The Becoming God

Thursday, November 26, 2020


Being woke, if only semi-woke in reality, is a good starting place for gaining real awakenedness. For you see deception has been happening while you were asleep in your usual, unconscious-of-the-deception-going-on life. See that bs? Now, see that this whole world is a deception (see Revelation chapter 12), a delusion in our spiritual dimension. Step your wokenness up a level.

Happy Thanksgiving 2020 From Vic Alexander

I wished Victor Alexander a Happy and Safe Thankgiving. His response:

Happy Thanksgiving! Liv and I are going to our daughter Monique. She has some friends coming over. I will be trying to get new websites by next year -- Vic

Thu, Nov 26, 2020 11:54 am Vic Alexander (

Stay safe and healthy, Vic. Allaha's blessings be with you, Liv, Monique, and all your friends.

Wednesday, November 25, 2020

"This is Where You are From"

It is not history which is the truth; it is Biblical allegory which is the truth. I mean that it is Biblical allegory which refers to our real reality. The physical history we are told/sold, is not a literal history. We are spirit. Our literal "physical" history we have no history of - it is lost to us. We think the Biblical allegories are our actual "physical" history because we are here and have nothing else to go by. It is delusion. It is just that somebody said, "This is where you came from," and we had no other reference. "Oh," is all we could say. It's a load of crap. The Biblical allegories are the closest thing we have to tell us where we actually come from and to where we are going. They refer us to our "real" history and destiny, which is spiritual.

A good book on the subject of historical delusion: The Mythic Past: Biblical Archaeology And The Myth Of Israel by Thomas L. Thompson; Basic Books; 1999. I read it back then. Thompson does not share my spiritual views. I read interpretively to substantiate my opinions. He wrote to substantiate his. One standard principle of the empire builders was to move whole populations from one place to another, killing all their elders, disassociating them from their traditions, and then sending them still someplace else:
"This is your old homeland."
"It is?"
"Yep. And in these books you will find your ancient laws and the traditions of your elders. This is just the way it was."
"Well, if you say so, though the eldest of us say it doesn't look like it did at all."

Because it never was at all!

Tuesday, November 24, 2020

Sarah is Stipulation

I hope by now you realize that there was no one in Genesis. Everyone there is an everyman, an example of everyone. Adam is the Divine Blood, consciousness. Eve is its power to become. Cain its shortsighted acquiring form, Abel its ignored transitoriness, and so on. Their "names" are OUR natures. From Nimrod's Babylonian chaos is our inherent God-likeness called out to righteousness by Terah, the Father. As the Exalted Father we proceed, though we are still the Ineffable's ignorance, cursed in the perfect country of Canaan.

We have a barren sister, Sarah. What we know about God, we make stipulations or laws, ordinances, and rules about. BEHAVIOR - KEEPING MAN MADE RULES OR "LAWS" - COMMENDS US NOT ONE BIT TO GOD. The just live by faith. The flesh, Egypt, thinks the stipulations are beautiful. We try by Egyptian ways to generate God-likeness ourselves (read Hagar), but only faith in God's promise - believing joy's laughter (read Isaac) - lifts us to being the Merciful Father.

Stipulations cannot get us there. Because we are there by God, we behave in holy conscience. Sarah's justification is through faith: she dies. Isaac lives. They are not people; they are we imaginations. We make stipulations because we are manifesting the Ineffable's IGNORANCE. The just live by faith, not by stipulations. Faith justifies us because we are the Ineffable's imagination, and HIS ignorance. This is His party. What we have got to do is not any stipulation, but Him. (This is not Neil Peart's "Freewill" - "If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice." Being Him is God's stipulation, not ours.)

The Lord Jesus Christ Is The Field Of Intelligence God Is

As noted in The Assyrian God Of Israel, Ashur is not the "name" of God; it is His nature. The beginning spark that kindles the creating fire is imagination. Imagination is a facet of the field of intelligent consciousness God is. The intelligence of the Ineffable's consciousness is power to manifestly become whatever it believes it is. It assumes "I am that 'I am,'" and it becomes precisely that professed AND ASSUMED whatsoever.

We are the intelligence of the Ineffable's consciousness - bits of the field - experiencing these bodies in an ignoranced state. We individual bits are manifestations of an ignorance inherent in the Ineffable. It is all right that we are ignorant, because we are the Ineffable's ignorance. We are not expected to do better than that. But we are expected to repent from our ignorant thoughts and stipulations (laws) to learn how to live by FAITH. Faith is a running cooperation between our existence and the heavens and the earth the Son of God CREATES.

Monday, November 23, 2020

The Assyrian God of Israel ("Name" means NATURE, the NATURE of the Thing "Named")

I am not interested in the historical veracity of the stories, but the story goes that after Shem defeated Nimrod and the Ashurai built Assyria (Genesis 10:11-12), Terah and his kids headed that righteous way from Ur of the Chaldees and settled in Haran, a city named after Abram's brother after they had settled there for some time. Abram was told by God to keep on going to Canaan. "Sorry 'bout the famine in the ignorance of the flesh. Keep on going to Egypt." Moses became a master of the Egyptian religions, and a refugee to Midian. There God told him, "Ahiyeh Ashur hiyeh" (Exodus 3:14 Alexander, transliterated from the ancient Aramaic).

This, of course, is the passage in which God tells Moses His "name." It only means "I AM THAT I AM," as it is commonly translated, in a roundabout way. Alexander's notes on the words give fuller meaning:

*3:14 Lit. Aramaic: (1) "Ahiyeh": "the One Who Comes in His Coming," the absolute sense of "the One Who Comes." (2) "Ashur": "the Beginning Spark that kindles the Fire" or "the Light." (3) "Hiyeh": "His Coming." (4) "Ahiyeh" and "hiyeh" are related forms of the same word. They mean more than "the Coming." They signify also the "Eternal Presence," "the Ever-Present," and the "Never Ceasing Intent of the Comer to Come." (5) In the same way, "Ashur" signifies "the Uncreated Creator who Creates Everything from Nothing." (6) Also, "Ashur" signifies: "Above-the-Flames."

Where is "I AM THAT I AM"? I thought Ashur was the name of the Assyrian Creator God, the Son of God standing in the sun disc with tools, authority, and wisdom, with bird-shaped wings of glory surrounding Him. Worse, I thought Ashur was His "name." Ashur is His NATURE. "The Beginning Spark that kindles the Fire": imagination! Imagination is "the Uncreated Creator who Creates Everything from Nothing." Also, "Ashur" signifies: this creative power "Above-the-Flames," i.e., the Consciousness of the Ineffable.

The God of Israel is Ashur, our imagination. Ashur is His nature, not His "name". Imagination is the Beginning Spark that kindles the Fire of creation, God's imagination. We believe we are, and we are. We come in our coming by imagining, Ahiyeh Ashur, what we imagine, hiyeh. This is "I am that 'I am,'" our consciousness relative to what we believe we are.

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Genesis 1:1 Says The Single Most Important Thing In The Bible And In The World - "As The Beginning, The Son Of God CREATES The Heavens And The Earth." Believe It!!

Moses put the most important thing he learned right up front in his Book of Genesis, where it wouldn't be missed. Moses' story of psychological discovery and spiritual experience begins in the Book of Exodus, of course, but what he discovered and learned he put up front in Genesis, for it is right that the most important things go first. In like manner, the most important thing in the Book of Genesis went first. Genesis 1:1 is Moses' conclusion and summary of all he learned from and of God: "As the Beginning, the Son of God CREATES the heavens and the earth."

Moses recognized Genesis 1:1's priority, its preeminence in thought and meaning. There is nothing else in Scripture that compares. The verse, properly read, blows everything else away. But ah! There is the rub: "properly read." Most people cannot read a word of Hebrew, except perhaps for the tetragrammaton (yod-hey-vav-hey going the other way), and certainly not the Hebrew's ancient Aramaic. Depending on Victor Alexanders' English translations of Scripture from the Ancient Aramaic, I found Genesis 1:1 to be the most succinct, the most eloquent, and the most insightful sentence ever composed. Certainly the most important to us...properly read.

How does Alexander translate it? "As the beginning, the Son of God creates the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1 Alexander, 2008 edition; is "the Son of Allaha" in 2015 edition of Old Testament Scriptures). I capitalize the word Beginning, for the Son of God, properly understood, IS the Beginning! The Son of God is the Consciousness of the Ineffable Most High, and by It He creates - is creating - infinitely, moment by moment, presently and continuously - the heavens and the earth we experience.

"As the Beginning, the Son of God creates the heavens and the earth."

As Mr. Biden says, "Just think of it!" Watch and learn the many YouTube videos dissecting the first word in the Bible, variously transliterated as brasheeth (Aramaic), berisheet, and bereshith; and from Gregg Braden's videos on the Seven Essene Mirrors. Understand from Neville Goddard's teachings that we create our experiential worlds by our imagined assumptions of reality. We, our imaginations, are that Son of God.

The first thing Moses teaches in the Bible is the single most important thing in the whole Bible.

"As the Beginning, we, the Son of God, create OUR heavens and OUR earth."

Everything else is commentary.

Monday, November 16, 2020

Noah is Let It Flow

I just mentioned that Abel is Adams' (that's a plural one) acquisition's transitoriness. That is a concept of the field we have allowed to die. We think we have something, but it is always in transition, aging, changing. States are not static. We get one; it comes...and it goes. Noah is rest in THAT.

"Everything is wonderful. Have a cup of wine and chill."

"But I've got to maintain this state."

"Good luck with that! God ain't maintaining any state. The Beginning is on the way to the End, and He's got a long way to go. And the way there is through death. So just hold on loosely, but don't let go. If you cling too tightly, you're going to lose control." (Sorry. I couldn't resist.)

Your state, whatever it is, is in transition. We've just got to learn to roll with the changes. (Sigh. See above.) Shall we attempt this one?

Abel is Transitoriness

Everyone knows that biblical names have meanings. If we read the languages, we would read the meanings, not the names. E.g., that Abraham means Father of Many Nations is an absurdity, for why would God translate Abraham's own language to him? Abram was Exalted Father. Add H (grace) to that. The Merciful Father. Duh.

Adam is certainly God's Blood, and Eve the life-giving force of His Consciousness. The Ineffable's Consciousness produces Acquisition and Transitoriness (Bullinger). Read Acquisition as manifestation and Transitoriness as ongoing change/transition. Thus take no thought of tomorrow, no money in your purse, no extra tunic, don't even bother to pack a sandwich, for the Life-force has got it covered.

Added 11/22/2020: This means no permanence in form. "This too shall pass" applies to everything. You can't go home again, for it has changed to something new. Tom Hanks' character in the movie Cast Away comes to mind. Chuck spends four desperate years on a deserted island determined to return home to his fiancée, Kelly. When he does get home, Kelly is married and a mother. She has had to move on. EVERYTHING DOES. Expected permanence is not happening. Build bigger barns and retire fat and sassy? Even if they don't go away, we do!

Rejoice! The car is rolling! STEER IT BY BELIEVING FAITH, because Abel speaks and God LISTENS!

Head of the Twelve

Looking for something to watch on television, I happened upon Ancient Aliens, The Divine Number. I admit to seeing minutes of Ancient liens before. Two minutes and I'm out. This time I stayed for interest in the number twelve, a famous and important biblical number. First full episode of the program I've ever seen. Well, the majority of it, anyway. I started late. Not mentioned in the program (as far as I know), was the notion that American Indians, in greeting others, raise their hand to show that they do NOT have six fingers. So I've heard.

The program informed me of how pervasive the number twelve has been in the religions of the world, not only in Judaism, Islam, and Christianity, but much more anciently. I am truly impressed. Having twenty-four digits has nothing to do with aliens in any time, but twelve in man is biblically significant. For all the characters in the Bible are us, as we are God and the Bible is about Him, er, us. Me. You. Somehow the ancients knew that there are twelve components to our minds, our nature, etc., etc.. The twelve fully functioning would be perfect governing, perfect authority, perfect rule - harmony and serenity, effectiveness and efficiency.

What I took away was that the twelve facets of me are headed by and united in Jesus Christ. In Him I - they - am one. Jesus is the HEAD of the TWELVE who rule the world.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Life is an Opportunity

Life is an opportunity to get to know God man-to-man. Not to get your religion right, or to practice manifesting or meditation right, but to praise, submit to, trust and obey God right into His heart. To get and take on His nature to whatever level is possible. He is never distant, separate, or "other." He isn't invisible. Spirit is, yes, but man isn't, and man is as much God as spirit is.

God's Commandments are to the Heart, not the Mind

Here is an interesting proposition: initially the brain is one mass, which then splits in two with half going to the head and the other half going to the bowels or "heart." The one online with God is the half in the heart. His commandments are to our hearts. We are to have moral rectitude: do not this and do not that. Be fruitful and multiply MORALLY, in SELF-CONTROL. It isn't that we do not DO it; it's that we do not THINK it, that we have a pure heart.

So we do heart-imagining: thinking right from the heart, the one online. Meditate from the belly.

Halloween: Ignorance Frankenstein

Is it still close enough to speak of Halloween? We are born in amnesia which makes us ignorant. Actually, we are the isolation of ignorance itself. Thus I say we are "ignoranced." Ignorance is mean, evil, cruel laden effort. We can find rest from it in trust in God. If we go there. Our lives until then are Franken-ignorance. God can wipe it out. If we go there.

That We Cannot Know God As Agnostics Would Have Us Doesn't Mean We Can't Watch His Television

I hold that the Ineffable Most High is a conscious field everything is in and is of. The thing, or properly No-thing, which is conscious, truly cannot be known. So what? What we can know of It is consciousness, of which imagination we are of. You want to know the Ineffable's consciousness? Know yourself.

Our experience perceived in our imagination is our real language. The field communicates with us in our "language," in visions and voices. God is the Executive Producer. The field forms the visions and voices we see and hear. They are not what they purport to be, physical, but they are nevertheless real as God's intention. This world is language; that world is language - imagined; but we, the imaginers, are real.

Genesis 6: Straighten out the Madness: "Make Yourself an Ark of Wood from the Root"

Our lives are pretty much madness we want to wipe out. "Make yourself an ark of wood from the root." Imagine the best as you would. Consider it real as wood - really existent. Divide it from the experience of this world, a real world unto its own. And sleep in it. Wake in it. But do nothing to make it so on your own, Nimrod, lest the Nature of God (Shem) have to come and destroy also your works. (Genesis 10:8-11, from Kham, Cush, and Nimrod came Paganism -ourselves being the director of spirit - vanquished by Shem/his descendents, the Ashurai, who took over Nimrod's lands.)

Stop Misreading the Bible: "This is That," a Book of Patterns

The books of the Bible are not linear history. They are books of options and displays of pattern. They list patterns everyone can opt for. When it was said of Neville Goddard, "He is My resurrection," God meant that he was manifesting the pattern of resurrection. That pattern - as all others - is available to everyone who will.

In Acts 2:16, Peter said, "This is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel." Joel laid out a pattern: 'this' is manifestation of that pattern. Peter noted, "This which you see in manifestation is that pattern." The 120 persons there had opted for it. You get the results by opting to perform the proscribed process in truth. Jesus did on the cross. That's what he was talking about in Mark 15:34, "To this I was destined" (Alexander - messiahship as foretold comes AFTER death).

Patterns happen every time we initiate them. Bow the knee and sincerely repent, and you have embarked on a new pattern. We do not escape from the patterns we are on unless we initiate a new pattern. Change is in our hands. The disciples/Apostles were named as roles they undertook. They were the embodiments of the roles they undertook in the pattern. We choose to do, and there we go! Choose well.

Thursday, November 05, 2020

Halloween: Lot's Wife and the Path to Resurrection

Noah's family of eight was saved from the destruction of ignorance in the world. Halloween is looking back on that ignorance, commemorating its passing, as Lot's wife looked back. Manifesting involves giving up what we had. Note the transition to what you have. Is that not evidence of God? Get real sure about Him. If you are believing because of the works, become real sure about the works. They are not coincidence, are they? A natural benevolence? The work of invisible conscii? A delusion or deception? Get real sure, because the path to resurrection Jesus took was passing through death in faith in God. "To this I was destined," Jesus said on the cross (Mark 15:34 Alexander). To that we are destined, also, if we follow Him. For Jesus - God Almighty - is the Pattern 'Man.' The pattern for us. This life IS the crucifixion, and because He died for us as the Beginning (of Genesis 1:1) we do not need to die in the pains of the cross: He died for all. But for that He gets us - our lives. Wherein if we accept Him through faith, and we are accepted by Him in grace, we flip back to Him. Back to the ascended state better than when we left.

Sunday, November 01, 2020

Are the Antediluvian Patriarchs Our Misdirected Efforts?

In my mind, Adam and Eve are the "blood" of God; i.e., His consciousness and its power to become. This power bears Cain and Abel, acquisition in its transitoriness. Our ignorance kills off our perception of transitoriness, the instant of spirit's existence. We miss (do not see) it. We replace it with religion (Seth) to an Other (Enos). Swelling praise, asceticism, humility, crusades, missionary efforts, etc., the antediluvian patriarchs, miss the mark left in the absence of Abel. However sincere, they are misdirected. Good, but not what God wants.

Abel was and is the oneness of God and our existence. This moment is Him, the infinite, eternal, and ineffable. You, right there, are the Father of Eil Shaddai, were you to recognize, perceive, and/or hear it. Noah is our getting it. Take all of the "Isn't it wonderful!" into the ark you imagine and live in it. Let the ignorance of the world wash away, and disembark into the reality you, God, have created.

Which Way the Antediluvian Patriarchs?

This is a good topic to research. What do the antediluvian patriarchs represent? I have previously cast them as a progression of psychological states antecedent to the rest that is Noah in the Bible. They exist as such in several of my posts. Last night, though, I saw that Lamech said, "This one will relieve our hearts from our toils and the work of our hands and from the soil that the Lord has cursed" (Genesis 5:29 Alexander). Are the antediluvian patriarchs our toils and works and all our effort to make ourselves acceptable to God and effective at prayer?

Transcendently from His Spirit Being's Intent to My Brain's Physical Nerves' Hearing, God Spoke to Me

I suppose it is the Ineffable Who speaks through God. Actually hearing God is quite a phenomenon. You do not get over it. Moses didn't. Noah didn't. It is in your mind, but not OF your mind. It is distinctly separate, other - a visitor from outside your imagination. Jesus' intent transcends right into the nervous system of the brain's hearing lobe. And there it is, audible, but not having come through the ears.

Here is an aside: Who is to say this voice is God, His angel, or a demon? Its character? That is comes to pass? The voice speaks to ignorance. Our ignorance of it. We are ignorant, following blindly after phenomena of speech-not-ours: "Do this," and, "Do not do that."

We go by testimony. "It worked." "I have found him." It works for us - we have a church. Of what? Of words and reputation. It speaks, and we cannot see It except for Its works. There they are. What do Its works say to us? That we are ignorant, and that It is powerful. "You are either with Me or against Me." Do we believe what It says? You got a better solution? Religion is literally a 'Hail Mary.'

Tonight (last night, now) was Halloween, commemoration of the death of all the earth save the eight on Noah's ark. Ignorance died, save Ham's. We believe for the works' sake. "If it works, you have found Him." -Neville Goddard. Imagination? Spirit! The Spirit is Jesus: good, increase, benevolence, expansion - Jethro - apart from our efforts. I.e., it is its own nature: "This one will relieve our hearts from our toils and the work of our hands and from the soil that the Lord has cursed" (Genesis 5:29 Alexander). Our efforts are listed as the antediluvian patriarchs - the feebleness of the efforts of religion. They all went down the tubes in the flood ridding the world of ignorance - only rest in confident assurance and faith floated: "Make yourself an ark of wood." It works! Imagined reality causing a new world. Make yourself, the imagination you ARE, a wooden or physical ark of reality in effortless rest. Imagine it as real, and it will become real.

Well, that's what He says.

A Post I Didn't Use: Wasn't the Point of Exodus Chapter 3 That God SPEAKS?

At twenty-five years old, I was living in a pickup truck in the Ala Wai harbor in Honolulu. When the weather got cold, I'd put on a t-shirt. I picked up temporary labor work in the harbor to get by financially. I could occasionally eat at The Captain's Table, the Wailana, or even the Hilton Lanai, but usually dinner was instant noodle's, an egg, and cheese cooked in my truck.

Then God acted in my life, and I saw it. Not Him, but the action. That changed everything. Then my friend, who lived in the Hawaiian Village, saw His acting in her life, too. I repented and got "saved" at the House of Praise. Rod Wilson of YWAM asked, "What has Jesus done for you?" I think he meant in the last week - has he opened a door? Healed anyone you know? Got you a job? Straightened out a relationship? No one volunteered anything. Rod scolded us, "Be aware of God's actions in your life. You should always be ready to give your testimony. Now, think again. What has Jesus done for you?"

I slipped into a trance-like fantasy. I saw Jesus being scourged. His back was torn up like hamburger. I saw the cross placed on his back. I saw him dragging it along the path, falling as he went into shock. He was dying for me - in my stead - and I wanted so, so earnestly to trade places with him. I was filled with conflictive, almost convulsive feelings of regret and appreciation.

The upshot of this event was that while I saw Jesus in my fantasy, he spoke to me PHYSICALLY. To me, a cheap, pointless bum on a little rock in the middle of the Pacific Ocean. God spoke to me - even little worthless me- audibly in the brain. He said, "Come unto Me."

Like Moses, I discovered that God can transcendently speak to people. If to me, and if to Moses, to whom else has he spoken? Certainly many, and certainly they have written down what they heard. I set out to find out what God has said to man.

It is truly massive. And it is truly historical. (I wonder if these voices are not his angels gathering his elect - "And then he will send his angels and gather his chosen from all four spirits, from the top of the earth to the top of heaven" [Mark 13:27 Alexander.]) God has been speaking, but it gets befuddled with man's ignorance ruling his (man's) mind. That is the wonder of the Oracles of the Jews and the New Testament: some people have been separated, "sanctified" from ignorance to get His communication down. Now we have to deal with it. LISTEN TO HIM. He speaks!! Audibly, or in our thoughts as He leads them (see Mark Vickler). God teaches us! Take the intermediaries off your feet, and listen! It goes from seeing the bush of His actions to hearing His name (nature).

I think I'd better try this again.

God Speaks to Man - rearranged by me:

I speak to you.
Be still.
I am God.

I spoke to you
When you were born.
At your first sight.
At your first word.
At your first thought.
At your first love.
At your first song.
(That was Me, your imagination, speaking to you.)

I speak to you
Through the grass of the meadows.
Through the trees of the forests.
Through the valleys and the hills.
Through the Holy Mountains.
Through the rain and the snow.
Through the waves of the sea.
Through the dew of the morning.
Through the peace of the evening.
Through the splendor of the sun.
Through the brilliant stars.
Through the storm and the clouds.
Through the thunder and lightning.
Through the mysterious rainbow.
(That is Me, your imagination, speaking to you.)

I will speak to you
When you are alone.
Through the Wisdom of the Ancients.
At the end of time.
When you have seen my Angels.
Throughout Eternity.
(Listen, and I, your imagination, will speak to you.)

I speak to you.
Be still.
I am God.