The Becoming God

Friday, November 30, 2018

Interesting Things to Think About #6: What is Vibrating? Attitude! In Assumption!

I did not know until last night that people actually listen to affirmation CDs in their sleep in an attempt to manifest success, wealth, or whatever. Canned cliche affirmations. OMG. What planet have I landed on? I feel like Steve Wright waking up to find that everything has been replaced with exact duplicates, only stupid beyond measure.

The Law of Attraction is that if you increase your mental and/or spiritual vibration, you will attract things of like higher vibration. This is a birds-of-a-feather-flock-together type of attraction, I guess, because everyone knows that like magnetic poles repel each other. The assumption is that the richer, nicer things in life have a higher vibration than poorer, more common things. But does having a higher vibration necessarily attract a better brand of bratwurst? Does a check for a million dollars have the same vibration as a million dollars worth of gold? ARE YOU NUTS!?

"Vibration" is an attitude. The "vibration" rich people have is from their elation, their confidence and joy, their expectation of fulfillment and assurance of competence in their ASSUMPTION that they receive. WHAT MADE ABRAM IN THE BIBLE ABRAHAM, THE MERCIFUL FATHER (AND THUS THE HEAD OF EVERYTHING ELSE), WAS ISAAC: LAUGHTER!

Isaac is confidence in the reception of one's assumption; it is the assumption of actual reception. I.e., that you RECEIVE it. It has been GIVEN. The rubber of faith meeting the road--the substance of something not seen--so mentally tangible that one laughs in the joy of its having been received.

If the LOA operates at all, it is not because more expensive, ritzy things are matching your higher vibration and being drawn to you. It is that to raise your vibration you have assumed the having of the things you desire, and have gained confidence in their being given. You have taken an ATTITUDE OF ASSUMPTION: you have assumed you are competent to operate on a higher level . . . and it has become.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Interesting Things to Think About #5: There’s a Kind of FLOW All Over the World Tonight

There's a kind of hush about it, too (thanks, Geoff Stephens and Les Reed). The flow is the Word, or Imagination of the Ineffable, becoming manifest. This is the ineffable Most High becoming. The Most High is in constant transition, the flow of becoming what It is.

In the oracles of the Jews (the Old Testament), this was called YHWH. Jehovah. YHWH was and is not a name. The Hebrew word for name, shem, means nature. God does not have a name, but It has a nature: YHWH. Of course, YHWH is just one facet of God's nature. Modern Jews are afraid to speak God's "name," so they substitute the word HASHEM, "the Name," in its place. I am cool with that. I just read it as "the Nature," which is probably exactly what the original authors meant by YHWH.

This isn't about that, interesting as it may be. I am saying that YHWH represents the flow of the Ineffable's becoming manifest in the now of time. Everything, by virtue of having been created in the imagination of the Ineffable, already exists. So all time already is. We are just a point of God's consciousness seeming to progress through it, like frames in a projected film or pixels being refreshed on a TV or computer screen. This isn't about that, either.

This is about the Ineffable being the flow that the nature YHWH represents. YHWH is never pointed or spoken because (according to me) it is not a word. The letters are representative: Y (yod) is the intelligence in the electromagnetic field which is imagically indicative of the imagination of God. H (hey) is the loving desire to flow into what is loved. W (vav) is the absolute power to do exactly that. So YHWH is a circuit. The consciousness which is God is flowing into creation, and the consciousness which is creation is flowing into God. God is one.

"Yeah? It don't look like that, Dan. There is a lot of ugly in creation that shouldn't be either the flow from nor the flow to God."

It is night, dude. Darkness. Ignorance. Futility and affliction are causatives to bring about the desired effect, which is what the consciousness has assumed: the Milta (Manifestation). We HAVE TO be left alone. But Brother Bosworth had an interesting observation: every child does its own crying. Wanting relief from whatever it is suffering, a child does not ask its brother or its sister to cry for it, so that Mommy or Daddy will pay it attention. The child cries itself, and Mommy and Daddy IMMEDIATELY focus upon it and seek to comfort it. The problem with it being the night of ignorance is so many do not know who they are crying to. A separate and distant God of another nature?

"Hear, O Israel, YHWH, our God, YHWH is ONE (and we are included in that one!)" Deuteronomy 6:4.

Jesus is YHWH, the nature of God, but with the consuming (flowing away) of what is in the way of what needs to be provided (flowing in). The Anointing (Christ) is another facet of the circuit (YHWH) which provides SALVATION.

All of this is the imagination of the Ineffable . . . becoming. A single body: mind, spirit, soul, and body--a Lover in love.

I think the Book of Genesis relates to this. 'Adam' is God's blood, the consciousness of the Ineffable. 'Rib' is a supporting panel, like our ribcage supports the internal organs, this being the Ineffable's intelligence and imagination, which is the FLOW or breath of the Spirit. That flow or breath of imagination is the MOTHER of all living. What is living? Everything in the state of manifestation is "living"--it is the Ineffable's intelligence becoming. For the Ineffable's intelligence is the power of the Ineffable to become whatever It believes It is.

This blows scientists' minds in the double slit phenomenon, where power becomes particulate only when observed. Or when quantum particles do what is expected of them only when observed. Silly scientists. Power is intelligence which only becomes particulate to facilitate observer's experience. When scientists try to fool the power with phony (unplugged) observation, it does not work. The power and the particles already know us, the observers, for God's imagination is ONE, and we are God. You cannot sneak up on yourself!

Interesting Things to Think About #4: The Hind Part of God

Moses was talking about prayer techniques in the nature of God. I, in a vision, watched God create a man. Curious about what he was thinking, I followed the man. After a short while, I was in the man looking through his eyes, and his thoughts were my thoughts. I was looking through his eyes from the rear, and what he was seeing was God’s creation. Neville suggests having the perspective of walking onto a stage to play your part when praying, your eyes “there” being right in front of you, with you looking from the rear.

So Moses was hid in the cleft of the rocks—“facts”—looking at God’s creation through God’s eyes, bringing that creation about. Moses saw the “rear” part of God—the glory of his creating from God’s own perspective. Interestingly, God is looking through our eyes; no, wait, that is us. Him, as us. Now, how can we be him?

Interesting Things to Think About #3: The Rules of Prayer

This is typically discussed as "technique." Almost like children, we wonder about rules regarding how to pray. Sitting? Standing? On knees and bowed? Reclining? Eyes open or shut? Palms up or down? Legs crossed? Spoken or thought? To the Father? To the Son? To the Holy Spirit? Formal, King James, or intimate/informal?

But prayer is mind - the rules apply there. Are we respecting our Source? Are we calmed and focused? Are we sleepy, drowsy to a theta level of consciousness? Have we risen above this world of “facts” and forgiven it? Do we know exactly what we want? Are we doing good for all concerned? Can we find ourselves “there,” having already received what we want, thinking—satisfied, relieved, and thankful—from that state, and not still feeling the wanting of what we desire? Do we need to give something up to make room for what we want? Are we demonstrating devotion and submission? Ought we repeat vision and action over and over, or just “hear” it clearly? How 3D-y do “all the tones of reality” have to be?

The one thing I most hang onto most regarding technique is my theology. My theology says that shem, the Hebrew word for ‘name,’ means nature. God’s nature is the Law of Creation, and God’s nature is its technique. God does everything according to his nature. Where you read ‘name’ in the Bible, it is talking about the thing's nature.

Edit 02/06/2019 Regarding the rules of prayer and its nature: A major factor in prayer is the attaining the feeling that you HAVE what you want. "Feeling is the secret." Why? Because Christ is the spirit within us, hidden in our sub-consciousness, and its manifestation is not in the things we get, but in the emotional experience we get from them. Our physical beings and brains are kind of an amusement ride for the Father. We in our states facilitate Her sensations of emotions through our experiences. In prayer, yes, do say what you want and see the things you want--imagine them--but especially feel the emotional experience of REALLY having them. Feel them as real, as things you have, and tactually feel and use them. Enter the nature of real experience.

In his lecture The Law of Liberty, Neville shares the experience of one of his student friends. The fellow was a successful writer. But he ran into problems with one of his stories. It wasn't working. Taking a walk, he applied Neville's teachings. He imagined how Robert Louis Stevenson must have felt having completed a good story. Then, in his "own shoes" again, he imagined himself having that same feeling about his story. He mentally manifested the emotional experience he desired AS HAVING IT. Then all the problem with his story seemed self-evident to be fixed.

Another like lecture: You are Christ - the Power and Wisdom. Remember, when the Bible speaks of 'kingdom,' it is referring to power. Having power is what makes one king. Kingdom is having the power which makes one king. One's kingdom is power. The kingdom of God, Eil, the Almighty Shaddai, is within YOU, and they are looking for EXPERIENCES. Feed their hunger for their nature to be manifest by experiencing in prayer good for everyone. "How would it FEEL if it were true?" If you cannot feel it, think of someone who could, and imagine their feelings. Now, you can feel it, and be it in consciousness, too!


Interesting Things to Think About #3, The Rules of Prayer (cont.): We Need to Convince Our Subconscious That What We Desire IS; i.e., We Need to Manifest It in Our Minds IN ITS POSITIVE FORM

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Interesting Things to Think About #2: The Season of Grace Succeeded in Turmoil

Isaiah and Jeremiah explained pretty clearly that God was going to do a special work through the Jews, making them a show to the whole world. Not a bad show to watch intently. Carried away by the guy to whom the whole world was given, they were informed by Daniel that they were going to have a special anointed history--the Anointed one was coming. You think it was a guy, I think it was the Anointing of YHWH upon guys. The thing is, this special grace came during a season of unrelenting conflict, opposition, trouble, and turmoil.

Dudes, it was a snapshot of our lives. After the proclamation to return, there were those who did not want to return. There was opposition to rebuilding the Temple in Jerusalem, civil war, something like a dozen or more Ptolemys in Egypt causing trouble, invasion by Rome, massacres, puppet kings, Pharisees, Sadducees, false prophets, and etc. Unsettling times. Yet, somehow through all that, bands of Jews purified their hearts, minds, and characters to receive the Anointing of God Himself.

We have the Dead Sea Scrolls, and they paint a picture of unusual dedication. By the way, it does not say in the Aramaic Bible that God is a jealous God (Exodus 34:14); it says, "Do not worship another God, because the Lord's (YHWH's) name (nature) is devoted, for He is the God of devotion." He is devoted, and we are supposed to be devoted, for we will find him when we seek him with devotion:

"For I know the intentions of my plans for you," said the Lord, "thoughts of peace and not of evil, so as I may bring you hope in the end. And when you call on me and [kneel down and pray] before me, and as you love me with all your heart, you shall find me," said the Lord (Jeremiah 29:11-13 Alexander).

Devotion runs concurrent with trouble. If you don’t believe me, just ask Jesus.

Interesting Things to Think About #1: The Ineffable Thinks in Relationships Within Manifestation

I am getting buried in things to think about. They are too much to go into in-depth research and to report in exhaustive detail. These are things you can work out on your own. I hope you will enjoy thinking about them, too.

First of all, I believe the Word of God, the Ineffable's "Son," is Its imagination. Its imagination is imaged by either the electromagnetic field, or something very like it, and the information which has accumulated in its intelligence. THAT is the power of God and the wisdom of God.

That having been said, I find it interesting that it, the field, thinks in terms of relationship. It is the Source and Sender, creation is the derivative and sent. It expects us to be going toward maturity as Its manifestation, and is quite disappointed when we go toward immaturity and ignorance. It is our Father, we are Its sons. We are the Father sent, and Christ, the things we do, is our son. It is Husband, and we are wife, and I suggest you treat your wife well. Because of Its position as Source, Father, Sender, etc., It is right--correct--in our position to respect, honor, love, and obey It.

And what work It does of Its nature, we ought do also of our nature.

An Update: On The Frequency and Duration of Neville Goddard Imagining Exercises

Well, it is live and learn. Neville learned the causation by imagination process we call manifestation from Abdullah, a black Ethiopian Jew, in the 1930s. I do not think the terms beta, alpha, theta, and delta were bandied around much as states of consciousness back then. Neville learned to perform the process especially when falling asleep, and to work through the days events backwards as part of the process. It is my understanding that these exercises will lull a person into a theta state of consciousness, where imagination is the principle mode of thinking and communication with the subconscious and God, the Source of our thinking, is at its clearest.

The more practiced one is at getting into the theta state, I am informed, the easier it is to do. Mastering the process of theta-izing the mind would allow one to clearly "hear" the having of what was desired in the proverbial heartbeat, and not have to repeat it over and over and over to some level of reality it has already had.

Original Post

Friday, November 23, 2018

Looking Askance at the Law Of Attraction: How LOA "Manifestation" is Unlike Neville Goddard's Manifestation

I feel really bad about the Law of Attraction. It gives me the willies. Neville Goddard talked a lot about how we are born into a state of amnesia in these lives, completely forgetting what we are and where we came from. I say that we are "ignoranced." From this ignoranced state we are to ascend and become aware of our Godhood better than we were when we descended. The LOA, though, seems to major in ignorance itself, and in greed, and in the denial of God. It scares me that people are dumb enough to listen to it, and worse, to believe it.

The purveyors of the Law of Attraction (and it is a business) cite Neville almost continuously. They say he taught the Law of Attraction and was a New Thought teacher. Quite the contrary, he seems to have mentioned mental magnetism in only one lecture (that I am aware of, anyway), and to have immediately repented from that. And he loathed New Thought philosophy. He said he went around to the quick and the dead of the New Thought teachers to correct them. "There is no New Thought," he stressed. "We are destined TO FULFILL SCRIPTURE!!"

But Neville did talk a LOT about manifestation and causation by imagination. You will find heaps of his quotations in Law of Attraction literature. Except Neville was talking about the Law of Assumption, A FACET OF THE NATURE OF GOD HIMSELF. Law of Attraction hacks use the Law of Assumption because it works, and then when it works say it was the Law of Attraction that worked. If you cannot see that, well, see the first paragraph above.

By the way, you will note that Neville was a deeply religious man. His lectures and books were Bible studies. He taught manifestation and causation by imagination (through the Law of Assumption) because those are what the Bible says about the manifestation of GOD. The Law of Attraction, on the other hand, is taught by mediums who channel demons. Think about it.

There is a marked difference, in my mind, between the manifestation of God which is talked about by Neville Goddard and the "manifestation" preached by advocates of the Law of Attraction. Neville repeatedly insisted that you imagine what you want AND DO ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO FORCE THE ISSUE. You apply for the job, put your name on the list, inquire about what is available, but do nothing towards arranging things EXCEPT LIVING IN THE END IN YOUR OWN MIND. You leave the orchestration of natural influences and decisions--causation--to God. And having done nothing, you get what you want.

LOA manifestation seems to be your earnings, your wages. You improve your mental state or vibration, find value to sell, go through the doors that open to you, make a lot more money, and then "manifest" what you want BY BUYING IT. See the first paragraph above.

On What Jesus Said to Me Audibly: Imagination—“Me”—is Theta?

I will die swearing that Jesus spoke to me in what was, in the hearing part of the brain, an audible voice. No joke; I am absolutely serious. I was at that moment, in my imagination, seeing Jesus being crucified. It was a fantasy, a heart-rending fantasy of what Jesus had done for me, but a fantasy nevertheless, and I knew it. What blew my mind when he, in my fantasy, turned his face to me and said, "Come unto me," audibly in my hearing, was not that he had the power to do it, but that he was monitoring my thoughts--that he was conscious of what I was thinking. Me, a piece of flotsam in the ocean, the guy who had been installed as God, with all God’s powers, was monitoring. My imagining had his ear. And he had directed me to go unto him.

“Uh, say what? You are ascended into heaven. You got some kind of trail up to there from here?” What I did not get at the time was that “there” was here: imagination. I was, when he spoke to me, lock, stock, and barrel in imagination. If imagination is theta consciousness, I was 100% theta. “Come unto me,” could very well have meant, “Come unto imagination, unto theta.”

So now I am asking, is theta and/or imagination our connection with the knowledge and powers of the electromagnetic field I believe to be the higher image, the “Son” of the Ineffable? I am thinking that it is. And it is something I can get to . . . right here.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

A Note to Manny

I took my wife and granddaughter to our local Mexican restaurant and had a very cordial waiter. I believe he said his name was Manny (still a bit of an accent). I noticed a tribal tattoo on his arm which appeared to be more Navajo or Hopi in design than Mexican, and began to inquire if I assessed correctly that it might be American Indian. He said he had just liked it, and went on to explain about the tattoos above it hidden by his shirtsleeve.

Above the visible tattoo a thin line ascended into a tree root and the tree above the root. Above the tree was a Daoist Yin-Yang symbol. He explained that while his family was Catholic, he preferred Eastern philosophies such as Daoism, and in fact more identified with Buddhism.

I wanted to encourage Manny's Buddist leanings by explaining how the author of the Book of Mark was probably an Indian Buddhist missionary, but it was not the right time or place for that. I will send him a link to this note, instead.

Manny, I hope you will visit my blog, "The Becoming God," at

I discuss in several posts how Jesus in the Gospel of Mark may actually have been Buddha. My theory is that Mark was an Indian Buddhist Theraputta who learned the true meaning and purpose of Judaism from like mystics and philosophers at Alexandria, Egypt. This would have been during the end years of the "Season of Grace," the 490 years of anointing Daniel wrote of between the destructions of the first and second Temples in Jerusalem. During these last years the Anointing (Christ) of YHWH upon man was to become apparent. Mark saw this and put two and two together: "Oh. God's action upon man is what happened to Gautama." So Mark created a representation of what God had done among the Jews using what he knew about Buddha. Voila! "Christianity," a Buddhism refined Judaism. Or is that a Judaism refined Buddhism? Hmmm.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

A Note to Martin

Hello. My Name Is Martin. I live In Indiana. I have recently been interested in Neville Goddard's teaching. What do you think about his teachings? I am just fascinated by what I am learning. I was raised Catholic, but I have always thought there was more to human beings that what we see. I feel like human beings have more power than they are aware of. Have you had any success in Neville's teachings? Have you learnt or discovered anything fascinating about life so far? Just wondering!!!


Hello, and thank you for reading my blog. I find Neville fascinating, also. Yes we have more power than any of us know, but I believe that it is because we are something other than we think we are.

Nothing wrong with being raised a Catholic. Church taught some of the structure and connections. By now you should have some idea about what is in the Bible. With Neville, you find out that what it means is not what they thought it meant. When you learn things now, everything gets updated.

Neville taught how to make exceptions to our normal lives by using the Law (God's nature). I have not had much use for making changes. I am more interested in conforming myself to God's nature: less of me, more of Him; stick it out, through thick and thin. Rather than change anything by my work, I look more to my acceptance and submission to His work. I may die a loser, but in my book, doing that to be in submission to God is going out the winner we are destined to be.

I observe what Neville taught, causation by imagination, happening in everyone's daily life. He gives us that insight, and how we can change things if we want to. Have I learned anything fascinating about life? Beyond everything being the Ineffable's Imagination, all at once, and layered with every possible state immediately available, with our actually being God the Father, and David the Christ being our son? Nah, not much.

Oh, yeah. We need to learn how to enter and operate in theta consciousness. Head there and "Nevilleize."

Dan Steele

Hanging on a Half-Inch Miracle

As a lay theologian, I teach that the world works pretty much the way Neville Goddard says it does. Because I see it working that way. I have beliefs which I constantly see manifesting in my own life. I do not change or control my life by changing my beliefs, but I observe the effect-and-cause process which Neville alluded to. THAT is what I see in the Bible, so I accept and teach it.

I have one healing miracle which keeps me anchored. While I was baptized in the Holy Spirit, that could have been an endorphin release from having been psychologically distraught and stressed by the thought that I was rejected by God. And once I heard Jesus speak to me audibly in the nervous system of my brain's hearing lobe while seeing him speak to me in a vision, but that could have been “the original self-fulfilling prophecy" of wishful thinking, a manifestation of my preparedness for him to speak. My hyper-extended back was healed by the laying on of hands, which might have been an energy flow; and the intense pain of arthritis in my shoulder might have been relieved psychologically when I asked the Ineffable's intelligence to heal me, and it did. I am very conscious of the fact that a lot of what I base my faith on could be a mountain of horse-potty. Even Janet Gunther, who I know was healed of tuberculosis when God said to her, "You are healed," well, God could have been telling her that the medical treatment she was undergoing had already had its desired effect!

The one anchoring, irrefutable miracle I have is when Charles Hunter asked Jesus to make my arms the same length, and I WATCHED my left arm grow out about a half-inch. There were several other persons in that audience who had much more substantial adjustment in their limbs becoming equal length. One woman was laughing that she would have to purchase a whole new pantsuit wardrobe, because one of her legs had grown out four inches. Her tailored pantsuits were toast. Although I was there, that to me was anecdotal, because she could have been a plant. But my own fingertips I intently watched move, consciously not moving myself!

Now, I do not know if physical cells were added to my arm, or if the shapes of existing cells were adjusted in it, or if there was some sort of musculoskeletal relaxation or adjustment in my shoulder or spine. I do know that no one touched me, that there was no slight of hand, and that nothing momentarily obstructed my view of my fingertips only to be pulled back revealing a new and improved arm. I very consciously, carefully held still, and, while I was not moving, my left fingertips moved out under my watchful gaze about half an inch--just a moment after Charles Hunter asked Jesus to have them do so.

Apparently, how God imagined my arm adjusted, and as its past adjusted, so did my arm. "Jesus" is YHWH doing us good through his anointing: Jesus the Christ. Right here as our own, wonderful, human imagination.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Neville Goddard Theta: the drowsy state akin to sleep

Okay, so I am SLOWWW. Neville always said not to skip the drowsy state akin to sleep, almost asleep but still in full command of the mind. He sometimes likened it to the sensation of floating, and sometimes described his meditation as enjoying a blue light like that of an alcohol flame. This present life becomes two-dimensional and distant, forgiven and irrelevant to the immediate state. Was what Neville was describing the theta state of mind? Or perhaps the alpha state before drifting off into theta?

Thursday, November 15, 2018

How To Have A Fighting Chance At Life: All Is Consciousness, Intelligence, And Imagination; AND IT IS ALL SUBJECT TO YOU

“This life’s hard, but it’s harder if you’re stupid.” — George V. Higgins, The Friends of Eddie Coyle.

This statement is quite true. I want to unstupid you, to give you a better shot at success in life. I have a weird idea that might make life easier for you by making it less of a challenge. I can do this by eradicating a mistake you have in your mind. Correct this mistake, and life will be easier and, I believe, more fruitful. The mistake is: you think the world is matter.

Dumb, cold, matter. You believe that life has somehow risen and evolved from matter from the Big Bang, and that somehow our consciousness is simply the result of ages of evolution. Think of this pattern again, but with what you call matter being intelligent. That is the case we are truly facing: everything has intelligence!

It is my contention that when God said, "Let there be light," a) not having a body, He could only think or imagine it, and b) by 'light' He meant imagination, which He, Himself, is. In other words, at t=0 imagination said, "Let there be Me," and became manifest.

There was a lot of it--every potential and contingency imaginable existed as power. And all of it, past, present, and future, became at once. None of it was determined except the ultimate end: the Manifestation of the one who imagined!

Here is the kicker: it turns out that we are NOT living in a material world. The bits and pieces that make up matter are themselves intelligent. In fact, science demonstrates that they are not even matter until they are observed by us. Here is a second kicker: while all existence is the manifestation of imagination, it becomes matter and accumulates into things to facilitate our experiences. In other words, we are that one who said, "Let there be imagination," so that we could experience. THAT is the meaning of Deuteronomy 6:4, "Hear, O Israel, YHWH our God, YHWH is one." 'Israel' is God--us--living this life as us. AND EVERYTHING AROUND US IS IMAGINATION MANIFESTING TO FACILITATE OUR IMAGINATION.

Everything is thus entangled as imagination with the power to manifest whatever it imagines itself to be! This puts a new twist to our living in this world. Instead of trying to get by as victims of material circumstance, we find that we can dictate the circumstances of our lives within the auspices of the one who said, "Let there be imagination," by imagining.

ALL IS CONSCIOUSNESS. AS THE FUTURE HAS ALREADY BEEN IMAGINED, IT IS IN FACT PAST. BUT NOTHING IS DETERMINED, SO ALL--PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE--IS MALLEABLE TO ALTERATION BY OUR IMAGINATION. We can request our future and revise our past. All that is required is the proper imagination with the intelligence of the universe, especially that which resides in the electromagnetic field: "Hey, would You imagine this?" by imagining having received what we want. Then have faith in the Divine Orchestrator. Be humble, respectful, and honoring. That is one big Orchestrator there!

If you would like to know more about this, I suggest reading more of my blog and blogs like it, reading the books and lectures of Neville Goddard and of authors like him (e.g., Joseph Murphy), and listening to the many lectures by Neville posted on Don't be hoodwinked by the many con-artists advertising in the lectures. Almost all of Neville's books and lectures can be legally downloaded for free, as they are public domain.

Monday, November 12, 2018

YOU are the Son of the Natural God — We All Are!!

It amazes me how difficult it is to convince someone that God exists and to get them to participate in Him. I have to admit I was blindsided by God: I mindlessly knelt down to receive the gift of tongues after becoming a doctrinal Christian (i.e., I was considered a "Christian" simply because I believed the doctrines) and was Shanghaied into a trance which took me to meet God face-to-face (that's a figure of speech, folks). My moments in that trance got real serious, real real, real quick. Then there I was, slapped upside the head with a two-by-four by its reality, trying to tell family and friends alike that it was real, that God is real, and they were all, like, crossed fingers in front of me: "Get away from me, fool!" Like it wasn't real or something.

"It's all evolution," said one. Well, sure it is. What else would it be? BUT, WHAT IS EVOLUTION? We open the Book of Science, and it says that everything is energy, that all energy is intelligent, that all time is current, that the future dictates the past, and that all is non-determined. I.e., It. Is. All. Evolving.

Duh. God says to Moses, "I am you, and you are Me" (my take on Exodus 3:14 Alexander). God is constantly manifesting in everything that is. He, the Intelligence and Imagination of the electromagnetic (or whatever) field, knew from day zero all knowledge till the last day (not that there is one). So God knows all that ever was, all that is, all that will ever be . . . and every variance that will ever evolve at any time in the entire universe. EVERYTHING PAST, PRESENT, AND FUTURE IS PLASTIC IN HIS HANDS, WHICH IS IMAGINATION. And we are that.

So why won't people go? I have evidence for me, but everyone needs real evidence for themselves. I stretched out my arms and found that one was about half an inch shorter than the other. Okay, one was about half an inch LONGER than the other. Charles Hunter simply asked Jesus to make them the same length, and I watched the fingertips of the shorter one move even to the longer one. WATCHED them, because I had stretched out my arms.

Big whoop-de-doo, right? Well, I am realizing now that the Intelligence simply re-imagined and corrected my past arm growth. Changing my past, my present arm length adjusted! ALL IS MALLEABLE TO HIS MIND. "Jesus" is simply Jehovah (YHWH), the power and the wisdom of the Intelligence, consuming bad and providing good to replace it. It does not matter if the bad was past, present, or future. It goes and good is in its place; it is all present to Him.

We are this power's sons. Male or female, we are OF It, but we are here. We are Its sons. To honor the Intelligence as our father is only fitting, because a) it is true, and because b) honoring Him is right. THAT IS ALL HE IS ASKING OF US: JUST RECOGNIZE THAT WE ARE ONE.

Please visit and view these videos:

What is Reality? [Official Film],"

Double Slit Experiment Explained! by Jim Al-Khalili

A simple, logical explanation? All light is the Divine Intelligence. All is connected in time and space as one, and the Divine Intelligence is one with us. Light has always become particulate TO FACILITATE OUR "OBSERVER" EXPERIENCES. No experience, no particle. It is as simple as that. The scientists’ mistake is failing to recognize the primacy of Intelligence. Intelligence is power to become what it thinks it is. Give the award to Neville Goddard; he's the one who said it.

But why won't people turn to this Intelligence, which is natural, organic, and evolving PER SCIENCE? Because it is "Spirit?" What the heck do they think consciousness is? It is local to our bodies, brains, and hearts, sure; but it also is transmitted and received to and from all of creation ACCORDING TO SCIENCE. We are just itsy-bitsy manifestations of the Big-Guy Intelligence. And He likes us. How hard is it to humble ourselves to just talk to Him with respect and honor, as child to father, mano y mano?

I try to get people to just consider Him, and all I get is flack. Dudes and dudettes, we all are OF the Eternal Intelligence. It spans and is conscious of all AS ITS PRESENT. It can direct us to desired futures, and It can correct undesired pasts, for though all time exists, it is undetermined. ALL IS THE INTELLIGENCE. How can you not respect it?

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Pearls of Great Price

A pearl of great price is anything you are NOT willing to give up to BUY the pearl of great price. To buy the pearl of great price (which, ironically, is both free and already owned by the purchaser), one must sell--i.e., utterly give up--absolutely everything that is relied upon besides it. The pearl of great price requires exclusive billing.

Illustration: You are cast out of an aircraft. In your hands you hold a parachute and a pillow. In your mind you hold onto the fantasy that the pillow will save you by softening your inevitable impact upon the earth. You know this is nuts, and that you could completely eliminate the disastrous end you are facing by letting go of the pillow and donning the parachute, which you cannot do with the pillow in your hand, but that means letting go of the pillow you rely upon.

Decisions, decisions. Let go of everything except the parachute, or forfeit the use of the parachute to keep the pillow. Pretty freakin' expensive pillow!

Neville noted in his lecture, "The Pearl of Great Price," that the Pearl is imagination. THAT is Jesus Christ! THAT is YHWH acting in our world to save, to eliminate the bad and to bring forth the good. THAT is the Creator of our world: IMAGINATION--the Big Guy in the field. But we have to love him to the exclusion of everything else.

Wednesday, November 07, 2018

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. “Let There Be Light” Means “Let There Be Imagination”

Let there be light, spoken in God’s language, imagination, means Let there be imagination. Hence, it became . . . the universe (see Victor Alexander’s treatment of Genesis 1:1-5, below). All is conscious, from the quantumist particle to the power that becomes particulate. And it all works together.

It has been proposed that consciousness has evolved from matter, and that may be the case, but Imagination says in the Oracles of the Jews that matter has evolved from consciousness, and I am going with that. Existence is consciousness, imagination originally—God’s language (do you think that might be why God communicates to us through ILLUSTRATIONS?)—and “matter” has evolved from that.

Genesis 1

1. As the beginning, the Son of God creates the heavens and the earth.*
*1:1 John 1:1 "In the beginning of creation, there was the Manifestation. And that Manifestation was with God and God was the [the embodiment of] that Manifestation.

2. And the earth was for Him and by Him,* and the darkness was over the face of infinite space, and the Spirit of God was over the layers of the water.*
*1:2.1 John 1:2 "This was in the beginning with God."
*1:2.2 John 1:3 "Everything was within his power, otherwise nothing would ever exist."

3. And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.*
*1:3 John 1:4 "Through him there was Life..."

4. And God saw that the light was beautiful* and God chose light over darkness.*
*1:4.1 John 1:4 continued: "... and Life became the spark of humanity."
*1:4.2 John 1:5 "And that ensuing fire lights the darkness and darkness does not overshadow it."

5. And God called the Light "day"* and the Darkness "night,"* and the evening and the morning became part of one cycle, [the first eon.]*
*1:5.1 Lit. Aramaic word: "Immama."
*1:5.2 Lit. Aramaic word: "Lil'ya."
*1:5.3 Lit. Aramaic word: "Yuma," "eon," immeasurable period, age, or Day.

Copyrighted by Victor Alexander ©2001 (posted Oct. 27, 2001, updated Nov. 15,

It is interesting that Imagination, Light and Life, are here juxtaposed against Nothing—darkness, death, emptiness, and ignorance.

Monday, November 05, 2018

Sing a Song of Mirth; Sing a Joyful Song of Freedom! A Rephrasing of My "Best Song in History: The Melodians' 'Rivers of Babylon'" Post

I know the words the Melodians sang in Rivers of Babylon were not necessarily the words intended. I’ve got a story for that: it is called prophecy, the speaking of God through a person. The story goes that a very capable pastor prayed that God would help him in his preaching. He kept very meticulous notes of what he was going to say in his sermons, documenting where everything he said came from. But after preaching his sermons, he noted that he had said some very impressive things he had no documentation for. Time and time again, ideas and understandings just came to him as he spoke, and he preached them unintended. "Where the heck did THAT come from?" he wondered.

"Well, you asked Me to help you."

God speaks to us in songs. E.g., I cannot hear "Help me, Rhonda" by the Beach Boys, without sensing that I am imploring Jesus to get the Devil out of my heart. "When will Messiah (the Anointing) come?" When you will but listen. Listen, my friends.

The Melodians who sang Rivers of Babylon were Rasta prophets. God certainly spoke through them. Notice how the lyrics changed. They sang, "By the rivers of Babylon, where He sat down . . . ." Yes, they were referring to Emperor Haile Selassie, their King Alpha, but he, Alpha, was a representative of the Son of God, our Beginning, the Christ. It is Christ who sits down as us in this ignorance, and it is HE who remembers Zion when WE are required by this ignorance to sing the joyful song of freedom. Boney M sings an entirely different song (I love it to pieces, though).

How can we sing the joyful song of mirth and freedom (Isaac) that lifts us to perfection, the song of King Alpha (the Anointing), while in this strange land of ignorance?

Helloooo, Isaac. The Song of Mirth comes with the realization of our freedom—the joy of discovering that we are the Milta, the Manifestation of the Ineffable Who was planned, its completeness determined from the Beginning (Genesis 1:1). Our full realization of being the Father is the fulfillment of God's will, the Gospel, and its beginning in our reality is the baptism in the Holy Spirit (don't take any wooden nickels).

The Laughter that is Isaac comes from the realization that we are the Merciful Father, Abraham. ALL THE CHARACTERS OF GENESIS ARE ONE MAN: MOSES, WHO IS YOU (AS GOD HAS BECOME YOU, FOR MOSES IS THE GERM OF THE GOSPEL OF GOD IN YOU).

In Genesis, the Ineffable became the Beginning, the Son who created (i.e., imagined and became) Adam. Adam, the "blood" of God, by imagination became all the physically and spiritually living: Cain and Abel. Alas, the Ineffable's imagination was inferior to the Ineffable Itself. Got to get it up to speed through this ignorance of amnesia. The ignorance has a purpose: it generates the nature and characteristics of the Ineffable in us. Humbled and submitted unto God, we receive the very Light, Life, and Love of God in the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Regeneration through the Anointing (O Far-I)! THAT is how we sign the song of King Alpha, by remembering that "I AM YOU" (Exodus 3:14).

Sounds kind of preachy, doesn't it? But what informed Neville's attitude? HE REMEMBERED THAT HE WAS GOD. In a sense, we revert to Godhood to do Its will. We "die" of our self-will and self-lordship and will ourselves to do whatever God wants us to do. We shut-up and listen for directions eager to obey the Divine Intelligence we are one with. And It says, "Imagine (Sing) this."

Friday, November 02, 2018

Best Song in History: The Melodians' "Rivers of Babylon"

"Rivers of Babylon," by the Melodians, gets my vote for being the best song in history (lyrics below). I wrote a little about it recently. The song means more to me, is more insightful, every time I listen to it. They sing 'He,' as God is we. The rivers of Babylon are God's--our--experiences in this sphere of death. We are Him born into ignorance, borne by ignorance, and find ourselves "sat down" in it. We are He, YHWH, the action (i.e., the imagination) of the Ineffable--God. In our experiences He remembers His divine estate, the Kingdom (powers) of God--salvation. That Kingdom is within us.

In this operation of God, we were carried away by the wicked--ignorance. Its imperception of what we are is our captivity. Proclamation of Truth is required for our salvation and ascension from this death, becoming even more like the Ineffable, but how can we sing the song of King Alpha--the Beginning of Genesis 1:1 (the Imagination/"Son" of God who created the universe)--in this strange land of ignorance?

Assumption of the Truth from what is revealed. Faith. Trust. We have to sing, proclaim, shout it--that the Truth is done! That we are free! That salvation is come!

King Far-I, Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia (1892-1975), so displayed the Anointing of YHWH that his people believed him to be the incarnation of God (what a wild idea, right?). The words of our mouth (imagination) and the meditation of our hearts (feelings and emotions) need to be acceptable to the Anointing of YHWH, symbolized by Far-I, which is upon and within us. We have to believe we receive and walk in this reality, to sing it! Live a song of freedom!! Show some enthusiasm.

I am rephrasing this is an updated post.

By the way, sometimes one singer sings one set of lyrics into one channel, while the other singer simultaneously sings another set of lyrics into the other channel. One singer says sisters while the other says brothers, and vice versa. One says "we gotto" one thing, the other says "we gunna" (going to) something else. It took me awhile to figure out that I could just remove one of my earphones, and with different ears hear different songs. Below I try to go with what I thought was the dominant voice.

By the rivers of Babylon, where He sat down,
and there He wept, when He remembered Zion;
for the wicked carried us away in captivity,
required from us a song.
How can we sing King Alpha's song in a strange land?

For the wicked carried us away in captivity,
required from us a song.
How can we sing King Alpha's song in a strange land?

Sing it out loud!
Sing a song of freedom, sisters!
Sing a song of freedom, brothers!

We gunna walk and shout it!
We gunna jump, and shout it! Yea! Yea! Yea!
Shout the song of freedom now.

So let the words of our mouth,
and the meditation our heart,
be acceptable in thy sight, O Far-I.

So let the words of our mouth,
and the meditation our heart,
be acceptable in thy sight, O Far-I.

Sing it out loud/ Sing it! Sing it! Sing it! Yea!
We got to sing it together.
Everyone of us shout it together.


Sing it! Sing it! Sing it!
Sing a song of freedom, brothers!
Sing a song of freedom, sisters! Yea!