The Becoming God

Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Like the Nephilim, Another Misunderstood Death: Matthew 12:40--Three Days and Three Nights in the Earth

Continuing from

"Three days and three nights in the heart of the earth" has nothing to do with anyone but you.

Three days and three nights represents a perfect and complete time. It refers to the experience we have in this earth in this state of death. "Death" is our ignorance and confusion resulting from our crucifixions (plural) upon these bodies, in which we suffer an amnesia. We all died in Christ in the Beginning — “it is appointed unto man once to die.” We are the spirit of God breathed into these bodies. Each time we enter life our death continues in that we forget anew. We do bring with us our general personality and interest in things, but however long it takes for us to wake up perfectly and completely from our initial death, it is "three days and three nights." Our waking up completely unto awareness of being one with God is “the Judgment.”

I do not know why this is hard to understand. Jesus said, "As Jonah was three days and three nights in the belly of the whale . . . " Jonah was, like everyone of us, a prophet (God's consciousness) unwilling to do what God wanted. Our rebellion--wanting our own ways--is the result of this ignorance. Jonah spent a perfect and complete time in the belly of this whale--“life,” which is really death--and woke up to do God's will. To go preach to the Ninevites, those whose God is Ashur, the Creator God--the imagination, whom they were not honoring.

The point of the crucifixion story is psychological, not historical. As Victor Alexander observes in his translation from the ancient Aramaic, Jesus did NOT say that he was forsaken by God; he said that he--being we--was DESTINED by God to it (stated as "For this you destined me" in his Story of Jesus). I.e., to this experience, for our waking up to be completed and perfected in our awareness of Godhood, each of us in our personal resurrection.

The Law of Assumption and the Law of Moses

We are told to keep the law. This raises a number of questions. Who is being told, and which law? To what end, and why? And how does one keep the law?

The Bible is to me a giant prayer manual. Learning how to pray is the essential. You learn how to pray, and everything else sorts itself out. E.g., Is there a God? Duh. What else do you think answered your prayer?

Prayer is the prime success tactic. It puts your head in the right place emotionally and attitudinally. Prayer does not depend on religion, but it does depend on respect. Because respect, honor, and gratitude are right and fitting in the nature of God. The nature of God is the Law everything in the universe is constrained by. He creates everything, so his intention is the limit of everything. In his will he assumes what is, and it becomes. As he assumes is as far as it can go. And as we are him, in his nature we enjoy incredible leeway and tolerance: we can assume anything he would (because we are him).

But that showing respect, honor, and gratitude; they are right and fit, how do they fit in? They are something of a payment demonstrating a loving relationship within the organic whole of God. Napoleon Hill has one of the most unusual requirements in his Law of Success: determine what you will pay for it. Then he is silent on what to pay and how. My assumption is the Law of Moses--we will behave faithfully in this honoring way: we will do certain things, and we will eschew certain things, to demonstrate that we love, honor, and respect you.

The ancient Jews signed up for this, and even wear little beanie hats to remind themselves that the universal consciousness over them is watching to make sure they do it. He cares not about the hats and observances, but the truth of their love, honor, and respect. What will you do to demonstrate your love and gratitude?

Regardless of Religion, Do Not Eschew Prayer

Having been raised in this "Christian" society, I cannot blame you for not being into religion. I sometimes feel religion is God's greatest enemy. I believe God uses religion, though, to flag the fact that he is really here. Religion provides testimony that some invisible force is real and influences things with intention. WE might not understand it, but people prayed, miraculous things happened, so they started a religion about it. Because "when it works, you have found Him" (Neville) Religions attest THAT PRAYER WORKS!!

That is why I hope you will not eschew prayer. You cannot go far back in any language without finding that much of what the ancients talked about was the efficacy of prayer. Any religion, I dare say every religion, focuses on this one thing: PRAYER HAS POWER. Or at least it communicates to some invisible consciousness which does have power AND WHICH DOES RESPOND.

You cannot find many things more attested to than prayer. There have been about 107 billion homo-sapiens on earth, and I believe most of them would insist that rocks are hard, fire is hot, you need air to breath, there is spirit, and getting old sucks. Millions of regular people have sworn to having experienced spirit in various forms: gods, ghosts, sprites, astral projections, angels, souls, and EFFECTUAL PRAYER. Second Chronicles 7:14 was written about three thousand years ago: "If . . . My people on whom My name is called be humbled, and pray, and seek My face, and turn back from their evil ways, then I--I hear from the heavens, and forgive their sin, and heal their land" (Young's Literal Translation). Look at the prominence prayer had back then. It hasn't gone away. The only future involved in the passage is the 'if.' "My people," I believe, are the thoughts in our imaginations. The big consciousness is saying, "If you little bits of me imagine AS I, I will fix things." So be humbled and pray AS THE CONSCIOUSNESS.

I am not asking you to kneel down before some guy of light in a big chair on some planet somewhere. I am asking you to respectfully consider the universal consciousness we are all of and to honor it as our father, our Source. Prayer does not depend on religion, but it does depend on respect and recognition. There is no greater strategy for success than to be the child of the consciousness which is the Orchestrator of the Universe.

I could go on about the law of reversibility, inverse transformation, metaphysics, etc., but I direct you to the books and lectures of Neville Goddard and Joseph Murphy, all available free on the Internet. And I have over nine hundred posts in my blogs. You can read Neville, Joseph, and me, and listen to the hundreds of audios of them on I have a page on the most PRACTICAL lectures by Neville, which see. But let's cut to the chase:

The big thing is prayer. Prayer is assumption. Assumption because God assumes, and we are God. For we cannot be of him without also being him. We ourselves are the spirits, the life and the consciousness of these bodies, breathed into them. We have forgotten in this sleep. We need to remember--relearn--how to assume. I wrote this the other day: "The consciousness which Gods (directs) us assumes that it IS what it assumes itself to be. It assumes it has the power to be anything it wants to be. In the beginning evening it realizes there is no light. It decides to be light, and becomes light. And so at the end of each day, it realizes there is something it is not yet, and it assumes to be that thing, and becomes it." The. Ineffable's. consciousness. imagination. is. the. No-thing. every. thing. is. made. of.

That consciousness/imagination is also our consciousness and imagination, and their link is our sub-conscious. The Orchestrator especially hears when we pray in the sub-conscious. That is when we a) are less than seven years old; b) are in a relaxed state of mind; or c) are just about to fall asleep. I have heard that this is the theta state of mind. There is suspension of some sort of thought in this state which allows the entrance of faith. We assume that what we desire IS. That it exists "fer real" in our immediate presence. That we presently are where and when it does exist in all the ways we want it to. We thoroughly experience it. We are thinking from that place--seeing, hearing, feeling, acting in that place. We assume it really is real, and praise and thank God for it, for praise and thanks in achieved assumption IS prayer. N'Goodnight. We go to sleep enjoying THERE.

I am going to go ahead and post this. Do not be surprised if I come back and add or change things.

Like this:

The thing to assume is the end that you want. Neville has many lectures and stories about living in the end. Assume that you already have the end you desire. ""When you pray, believe you received, and you shall have" (Mark 11:24). E.g.:

Neville wanted to go to his family home in Barbados. His mentor told him, "You are in Barbados." This was Neville's first experience with assumption. To imagine the end of being in Barbados, he believed he slept in his regular bed in his family's home on the island. Falling asleep, he EXPERIENCED that. He got the trip.

On a different journey, he needed tickets for passage back to New York. The end of getting-the-tickets he assumed was his boarding the ship with his family, with the emotions of sorrow for leaving his island family and the anticipated joy of returning to his American home. He got the tickets.

A lady had for two years been cut off from her daughter-in-law and grandson. She imagined receiving and reading two conciliatory letters from them as she fell asleep. And she received the letters and the reconciliation.

A man's piano was stolen. Neville imagined listening to his friend beautifully play the piano. The piano was found and returned.

That friend was confronted by a drunk beggar. He imagined the drunk sober and fit and fully employed, "in need of nothing." A few weeks later he was confronted by the same man again, sober, fit, and need of nothing, who gave him his thanks.

There are dozens of these instances given as examples of ends taken to change the situation of the takers. Were they all written down, the world could not contain all the books that would be written.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

The Nephilim are the Dead Imaginings Which Make a Giant Mess of Our Lives Before Conversion

A received e-mail:

Hi. I have read your post about the flood and its symbolism for rising in consciousness above the flood of "facts" - and I hold the same interpretation of that story. I am wondering how you might interpret the story of the Nephilim ("sons of God") mating with the daughters of men (antediluvian humans) in Genesis, because some cite this as reason to postulate and perpetuate a theory of humans being alien hybrids (I'm sure you must have encountered that conspiracy before). I'm curious your thoughts.

Anonymous at 12:30

Dear Anonymous at 12:30,

You might be one who can follow my thoughts on this. Excellent question, by the way. I would not have a freakin’ clue as to how to understand this passage without my Companion Bible by Bullinger. I do not agree with him, but without him I would not know what was actually said. Even Victor Alexander does not touch this. The passage, Genesis 6:1-8, is parenthetical. Before it, Noah is 500 years old and has begotten Shem, Ham, and Japheth. Immediately after it, Noah is perfect in his ways and has begotten Shem, Ham, and Japheth. The 500 is 100 times 5, perfect grace. Noah was perfect in his ways. These two are one thing. Shem, by the way, was the youngest. In the Bible, the youngest gets the blessing, which is what is underway here. But, of course, they were not people.

All is psychological and is about YOUR mind. You are the only person being spoken of in this passage. This was not after Adam, but is about Adam. ‘Men’ in 6:1 is singular with article: the Adam—male and female ('them' at the end of the verse). These two are one thing: your consciousness (the literal meaning of Adam is "God's blood"--Roy Blizzard). The sons of God are the thoughts of your imagination. Your daughters becoming wives are the generation of your image in this world under your own self-lordship. Unsubmitted to God, you are a stinking thief. No offense.

All this is in contrast to Noah, your enlightened knowing better. It calls us back to the Adam and Eve story where they (you) have given birth to Cain, a corrupted imagination, who forgot and killed Abel. Cain‘s line is our yucky, selfish, proud life in rebellion due to ignorance. This parenthesis is a recap of that wickedness and corruption from the amnesia/crucifixion of Christ—us—here. From which YHWH is now cleaning up his act. “It repenteth him” looks back at chapter 5. We are by these attitudes (the antediluvian patriarchs DEFINED) on our way to ascension in mind (the flood), which will manifest in our resurrection: Abraham, Isaac, Israel, and Joseph, the father of Jesus, which is the Jethro Moses was burdened to understand, God’s excellence becoming manifest in and through and as us.

PS: A bit more on such interpretation:

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Do Not Tell Anyone vs Prayer Partners

I have read several places that we ought not tell anyone when we are trying to cause something by imagining. For "they will discourage you." That is, they'll think you're nuts. Yes, do not cast your pearls before unbelievers, for they will turn and rend you.

But, “For where two or three are gathered in my name--his nature (i.e., imagining together)--I am there among them” (Matthew 18:20 Alexander, parenthesis mine). He being the consciousness which is our God and ourselves. If you have a friend or a partner, a group of like-minded people who are on the same page with you, be a church. Consider these three Chinese holy rollers (thank you, Gregg Braden).

More Neville on Successful Prayer

I stumbled upon Neville's book Resurrection more than a decade ago. While I read about the law of reversibility, I really didn't understand it. HOW it worked was above my pay grade. As I live life and observe, I see that it unquestionably DOES work. The rich and the poor both have their beliefs within them, and they manifest accordingly. Neville explained the law of reversibility in dozens of ways for dozens of years in his books and lectures, and he constantly emphasized that one has to DO it--to intentionally imagine, that is--for anything to happen.

What Neville said about telepathic influence in Resurrection was not new to me. The broadcasting of thought is an old idea much evidenced. It's what got me into the occult and then Christianity in the first place. But the law of reversibility and inverse transformation took some time to get. Neville's first experience with it remains one of the clearest explanations. Imagine New York city in winter during the Great Depression. Neville was an out of work dancer. He latches onto an old Ethiopian teacher of kabbalah. For the first time in years, Neville suddenly has an overwhelming desire to visit his home in Barbados. And his teacher, Abdullah, says, "You are in Barbados."

"Well, no, thank you, I am right here in New York," thinks Neville. "I am in Barbados?"

"Yes, you are in Barbados, and you went there first class!"

For a penniless bloke in depression era New York, that was quite laughable. But Neville agreed to imagine as he fell asleep that he was in his own bed in his parents' home in Barbados. And, as I recall, to live in New York with a mind that he was actually in Barbados. New York in November and December bears little resemblance to tropical Barbados. There was something about snow on a sidewalk wider than any palm-lined road on the island that made it hard for Neville to mentally put himself there.

"It isn't working," Neville complained.

Abdullah was furious: "We cannot discuss how to get there if you are already there! You are in Barbados, and you went there first class!!" Slam!

And then the check and the tickets came. Unrequested from Barbados. And Neville sailed first class.

You cannot write it off as a happy coincidence if it keeps happening, and for Neville and his students it kept happening. People have been preaching about the power of prayer for, perhaps, as long as there has been language. The question for the learner has always been: "What do you do to do it?"

First of all, says Neville, you have to know exactly what you want. Second, you have to select a scene of action which implies that you already HAVE exactly what you want. You only do this action because you HAVE what you want. So your scene of action is a little later. E.g., I want a bagel, so I have the taste still in my mouth as I say thanks for it . . . it was good. I want a job, so my friends and family congratulate me for having got it. I want a sale, so I see the signatures on the contract, or the bank statement for the deposit. Or I hear the customer accept the conditions, or receive my manager's praise for my performance. If I need to reach some amount on my computer screen, I see it there. I create some SHORT action which implies that I have actually received from God what I wanted. And if I receive it from his intention, I have it. And, of course, the important thing is to feel the reality of that having.

An interesting aside: Robert Young, in his introduction to Young's Literal Translation of the Bible, points out that there was no future tense in the ancient Hebrew language. Of course, they knew that it was all psychological and so no future was necessary. But the translators needed time reference, so they invented future auxiliaries where there were none. For us, there is no 'will' or 'shall.' Either I do or do not, am or am not, have or have not.

While I am on language, the Hebrew word 'hayah' is, in my mind, excruciatingly important. It is 1961 in Strong's Exhaustive Concordance's Hebrew and Chaldee dictionary. It is translated as is, am, are, was, were, be, shall be, should be, caused, brake, are done, accomplished, happened, become, quit . . . and others. It is the I AM in "I AM THAT I AM" (Exodus 3:14). While there was no future tense, hayah implies TRANSITION. Let that bloweth your mind. No future, but transition, becoming. My mind is blown.

Okay. You know what you want, and you have a short action demanded of your having received it. Now you relax, calm, and quiet yourself. It is tranquil mind time. To my knowledge, Neville never mentioned theta level consciousness, but I think that is where you are heading. You get into a drowsy, sleepy, relaxed state where you are ready to dream, but still in full control of your thoughts, and you imagine. You imagine your action as real. You assume that it is. You are THERE, thinking from the place you are imagining as if you really were there. Where you are physically is distant from where you are mentally, but YOU are there where you are mentally, not where you are physically. You see the reality of that place - see it, feel it, hear it, smell it. And there with your friends, family, or whoever, you do and redo your action until it feels completely natural and real in thought, emotion, and feeling. And in the doing of it, you fall asleep.

That is, may I say, the preferred technique. You do not want to do it while you are driving. Neville reports many incidents where people simply quieted themselves while they are standing or walking, talking with a friend, or thinking. They hear as though they really heard, see as though they really saw, and feel as though they really felt . . . what they would feel, see, or hear were really true that they had what they wanted. Maybe you do not want to do this while you are driving, either. For God's sake, drive carefully all the time.

"Try it!": Neville Goddard on Successful Prayer

I want nothing more than your success. So I suggest prayer. Prayer is powerful beyond all your imagination. Try it. Give prayer a chance. DO it.

I previously read the Bible as a record of literal history. I was wrong. It is all psychological. It largely teaches one person, you, how to pray, and it forms your conscious to be able to pray successfully. For when prayer works, you have found God. Where? In your skull as your imagination. THAT is God. God is your awareness of being, your "I am" consciousness. It is your imagination which says, "I am that 'I am'" (Exodus 3:14). God is your imagination which becomes everything you want to be, your Jehovah Jireh ("In the mount YHWH provides" -- Genesis 22:14).

There is the solution for you: "become everything you want to be" in prayer. If in prayer you become what to want to be, your imagination - God - will become in life what you have become in mind. You want to be successful. Become successful in your mind: "I am that." Be successful first in mind. Do not imagine the feeling of wanting to be successful. Imagine instead the feeling of success of BEING successful. It is your imagined experience which becomes your manifest experience.

You have to imagine it, though. Mentally become what you want--assume that what you want is really received, with praise and thanksgiving to God for it. This can be done on the run while engaged in a task, but in any case, prayer is "the feeling of fulfilled desire."

I have read Neville Goddard for years (I am a slow reader and an even slower learner). All of Neville's books and most of his lectures are about prayer (and almost all are available free on the Internet in text, pdf, and audio forms). Please allow me to present a bit of his Prayer - The Art of Believing, from his Resurrection compilation of books:

"The first requirement (of prayer) is a controlled imagination." (Parentheses mine. Prayer is not your idle thoughts or wishful thinking. It is your imagination controlled by you.)

"Its exercise requires tranquility and peace of mind." Prayer is not forced with effort.

"The universal law of reversibility is the foundation on which its (this book's) claims are based." Here is the weirdness which throws everyone off: the universal law of reversibility. What the heck is the universal law of reversibility? It is one of the most important laws, an element of God's nature, you will ever learn:

". . . all transformations of force are reversible. If heat can produce mechanical motion, so mechanical motion can produce heat. If electricity produces magnetism, magnetism too can develop electric currents. If the voice can cause undulatory currents, so can such currents reproduce the voice, and so on. Cause and effect, energy and matter, action and reaction are the same and inter-convertible."

The law of reversibility is the law, or principle, if you would, which allows for inverse transformation: cause and effect THE OTHER WAY. Instead of a cause causing an effect, you have an effect causing a cause. Prayer rides this pony. Your mentally imagined prayer establishes an effect. THAT is “the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1):

"If a physical fact can produce a psychological state, a psychological state can produce a physical fact. If the effect (a) can be produced by the cause (b), then inversely, the effect (b) can be produced by the cause (a). 'Therefore I say unto you, what things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye have received them, and ye shall have them' (Mark 11:24 E.R.V.).

"If your realized prayer produces in you a definite feeling or state of consciousness, then, inversely, that particular feeling or state of consciousness must produce your realized prayer. Because all transformations of force are reversible, you should always assume the feeling of your fulfilled wish. You should awaken within you the feeling that you are and have that which heretofore you desired to be and possess. This is easily done by contemplating the joy that would be yours were your objective an accomplished fact, so that you live and move and have your being in the feeling that your wish is realized."

Chapter two of Prayer - The Art of Believing, deals with the dual nature of consciousness: awareness and the subconscious. "What we are conscious of is constructed out of what we are not conscious of. Not only do our subconscious assumptions influence our behavior but they also fashion the pattern of our objective existence." " Through prayer, the subconscious is suggested into acceptance of the wish fulfilled, and, reasoning deductively, logically unfolds it to its legitimate end."

"Man transmits ideas to the subconscious through his feelings. The subconscious transmits ideas from mind to mind through telepathy. Your unexpressed convictions of others are transmitted to them without their conscious knowledge or consent, and if subconsciously accepted by them will influence their behavior. The only ideas they subconsciously reject are your ideas of them which they could not wish to be true of anyone. Whatever they could wish for others can be believed of them, and by the law of belief which governs subjective reasoning, they are compelled to subjectively accept, and therefore objectively express, accordingly."

"PRAYERS are not successfully made unless there is a rapport between the conscious and subconscious mind of the operator. This is done through imagination and faith. By the power of imagination all men, certainly imaginative men, are forever casting forth enchantments, and all men, especially unimaginative men, are continually passing under their power." You want to be the imaginative one: "the only restraint he can obey is the mysterious instinct that teaches him to eliminate all moods other than the mood of the fulfilled desire."

"Imagination and faith are the only faculties of the mind needed to create objective conditions. The faith required for the successful operation of the law of consciousness is a purely subjective faith and is attainable upon the cessation of active opposition on the part of the objective mind of the operator. It depends on your ability to feel and accept as true what your
objective senses deny.

"Neither the passivity of the subject nor his conscious agreement with your suggestion is necessary, for without his consent or knowledge he can be given a subjective order which he must objectively express. It is a fundamental law of consciousness that by telepathy we can have immediate communion with another.

"To establish rapport, you call the subject mentally. Focus your attention on him and mentally shout his name just as you would to attract the attention of anyone. Imagine that he answered, and mentally hear his voice. Represent him to yourself inwardly in the state you want him to obtain. Then imagine that he is telling you in the tones of ordinary conversation what you want to hear. Mentally answer him. Tell him of your joy in witnessing his good fortune. Having mentally heard with all the distinctness of reality that which you wanted to hear and having thrilled to the news heard, return to objective consciousness. Your subjective conversation must awaken what it affirmed."

". . . get into the spirit of these mental conversations and give them the same degree of reality that you would a telephone conversation. 'If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth' (Mark 9:23). 'Therefore, I say unto you, what things soever you desire, when you pray, believe that ye received them, and ye shall have them' (Mark 11:24). The acceptance of the end wills the means. And the wisest reflection could not devise more effective means than those which are willed by the acceptance of the end. Mentally talk to your friends as though your desires for them were already realized."

Please see the rest of Prayer - The Art of Believing, and the other books in Resurrection.

See More Neville on Successful Prayer

Sunday, January 20, 2019

The Purpose of the Church is to Teach Prayer: Theology is Formative to that End: "I AM the I AM Who Prays"

All Neville Goddard ever taught was how to pray. His theology and metaphysics were formative to that end, that his audience might know who they were to be praying. This idea is very useful in understanding the Bible. The Kingdom of God is his power, not his place or the extension of his rule. Faith is the conviction of what is, not what will be. Because the Father is all consciousness, he is all the subsets, too. God is a Person who is all persons and who does all things.

Neville Goddard taught theology and prayer--the Law, which is God's NATURE; and the Promise, our becoming him. Our inner man's nature is God's nature hidden within us. We are here to reveal it. To be it. To manifest him. If we pray biblically, the Truth will become known. This is what the church is called out for.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Note on "Interesting Things to Think About #3: the Rules of Prayer": the Gospel is Real

After posting Interesting Things to Think About #3: The Rules of Prayer, it occurred to me that I had no clue as to how anyone not baptized in the Holy Spirit could really pray. I can hardly lay out as a rule that to properly pray you must be born from on high, but I must. The Bible is quite clear about it: "Amen, amen, I say to you, if [the] human [being] is not born from above (lit. Aramaic: from the head), they cannot see the Kingdom of Allaha" (John 3:3 Alexander). Young's Literal Translation says, "he is not able to see the reign of God."

How can a person believe in a thing if they have never heard of it? Abdullah did not teach Neville Goddard about the Promise, because Abdullah had never heard of the Promise. I mean he had, but he had never experienced it. Abdullah knew the scriptures backwards and forwards, but that does not mean he knew the Promise as one would by experience. Neville only learned it through experience: "What the heck was that?" How does one not baptized in the Holy Spirit yet enter that experience to actually pray?

When I knelt to ask for the gift of tongues in Hawaii, I had no idea what was about to happen. I was as much as captured by the trance which brought me into the baptism in the Holy Spirit. I could not on my own pursue that which I did not know. I had to discover by experience, so God took me over!

I had had one certain experience before I asked for the gift of tongues which gave me great perspective. In an earlier meditation of an occult nature, I encountered a demon. A real demon, a deceiving spirit, which had led me to the point of possession. That this "demon" was of my own ignorance is beside the point; it was real. As I encountered it, I was suddenly made able to see that this spirit needed my permission (by the lowering of my own natural authority over it) to enter my mind where it might wrest control. I recognized that this eye-opening action upon my mind was performed by Someone who did not need my permission to deal with my mind, because he was of a higher authority than I. Obviously, there was a real Lord monitoring my mind and powerful to act effectually in my real life. THAT was an absolute certainty I had going into this prayer.

Having had that experience with God/Jesus, and having seen people baptized in the Holy Spirit at the House of Praise in Kaimuki, when I asked for the gift of tongues and found myself rejected, I took that rejection seriously. Dead seriously. In terror. When it says, "The fear of YHWH is the beginning of wisdom" (Proverbs 1:7), yeah, it really means fear.

Going into the prayer I was in one kind of relationship with God, and after the trance that ensued I was in another kind of relationship with God. God deals with each relationship differently. These kinds of relationships are dispensations, or in Greek, oikonomia--administrations or ways he deals with us. It is like he has different households: God administers each household or relationship according to its own level, whether we be saints or swine. He wants us to be constantly moving to better households. After the prayer/trance, I had an entirely different attitude, mindset, and worldview than I'd had going into it.

What changed for me in that trance was the state of my inner nature. I went into the prayer as the lord of my life. I had always lived as though my life were my own. I decided what I wanted to do, and I did whatever I wanted (or at least whatever I thought I could get away with). Becoming a Christian in Kaimuki, I had "given" myself to God. But I did so as his peer, reservedly, as though I was simply loaning myself to him. If I did not like what he did with me, I was going to take myself back! In the trance, God called bs on me. I saw the Lordship of God over my creation, that "my" life was His! He owns me. I was a thief! My life's my-ness was an illusion of my ignorance. Suddenly, I wanted nothing more in life than to abandon this claim, to get rid of my rebellious filth, to very literally un- everything of my having any form of control over myself. I was ready for flat-out prostration.

From my prior experience in occult exercises, I was able to cast self-control out of myself, and in that total and complete surrender and submission I was finally accepted by God and baptized in the Holy Spirit.

What does one do in lieu of that?

I am NOT saying that there is a do-it-yourself baptism in the Holy Spirit. I am saying that the Kingdom of God has to do with attitudes, and we are in charge of that. God would not tell us to go somewhere if there were not someway for us to get there. Neville noted that 'repentance' means a radical change of mind, a total shift. He also noted that repentance and prayer are nearly synonymous terms. And I am telling you that God can take you over. We are invited into experience: "Ask and it shall be given to you, seek and you will find. Knock and it shall be opened to you. For whoever asks, receives* (is set), and [whoever] seeks, finds. And whoever knocks, it is opened to them. Or which man among you, when his son asks him for bread, why, does he hand him a rock? Or asks him for a fish, why, does he hand him a snake? And if so you who are wicked know the performance of good deeds toward* (to give to) your children, how much more your father in heaven shall bless* (proffer goodness to) those who ask him?" (Matthew 7: 7-11 Alexander). Cf. Luke 11:9-11 . . . "If you, who are wicked, know the performance of blessings to be imparted for your children, how more greatly your Father from heaven shall dispense the Holy Spirit to those that ask for it? For whoever asks, receives, and [whoever] seeks, finds and [whoever] knocks, it will be opened to him."

Our Father is the consciousness we are of, and I suppose you could say that the Holy Spirit is his consciousness, just as we are that consciousness in ignorance. We are all working on awareness to make consciousness manifest, and that, again, has to do with attitudes. We can do attitudes. We can attain attitudes of faith and trust, humility and submission, exaltation and praise, confidence and belief, expectation and relief, adoration and gratitude, exuberance and assurance. The thing is, in imagination (and by that I mean in a relaxed, theta state imagining) we assume them all as existing: “Isn’t it wonderful!!?” It is a place to find, for sure.

Happily, prayer experience gives evidence. “When it works, you have found him” (Neville). Nothing convinces like prayer fulfilled. That is why the Bible is a prayer manual, and why Neville taught prayer constantly, which is the subject of my next post.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Neville Goddard-like Revision in the Silva Method gives me suggestions of videos to watch. This one explains why the Silva Method of Meditation works: the revision and assumption that Neville Goddard taught! A comment on the video notes that "the real thing starts at 15:27. I would note that the revision and assumption part starts at 17:27. Whether it is the Silva Method, the Law of Attraction, It Works! by Jarrett, Abdullah's instruction to Neville that "You are in Barbados," or the promises of the Bible, it is the method of revision and assumption that works.

Monday, January 07, 2019

He: The Surprise Beginning of Mark 1 You Have Never Seen

I know very few words in the ancient Aramaic language. Maybe about a dozen, all from what I have read in Victor Alexander's translations and writings. One word is the first in the Gospel according to Mark, "Awon-galee-yoon," or, "He reveals." Even Alexander translates the first verse of Mark, "The beginning of the Revelation* of Jesus Christ,* Son of God." But his note (below) on the word Revelation makes the translation intended by Mark, "He reveals Jesus Christ, Son of God." The question NOT asked by us because of the mistranslation, but which WAS asked by Mark's Aramaic speaking audience, was: "He who? Who is it who reveals Jesus Christ, Son of God?" Mark had a very good hook for those who could read it!

Mark is not exactly direct in his answer. "Jesus Christ, Son of God," by the way, is also not translated. 'Jesus' is yod-hey-vav, Yah (Jehovah), with a shin for consumption of the existing and an ayin, eyes for seeing as done the provision of salvation, i.e., He reveals YHWH’S REVISION, or perhaps, He reveals YHWH’S REVISING ASSUMPTION. Alexander translates this Jesus ('Eashoa' in Aramaic) as "The Life-Giving, Living Branch." 'Christ' is, of course, Msheekha, or Messiah, the Anointed. Would this be, “He reveals the Life-giving, Living Branch, YHWH’s ANOINTING upon us, Son of God”?

Something errant in our interpretation or understanding of the question is: we misread Mark as history, whereas he intended, I believe, for all this to be understood within the person of the reader. I.e., all within our head-ball. "The Anointed Life-Giver" is revealed WITHIN US by some certain party, "He." It is revealed to us. There is a messenger sent before our face, a consciousness who comes in our Season of Grace to compel us to consecrate our lives to this God within. Everything is fine and dandy while we are wasting our lives, and then comes "Nussrat d'Ga-lee-la," meaning, "Victorious Revelation": "Time is up. Get serious about your spiritual life, about consciousness."

Despite our seeming unworthiness, God fills us with the Holy Spirit (also here now, not there then, and FEMALE in gender), and there is established that relation with God which we KNOW. Yes, the rubber has met the road, and they are one. Thus He reveals us to be the anointed one. DO NOT READ THE REST AS HISTORICAL OR AS EXTERNAL.

Mark 1 (parentheses mine)

1. The beginning of the Revelation* of (i.e., He reveals) Jesus Christ (the Anointing to YHWH’s constant revision),* Son of God.

2. As it was written by Isaiah the Prophet, that, "Behold, I shall send my messenger before your face, to lay out your path.

3. "The voice that cries in the wilderness, 'Consecrate the path of the Lord, and lay down his avenues.'"

4. There was John in the wilderness, and he preached the Baptism of Grace for the forgiveness of sins.

5. And there came out to him all the inhabitants of Judea and the children of Jerusalem, and he baptized them in the Jordan River, as they confessed their sins.

6. John wore clothes made from camel hair and tied a leather belt on his back, and his food was the grasshoppers and honey of the wilderness.

7. And he preached and said, "Behold, there comes one after me, who is mightier than me, whom I am not even worthy of untying the belts of his sandals.*

8. "I baptize you with water, however he will baptize you by the holy Spirit.

9. And it happened in those days, Jesus came from Nazareth of Galilee,* and he was baptized in the Jordan River by John.

10. And at once when he rose from the water, he saw the heaven split open and the Spirit like a dove descending over him.

11. And the voice from heaven, "You are my beloved Son, in you I am fulfilled."

12. And at once the spirit drove him to the wilderness.

13. And he was there in the wilderness forty days, as he was tempted by Satan, and he was with beasts and the angels ministered to him.

14. After John was betrayed, Jesus came to Galilee, and preached the Hope of the Kingdom of God,

15. And he said, "The Age has ended (ed. note: i.e., the prophesied Season of Grace is finished),* and the Kingdom of God has arrived. Repent and believe in the Hope [of Salvation.]

16. And as he traveled around the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew, throwing their nets in the sea. For they were fishermen.*

17. And Jesus told them, "Follow me, and I will make you hunters of men."

18. And at once they left their fishing and followed after him.

19. And after a little, he saw James, son of Zebedee, and they were also in their fishing boat, pulling in their catch.

20. And he called them. And at once they left their father Zebedee with the hired help and went after him.

21. And as they entered Capernaum, at once he began teaching at their synagogue,

22. And they were amazed at his knowledge, for he taught as an authority and not as their scribes.

23. And there was a man in their synagogue who was possessed by a demon,* and he cried out,

24. And said, "What do we have to do with you, Jesus the Nazarane?* Have you come to vanquish us? I know who you are, holy One of God."

25. And Jesus rebuked him and said, "Shut your mouth and get out of him."

26. And the demon racked him and cried out in a loud voice and emerged out of him.

27. And they were all amazed and they asked one another and said, "Who is this? And what is this new knowledge, that with authority he commands even the demons and they obey him?"

28. And at once his name became known* in all* of Galilee.

29. And they went out of the synagogue and came to the house of Simon and Andrew, together with James and John.

30. And Simon's mother-in-law was bedridden* with fever, and they told him about her.

31. And he approached, took her by the hand and raised her, and at once the fever left her, and she ministered to them.

32. In the evening, at sunset, there came to him those who were terribly ill and and the demon possessed,

33. And the whole town had gathered at the door.

34. And he healed many who were racked by various serious illnesses and he cast out many demons, and he did not allow the demons to speak, because they knew who he was.

35. And before it was quite morning, he went to the wilderness and there he prayed.

36. And Simon and those with him were searching for him.

37. And as they found him, they said to him, "Everybody* is looking for you."

38. He told them, "Let us go back to the village and nearby towns, so I may preach there as well, for this is what I have come for."

39. And he preached in all their synagogues, in all of Galilee, casting out demons.

40. And a leper came to him and fell at his feet, and he prayed and said to him, "If you wish, you can heal me."

41. Jesus was merciful to him, and extended his hand and touched him and said, "I do wish it, be cleansed."

42. And within the hour, the leprosy left him.

43. And he admonished him and let him go.

44. And he told him, "Tell no human being, except go and show yourself to the high priests, and make an offering on behalf of your cleansing, as Moses commanded, in testimony."

45. However, when he went out, he began preaching everywhere*, and the word was out, so that Jesus was not able to enter the towns openly, except he had to stay out in the desert, and they came to him from everywhere.


*1:1.1 Literal Aramaic idiomatic (Lit. Ar. id.) name: "Awon-galee-yoon," or He Reveals.

*1:1.2 Lit. Ar. id. name "Eashoa'," meaning "The Life-Giving, Living Branch," and, "M'shee-khah, "The Anointed One." For simplicity, then, in the proper English syntax "The Anointed Life-Giver."

*1:7 Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression retained: "...not worthy of being his servant."

*1:9 Lit. Ar. names, "Nussrat d'Ga-lee-la," meaning, "Victorious Revelation."

*1:15 Lit. Ar. idiomatic figure of speech: "The season is finished," "Time is up," or in other words, "The Age of the Old Testament is over."

*1:16 Lit. Ar. id.: "Hunters."

*1:23 Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: "He had in him an unclean spirit."

*1:24 Lit. Ar. idiomatic meaning: "Victorious."

*1:28.1 Lit. Ar. id.: "Emerged."

*1:28.2 Lit. Ar. idiomatic figure of speech: "Country." Or: Galilee and its countryside.

*1:30 Lit. Ar. idiomatic figure of speech: "Thrown in bed."

*1:37 Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: "Every human being is looking for you."

*1:45 Lit. Ar. idiomatic figure of speech: "Much."

Copyright 1998 Victor Alexander, for the Ancient Aramaic Church.

Friday, January 04, 2019

A Few Thoughts on a Theology of Revision

Abraham and Sarah are to be understood as allegory of something psychological. Pull some of the chapters in Genesis together. A leader, Merciful Father, and an old intention promised to be fulfilled. In chapter 18 Sarah is to return to Abraham revitalized, young again! Blah, blah, blah; Abimelech wants the now young Sarah, but no, in chapter 21 Laughter is born to Abraham. Old stuff has to go so that the new stuff can take its place.

In Genesis 30, Jacob is tasked with keeping goats, ideas given to God. He needs the stronger spotted, streaked, and all-white goats. Laban (Levin in Alexander) has to do making white. Jacob revised the stronger goats by putting white stakes in their vision - his vision - when they bred. The weaker all-black goats he did not do anything special for. This worked out profitably for him.

In Mark 5:21ff, Jairus (YHWH enlightens) takes his old, unfulfilled, dying intention to Jesus. Note that 'Jesus' is YHWH with a shin and an ayin. Shin symbolizes a tooth or fire which consumes. Ayin symbolizes an eye which sees what needs to be provided. Because old stuff has to go so that the new stuff can take its place WHEN THERE IS REVISION. The old barren woman becomes young again.


Wednesday, January 02, 2019

Beginning a Theology of Neville Goddard's Doctrine of the Pruning Shears of Revision

If Neville Goddard taught the Law, i.e., the nature of God, from the Bible properly understood, and if he taught "the Pruning Shears of Revision" as a principle of that Law, then "the Pruning Shears of Revision" certainly ought to be easily discovered in the Bible properly understood. Can anything like it be found in scripture? I believe the term is "gob-smacked" for how one feels when he or she approaches the Bible with the intent of finding this doctrine within it. Knowing that Moses’ experience with God was psychological, and that he put what he learned in the Book of Exodus into the Book of Genesis, I opened to Genesis 1 in Victor Alexander's translation from the ancient Aramaic with the intention of finding anything of revision. And said, "Oh."

Genesis, Copyrighted by Victor Alexander ©2001

Genesis 1

1. As the beginning, the Son of God creates the heavens and the earth.

Before the beginning there was nothing except the Ineffable No-thing. What need was there for creation? The Ineffable had a son, Its own imagination in Its consciousness. The nature of the Ineffable's imagination was not up to snuff. It was bound and constrained, limited and definitely unlike the Ineffable of which it was. It was missing the mark.

2. And the earth was for Him and by Him, and the darkness was over the face of infinite space, and the Spirit of God was over the layers of the water.

Darkness is the ignorance which exists in whatever has just become. It is like amnesia: whatever has just become neither knows what it is nor where it has come from. The Spirit of God is the love which naturally occurs in Its nature. Ignorance cannot be allowed to remain - it must be overcome.

3. And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.

Voila! Revision. In the evening before creation, the Ineffable's consciousness imagines or dreams the problem with imagination being fixed: It has understanding. And in the day understanding became. Added edit: In that God imagined, It changed Itself FIRST. We cannot say anything without first imagining it; we have to change what we believe we are.

4. And God saw that the light was beautiful, and God chose light over darkness (cf. John 1:5 "And that ensuing fire lights the darkness and darkness does not overshadow it").
5. And God called the Light "day" and the Darkness "night," and the evening and the morning became part of one cycle, [the first eon.]

The first revision and its result is complete. Cool. But it still is not up to snuff like the Ineffable. So IN THE EVENING . . .

6. And God said, "Let there be sky in the balance of the water." And He chose between the Waters over the water.
7. Thus God created the sky, and He differentiated between the water below the sky and the Waters above the sky, and it was so.
8. And God called the sky "heaven," and that was the evening and the morning of the second eon.

The second revision and its result is complete. Cool. But it still is not up to snuff like the Ineffable. So IN THE EVENING . . .

9. And God said, "Let the water below the heaven be gathered in one world and let dry land become visible, and it was so.
10. And God called the dry land "earth," and the gathering of the water the "seas," and God saw that they were beautiful.
11. And God said, "Let the earth yield vegetation, so as the seed ("The offspring should sow the seed of its own genesis") may sow its own kind, and the fruit bearing tree to produce the fruit of its own kind by which it was planted on earth," and it was so.
12. And the earth produced vegetation, so as the seed sowed its own kind, and the fruit tree that produced the fruit, generated its own kind, and God saw that it was beautiful.
13. And that was the evening and the morning of the third eon.

Where is there any mention in the Bible that the world is ourselves pushed out or "out-pictured?" Our thoughts are our offspring, "vegetation." These seeds produce their own kind. And it is beautiful, but still bound with limitation and incomplete understanding - not up to snuff.

14. And God said, "Let there be suns in the sky of heaven, so as to choose between the day over the night, that they should serve for signs and wonders, seasons and cycles, and for years.
15. "And that they should glow in the sky of heaven, to shine over the earth," and it was so.
16. And God created two great celestial bodies, the greater one to have authority over the day and the smaller one to have authority over the night, and He created the stars and all the celestial bodies.
17. And God gave them to the sky and heaven, to shine over the earth,
18. And to have authority over the day and the night and to impose the light over the darkness, and God saw that they were beautiful.
19. And that was the evening and the morning of the fourth eon.

After the third day there is revision to stick education and enlightenment on its results. & etc.

20. And God said, "Let the waters teem with living and breathing crawlers, and let the flying creatures fly over the earth, in the layers of the sky of heaven.
21. And God created the great dinosaurs (Titans) and every living soul that crawled in the waters and produced their own kind, and every flying creature with wings according to its own kind, and God saw that they were beautiful.
22. And God blessed them and commanded them, "Multiply and increase and fill the waters of the sea and let the earth teem with birds."
23. And that was the evening and the morning of the fifth eon.

24. And God said, "Let the earth produce living souls in harmony with its nature, herds and four-legged animals and creatures of the earth, according to their kind," and it was so.
25. And so God created the creatures of the earth according to their kind, and the herd animals according to their kind, and all the four-legged animals according to their kind, and God saw that they were beautiful.
26. And God said, "We shall make the human being in the image of our likeness, and they shall have authority over the fish of the sea and the birds of the sky and the herds and all the creatures of the earth and all the four-legged animals that walk on the earth."

27. And God created the human being to resemble ('Adam,' from Aramaic "Adam-tha," or portrait) His own visage; He created them male and female ("And there created God to Adam with His visage, in the visage of God He created him, male and female He created them").
28. And God blessed them and said to them, "Multiply and increase, and fill the earth and its environments, and have authority over the fish in the sea and the birds of the sky and the four-legged animals and all the creatures that crawl over the earth." (God created the aboriginal man first.)
29. And God said, "Behold, I give you every plant with seeds that is sown on the face of all the earth, and every fruit bearing tree whose seeds are planted, for you to be a source of food.
30. "And [I give you] all the creatures of the wilderness and all the birds of the sky and everything that walks the earth that has a living soul, and all the herds for food," and it was so.
31. And God saw all that He created, and, behold, it was truly beautiful. And that was the evening and the morning of the sixth eon.

We are created to Adam, or portrait, God BY RE-VISIONING. Our seeds or thoughts are our source of strength. As we re-vision, what we envision becomes. We can't get away from it!! Our manifestation of God is beautiful, BUT IT IS STILL NOT UP TO SNUFF. We are to be party to its becoming even more like God.

How? In the dreamy, imagining theta state we revise the memory of the day we had--blessed and beautiful as it might be--to a better portrait of God. Something more fitting of Him. Not a religion, and not our works. Please consider: God created his Adam, his resemblance, male and female. He put THEM in a sleep and brought THEM a wife.

Genesis 2

1. And the sky and the earth were completed and all their evolution (Powers).

Everything which will ever exist already exists.

2. And God stopped working in the sixth eon of His creation, and He rested in the seventh eon from all the work of creation.
3. And God blessed the seventh eon and made it holy, because He rested in it from all His works of creation that He performed.

Now the onus of the holy act of re-visioning is on us. Forthcoming is the story of how the portrait male and female came to "work the earth" with their loving re-visioning.

4. This is how the sky and the earth were created when the Lord God made the heaven and the earth.
5. And all the trees of the field were not yet created, and all the field vegetation were not yet supplied, because the Lord God had not yet brought the rains upon the face of the earth, and there was no Adam to work the earth.
6. And the waters welled from the earth and irrigated all the face of the earth.

7. And the Lord God molded Adam from the dust to resemble Himself, and He blew on their faces the breath (Breeze) of life and Adam became a living soul.

8. And the Lord God had consecrated Paradise in Eden from before, and there He set Adam whom He had molded.
9. And the Lord God supplied from the earth all that is pleasing to the sight and delicious to eat and the Tree of Life in the midst of Paradise.
10. And the river flowed out of Eden to irrigate the Paradise, and from there it divided and became four tributaries (Heads).
11. The name of the first is Pishon, that is the one which goes around all the land of Havilah, where there is gold.
12. And the gold of that land is good, where there is also lapis lazuli and beryl stones.
13. And the name of the second river is Gighon, that is the one that goes around all the land of Cush.
14. And the name of the third river is Tigris, which goes before Ashur, and the fourth river is the Euphrates.
15. And the Lord God fetched Adam and left them in the Paradise of Eden, so as they may work the land and guard it.
16. And the Lord God commanded Adam and told them, you may eat of all the trees of Paradise that are edible,
17. And of the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil you may not eat, because on the day you eat of it, you will die the death (
"Death you shall die").

18. And the Lord God said, "It is not well that Adam should be alone; I shall make a helper like Adam."
19. And the Lord God molded from the earth all the creatures of the wilderness and all the birds of the sky, and He brought them to Adam to see what he would call them, and whatever Adam called those living souls, that became their name.
20. And Adam named all the four-legged animals and all the birds of the sky and all the creatures of the earth. And out of them there was not found a helper like Adam.
21. And the Lord God cast a calm over Adam and they slept, and He consecrated one of Adam's ribs and He placed flesh in its stead.
22. And the Lord God transformed the rib that He consecrated from Adam to be the wife and He brought it to Adam.
23. And Adam said, "As of now this bone from my bone and this flesh from my flesh shall be called the wife, because she was consecrated from the man."
24. Because of that the man leaves his father and mother and catches himself a wife. And they become both one flesh.
25. And they were both naked, Adam and his wife were not embarrassed.

Ah, the mystery of the rib taken from the male and female portrait of God. 'Rib' is a supporting panel, which, I suppose, is also in God. We are to leave our father and mother world and, one flesh naked with this "wife," give birth to all that lives in our worlds. What does “Eve” do for the male and female Adam? She revises what is. She brings into being what was not alive before and was found to be lacking, both physical and spiritual. A corollary in us to the Holy Spirit in God, hence she. Here is a hint as to what it might be: imagination in the act of re-visioning "with all the tones of reality."

This might also be the state reached through the antediluvian patriarchs understood as attitudes and emotions of heart WHEN THE "NAMES" OF THE PATRIARCHS ARE FULLY TRANSLATED AS NATURES OR STATES OF MIND WE ARE TO ATTAIN UNTO THE STATE OF NOAH. And then to Abraham, Isaac, Israel, and Joseph.

What we have in the Bible is a nearly constant re-visioning of ourselves from Christ, who, crucified upon this flesh over and over became us, to the Lamb who is the light of "Jerusalem":

"And I saw no temple in it. For that Lord, the One and Only for all, is its temple and that Lamb. And that city has no need of a sun, or a moon, so as to give it light. For the glory of God makes it brighten and the Lamb is its torch. And there will walk the nations who are saved in the light that he is, and the kings of the earth, as they bring their glorification through him and the honor of the nations for him.
And the doors [of the city] are not secured in the day. For there is no night there. And the glory and honor of the nations are brought in it" (Revelation 21:22-26 Alexander, notes applied).

Worthy is the Lamb.