The Becoming God

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Two Imaginings

I see the world as two different imaginings. The first is that the intelligence of the Ineffable, which has the power to become what it imagines it is, imagines it is particulate matter and becomes particulate matter in order to facilitate experience. The second is the imagining of experience by the Ineffable, which experience It has by organizing the particulate matter into forms and orchestrating the event to be experienced. So the second imagining orchestrates and uses the first imagining to "manifest." This we call "life."

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

The Seven Days Of The Progressor

The ineffable (...?) is growing and maturing. It expands, and what It expands into is Itself in an immature state. It is the nature of the (...?) to progress into a mature state--kind of the principle of seedtime and harvest. That is, there is a drive or compulsion inherent in the nature of the Ineffable to become, to become more, to become better, to expand into what does not exist and mature into the perfection Itself is. For nothing else is worthy. I call this element of driving force in the Ineffable "the Progressor." It is also called Eashoa, the Life-giving Living Branch of the Living God; i.e., "Jesus." The Progressor is ultimately unstoppable, irresistible, undefeatible; it is the driving force of the ineffable (..?) Itself.

The Ineffable assumes that It is what It desires to be, and absolutely nothing can thwart Its becoming that thing. It literally becomes it. Assumption, of course, is imagination. The Ineffable has a consciousness which imagines everything, and assumes what It wants to be. Before this dimension was, the Ineffable imagined this dimension's end as a form of Itself, the Ineffable. This dimension became, and is growing, maturing through a bridge of incidents by the Progressor to become developed as the Manifestation of the Ineffable. Before this universe was, the Ineffable imagined this universe's end as a form of the Ineffable. This universe became, and this universe is growing, maturing through a bridge of incidents by the Progressor to become developed as the Manifestation of the Ineffable.

Do you see a recurring pattern here? Its the Ineffable's natural process of being. And it builds on itself. There is an imagined assumption by the Ineffable, let's say a day of it, and then a long period of incidents by the Progressor to bridge the creative assumption into the mature form of the Ineffable. "As the Beginning, the Son of God (the Progressor) CREATES the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1 Alexander, parenthesis and emphasis mine). Creation is the initial imagined assumption which continues to grow and mature until it is the perfected. So the Consciousness of the Ineffable assumes--imagines--the six ends of the heavens and the earth, and yes, they are beautiful. THROUGH THE SABBATH, THE SEVENTH DAY, THE PROGRESSOR CAUSES THE SIX ASSUMPTIONS TO DEVELOP INTO THE MATURE MANIFESTATION OF THE INEFFABLE THEY ARE.

This "day" is the Sabbath, the day of development unto complete manifestation by the Progressor. The imagined ends will be attained: "Thy will must be being done" (Matthew 6:10 Fenton). Those "Pray for Peace" peaceniks are right on. We are called to assume the imagined end! And to be faithful to it, to progress towards it. Ultimately, it will NOT be thwarted. And after that, more progress!! (See 1 Corinthians 2:9.)

The Feeling That Is "The Secret" Is The Feeling Of Immediate Oneness With God

Kudos to Neville Goddard who wrote Feeling is the Secret on the Law of Assumption and our oneness with God. There are a lot of people who are disappointed that they have believed all of Neville's teachings on causation and manifestation and have diligently followed all of Neville's "technique," and nothing has happened. If feeling is the secret, and they have felt till they are blue in the face with no success, what is missing? In short, God.

"A man can receive nothing unless it is given him from heaven" (John 3:27). The connection between our felt imagining and its manifestation in concrete reality is a bridge of incidents ORCHESTRATED by the invisible rest of God--the rest of the one God we are also part of. Neville's Feeling is the Secret is a Bible study. He preached as a believing Christian. Neville and his students all believed in God and were learning to wake up AS Him. If you go to an evangelistic meeting where healing is expected, they always lead people in a prayer of confession of belief in God BEFORE praying for healing. Doubters need not apply. When you recognize--have the feeling--that God is present and powerful for salvation, belief in healing is easy.

But you have to get there, to having the feeling that YOU are one with God, that there is no separation or division between God and His creation, you, which is His imagination. Our life is His. He hears all we think and say and sees all we do because He is our imagination, and our imagination is Him. That is why Neville says assumption is prayer: "It is praise; it is thanksgiving." That's because the feeling of oneness with God--the euphoria of BEING God--is foundational to Neville's technique.

If manifesting things is all God is to you, "your God is too small." I keep a book by that title (by J. B. Phillips) prominently displayed in my room where I always see its cover. It is to remind myself that my conceptualization of what God really is is way too small. He didn't just create everything in this dimension by imagining; He created the dimension itself by imagining. He is beyond all and IS all. Have the feeling that, "Me, I am That"--real belief in God, that you are one with Him--when you are praying, worshiping, praising and giving thanks--feeling that you HAVE what you desired.

Sunday, April 23, 2023

The "Who Rejected God, How, And What Happened To Them" Game

It seems an interesting project right now to consider who in the Bible rejected God, how they did it, and what happened to them. There just might be a message from God in it, or at least a bit of wisdom.

I am going to start in a place you totally do not expect: with God. You see, Jesus Christ, the Son of God who IS God, was crucified for those who reject Him from BEFORE the foundation of the earth. That means that God knew that rejection was coming because He was the one DOING it; i.e., He was making us ignorant and unlike Him in that. If He was doing it, He couldn't blame us unless we persisted in rejecting Him after we had the wisdom to know better. Not repenting EARNS one hell. So having evidence and still explicitly rejecting God gets us a toasting in the eternal stinking toaster as our rejection by Him.

This may be parallel to Adam and Eve's (the Ineffable's consciousness and imagination) becoming independent of God by eating of the Tree of Life in the Garden of Eden--they became material, ignorant, and their relationship to God "dead." Their materiality was acquired - Cain - but was without spiritual awareness, i.e., its spiritual consciousness was zero - Abel (abel in Hebrew literally means zero, nothing).

This may not be the teaching you have been getting in your spiritually dead church. They generally do not teach it in seminary. You have got to learn how to look at scripture and see what it is trying to say to you. The authors saw the truth, and wrote it out in a code which ILLUSTRATES it. Look at it as a picture.

Mankind generally lives in this spiritual darkness of ignorance of what man really is (we are God flipped into the unwitting stupidity of physical life). There is a progression of improvement toward spiritual illumination: the antediluvian patriarchs (you've got to translate their names and consider their implications). I believe they are actually steps to spiritual understanding culminating in a state of mental rest, of confidence in God. This would require God-like holiness on the voyage, but Ham (heat) is undisciplined, rebellious, and all that follows that is cursed as rejection of God. Cursed until it is redeemed, that is.

Nimrod strives to setup a kingdom for Cush, the son of Ham's error. He seems successful to the world, but Shem (the nature of God) destroys him, and Shem's descendants (the Ashurai, Genesis 10:11/10:22) take over and spread out from what had been Nimrod's "success."

Well, I think the game of Who Rejected God, How, and What Happened to Them is clear enough. A list of bilical characters who rejected God might include Moses, who killed an Egyptian and struck the rock, the Egyptians, the Jews who rebelled in the wilderness, Achan, the Northern Kingdoms of Israel, any number of kings, David, the Jews of the first Temple, the Jews of the second Temple, the Jews who rejected and/or crucified Christ, Paul, Peter, you and I and our families and neighbors. How many can you find? Like I said, I think there may be a message for today's world in it.

Saturday, April 22, 2023

Rejecting God is a Big Mistake

A lot of people of late are retiring of Christianity. Leaving a dead church is one thing, I understand, but declaring yourself an atheist because you have been disillusioned by a dead church is another; it is going the wrong way. I push T. L. and Daisy Osborn because they went to India as zealous missionaries and found that the dead church had given them nothing. They didn't abandon God, though. Instead, they sought the living church. They hunted down those who genuinely operated in the gifts of the Spirit, and this changed their lives. T. L. and Daisy got truths THAT THEY COULD DO. And they went and DID them. THAT is the evidence that God is real and that Jesus Christ really is His Son. When YOUR prayer works, when Christ RESPONDS, you have found Him, that He is in you and is your very imagination.

I read and hear the strangest things as reasons why people reject God. E.g., the Bible has a pseudo-history; it is lifted from other, more ancient stories; its characters did not actually exist; there is no evidence of this, that, or the other; the six-day creation is disproven; Jews don't believe in an eternal soul; etc., etc. Duh. So what? Who ever told you it was a literal history? The dead church, that's who. And you judge it according to the understanding of the people who killed their own Messiah? Dude, there was a reason the two Temples were destroyed: the people REJECTED God. When Jews "get it," that's what real Christians are. You want to be a Jew who gets it; you CAN'T be a Christian until you are. The last thing you would ever want to do is to reject God.

When you reject God, you open yourself to the demonic. I was raised to some extent in the Methodist Church, but after the Navy I pursued my own way. I wound up in a kindergarten occult class almost possessed by a deceiving spirit, a demon (there may be one or more working their lies on you right now, trying to get you to renounce God, Christ, and Christianity). Try reading the Bible with an eye to people rejecting God. The people and places correspond to spiritual realities (it's all symbolic of what is literal in the spiritual realm). Adam, the "Blood of the Divine" (consciousness), did not die because he ate of a fruit; he died because he rejected God. His death was the loss of conscious connection with God. Adam ate of the Tree of Life to get the knowledge of good and evil TO BE ON HIS OWN APART FROM GOD. Believing Satan he rejected God, and was put on his own. And that is how we are born into this world, "on our own." And that--being spiritually dead in consciousness--is why we all sin (Romans 5:12). All through the Bible people reject God and suffer for it. In Malachi the Jews (an everyman) think it is a waste of time and energy to honor God, our Father. Ezekiel was shown the priests secretly worshiping idols. They (you?) reject God's being in human flesh, though that is what the Bible is about from beginning to end. The Bible is addressed to the human imagination to tell us, to reveal to us this.

You want evidence? I originally started this post to suggest to deconverts - rather than to reject God and call yourself an atheist - to pray biblically and keep a journal of what you pray for. The only evidence that really matters is God's confirming His Word to you. When He responds concretely to you, well, there you go. Pray biblically? I believe the Ineffable and the Son create by assumption--by the Law of Assumption. He imagines that He is a thing, and becomes it. We are to pray that way, like Mark 11:24 "Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." That is why I recommend reading and listening to Neville Goddard's lectures, especially God's Law and His Promise, How to Really Pray, Mental Diets, and How to Use Your Imagination. The thrust of this is that we ourselves are creating the environmental world we live in, and once you see this reality, well, like I said, there you go. Keep track of what you assume yourself to be. Write it down, read it, imagine it. And when you are, you will be quite the opposite of an atheist.

PS: Notice that the dead church had been sending us to the wrong god all this time, one that is wholly separate and divided from us. Like we are over here, and he is way over there somewhere, controlling everything by some kind of remote control. GOD IS NOT SEPARATE FROM US, BUT HAS ACTUALLY AND LITERALLY BECOME US. WE ARE HIS MANIFESTATION--HIM IN FORM AND BECOMING BETTER. THAT IS WHAT WE ARE HERE TO DO, and THIS is what we are to repent to, to the understanding that we are at least part of the Creator's Manifestation, verily Jesus Christ, God incarnate IN DEVELOPMENT. We are part of the One, a LIVING THING manifesting the No-thing.

Thursday, April 20, 2023

For Pastors, Sceptics, Deconverts 3: Problems With Evidence

There must hundreds of deconversion and deconstruction videos on And videos of reaction to and discussion about them. Many deconvertees decry the lack of evidence for God, a historical Jesus, and the events recorded in the Bible. Having been in spiritually dead, ritualistic "doctrine" churches, I cannot blame deconverts for wanting to leave that form of religion. God confirms the preaching of His Word, and if there isn't any confirmation, well, you best look somewhere else.

My first spiritual experience was not with God. While I was raised in the Methodist Church, I found no evidence of the transcendent there. After the Navy, I found myself living in the back of a pickup truck in Honolulu, Hawaii. I was still searching, curious about spiritual stuff. In a guided meditation in a kindergarten-level occult class, I encountered a deceiving spirit, a demon. The demon was trying to possess me. This was a very strange experience. In my mind's eye I suddenly saw the spirit or demon, whatever it was, for what it was. I also suddenly realized a number of different things:

1) If this deceiving thing is real, then God also is real.

2) The deceiving spirit did not want to be exposed, but had no ability to stop the one who exposed it.

3) The deceiving spirit had been with me for a long time, encouraging me towards this moment through various cultural influences.

4) The demon hadn't the authority to possess me unless I lowered my naturally superior authority to it, while the one who opened my mind's eye did not need my permission, because he had authority superior to mine.

5) While I am pretty much a bum living in a pickup truck on an island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, my exact thoughts are constantly monitored by that superior spirit. He knew exactly where I was and exactly what was going down, and . . .

6) The superior spirit was powerful to do something about it.

7) I had arrived at some quality the superior spirit wanted me to have and had used the demon to get me to achieve it for his own sake; i.e. the superior spirit had engineered all this--my lifetime! I had been cultivated by the superior spirit. The unwitting demon's mission completed, I was being moved on to another stage of development, another project.

In an instant I saw that if until now I had been going the demon's way, I was going the WRONG way. Time to go the opposite direction. I mean, really GO.

So my evidence for God was the reality of the demonic and the superior powers and authority of the intervener--that there really was an intervener.


If you are not really SPIRITUALLY born again--even though you might believe it sincerely DOCTRINELY, and God is not confirming the preaching of His Word with signs and wonders, do not expect miracles of healing and other bright, spiritual events to happen any time soon. LOOK FOR THE DECEIVER. When I got out of that meditation I went straight to my old childhood King James Bible I had kept all those years, even taking it along with me to Hawaii. I opened the concordance to "deceive," and straightaway read Revelation 12:9-12:
9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
10 And I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser of our brethren is cast down, which accused them before our God day and night.
11 And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.
12 Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time.

This was now real stuff to me. I hadn't asked for it, nor did I expect it. The reality that there really is an invisible world of deceiving spirits and Jesus Christ with this world was imposed upon me. Now all of a sudden I have responsibility. I sought my mother's best friend, Lynn, who lived just across the Hilton Hawaiian lagoon from me (I parked in the Ala Wai harbor). Before I could say anything, she told me of how she had gotten a terrible migraine from reading the Jesus testimonial books my mother kept sending her. In severe pain, she flippantly and disparagingly quipped to another witnessing Christian friend, "Jesus gave me this headache, and he can have it!" The pain left her head instantly. She said she couldn't make her head hurt.

You say that is not evidence. I don't know what the heck it is, then. We both were seeking in our own way and met the demonic. The demonic comes first. A glorious spirit tempted Eve before it was made a serpent when God came walking in. Satan--ignorance--is deceiving the whole world NOW, but salvation is on its way. How is the Devil affecting you and your world? When you see that your affecter IS the Devil, you will see then that there must really be a God to be deceived away from. Satanism, by the way, is the secret control of someone else's life. Ignorance is doing that to us. Don't blame God; it's OUR ignorance. We surely have evidence of that. Believe testimonies, go to where God IS confirming the preaching of His Word, watch real miracle videos--T. L. Osborn and the like.

Lynn took me to a small Pentecostal gathering, the House of Praise in Kaimuki. People testified of miracles. Almost everyone spoke in tongues. I went forward to acknowledge that I accepted Jesus as Lord. At another church I asked for the gift of tongues. I encountered God, but He rejected me--wouldn't touch me with a ten-foot pole. I was crushed and wept. I in a trance, He walked me through to see that I had retained lordship over my life. I still ignorantly deceived myself thinking that I was separate from God, virtually His peer in that "my" life was under my control. Realizing that "my" life is actually God's life making me to live by His grace, and I was a thief, I cast self-control out of myself as a demon, and contritely, broken in spirit, wholly submitted myself to God. He softly said, "Remember this, and it is all right." He accepted me, and the ecstatic infilling of the Holy Ghost flooded my being and flowed out my mouth in the form of tongues. That was pretty good evidence.

Since then, Jesus--while I watched Him in a vision being crucified--spoke directly and "audibly" into my brain. Later I watched my arm extend a half-inch or more in length. I know that is not much, but I, unmoving, WATCHED it. I have been "slain" in the spirit. Then I touched a guy and he went down. One of my most valuable "concrete evidences of God was Janet, my seminary classmate and neighbor. She somehow contracted tuberculosis, and as her classmate and sometimes lunch partner, I contracted tuberculosis from her. In her private devotions she got so emotionally caught up that it seemed to her that she was actually kneeling before God in heaven, worshipping and adoring, ecstatically praising Him. Then in her ecstasy she heard a loud voice: "YOU ARE HEALED!" And she was. Her chest x-ray showed the tubercular hole in her lung filling in with material, BUT I HAD TO CONTINUE TAKING TUBERCULOSIS MEDICINE FOR THE NEXT HALF-YEAR.

Your problem may be that your faith CAN be shattered. Why is it so fragile and tentative? If you had a literal, distinct, concrete experience of God, it couldn't be shaken. I have either had experience of God, or of a conscious, acting entity who wants me to believe in God. And if such an invisible and powerful entity exists, then so also must God. God is not a separate thing, but is this (waving my arms all around)--everything from the "Wholly Other" to the tiniest quarks. You want evidence? "You can't get something from nothing," but you can get everything from the No-thing that imagines your imagination facilitated. The No-thing has imagined being the tiniest quarks, and it has imagined being you. WATCH YOU MAKE YOUR WORLD BY YOUR IMAGINATION. If what you imagine causes your world, you have found Him--your own, wonderful human imagination.

Wednesday, April 19, 2023

For Pastors, Sceptics, Deconverts 2: The Histories Are Not Either Or

There are two histories: the normal, natural history of the evolving physical world we are all used to, and the spiritual history of the evolving imagic world that is in the Bible. It isn't that one is real and the other is not; they are BOTH real. The Bible is an allegorical history symbolic of spiritual, psychological values. It has to do with mind, thought, imagination--things of the spirit, which happen to be the only actions God can make. And these are about US. We are them, and God is ACTING. We are involved whether we like it or not. The two histories run concurrently, and we are in both of them.

We have been robbed by unspiritual people who did not, do not translate the names of the people and places in the Bible. Adam means the blood of the Divine. That "blood" would be the consciousness of the Ineffable Being. Eve, the source of Life, would be Its intelligence. The Ineffable's assumption--knowing--would cause manifestation--Cain, "Acquisition," and Abel, "Transitoriness." Acquisition brings things of the earth to the Lord: crops. Transitoriness brings his sheep--thoughts, imagination, things of the spirit. Translate the names and you have an obvious history of spiritual, psychological matters God is working in US, AS us, because He isn't separate FROM us.

We can ignorantly ignore the two histories, but we cannot get out of either one of them. We think, therefore we are, and if we are, we are in them . . . both.

Heading For Healing 34: You Have Got To Deal With The Demonic, The Source Of Sickness, First

This comes from William Marrion Branham by route of Daisy Osborn (starts at 5:35 in linked video): there was no sickness, disease, or death until Satan caused sin in the Garden of Eden. He led the rebellion that caused them. At first there wasn't any, and then there was. I take Satan to be the ignorance in man. From God we became man, and we do not remember what we were and really are. So we operate normally in a type of amnesia. (Alternative video.)

In our amnesia, we see the world as evolved by nature. This is one type of history, the world of ignorance. We accept that sickness, disease, and death are just natural--the way it is in this world. And what we assume the world is, becomes.

There is another type of history: salvation history. This is the history in the Bible; it is symbolic, about mind, spirit, and imagination--our evolution. We enter this history when we become born again "from on high." We are converted from primarily physical evolution to spiritual evolution.

In our ignorance we are heavily influenced by the demonic: bad stuff is just natural, your bad luck, fate. We accept that, think badly, and because of this suffer sickness, disease, and death (and all other forms of loss). But saved, "born again," we are in salvation history, the other evolution. In this, Christ has ended all the work of ignorance--Satan, the Devil, and the demonic--in redeeming us before the foundation of the world. The natural world of ignorance is superseded by the spiritual world of the Son we are now in, if we are indeed saved.

"Help my unbelief," cried the father of the epileptic boy. Jesus, symbol of that nature of God to form us into Him, did not heal the boy of epilepsy but cast out the demon, the ignorance of accepting that disease was "natural." As we join the spiritual world, we get its quality of redemption--we are as before the satanic ignorance ever occurred. Sickness, disease, death have no right to exist in the redeemed. Prayer and fasting are to get us to know who we are: the redeemed of God.

"Yes, there are two paths you can go by, but in the long run . . .
And there's still time to change the road you're on" (Robert Plant, Stairway to Heaven).


Edit: Two things:

1) Before the Beginning God knew all the sin that would happen in the course of His becoming. He accepted His responsibility for it. THAT was our redemption in Jesus Christ, before the foundation of the world. Jesus Christ in the Season of Grace pictured that, put it on display in the snapshot the Season was (see Daniel 9).

2) When we see who and what we are redeemed in Christ and submitted to God as BEFORE the fall, God sees us thus also--WITHOUT sin and without sickness. What He sees/assumes to be . . . becomes. We call it healing; for Him, it's just what we are.

Sunday, April 16, 2023

For Pastors, Sceptics, and Deconverts 1: The Concept of Separation is Not the Real Deal, But There IS a Deal; Go to It

Try to conceptualize the consciousness of the Ineffable Being as a field of power. All the things in the Bible are symbolic of qualities in this field. All states of consciousness exist within it. Evolution of consciousness, of awareness, occurs within it. Here "as you think, you are" is exactly proper. So also "as above, so below"; and "as below, so above." The whole of the field is one thing, all consciousness. The "Wholly Other," the Source from whence the field is, is it, too. It is His Manifestation. All is imagination: the Ineffable assumes, and is (i.e., It becomes what It has imagined It is). IT HAS CONFLICT IN ITS IMAGINATION, ALSO, PART OF THE PROCESS OF ASSUMPTION, WHICH ALSO BECOMES: "This is what would work. No, this would. If that happened, things would get off-track. I want to experience this. I do not want to be that." GOD HAS GOT TO FOCUS, TOO. Jesus is the towards the likeness of God, the standing order that we be conformed to His image. Satan the resistance, the contrariness of our ignorance. It has already been determined by the Ineffable that the likeness wins out--the head and heel thing (Genesis 3:15) is constant. Hey, it is His imagination; He can work it out over time. ULTIMATELY HE WINDS UP WITHOUT IGNORANCE. Don't be it.

"Christianity" is the Living Spirit in you, not belief that the Bible's history, which is symbolic, is literal. God is One, us included in It, not outside worshiping It. Worshiping It, yes; outside, no. Inside looking around, and it is awesome. We are low states of God becoming higher, better, more like the Source of the Field, the Consciousness we are part of.

Sunday, April 09, 2023

The Greatest Error of the Church: NOT Teaching that YOU ARE GOD

We are not separate from God. We are not plural gods, little 'g', nor baby gods, God's children. We are not angelic, nor not-God-but-representative-of-the-true-God judges. The meaning of elohim is not "gods," a majestic One or otherwise. Elohim means "Over the Flames" (Victor N. Alexander, 2008, Genesis: A Translation From The Ancient Aramaic, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, "A Major Misconception," pg. 213). "Over the Flames" is what God is, the Source of Life, and we also are that. For He is over the flames, AND the flames. We create our own world. The church avoids admitting this at all costs, twisting and excusing and mistranslating every which way they can to keep from actually saying it, even making God a liar. Listen to this teacher convolute ideas of Psalm 82:6 to avoid saying what God actually says, that "You are God."

If He Didn’t Say This No One Would Believe It | John MacArthur (skip to 10:19)

No one believes it because the church won't say it. "God cannot mean what He says because it isn't what I believe." THAT is the problem. In Psalm 82:6 God does NOT say, "You are gods," little 'g'; i.e., judges. He says, "You (all) are God." I.e., each of you is ME. We are not separate from God, the consciousness of the ineffable Most High. Take Deuteronomy 6:4 to heart, Israel, God is ONE, and YOU are included in the One He is. The Ineffable's imagination is the Life-Giving, Living Branch, of which the wonderful human imagination also is. If we are part of that which is Over The Flames, we can and we should act like it, doing what is right. All of God is all one thing: every thing is a part of Him. He had a purpose for making us to live, which is that we might become Him more fully. You might want to thank Him for giving you life and ask Him to forgive you for not submitting yours to Him until now. Ask, and make sure you receive.

The Blind Eye: Anti-Christianity Deconversion Sites in Wrong War, Going Wrong Way, Playing Wrong Game, Not Seeing That Salvation Is Spiritual, Not Intellectual

God's Spirit is in us giving us life, this life we are living by His grace, and we are doing with it what WE want, not what HE wants. This is the invisible reality the Bible seeks to illustrate and lead into correction. "I (Life) am that 'I' (the Life in man) am" (Exodus 3:14, parentheses mine). God is the Life. It is from Him and of Him. It is HIS, and He had a purpose for making each of us to live. We rob Him of that purpose by living our lives for ourselves, under our own direction, as if we were separate from Him. We are NOT separate and independent from God. Never have been, never will be. He is not operating by remote control. But we are not submitted to Him, to His direction. We are HIS, but under our own self-lordship we are in rebellion against Him. We are thieves. Rebels and thieves.

For some reason I do not hear this truth in deconversion videos. I do not hear realization of self-lordship and rebellion and repentance from them--being crushed in self-condemnation--as motivation for their surrender and spiritual conversion in the first place. Because it didn't happen. Christianity is not acceptance of a set of doctrines or belief in a certain history being literal; it is a contrite and broken spirit submitted to doing whatsoever the Life-Giver desires, because my "I" is His, verily HIM. It is recognition of our quite literal slavery as parts of Him purposed unto HIM; i.e., we are to be HIS manifestation. We are to God as we are supposed to be to our family, one. And boy, do we fail Him.

I saw a very short clip of a young man (at 1:18) challenging some Christian preachers. He approaches them ape-like, menacingly, he or another taunting them, "Where's your 'God' now?" The answer is, "In you, being crucified." Jesus Christ's crucifixion was when He became us. His resurrection is when we become Him. It is a spiritual knowing, not an intellectual knowing; reality, not philosophy.


PS: This post is subject to further editing:

1. God is not a figure of light sitting on a big chair some distance from us, separate and magical. God is the consciousness of some great thing unknown and incomprehensible to us--the Ineffable. The point is: It has become us to manifest that great thing. THAT is our purpose in life: to become IT.

2. I watched a couple of guys making their living deriding what isn't Christianity (belief it's literal history instead of the reality imaged) taking about how horrible slavery was and is. But that's human slavery. You can reject and renounce God all you want, but you are still His slave, anyway. It's not an option. But you are a slave with all the freedom in the world to do all the good you could want any which way you can.

3. I believe God speaks to us through music and the lyrics of songs. These two songs come to mind thinking of deconvertees and the truly repentant. Compare: It's My Life and Can't Find My Way Home. I heard somewhere that Steve Winwood styled his singing after Ray Charles. Can't Find My Way Home lyrics:

[Verse 1]
Come down off your throne and leave your body alone
Somebody must change
You are the reason I've been waiting so long
Somebody holds the key

But I'm near the end and I just ain't got the time
And I'm wasted and I can't find my way home

[Verse 2]
Come down on your own and leave your body alone (I hear "at home" at 2:17 in video)
Somebody must change
You are the reason I've been waiting all these years
Somebody holds the key

But I'm near the end and I just ain't got the time
And I'm wasted and I can't find my way home

But I can't find my way home
But I can't find my way home
But I can't find my way home
But I can't find my way home
Still I can't find my way home
And I ain't done nothing wrong
But I can't find my way home

Saturday, April 08, 2023

God is a Relation, Kinfolk in Reality; not Separate Except in Perception

Our relationship with God is supposed to be that of kinfolk. We are related. It is like we share the same blood, the same genes, the same DNA. He is imagination, and we are of the same imagination. It is not for nothing that we are to call Him "Father." Because that is right: we are from God and of God, the force and energy that is the consciousness of the Ineffable. We're family.

Consider Luke 11:5-8. (This continues from Luke's version of the Lord's Prayer, "Our Father in heaven.") ". . . Which one of you that has a relative, and who goes to him in the middle of the night, and tells him, 'Kinsman, I need three loves [of bread]. Since a relative has come to me from a journey and I have nothing to place before him.' And he replies from inside and says to him, 'Do not bother me. Behold, the door is locked and my children are in bed with me. I cannot rise and give you [the bread].' I tell you, that if because of kinship he will not not give it to him, he will rise and give him as much as he wants because of his persistent sense of duty" (Alexander, verse 8 footnote incorporated). "Kinsman . . . a relative has come. " One has a sense of duty to family. We are relatives. Kinsfolk. We are supposed to be aware of this and to actualize it. God is, and does. His Life-Giving, Living Branch Jesus is, and does. I believe it is God in this teaching who has the persistent sense of duty to His kin, for it is right to have mercy upon one's kin (note the radical mistranslation the Greek is). God does what is right. And our advocate is our kin.

James 2:5 says, "Listen, dear brethren, was it not those poor in worldly possessions and yet rich in faith that God chose to be the heirs of the Kingdom, that which God bequeathed to those who showed mercy to Him?" (Alexander, italics mine).

Mark 12:29-31, "Jesus told him, 'The first of all the commandments, 'Hear, O, Israel, the Lord God is the only Lord.* And that you mercy your Lord God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' This is the first commandment. And the second one that is like it, 'that you love the one that is close to you like yourself.' There is no greater commandment than these" (Alexander, footnote incorporated).

1 Corinthians 2:9, "Except as it is written in Scriptures, 'Eye does not see and ear does not hear, and over the heart does not rise the thing God graced to those who mercy Him" (Alexander, footnote incorporated, emphasis mine).

Mercy, mercy, mercy. How do you mercy God? You recognize and love His RELATIVES: "Amen, I am telling you, that whatever you do for one of these my little brethren, for me you have done that" Matthew 25:40 Alexander). He is them; He is us. God is NOT separate, but is ALL. We are limited to the Manifestation. He is the Manifestation and beyond, but we nevertheless are all ONE.

"As of now* (this season) this bone from my bone and this flesh from my flesh shall be called the wife, because she was consecrated from the man" (Genesis 2:23 Alexander). Adam is "the Divine's Blood."

Thursday, April 06, 2023

Truth That Counts: Jesus as the Life-Giving, Living Branch

Just about anyone aware of Jesus will tell you that He is the guy Christians believe was God incarnate--"Immanuel, God with us"--among the Jews about two thousand years ago. The man in the New Testament those books are about. I think He is a whole lot more than that.

We variously translate the Hebrew word Jesus (Y'shua/Yeshua) as Savior, God's Salvation, God is Salvation, Yahweh Saves, Salvation of the Lord, God Saving (Us), etc.  But He is a man, right? Whether as God incarnate, an otherwise normal human being, or a symbolic philosophical construction, we see Jesus as a man. I am interested in the translation Victor Alexander gives the Aramaic word Eashoa (ee-show) in Mark 1:1, "the Life-Giving, Living Branch." This is automatically more than a man. We are now talking about the living branch of some greater living thing which gives life. This is a force, a universal energy, a quality of the nature of God. "Jesus," or "Eashoa," is the branch of THAT. AND WE ARE BRANCHES OF HIM. YOU are a shoot of the Life-Giving, Living Branch, a bud. 

The New Testament authors have this force or energy as one with man and reaching to the depths of what we call darkness (hello, scribes and Pharisees) and comprehensibly dying FOR it, AS it (for "it" is Itself), to redeem it to Life again. How the (vernacular expression deleted) do you deconvert from that? "Oh, but the Bible is not scientifically accurate, and there are contradictions in the stories told to illustrate man's experience with this force." Waa, waa, waa.

Well, if you can't find evidence of the Life-Giving, Living Branch in your church, go somewhere else. Or go it alone. The Life-Giving, Living Branch is here for YOU. YOU can deal with it one-on-One. It is certainly capable, and It can make you capable, too, for It is not separate from you. It is as easy as stretching out your heart in desire to hear Eashoa, and listening to the thoughts that come.

Truth That Counts: Deconversions from Misconceptions

I have been watching a number of former-Christian deconversion, deconstruction stories on Again. It is a very sad story. Not so much the deconversions, but the basis of the deconvertees' conversions in the first place. Very few of them have had either the horror of the contrition event or the ecstasy of the baptism in the Holy Ghost, the experience of automatic speaking in tongues, or the witness and evidence of substantive response miracles. Some have, but discount them due to hormonal, stress-induced neurochemical changes which can induce emotional religious experiences. Am I concerned that there is (supposedly) no evidence for a literal, historical human Jesus Christ? It doesn't matter! I have had my evidence in spades. If He's not alive and in power, who the heck is acting?! I have two basic, fundamental truths which for me supersede all the faith-negating nays: Jesus WORKS, thus He must be resurrected (whether or not he was a man two thousand years ago); and I see imagination--both man's and God's--causing manifest reality. These two puppies are rock solid in my perception. As Neville Goddard would say, "I am not speculating. I am speaking from experience."

"You dolt," you say. "If there wasn't even a historical Jesus two thousand years ago, how could he have been resurrected?"

You are missing the point. The Season of Grace (the on-going Daniel 9) was a historical summary of what God is doing overall. Even if the New Testament stories were completely symbolic compositions of psychology placed in a fabricated history for illustration's sake, they were and are about a higher reality. The biblical Jesus Christ was a representation of that higher reality. Whether there was an actual human representative playing the part physically (this gets my vote), or the compositions are purely philosophical--something like a refined Buddhism--the higher reality was and is REAL. THAT Jesus Christ is risen--was, is, and always will be. The Season of Grace was just a report of this higher reality: "Hey guys, this is what is really going on."

Do you not get this? "Let all the angels of heaven bow, and let every human knee kneel before HIM"--EVEN IF JESUS IS JUST AN IDEA, IDEAL, OR VALUE IN GOD'S MIND. I personally believe that the birth, life, crucifixion, death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ were all in the consciousness of the ineffable (...?) as the Beginning of Creation in Genesis 1:1. "As the Beginning, the Son of God (the imagination of the consciousness of the Ineffable) CREATES the heavens and the earth" (Alexander, parenthesis mine). God's intelligence flips from His consciousness to the ignorance of physical existence--becoming unlike God, suffers this existence, is developed to a higher conscious awareness, and because it IS God, it is forgiven this and is eventually returned to God state. The whole new-and-improved loop is constant! He--Jesus Christ--IS resurrected. Was, is, ever has been and ever will be.

The Bible is not historically accurate? So what? Who cares? Who ever said that it was supposed to be? People who haven't got a clue spiritually--intellectual "believers" who do not know what belief actually is. They don't get it, because the unspiritual can't get it. The Bible states repeatedly that the truth is hid from them. Jesus died for the scribes and the Pharisees, the religious hypocrites. They think that the Bible is about real, literal history instead of the real reality. They look, but they cannot see.

Well, that's Point 1. Point 2 is I see God's and my imaginations causing the experiential environment we live in. Our experiential environment is the STATE of our minds being SPOKEN to us by God. Our life is our monitor! Look, and listen up--THAT is you. "But I do not want that. I do not want the End Times--corruption, conflict, confrontation, anger, wars, hunger, hardship, demonic deception, etc., etc., etc." How is that not-wanting working out for you? What are you THINKING? You think OF and you ACCEPT that all these things can and will happen. You might just as well spread out a tablecloth for all of it to be set before you, 'cause it is heading for you "more powerful than a locomotive." Your brain's image does not have a 'not' for what it sees. If you do not want it, what DO you want? Assume that that is what is coming. Those "Pray for World Peace" nuts have the right idea. Ix-nay on the ad-bay*. Neville taught his wife, Bill, that if she thought her boss was disagreeable, he would be. She forced herself to think him agreeable (her boss, that is), and he was.

We are God's imagination. Some invisible, powerful entity is trying very hard to get me to believe in a certain way (deconvertees take note) that Jesus is resurrected. He has shown me the demonic, Jesus' scourging and crucifixion, flooded me with Living Waters, spoken by my mouth, spoken "audibly" into my brain, slain me in the Spirit, substantively healed me in response to Jesus' name, and has allowed me to participate in others' healings. I do not know if this entity is God Himself, Jesus the historic man, the Holy Ghost, some conscius from another world, or what, but obviously it believes that Jesus is resurrected, alive, is seated in power as God in heaven, and that I am Him. That is the certain way of belief unconverted church members cannot know. God's "only to you" was to Israel, the imagination He prevails in. If you do not submit to let Him (Eil) prevail, YOU WILL NEVER GET IT in this lifetime. Prevail.

*Pig-Latin for "Nix on the bad."

Monday, April 03, 2023

Taron, and the Driving Force of All is the Nature of the Ineffable

If expression of philosophy was a competition, I would yield to Taron's eloquence. His are vision and words which should be considered and mulled over long and hard. Taron's comment on "Creation is the Demarcation of Divine Compulsion":

Very nice observation. Thanks for sharing!

I've found your post, because I was pondering over the compulsion of the "Source" to create, to expand. All of it by its very nature, by a fundamental behavior, which starts of without any complex motivation or any deliberate agenda. It's emerging out of the eternal chaos, trapped in the first infinite loop. This loop being the original quantum of all it is becoming. How this trait of this original compulsion is inherited by every dimension it expands into.

Every new dimension it becomes, becomes the stage for yet another and within each stage are infinite manifestations of quanta of all previous dimensions. The constantly expanding complexity reveals new methods and new reasons to combine all the previous elemental configurations and the compulsion to expand is unceasing.

Imagination can never exceed beyond that which is imaginable, but it can scratch the shell of all that was possible. And through the thinned hull it sees what was needed to forge the language for the ever growing verse of becoming.

I believe that creation has long since reached a point when it can transform and extend components or quanta of its latest dimension to facilitate the quantum for the next stage.

I believe the soul is such a quantum, infinite due to its internal, perfect harmony. This Earth is the platform upon which souls can interact and are offered to act beyond their internal perfection in order to connect and explore the solution to reach perfect harmony among themselves, building the quantum for that next dimension that is to come. Just as compulsion dictates.

However, while each soul represents an infinite aspect of the source that must not or even cannot be dismissed, old souls may not yet include ideals that allow them to connect to other souls. To achieve such an internal expansion of an already perfect unit can only happen by its internal consent. Such expansion cannot compromise this internal harmony of a soul, but has to sit just right. It cannot be contrived from the outside. The Earth we experience now is most likely tailored to push these old souls gently towards just such an internal augmentation. It is meant to let them understand both the need to alter their ideals and nurture their will to modify them. The simple mission to collaborate is just not enough. Some old souls choose to surrender their ideals to those of common "authorities", while others cannot let go of theirs and choose to take advantage of others instead. And thus this world tumbles through an ever more aggressive chaos, seemingly exhausting all possibilities on how to inspire those souls to break open themselves with a new understanding.

It won't let up until this has been achieved. For this appears to be according to the compulsion of the source to create.

There are among us newer souls, souls that have already stood the test of how we can combine and find true harmony between us to weave this next quantum. Their "blueprint" may be what some call "Christ consciousness", designed to connect, able to transform adversity into a pattern that does not stray from what some call "unconditional love" and does not imped its own nature or that of others. These new souls may mingle here to inspire, to guide and to help. But they must experience the same circumstances these old souls are exposed to. And it is a tremendous challenge alone to wake up to their given capacity and recognize this responsibility and how it manifests within them.

We are meant to turn this world into the kind of perfect heaven we already have within ourselves, regardless what batch of souls one belongs to. For this, again, is the compulsion of the source to create and expand.

But, well, I was wondering what other observations are out there regarding these thoughts of mine. It's wonderful to see that there are some!

Well, it took you 8 years to receive a comment on your post, hehe. But here it is!

Thanks again and Kind Regards,


Dan here:

I went to Taron's website and found him to be an artist and musician. Fantasy stuff, not my taste, but high quality for what it is. What I found most interesting is Taron's blog. It is worth taking a look.

Sunday, April 02, 2023

"Build Me a Sanctuary" ; the Temple Wherein the Holy Ghost Dwells (Exodus 25:8)

This may be an odd reply to the following comment on my post about Exodus 3:14's Name being notification that God is involved with us, but it's what I've got.

The comment:

What is love then?

The progression of my understanding of love is as such.

Hollywood love, emotions, flutter in the heart, butterflies in the stomach, etc.

And then I heard that love has 3 root words in the Bible, so there were 3 different kinds of love. The greatest one being agape, which connotes a sort of unconditional love, a brotherly love, a familial love that has no place for lust and romance. Something higher, so to speak.

Of late, I have moved away from the above notions of love. In order to avoid the counters of "what about the poor?" "What about war-torn societies?" "What about the Jews in WW2?" I have learnt that love actually means expansion as opposed to destruction. So it is not even about morality. It is not about people but about expansion. Expanding universes, expanding stars, solar systems, cities, species, etc., etc. And so the argument goes that love does not see murder and theft, etc. Rather, love is expansion in infinity. No morality.

What is love?!

And when I hear someone try to profoundly distil it into "God is love", it does not help at all since the love side of the equation is confusion to me!

Anonymous at 8:39

My response:

Dear Anonymous at 8:39,

I almost did not post your comment when I saw in it, "No morality." I agree that love is, or at least entails, expansion. Expansion is what Japheth means. Who does not want more of and for the one he or she loves? But I am not sure love does not mean or involve morality. God's sense of morality is way beyond ours. Yes, there is expansion outwards, but there is also to be expansion, conversion inwardly--the two becoming one spiritually, emotionally, and also "in the flesh." Doesn't infidelity against you by the one you love make you jealous? God had a reason for making us to live when He gave us life, and it is not unreasonable for Him to expect devotion. He is a devoted God ('jealous' is a mistranslation), and He expects the same from us. We are the Sanctuary He desires to live within and through--the Temple of the Holy Ghost. I do not know if you consider that a call to moral living, but I consider it a call to submission, fidelity to Him, and to Holiness. When we go into the Silence, it should be unto the Sanctuary within us wherein God dwells--the effect of being baptized in the Holy Ghost continuously, oneness with Him. There is a lot of love where "His train fills the Temple."

I read expansion as including both the outward and the inward, and do not see how you can have the inward without morality. Or maybe 'morality' just isn't quite the right word.

Thank you for the interesting comment.

Dan Steele

Saturday, April 01, 2023

The Oneness of the Infinite and Eternal God: Omnipotent, Omniscient, and Omnipresent, Source of Everything Else AND INTREGALLY INCLUDING Everything Else

There is no separation between the ineffable No-thing (the Ineffable) and God, and God and His experiential environment. The Ineffable, God, and Creation are ONE THING. Not a thing, really, but more a singleness than three peas in a pod--a package imagining existence which becomes. The ineffable No-thing THINKS, and Its thought is our God. God was and is that part of the ineffable No-thing everything was, is, and ever will be created from and of. The whole thing altogether is developing, becoming, maturing, growing. The Ineffable becomes God, God becomes manifest, His manifestation becomes Him. There is a Son of God and a Son of Man in the last sentence. Can you find them?

If you consider the Ineffable to be something, there is no such thing as nothing.

For the most part, people consider God to be separate and aloof from us, there being some sort of existential gulf between God and His creation. There was God alone, self-existent Power and Intelligence, and nothing else--no light, no darkness, no dimensions, no anything. Then out of the nothing God formed the heavens and the earth and everything within them apart from Himself: "over there." No contact between Him and we, just the giving of form and life by remote control: He thunk it, said it, and it became out of nothing.

Well, I believe that God was the No-thing He made us out of, and that there never has been any actual separation between His being and our being. We are Him, formed. If we are stupid, it is because His imagination is in its initial existence ignorant of what it is and where it is from. We have to catch on because it has to catch on . . . because we are it--we ARE God's imagination godding; that is, imagining. We are God's growth, expansion, and maturing.

"But God doesn't change!" RIGHT!! This is the Ineffable's eternal existence from Its beginning until far beyond the foreseeable future. Get used to it. Like it or not, you ARE God, (of) the Consciousness of the ineffable Most High (...?). Do. What. He. Does. With. The. Honor. Integrity. Fidelity. And. Holiness. He. Has. For that is what we are. BE God in your experiential environment; ASSUME as He does.