The Becoming God

Saturday, June 27, 2020

I'm a Branham

My mother, (Theo) Marie Branham, was the daughter of William Creed Branham (b. 1889 Kansas). There are not many left of this branch of the Branhams, so I am adding it to my Steele surname.

The Fight For Faith

This is the hinge of spiritual warfare:
Knowing what IS,
Knowing what it says,
Knowing what it means,
Believing it is true,
Applying it,
and NOT giving up.
“Faith sees tomorrow as yesterday,”
for faithful is the Promiser:
what should be IS.

Friday, June 26, 2020

Links to Previous Posts About My Holy Spirit Baptism and Gift of Tongues Experience

I have described the experience many times and have sometimes posted it. I did not expect what happened. Once I got started, God took over and was driving the bus, as they say. I was engaged simply because I was there; not learning like it was a school course, but learning because I was witnessing truth. This event has become one of the main anchors of my faith, believed because I lived it.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Revelation is not an Introduction

Knowledge and use of the Law of God, also known as the Law of Attraction, does not constitute God's knowing you, which is the essential thing to be accomplished in this life.

Neville Goddard was an ardent Christian believer. He believed all the Bible, but "not like that" with regard to the traditional way of understanding it. He met the Love of God, and It was a Person. He met the Power of God, and It was a Person. My own conceptualization of Jesus Christ is that 'Jesus', specifically, was the Anointing of YHWH' s person upon a common human man who was prepared mentally, emotionally, and spiritually to submit fully to Jesus, the acting Consciousness of the Ineffable which is YHWH. The man by his submission to YHWH's actions was the 'Christ', the Anointed One. You cannot have Christ actions without the Anointing Spirit being the Actor doing them.

All of this goes without saying, yet Law of Attraction advocates hold that manifestations, which reveal the presence and power of Deity, are Deity-less.

A “gospel” is a reward. You pray. It reveals truth. You get manifestation of your prayer as a reward. There IS the Guy. God as an acting Person. Do you honor Him? Respect Him as God? Father? Husband? Maker? Lord? Do you thank Him? Ask Him what He wishes? Submit to Him? Worship Him? YOU’VE JUST GOTTEN A REVELATION, A DEMONSTRATION THAT HE IS THERE, CONSCIOUS AND IN POWER. IF YOU HAVEN’T DIRTIED YOUR PANTS, YOU SHOULD BE ON YOUR FACE BY NOW.

This is the opportunity for an introduction. Time to say, “Hello.” Introduce yourself: “Yes, I see You there. I am (your name). You are God. I am your, well, whatever I am, I am Yours, and I submit myself fully and completely to you.”


"Many will say to me on that day, 'My Lord, my Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name cast out demons and in your name perform great powers?' And then I will declare to them that, 'I never knew you, go away from me, workers of abomination'" (Matthew 7:22-23 Alexander).

Abomination? Using the Law? Using it without honoring Him Who IS the Law, yes. Manifestation is your evidence!!!

PS: Just happened, Providentially, to start listening to a Curry Blake video about Divine Healing Technology. Listen, please, to just ;30 to 3:00 of this video. It is testimony of a guy, an atheist, who was surprised that the Word of God worked for him, an unbeliever, and recognized that if it is working, the God it is of must be real.

The Four Basic Principles of DHT Healing - March 19, 2017

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

The Gift of Tongues: a Genuine Experience

When the living waters rose in my bowels and their sensation reached my throat, it was not I who spoke in tongues; it was the Holy Spirit. Or Jesus by the Holy Spirit.

I had asked Jesus for the gift of tongues, and got nothing. I was rejected. Crushed, I sought acceptance. Shown by Jesus the error of my ways, I repented, and was ultimately accepted. Overwhelmed with gratitude, praise, and adoration, the sensation of a living water was felt rising in my lower torso. The flooding sensation rose up my bowels to my throat. It wasn't just exciting emotionally; it was exciting physically. My jaw, lips, and tongue started to quiver. "Don't try to control it," said the minister whose hand was upon me. I didn't. With absolutely NO control exercised by me, the electrifying, flooding sensation rose still higher and then spoke through my mouth. I did not consciously move my mouth. I did not try to form any words or contort my lips in any way which would become words. My breath, voice modulation and projection--everything about speaking was controlled by that living water. It took control and did its speaking using me. I simply observed, though my heart, mind, and emotions were virtually flying with appreciation of God's unspeakable mercy.

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

Would You Help Answer This? Response to Comment on Time Travel and Lost Loved Ones

My post Why We Will Never See the Other Time Travel, January 3, 2017, not too long ago received a question:

"What exactly do you propose for those that have lost loved ones due to senseless acts of violence or other untimely circumstances?"


I am not really sure what to do with this question. What do I propose? I could say that we can learn to travel time in imagination, in our consciousness. That is not much different than controlled dreaming. As our immortal body is Imagination, both we and our loved ones are eternal beings. Leaving this experience by any cause, "good, bad, or indifferent," we find ourselves in another experience--this present one usually completely forgotten--and have no hankering to get back to loved ones left. God is playing all the parts--the perpetrator and the victim and us--and is moving on. Unless we have reached the Judgment, we continue to be stimulated to improvement, to becoming more like God in submission and similitude of nature and character. For all is God becoming.

All of this, of course, goes without saying. In my post, I used the example of the woman in The Law and the Promise (p. 19, or search for 'swing'), who as a girl had fallen from a swing and injured her back. Going back in time in imagination, she corrected the experience and was healed. In her imagined revised experience, she ran to her mother to have her watch how she could swing and land correctly without injury. It would be interesting if her mother, if still living, had any recollection of the injurious event.

Asking God, though, what one who had lost loved ones due to senseless acts of violence or other untimely circumstances could DO, I keep hearing: "Stop it!"

"Stop it?"

"Yes. You (all y'all). Stop it. This is the world of your imagination; the world of your making. STOP IT!! Stop making it. It is in your hands to stop what you are imagining and to imagine the world you desire. Things are the way they are because you expect them to be. I am not doing it. That, the stuff 'out there,' is your reward--the Law of YOUR Assumption put into effect. THAT is what you are experiencing. It is all happening on YOUR watch, for it is YOU! If you do not like your manifestation, try MY imagination."

We do not like what is manifest in the world, but we have not resisted imagining it to the shedding of blood. The man Jesus did, and he entered into the world he desired, the world he assumed existed for him, though he had to die to get there. We do not need to die, for that world is GIVEN. For the man Jesus died for all WHO WOULD BELIEVE. Would to God we believed.

An example:
Dr. Frank C. Laubach didn't like illiteracy. It hurt poor people. Illiterates were powerless. He decided to stop it. He started a literacy program in a backwoods village in the Philippines, and by the time he died more than sixty MILLION people had learned to read and write in their own languages! We can change the world by imagining how it ought to be--how God would have it--and by living that. A lived imagination. It is an expectation believed, vocalized, and doggedly pursued. Faith is one foot placed in front of the other again and again and again. Loved ones untimely lost to senseless acts of violence are saying, "How long, O Lord?" I.e., how long until we drag the world to the Lamb by imagining it under His Grace instead of ours?

How would you answer the question posed in the comment? Thanks.

Tuesday, June 09, 2020

Some interesting artifacts from Vic Alexander's old site

Gospel of Mark, chapter 1 recited in the Galilean dialect of the Ancient Aramaic language.
Ancient Aramaic Audio Files
Lord's Prayer from the Ancient Aramaic
The Lord's Prayer

Friday, June 05, 2020

Practice the Person

I believe the Ineffable is a person. This is an imagic world, and what we see everywhere is person: consciouses (the plural: conscious-eez). Every living thing is conscious, and in that is a person. We are a bit more aware of being a person than other living things, but not nearly as aware as the Ineffable. We, as every other living being, are the imagination we have (are), and Imagination is the image of the Ineffable Being we are the manifestation of. We are imagination, the Manifestation of the Ineffable.

It is quite obvious to me, as this image (imagination) fills this experience, that the Ineffable is imagining. The Ineffable is hardly an impersonal force. It is imagining us, and our imagination is Its imagination, also--the Person. If we are It, we ought to be doing what It is doing: thinking like God, Who we are. This evokes the question: How does It think? I propose this little bit: God assumes an end with dogged, tenacious faith. It started a long time ago, and hasn't stopped yet. Practice the Person we are by assuming the end It is--the Ineffable Manifest. Practice the Person you are. Perform Him.

Wednesday, June 03, 2020

Angels Die: In Memory of Minnie Riperton

It is just June and already I am thinking about Minnie Riperton. In 1967, after barely getting through high school because of sloth, I moved to San Francisco. I wasn't there to be a hippie, but I was part of the hippie-ish crowd. The really poor part of the hippie-ish crowd. My parents had sent me there to live with my sister and to get a job. I was a poor working kid waxing philosophical about my lot in life. We hippie-ish waxed philosophical a lot. Part of our escape was music. Mine included The Rotary Connection, whose main singer was Minnie Riperton.

I listened to Minnie through my stint in the Navy and the years following. She had that beautiful voice, and I was always pleased to hear something beautiful about her life. "Minnie Riperton from Rotary Connection? Married now? Solo career? New songs and album? Kids now? Good for her!" I was so glad someone I "knew" was having a beautiful life.

Then came the plaintive songs. She was passing, and knew it. So much to live for, so much that she loved, and she had to go. Just thirty-one, and with little kids. On July 12th, 1979, we heard that Minnie had passed. And every year it bugs me, when July 12th rolls around, that I remember that angels die.

My condolences to her loved ones.

Monday, June 01, 2020

L. has a Lot to Say

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Sun, May 31, 2020 6:36 pm
Subject: RE: Neville Goddard

Hi Dan,

Thank you so much for your wonderful reply! I enjoyed reading your email reply back. I do have some questions. If you don’t have time to answer I understand.

"That is, we can observe that if we think in certain ways, certain things happen. Neville has simply pointed these ways out and suggested that we can control them."

ME: What is hard about this is to drift off in a hypnagogic state just before you go to sleep and try to imagine what you would like to change in your life. To be honest, I don’t require a lot of material things in life. As long as I have food on the table and can pay my bills with enough money left over in case I need it…I am fine. I see a lot of people wanting to materialize cars, houses and so forth. I guess for me its about spiritual growth and to really find God. I was raised Greek Orthodox and have since left the religion. I have since started to meditate and try to visualize. I have a hard time wrapping my head that God came down as human so that we could one day realize we are God.

All the Near Death Experience people say that we are here as spiritual beings to learn lessons and grow while here on Earth.

Neville seemed to think when we die we are in are 20s and don’t realize we are dead only to live in another planet and experience the suffering like we do here on earth. I am not sure I agree. He did not believe in reincarnation either, but it has been proven.

NDE does not support the kind of experience Neville had. Most everyone who has had a NDE report that we go back and we do get a life review where God DOES NOT Punish us. We do have a life review on how we did on earth but there is no punishment from God. And, how forgiving and loving the after life is. Some do not want to come back.

When people come back from NDE they don’t say, hey what I learned from it is that God is your own wonderful human imagination. Or I was told that God came down as human and forgot he was God so that he would one day realize as man that he is God. On the contrary we are told that we are spiritual beings to experience life and learn lessons that help us spiritually grow.

Neville wrote all this 50 years ago when NDE was not heard of. Reincarnation was not talk about it either. He even told this one lady in one of his lectures not to believe in it.

The only reason why I say this is because on many forums there seems to be a Neville Goddard worshiping thing going on. People believe in his Golgotha that when David calls you Father you will know you are God. I am not saying it is wrong, but it is different from what NDE say that is all.

If Neville is correct does God play the part of starving people in Africa who do not know that all they have to do is imagine how it would be if you have food and so forth…Why is it that only people that are not living in oppressed countries can manifest a better life?

Dan, I can assure you I have asked these types of questions on YouTube bloggers who claim to preach the gospel according to Neville. Again, I am not saying he is wrong but a lot of things feel to me as if the teachings kind of contradict themselves…I want truth just like anyone else. If Neville was alive in this day and age, I would of asked him, lol.

"I am not sure this is luciferianism. There seems to be a lot of conditions which suggest what practice, opinion, or attitude is good or bad. Love and unity appear to be good and facilitating of improvement; self-serving and independence appear to be impediments to progress. This is just the way the world we observe is."

ME: This is beautiful what you just said….By luciferin I meant that a lot of people like to use this manifestation for power and greed. What Neville was semi preaching sounds a lot like new thought movement started by Madame Blavatsky, the Russian occultist, philosopher, and author who co-founded the Theosophical Society in 1875 There was a lot of bad things that happened down the line. I will not go into it in this email.

"I promote, as it were, Neville's teachings because they greatly reflect the truth of the way the world truly is, and that is a PERSON. New Thought and LOA people always categorize Neville as being in their camp, but he hardly was. They all believe in an impersonal force we can control. Neville believed in a Person we are the manifestation of, and of whole-hearted submission to that Person. "There is NO 'New Thought'!" he insisted. "There is only the fulfillment of the Word. THAT is our destiny." For the Word (Aramaic: Milta) is the Divine Person we are becoming as we learn to submit to Him. We are to be pockets of Him, channels of His spiritual power into these spheres. That is not taking things upon ourselves, but un-ing ourselves unto Him and His objectives to flow through us, because we are One. That's my philosophy, anyway.

"One last thing before I go: Seeing God and what He is doing, we must teach. How can we face Him when we pass if we do not?"

ME: I am not sure what you mean here. But, I believe we are spiritual beings and I believe love and forgiveness are the ultimate golds…But then again, that is me and maybe my own wonderful imagination..

Dan, thank you so much and I will continue to read your beautiful blogs.



Quite honestly, in all the years I have read and listened to Neville and have perceived the biblical truth of what he says and shared it with others, I have never needed to practice the technique of prayer to get anything. Not that there are no things I would like to change, but I trust God to do that. I was raised in the Methodist Church, left that after high school, got into occult type meditation after the Navy, and became a Pentecostal while living in my pickup truck in Hawaii. In hindsight I see that God has always led me toward His desire for me, so why should I want to screw with that? Success is not getting what I want, but what He wants.

Part of Neville's trick was to go to sleep when he wanted to, not just at the end of the day. At night I'm asleep within seconds of my head hitting the pillow. But the rest of the trick appears to be PRACTICING the technique of movement. He said he did the phone bench thing (imagining that he was there when he wasn't) to get "loose." He admits this looseness can be quite dangerous, as he almost died in this world going into the picture and getting stuck there. The deal of being "there" and believing that you are there, though, I believe is the "two become one" Gregg Braden speaks about being edited out of John 16:23-24 (re the Gospel of Thomas). I'll be writing about this soon in my blog.

Neville believed in not in reincarnation but in restoration; that we are restored to three-dimensional experience without punishment. Reincarnation carries the religious idea of getting whacked/judged for your karma, which Neville didn't buy into. And some readers corrected me, that restoration is back to being a twenty-something again in THIS life, but on different track of imagination. I blogged earlier that if this is the case, all these life experiences would be lived simultaneously! "Once to die" would be entering this bush of life experiences as a child, sequentially imagining branches of lives (lived simultaneously) from the root childhood, and then the judgment of accomplishment for this one life. Then on to other lives, other planets, experiences in other terrestrial spheres (eternity is a really long time, and we have so far to go).

God came down as one man? It came down as all. One guy got UP to exemplifying/"being" the Word of God.

Suffering/discontentment is the way we progress. That is what Mother Mary means. Why would a good God do that? Who else is there? All y'all is nothing but God. All is done by It, TO It, and It isn't bothered by anything (even starvation). Nothing else will motivate us to go. Someone asked today, "What exactly do you propose for those that have lost loved ones due to senseless acts of violence or other untimely circumstances?" Well, what of it? They were and are God, the perpetrator was and is God, you are God--this is YOUR world. Oddly, the question was on a post about time travel. In imagination you can be in your loved ones' time with them. Otherwise they are on another track and you can simply appreciate the time you had with them (welcome to Chinese bai' bai').

About NDEs not supporting Neville's teachings:
They certainly do not contradict them. Watch where the Death Experience testimony is coming from; usually Christians or semi-religious people who are learning through biblical illustrations. Their Death Experience follows suit with how they already think. Neville's teachings are an ANALYSIS of what is happening there. That God became man that man might become God is WHY they are having the Death Experience, not the teaching in it. Knowing the why buys us nothing but some understanding of the mechanics of what is going on. Get wisdom from the NDE, and get understanding of it. The thing is, it IS going on. THAT is what we get out of NDEs. Consider Jonah. He was a called prophet who knew about God but was not fully on board with being serious about it. A storm of afflictions sets in and he dies. But the Death Experience is a state prepared for him to become fully convinced and serious in DOING it. The Ninevites--our thoughts--already believed that God could kill them en mass, as we all do, but with Jonah's Death Experience they became enlightened as to how serious this spiritual stuff really is. When you repent, keep repented. And take the scriptures' spiritual meaning seriously.

I am pretty sure that if you look into it, you will find that near death experiences and reincarnation have been known about, even in America, for more than the last 50 years.

What part does God play in the starving masses of people, the suffering everywhere? Is it that they simply have to believe that they already have, and they will have? Hardly. A better question might be: what part does the concept of separation from God have to do with peoples' starvation? Like NDEs make you serious about oneness with God, serious belief in one's oneness with God might solve the having bit.

I do not understand why you and others are so hung up about Blavatsky and Crowley and Lucifer. They are not coming to get you. They are not worth squat nor the waste of time being concerned about them. We have the scriptures; they ARE worth the time. You don't see Isaiah or Jeremiah shaking in their boots because of Blavatsky or the Theosophical Society. Resist the ignorance, and the ignorance will flee. There is nothing, NOTHING worth more than realizing that we are the One and that the One is us--YHWH, the Triune God. We have simply GOT to become It becoming through us.

Dan Steele

See John 16:23-24 Without Ulerior Motives