Ineffable No-thing's consciousness. It is a field of power in varying intensities. There are really low frequencies, and there are really high frequencies, and it is everywhere conscious because it is the consciousness of the ineffable (...?). WE ARE HERE TO GET BORN INTO THE HIGHER FREQUENCIES OF THE "GOD" CONSTANT. To that end the higher frequencies are indeed attracting them.

There is a Law of Attraction - I was a nay-sayer - and it is drawing us and everything else ever higher. Our intensity increases with faith. Properly attuned, God gives us our needs and desires. So you see, the Law of Attraction is going the other way, drawing us up, not drawing things to us. When we pray and meditate to manifest, we are not getting, we are going. Heaven and hell are illustrations of our possible destinations. High faith, integrity, and fidelity to the nature of God advance us. Doubt, fear, and diversity from God's nature retard us. We have to choose and then accept God's discipline to continue choosing to go highger.

One last little correction to what I have said before. I said that I found myself rejected of God because He had given me life and I had used His life for my purposes with no thanks to Him. Correction: He gave not His life to me, He gave me to His life. God does not give His life to us, He gives us to His Life. I was rejected not because I was abusing it; I was not honoring it. His Life is my Father. OUR Father. His life is eternal, THE Eternal. I am a form, an ignoranced imagination He is graciously empowering to come to Him (don't you hear Him knocking?). Thank you, Father.

Monday, May 03, 2021

Assumption: The Constant Prayer of the Ineffable No-thing

Back to some unfinished, unpublished posts. This was started 12/31/2020.  The idea was that assumption and compulsion are how the Ineffable (...?) prays. It was meant to be a new look at Cain and Abel. Assumption is prayer. When the (...?) assumes something IS, It "acquires" that thing. That is what 'Cain' means: "acquisition." By (...?)'s compulsion of the universe, It causes what it has acquired to come to pass. This is God's gift or answer to prayer - the thing's moment of existence in transitoriness, which is what 'Abel' means: "transitoriness."

Our repentance is our assumption. We have to acquire mentally what we want, for the universe to be compelled to bring it to pass for a moment. To keep our acquisitioning going, we have to keep our repentance going.

I had written:

I believe that things exist because God assumes that they do exist. Actually, I believe everything is just the Ineffable's own existence - what It has thought - becoming manifest ongoingly. These things did exist in Its mind as potentialities on the way to Its full manifestation. He is thorough; if He thought it, it WILL exist somewhere along the way to His full expression. If what you desire could possibly exist on the way to His becoming fully expressed, don't you think it ought? Taking His talents and ACQUIRING MORE is ministry to Him. He loves it, and He lets you keep it.

As always, I got philosophical:

I believe God is a person. That is why we are persons. But He is not a localized spirit-guy in the sky. "God" is the infinite and all-powerful Consciousness of the invisible, ineffable (...?). I call (...?) the Ineffable. The Ineffable's consciousness is like an electromagnetic field, a pervasive force or power. This consciousness is in and of the Ineffable. We (and everything else) are in, of , through, and to this field of consciousness. The Ineffable's consciousness of the Ineffable (self-awareness) manifests the Ineffable's thought. It is of this manifestation that we are, and we carry on the merry tradition of manifesting the Ineffable's thought WHICH WE ARE. Our worlds are our manifestations. ALL is psychological, all is imagination, all is manifest thought; for all is the Consciousness, THE Manifestation of the Ineffable. Matter, which is the particulated power of the Ineffable's intelligence, facilitates the field's expression in experience. Prayer, both Its and ours, is expression of the field. It prays, and we pray. The difference is It knows how to pray, and we don't. Hence the lesson book, the Bible.

Compulsion brings it into physical reality.

Yes, this post was and is sloppy. I hope there is something of value to you in it.

Daniel 9:24-27 Season of Grace = Illustration of Becoming: a Snapshot Picture of the Perpetual Process

Back to some unfinished, unpublished posts. This was started 12/29/2020. The idea was that the 490-year Season of Grace was given as a picture, an illustration of what God is doing throughout all time. Any particular moment or purpose here corresponds to some particular moment/ purpose in the illustrative Season.

Saturday, May 01, 2021

PTSD - Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome: Dealing With INSANITY

Having to deal with the world's insanity causes stress disorder. Disillusion makes for depression, just as expectation leads to disappointment. The world is mad, as dumb as mud. Some people THINK they see it for what it is. No wonder they say, "I don't want to be here." But it is not like that. Not really.

Every day in the recent past I have sat down to write posts of insights and understandings from spiritual illumination, and I wind up listening to YouTube stories and music instead. I want to write, but I am diverted by a feeling of pointlessness. A sort of melancholy. "What's the use?" Fortunately, I know the answer, yet the depression makes me turn to entertainment instead of work. I wondered why I might be depressed. "Oh," it came to me, "from the end of November, 2020, to the middle of March, 2021, I was in a living hell. For over a hundred days straight I had to deal with the INSANITY of the world. The turning of the world to dung." That was illumination I did not want. I guess Providence wanted to shake me out of the complacency I have developed in my insulated world.

"What's the point?" I wondered in hell. "They are not listening. They reject my version of God. They even blame me for God blessing me. They actively CHOOSE ignorance. 'I don't want to know!' they say. They opt for ruination. So why should I continue to..."

Hey! I have been here before. In 1975, kneeling before a folding chair in Grace Bible Church in Honolulu, I found myself to be INSANE. I had by God's grace been given life, and was living that life according to whatever I decided to do. But now I saw that "my" life was God's. I belonged to Him!! I had been robbing Him of whatever purpose He had intended for me when He gave me life. I was supposed to be doing HIS will, not mine. He must have had some reason to create me, to make me to live, and I was rebelling against that.

God was hyper real to me at that moment. Terror and grief slammed me as I realized what I had done, and Who it was before Whom I kneeled. I had no out but to die. Not to kill myself, but to end my self-lordship. Trusting what I knew of God's love and mercy, that this world is according to the Bible and not the natural mechanics we see, I surrendered and submitted myself to Him. "I" died. Whatever God told me to do, that I would do. Casting all self-control out of myself (I was surprised I did not fall down), I shut up and waited. If He did not say anything, I would still be there today. After a short while I heard the Voice: "Remember this, and it is all right." I was forgiven all my insanity, my self-direction, my rebellion. I was accepted, and in ecstasy I was filled with the Holy Spirit.

Now I live in this insanity, the insanity of the ignorance of the world, knowing that this is God's world, His life, and that I am to do whatever He says to do. In 1975 He said, "Come unto Me." Now I hear Him saying, "Assume Me." I.e., imagine what it would be like if it were true, that this WAS His Manifestation, that we have His nature. This reminds me of Dr. Frank C. Laubach's Christ Liveth In Me and Game With Minutes (1961, Westwood, NJ: Fleming H. Revell Company), the latter (p.44ff) being to have God or God's thoughts in mind at least one second in as many minutes of the day as possible. The "Law" of the Old Testament was and is the nature of God - having and manifesting His righteousness and integrity 24/7, not the keeping of individual laws in feigned obedience. Not in my wildest dreams am I there, but I have a calling: "Do that while here." Do the sane while in and among the insane. This "death" (of self-will, self -direction, self-lordship) is into Life, the way to deal with insanity.