The Becoming God

Thursday, April 23, 2020

'Abraham' Is From Av-ra-him; It Means "Allaha's Mercy" (James 2:23 Alexander)

If Abraham meant "Father of a Multitude" in Hebrew/Aramaic, why did God need to explain it? Its meaning would have been immediately apparent in the word itself. Duh. James explains it in chapter 2 of his letter to the twelve tribes. It's clearer, I think, in Alexander's Aramaic:

James 2

1. Brethren, do not hold the faith that glorifies our Lord Jesus Christ hypocritically.
2. For if a person walks into your synagogue wearing gold rings or their clothing are beautiful, another, a poor person, enters in rags,
3. And you look at the one attired in a beautiful outfit and say, "You sit over here where it is nice," and to the poor person you say, "You stand up over there," or, "sit over here by the rug under our feet,"
4. Behold, are you not at odds within yourselves, and are you not choosing with evil intentions?
5. Listen, dear brethren, was it not those poor in worldly possessions and yet rich in faith that God chose to be the heirs of the Kingdom, that which God bequeathed to those who showed mercy to Him?
6. You, however, shun the poor. Was it not the wealthy who oppressed you and who delivered you to the court?
7. Were they not blaspheming against your blessed name by which you were Called?
8. And if you adhere to the Law of God, you would do well, as is written [in Scriptures,] "Be merciful to your brothers and sisters* (in-laws, or: your relations through marriage or culture) as though they were yourself."
9. If you are hypocritical in your attitude, however, you are committing sin, and you are betraying the Law like those who transgressed the Law.
10. For if all the Law is observed and is applied as one, one is responsible to observe all.
11. For [the same Law] that said, "You shall not fornicate," also says, "You shall not kill." For if then you did not fornicate, except you did kill, you have transgressed the Law nevertheless.
12. Thus you shall speak and thus you shall vow, as people who are destined to be tried by the Law of Freedom.
13. For a judge has no mercy for the one who shows no mercy. You win the judge over with mercy.

14. What gratification is there, brethren, if a person says, "I have faith," but they have no works? Can such a faith bring them back to life?
15. And if a brother or sister are naked and are lacking their daily needs,
16. And they are told by one of you,* "Go in peace, keep warm and be satisfied," and you do not give them their bodily needs, where is the gratification?
17. Thus also the faith without works is dead by itself.
18. For a human being says, "To you it is having your faith and to me it is having works; show me your faith without works and I will show you my faith through my works."
19. That you believe there is one God* (That you believe that One is the God), you are doing well. Yet even the demons believe this as they writhe on their bellies* (crawl on the earth, or, roll in the dirt.).
20. So then you want to know, O, you mixed up human being, that faith without works is dead?
21. Was not our father Abraham made righteous through works, as he raised his son Isaac to the altar?
22. You can see how his faith led to his works, and through the works his faith molded him.
23. And the Scripture was fulfilled that said, "It was that Abraham believed in God, which was reckoned to him as righteousness," that he was called God's (Allaha's) Mercy, "Av-ra-him." *
24. You can see that it was through** works that a human being is made righteous and not through faith alone.

*2:8 Lit. Ar. idiom (Lit. Ar. id.): "In-laws," or: your relations through marriage or culture.
*2:16 Lit. Ar. id.: "A human being from you."
*2:19.2 Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: "That you believe that One is the God."
*2:19.2 Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: "Crawl on the earth," or, "roll in the dirt."
*2:23 Lit. Aramaic name: "The Father is Merciful."

**edit, verse 24: insert the word MERCIFUL. See verse 5. Abraham was merciful to God THROUGH HIS FUTURE being merciful to the poor BY FAITH. Read that again, and then verse 5 below: "I HAVE GIVEN YOU AS A FATHER TO MANY NATIONS." !!You are GOING to be Allaha's Mercy to many nations (those ignorant of God?) by teaching them faith, for the kingdom is bequeathed to those who show Him mercy--so I name you that NOW!!

Interestingly, Alexander's Aramaic New Testament uses 'Allaha' in all cases of 'God'.

Genesis 17

1. And Abram reached the age of ninety-nine and the Lord revealed Himself to Abram and said to him, "I am* (I am I) the Eil, the Almighty* (Eil Shaddai). Worship before me and be without fault.
2. "And I shall make my covenant* (stance) between me and for you, and I shall enrich you exceedingly"* (figure of speech: "goodly, goodly").
3. And Abram fell on his face, and God spoke and commanded him.
4. "Behold, I shall make my covenant* (stance) with you, and you shall become the father of many nations.
5. "Your name will not be called again Abram. Except your name shall be Abraham, because I give you as father to many nations.
6. "And I shall make you plentiful and increase your numbers well* (goodly, goodly). And I shall give you to the nations and there will emerge kings from your progeny* (kings will emerge from your back).
7. "And I shall make my covenant with you* (stand my stance between me and to you), and with your offspring in their centuries until the Resurrection unto eternal life* (to the rising of the [to the end of] the universe), and I shall be your God and [the God] of your offspring after you.
8. "And I shall give you and your offspring the land where you reside, all the land of Canaan, until the inheritance of life eternal* (... to the inheritance of the [to the end of] the universe), and I shall be to them their God" (guard my stance).

*17:1.1 Lit. Ar. idiomatic figure of speech: "I am I."
*17.1.2 Lit. Ar. title: "Eil Shaddai."
*17:2.1 Lit. Ar. id.: "Stance."
*17:2.2 Lit. Ar. figure of speech: "Goodly, goodly."
*17:4 Lit. Ar. id.: "Stance."
*17:6.1 Lit. Ar. figure of speech: "Goodly, goodly."
*17:6.2 Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: "Kings will emerge from your back."
*17:7.1 Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: "Stand my stance between me and to you."
*17:7.2 Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: "To the rising of the to [the end of] the universe."
*17:8 Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: "... to the inheritance of the to [the end of] the universe."
*17:8 Lit. Ar. expression: "Guard my stance."

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Love as the Ineffable’s Existence

Rereading yesterday's post, I wanted to strike it, but I don't know if I can say it better. Reflecting on Steve Gardipee's attempt to express what he saw/felt while dead (you call THAT "death"?), I had one of those spiritual-comprehension vision things that are so hard, if not impossible, to put into speech. Of course, no one is going to be able to describe the Ineffable, but I got a glimpse, a feeling of something incomprehensible. I remember Jack Hayford describing it as "something you know is just ahead of you, a bit out of reach, a little to the left around an invisible corner you can't quite catch up to." Something like that. I saw the Ineffable as Love. Love as an existence unto Itself. That was Its state: infinite, eternal, invisible, all the omnis LOVE. Motionless, complete, perfect. And that Love had to move, because It is Love. So It moved by consciousness, thought, imagination, intelligence--Its powers--Its "kingdom."

Everything that is is the expression of that complete and perfect Love--the Ineffable--by consciousness. That eternal Milta (Manifestation) became the Beginning and the End, YHWH, and in the Season of Grace, Jesus Christ--Love as existence Itself.

Now, this world seems to be a horrible, horrible place due to our ignorance, which indeed is horrible, horrible. But the Milta became this (from what It was) in faith that the Love It was would work It's way out through whatever It in darkness became.

I have often said that we are bits of consciousness. We are, but deeper than that we are bits of LOVE--Love in expansion. All of us. It is my impression that even the darkest, hate-filled cruel and rebellious soul will through many lives come around to love, but I don't know. There seems to be a lot of "oblivionate" in the Aramaic. I wouldn't advise putting it off.

Monday, April 20, 2020

God is the Love of the Ineffable Enacted, and Some Interesting Near Death Experiences

I started a post: "Do You Think God Is Anything But Consciousness?" For some reason, I got started on NDE videos on YouTube. I was already familiar with "Richard Met God," and I've heard others before. Steve Gardipee (below) blew me away with his analysis. Changed my theology. I realized from it that God isn't just the Ineffable's consciousness. He is Love. Consciousness is simply the media the Ineffable's Love is expressed through--Love ENACTED. It has got to manifest. God is the Love of the Ineffable enacted; consciousness is its manifestation, its exercise, its outflow and expresion. The stuff in the Bible from page one to the end is about Love and its manifestation. May Love be the medium of our imagining. Revise experience to the expectation of Love. Take His Love as your strength.

Life After Death Experience (NDE) with Steve Gardipee, Vietnam War Story | One of the Best NDEs

Astounding Near Death Experience

Near Death Experience-Meets Jesus

My Near Death Experience 2018 Love is the answer


See my next post, “Love as Existence

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Neville Goddard's Shouted Secret: Love Imagined Bloodly

You can imagine light. It is a wonderful thinking to imagine light. We might liken such casual thinking/imagining of light to water. But if one can imagine light to its BECOMING light, that is "blood." We are saved by the blood of Christ, Who we are, if we imagine what we imagine to its BECOMING. THAT is basic Bible 101. Neville's much shouted secret was, "IT'S GOT TO BE LOVE!!" All God does is LOVE IMAGINED; Its Own becoming.

Vic said Liv was making him wear his mask when outside

On Sat, Apr 18, 2020 at 5:03 PM wrote:
Wear your mask, Vic. This virus is a virulent disease. Wash your hands after touching anything from outside, and don't touch your face until you have washed your hands. You have a compromised immune system! Thank our Allaha He has given you Liv, a beautiful woman who wants to keep you around. That's His love.

Before I wrote this, Trump had been saying Covid -19 would be gone by April 1st. It ain't going. The death rate in Sweden, which eschewed social distancing and masks, is skyrocketing. It is a sad day. Let's pray for people and the world--dumb as it (the world) is.

Before I go, please allow me to thank you from the bottom of my heart for your translation work. The Western Church is so lost and confused due to its corrupted Bible. I tell them, "If you do not have Victor Alexander's translations, you do not have the Bible!" Your translations are the Word of Allaha, the Power of Allaha to save the world. A thought came to me yesterday: would you be able to put the digitized texts of your translations onto CD or DVD discs and sell them that way? I think I downloaded everything except the books of Acts and Isaiah from before it was taken down. I still bought two New Testaments (both paper and hardcover), all the individual books except Proverbs and Qohlet, and The Old Testament Scriptures so that I would have them, too. The world you and I see with regards to Spirit is not the world the Western Church sees. They see a God who is separate and are waiting for Him to come, like He is on the other side of the universe running things by remote control. Reading 2 Corinthians drove that home to me yesterday--the Power is a Who, a Who Who is here. When I compare your Aramaic to the Western versions, I am like, "No wonder they don't understand--the Western bibles don't say anything like the original text."

So, thanks again, Vic. Maryah bless you, and may your translations change the world!
Dan Steele

-----Original Message-----
From: Vic Alexander
Sent: Sun, Apr 19, 2020 12:32 pm
Subject: Re: Extended quote from you

Hi Dan,
Thanks for cheering me up. Regarding the Ancient Aramaic Old Testament and the Ancient Aramaic New Testament. The Assyrian Church of the East always publishes them separately, because the Old Testament is one hundred percent in the Ancient Aramaic, but the New Testament of the Church of the East shares some common words, which are in Greek, one of them is 'stadia' which is a Greek word that refers to distance. One of the allies of the Assyrian Church of the East was the Greek Bishop Nestorius of Constantinople, who sided with the Assyrian Church of the East in their rejection of the Catholic doctrines. I seem to remember that the main one was Nicea, where the Church of the East broke off permanently with the Catholic Church. It's around 350 years AD (After Christ.) Of course, I'm only a layman translator.

As for putting the text of all my translations on discs, I think that's a great idea, because then I can sell them independently from a website that I own, a mini

With the blessings of Maran Eashoa' Msheekha,
Vic Alexander

People, dear readers,

If you do not have Victor Alexander's translations, you do not have the Bible! I'll read something that strikes me in Vic's translation from the Aramaic and compare it to the KJV, NASB, New Jerusalem and Young's Literal -- they've got nothing anywhere close! They are like bibles for another planet. It's the original "You can't get there from here." Vic's words confirm the perspectives God shows me are His. You can give him flack for a lot of things in his books, but the IDEAS there are (in my humble opinion) the right ideas. If he puts his texts on CD or DVD, I'll get that, too. I ALWAYS bless God for having his digitized texts in a computer file. SO much easier for me to cut and paste for posts to you.



That Glenn Clark was one of Dr. Frank C. Laubach's best friends is recommendation enough for me. He founded Camps Farthest Out. I say this world is imagic. It is a language which is being spoken unto us by God and is the manifestation of His love. We have but to learn the vocabulary of God to fathom the unspeakable riches of His love ... and to discover how to live them.

By Glenn Clark
Jesus had a power of overcoming trouble, a power of triumphing over the ‘prince of this world,’ which was unique in the history of mankind. All will agree to this, even the skeptics and agnostics and those of alien faiths. Among the recorded promises which have come down to us as spoken from His lips was one that He would leave us with this power: ‘Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.’ Up to now the world in general and His professed followers in especial have failed, as a whole, to experience that power which He said He was going to leave with us. The question that is left unanswered is, What is this power which Jesus promised He was going to leave us, and where shall we find it?
Is Jesus’ power of healing the sick, bringing peace to the troubled, and harmony out of discord a lost art? Perhaps nothing in song or story is more alluring to the imagination than the so-called ‘lost arts.’ What were they and where are they to be found? Like the riddle of the Sphinx, or the oracle of Delphi, they remain shrouded in the veil of mystery which all the king’s horses and all the king’s men of modern scientific and philosophical research are powerless to uncover.
I have come to the conclusion that the greatest of all the lost arts – lost for these twenty centuries – is the great art of living as Jesus practiced it: living in such a way that trouble fell like scales from the eyes of all those about Him who were in need.
If this art is lost, where shall we go to find it? For if it is truly the greatest of all the arts it is certainly worth the seeking.
Where does one go when he has lost something? Naturally he goes to the place where it was last seen, and makes that the starting-point for his search.
Let us take for an example what is probably the commonest of all lost articles in this athletically ardent nation – the lost golf-ball. Just imagine you are caddying, say, for the greatest of all masters of the game. Stroke after stroke you have seen him drive down the course. Nothing equal to it have you ever seen before. And yet in spite of his marvelous power he does not require you to go on ahead, as a servant in his hire, but he invites you to accompany him at his side - as a companion. ‘I call you not servants,’ is the beautiful phrase of the Gospel, ‘I have called you friends.’ And oh, how you glory in this friendship and want to prove yourself worthy of this great trust! And then, in an evil hour, when you should have been giving your undivided attention to the game, you lose sight of the ball for just one moment, and when you try to see it again in its onward flight and you are not able to do so, and when you go down the course to seek it, try your best, you cannot find it.
After wasting precious minutes thrashing through the deep grass of inductive speculation on
one side of the course, and searching among the high trees of deductive speculation on the other, and after poking in the sand traps of logic in the fairway, you are ready to give up in despair. But if you are a good caddy you still have one recourse left. You can return to the tee and take the same stand you saw the master take when he struck the ball, you can take the same grip upon the club, and you can give exactly the same swing that he gave, while you let your eye follow the course such a stroke would inevitably carry the ball. If you do this, and then follow the track that your thought has recharted for you, you will come right to the lost ball.
This is, figuratively speaking, exactly what I did. Having assured myself, beyond peradventure of a doubt, that Jesus meant us to take Him absolutely at His word when He said, ‘The works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do,’ and having convinced myself that within Jesus’ own life lay concealed the secret of doing these mighty works, I went back down the pathway of history to where Jesus stood before He sent the Christ Idea whirling down the ages. I went to where He stood; examined carefully, as best I was able, the way He took His stand upon this earth, the manner in which He gripped the great issues of life, the way He swung the full force of that matchless strength and harmony of thought in the great game of life; and then I let my eye follow the course which the Idea must have followed in its triumphant flight.
And this is what I found – that Jesus’ attitude toward life was one of converting everything He saw and touched into parables. He stood on this earth as a symbol of a greater World. He gripped the issues of life as mere symbols of eternal and heavenly Realities. Petty problems and sorrows and disasters He converted into beautiful symbols of eternal and infinite goodness. Thus nothing was petty, nothing was trivial, nothing was without meaning in Jesus’ world, for all things combined to reveal the Kingdom – the Kingdom of Heaven in which He lived and moved and had His being.
‘And in . . . parables spake he unto them . . and without a parable spake he not unto them.’ Jesus was one above all others who never let His lips say what His mind and heart did not authorize. ‘For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaketh.’ If Jesus talked in parables He thought in parables; if He thought in parables He felt in parables – the parable point of view of the universe was at the heart and centre of His being. From somewhere about the beginning of His ministry He adopted this parabolic method of looking at the universe and thenceforth He never departed from it. There is something tremendously significant in this fact. It reveals that this method of thinking and talking about life for Jesus was not a halfway method. He did not use it occasionally as a means to an end, but continuously, exclusively, utterly. Perhaps no teacher in all history has so completely given himself to one particular method as Jesus did to this.
To me this was the greatest discovery of my life. It took its rank, in my little universe at least, beside Newton’s and Watt’s discoveries that apples fall downward and steam rises upward. And I am firmly convinced that when the religious world as a whole awakes to the full significance and meaning implied in these simple words the result will be just as transforming to the spiritual life of the world as the discovery of gravitation and steam has been to the scientific and material life of the world. For just as the discoveries of Watt and of Newton awakened man to the presence of a new world of physical and material forces outside of him, so the discovery of Jesus’
way of looking at life will awaken man to the presence of a new world of cosmic and spiritual forces within him.
II Somewhere back in my memory I can recall seeing two books side by side on a library shelf, one entitled The Parables of Our Lord and the other entitled the Miracles of Our Lord. Either for this reason or for some other reason I early associated these two words as one would associate two companion pictures that have hung on the wall in his childhood home, such as Sunrise and Sunset, the Parting and the Reunion, or those other heirlooms of our childhood memories – the Dictionary and the Family Bible, that use to grace the centre table o the old living-room.
But it was not till I made the discovery that I have just referred to that there came to me a realization of the deeper and closer association of cause and effect which existed between the parables and the miracles of our Lord. For in Jesus’ parabolic interpretation of life actually lay the secret of the signs and wonders that signalized His healing and teaching ministry.
If all this is implied in Jesus’ parabolic view of life it behooves us to consider carefully just what manner of thing this mystery is that we call a parable – this thing that is so filled with moral and spiritual dynamite.
‘A parable,’ says the dictionary at my hand, ‘is an allegorical relation of something real.’ There we have it; a parable deals first of all with Reality,. Second, it translates this Reality in terms of the imagination. Jesus looked at Reality through the lens of the divine----- imagination. By means of that fact troubles vanished around Him, obstacles fell away, the lost became found, the sick became well, sinners became redeemed, and rough places became smooth. Moreover, He promised that those who followed Him and used the way He used should have similar dominion over all things on earth and that greater works than He did should they be able to do also.
The imagination is the power we all possess of seeing harmonies, unities, and beauties in things where the non-imaginative mind sees nothing but discords, separations, ugliness. It is the tool of the mind with which we build up our affirmations – the ‘staff’ of the Shepherd Psalm that comforts us when all other faculties fail us. To look at life imaginatively, then, to see everything about us as a great parable full of deep inner meanings, - meanings of love, joy, wholeness, symmetry, and perfection, - is to see life truthfully, that is to say, spiritually. It brings us into a condition of continuous prayer – a condition of cosmic consciousness that is conducive, above all else, to bringing into our life those larger harmonies and unities that to our physical eyes appear to be miracles.
I am aware that I have here dug up from the ash-heap the stone which the theologians and the metaphysicians have for the most part rejected. And in setting it to be the head of the corner I know I shall meet with the scoffs and jeers of many who maintain that we should confine our attention to those things that can meet the test of logic and are capable of objective analysis. But the imagination is of all qualities in man the most Godlike – that which associates him most closely with God. The first mention we read of man in the Bible is where he is spoken of as
image. “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.’ The only place where image can be conceived of is in the imagination. Thus man, the highest creation of God, was an imaginative creation of God’s imagination. The source and centre of all man’s creative power – the power that beyond all others lifts him above the level of brute creation, and that gives him dominion over all the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and the animals that move and creep on the earth – is his power of making images, or the power of the imagination.
The imagination of man is but the window or door which, when thrown open, lets the divine life-stream into our lives. When it is thus thrown open man is brought into a condition of consciousness which, for want of a better word, is called inspiration. This heavenly inspiration is what links man to the divine and brings into existence our poets, composers, prophets, mystics, seers, and saints. This is the power that Jesus Christ had and that lifted Him above all other men, - a power that He, however, in His immeasurable compassion and His infinite humility, wished to bestow upon others and share with them, that greater works than He had done they might do also.
And these works – these mighty works, these miracles, if you will, are the direct outcome of Jesus’ converting everything that He saw into parables. And a parable, we find, is merely ‘an allegorical relation of something real.’ Looked at from this angle, the performing of a miracle is not such an impossible task. It consists merely of looking at Reality through the lens of the imagination, and then letting this parable, or imaginative way of looking at Reality, bring to pass that thing which is spoken of as a miracle.
And what is Reality? Reality, in the eyes of the practical man, is made up of cold, hard facts. And what are the hard, cold facts of life? As we look about us in this world what we see first of all are the quarrels, bickering, unhappiness, unfaithfulness, treachery, covetousness, worry , and materialism everywhere. These are the facts of life. But what are facts? Fact comes from the word factum, meaning something that we do or make. Are these facts of life identical with the realities of life? Not according to Jesus. To Him Reality does not consist of that which is made, but of that which eternally is. Love is – quarrels are made; joy is – unhappiness is made; truth is - lies are made; loyalty is – betrayals are made; purity is - impurity is made; life is – sickness is made. So Jesus went through life seeing no quarrels, no unhappiness, no lies, no impurity, no sickness. Where they appeared to be He turned the lens of His divinely inspired imagination upon them; He converted them into parables, and behold they stood forth revealed as mere shadows or reflections – upside down – of the reality. And every time that Jesus converted a fact into a reality the people exclaimed that a miracle had been wrought.
Bear in mind I do not mean to imply that Jesus went about disregarding and overlooking the facts of life. Rather He looked at them so much more steadily, so much more understandingly than the rest of mankind that He looked right straight through them into the underlying Reality of which they were the mere counterfeits or reflections. This is what the parabolic point of view consists of. He looked steadily at the dead girl until He could utter with absolute conviction based upon perfectly clear understanding this startling parable: ‘She is not dead, but sleepeth,’ He looked through the palsied sufferer until He could pronounce with conviction another parable, ‘Thy sins are forgiven thee.’ For to Jesus a parable meant simply the going back behind
the fact to the Reality that the fact represents. It does not mean watering the leaf that is waving conspicuously in the sunshine, but watering the roots that no one can see. It does not mean healing a man’s skin, but healing his soul. It does not mean dealing with the seen, but with the unseen; not with the carnal, but with the spiritual. Once perform the inner watering, the inner cleansing, and the outer healing will follow as a matter of course. ‘Whether is easier, to say . . . Thy sins are forgiven; or to say, Arise, and take up thy bed, and walk?’
And here let me pause a moment to clear up a misunderstanding in regard to the imagination that may have cropped up in the thought of many of my readers. There are some who have always thought that the imagination was something which makes believe that which is not. This is fancy – not imagination. Fancy would convert that which is real into pretense and sham; imagination enables one to see through the appearance of a thing to what it really is. Let me illustrate.
You who are reading this essay are probably sitting in a room with a perfectly flat floor beneath you. A carpenter, a contractor, and an architect brought their combined skill into action to see that the floor was flat – set plumb with the world. When you look out of the window you see that the streets and gardens about you are also flat. For three thousand years – and perhaps far longer – all mankind believed the world was flat. Why? Because they believed the evidence of their eyes. At last there came a man who looked at the world with his imagination, and he saw that it was round.
As you are reading this easy you look out of the window and see the sun setting behind the western hills. You say the sun is going down. For thousands of years all mankind believed that this was so – in short, that the earth was the centre of the universe, and the sun, moon, and stars revolved around it. At length there arose a man who used his imagination sufficiently to see through the appearance of things to the Reality. Because he insisted that the sun stood still and the earth revolved around it – in short, tried to duplicate Joshua’s miracle of making the sun stand still – his theory was regarded as a heresy.
Now, did Columbus create a miracle by proving that the earth was round when all the kings and all the kings’ men ‘knew’ it was flat? And when he proved it was round did he actually make it round? No. It was round all the time – he merely demonstrated to mankind that it was round. Did Copernicus make the sun stand still and the earth revolve around it? No, he created no miracles – he merely demonstrated and proved what was actually so. And, like Jesus, ‘he marveled because of their unbelief.”
And in like manner we can ask, Did Jesus perform a miracle when He said the leper was made whole? No, He merely demonstrated it. Did He break a natural law when He said, ‘She is not dead but sleepeth”? no, He merely demonstrated that Life is the Reality, and Death is merely a shadow or counterfeit of Life.
Then can we create miracles? Yes, we can if we use our imaginations and look steadfastly through appearances of things to the Reality behind them. We cannot create miracles by our fancy, and by trying to make believe we see things that we do not and cannot see because they do
not exist. We can create miracles by faith – by knowing the Reality that exists behind the things that only seem to exist. Faith will indeed move mountains.
And what is the greatest of all Realities, the Reality around which all lesser Realities centre, as it were? The Great Reality, the realization of which as at the core of all Jesus’ miracles, was the truth that Man is eternally united with all that is good – in other words, with God and His Kingdom – and eternally separated from all that is bad. Merely to see this Reality and see it clearly enough will make the sick whole, the sorrowful happy, the sinful redeemed, and the lost found.
I come now to where all this has led me: If Jesus talked, thought, and felt in parables, He must also have prayed in parables. In other words, when He asked for physical and material and financial blessings He must first have translated these needs into symbols of spiritual values and prayed not for material facts but for the spiritual Realities which these facts represented. When He prayed for things that are seen He used language of the unseen. Interesting evidence for believing that this is exactly what Jesus did is furnished us in some old records unearthed in Egypt which contain a saying ascribed to our Lord: ‘Ask for great things, and the small things will be given unto you; ask for heavenly things, and the earthly things will be given to you.’ I can paraphrase this as follows: Seek spiritual values, and earthly things, expressing those values, will be given to you. Or, as Paul would put it: ‘Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.’ Which is simply to say in another way, ‘Seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you.’
Let us apply this method of prayer to two of the commonest things in American life, two things that are quite generally thought to be so worldly and mundane that they fall outside the proper scope and field of prayer. I refer to our sports and our business. Here, if anywhere, we will certainly agree, the parable method will be brought to its severest test. How can a man in either of these fields with any sense of propriety go to God in prayer unless he can first pass his desires through the filter of Jesus’ parabolic vision and bring them forth purified of all dross and sediment of personal desire – that is to say, of Self? Imagine two rival athletic coaches praying for victory, or the presidents of two rival business firms praying for a monopoly of trade. How can their prayers be answered without disregarding, annulling, or violating the hallowed sanctity of the high office of prayer?
Just let us imagine the scene enacted up in Heaven when two such conflicting prayers are received there. God gathers his angels together and says, ‘Down there are two earnest men asking for victories. Search through our stockrooms and our treasuries and gather together all the victories you can find and send them down to them.’ Presently the angels come back and report, ‘We don’t find any such thing up here as victories. But we did find an old record which relates how an angel, the most beautiful of all those who sang before Thee, once made the request to be first in Heaven. If memory serves us right Thou didst recommend that he journey down to a lower realm where such requests might more appropriately be granted.’ Needless to say that the prayers of the two men, while not meeting with so emphatic a reproof as the request
of Satan, nevertheless remain unanswered.
Then how can one pray for athletic victories?
……………………………………………… Joker. But no one at any time has ever accused God of being an ignoramus or a fool. He knows our practical modern needs better than we do ourselves. But not until we set our affection on things above, not on things on the earth, will He grant the requests of His children. “But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly.
And now I am called upon to answer a very sensible and very sincere question.
Is there not a certain amount of hypocrisy and subterfuge in asking one thing in secret, as it were, and desiring another things to be given to us openly? In asking for ideas, for instance, and desiring money; in asking for love and joy, and desiring victory. There is the very issue, my friend. As long as one asks for one thing and desires another his prayers remain unanswered. Not until the athletic coach has persuaded himself in his own heart that the pearl without price that he desires above all other things for his athletes is that they be filled to overflowing with love and joy, entirely regardless of whether victory or defeat shall accompany this love and joy, can he begin to see the real Power that such love and joy can release in his men. Not until the college president actually desires first and foremost that actual ideas shall come to his college, if need be from teachers in homespun talking to boys on broken benches, and ceases to press down on the thought that these ideas must be presented in great million-dollar buildings and paid for by great million-dollar endowments, can he begin to see the full supply contained in the spiritual Idea made manifest.
But how can I explain why so many petitions asked in the old way – without a parable –have been answered? Always for this reason and for no other; they were always first translated – if not consciously in the mind, then unconsciously in the heart of the petitioner – into a parable. The petitioner was looking at the inner spiritual Reality and not at the outward material manifestation of Fact or Thing. In other words, such prayers were answered only when they were offered in simple trust and always with that complete surrender to the will of God – uttered or unexpressed – contained in the simple words, ‘Not my will, but thine, be done.’ ‘Thy will’ – whether the seeker knows it or not – is always the spiritual will, just as ‘my will’ is always the material will. Thus this simple statement, when uttered from the heart, - and not from the lips only, - is a veritable Aladdin’s lamp for converting a petition for material things into a petition for spiritual things. In other words, it grants to God the privilege of substituting His will for ours – that is to say, of translating our literal language of the flesh into the parabolic language of the spirit, and thus releasing the spiritual powers and forces so that they may become manifest in whatever way seems necessary to meet the need that our petition contains.
What I am trying to make clear is that we must pray not in another language so much as in another
spirit. I am convinced that Jesus Himself used both the new spirit and the new language, as His continuous use of the parable in both His thinking and His speaking gives us good reason to infer. Moreover, I am convinced that He has given us good authority for following His example and using the new language as well as the new spirit when He said, ‘Neither do men put new wine into old wine-skins: else the skins burst, and the wine is spilled, and the skins perish: but they put new wine into fresh wine-skins, and both are preserved.’
And this assurance I can offer to all those who are willing to give themselves to the Jesus method of prayer: you will find yourself lifted into a purer realm where it will be easier to let the gross material of this earthly world drop from your consciousness, and where you can more easily give your thought, not to the Facts, which are made, but to the Realities, which are not made, but which are eternal. You will find yourself lifted into a rarer atmosphere where you will soon be seeking, not for treasures upon earth, where moth or rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal, but you will be seeking – in language as well as in thought – for those treasures which are in Heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal. For where your language and your treasure are, there will your heart be also.
Greater than the prayer is the spirit in which it is uttered. Greater than speaking in parables, than thinking in parables, yes, even than praying in parables, is living in parables. This is the secret underlying the parable method of speech of Jesus – it is the parable method of living. He allied Himself spiritually or, if you will, mystically with the universe, just as a scientist allies himself with it mentally. And as a scientist talks of and about the great powers of nature that are unseen, Jesus lived, moved, and had His being among powers that are unseen, and give expression to them in His life. He moved amid these spiritual forces with a grace and ease that are the marvel of the ages.
And this art – which He mastered in such a magnificent manner – upon the testimony of Jesus Himself can be ours if we are willing to pay the price: to take up our cross, follow in His footsteps, and look upon life as He looked upon it. And He looked upon life imaginatively – that is to say, sympathetically. For the imagination sees things not in the flesh but in the spirit; not in imperfection but in perfection; not in ugliness but in beauty; not in discord but in harmony; not in parts but in wholes. Jesus came to make men spiritual, beautiful, harmonious, and whole. To that end, and to that end only, He talked to them in parables, He thought for them in parables, He prayed for them in parables; ‘and without a parable spake He not unto them.’

Friday, April 17, 2020

Exodus 3: Hallelujah! The First Lesson in the Bible was about How to Pray

The Bible started on Mount Horeb when God appeared to Moses. Of course, I believe that Mount Horeb was the state of Moses' mind in meditation, but still, no appearance - no Bible. Moses learned a lot in the ensuing days, months, and years before composing the Book of Exodus, and those things were incorporated in it. The first lesson in Moses' experience with God was about how to pray.

What tipped me off to Exodus 3 (below) being a lesson on prayer was the word 'brought' in verse 17. In Victor Alexander's translation from the ancient Aramaic (the only place it occurs!), God directs Moses: "And you shall tell them that He brought you out of the enslavement of the Egyptians to the land of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites, to the land that flows with milk and honey" (emphasis mine). Moses was being sent TO the children of Israel in Egypt (the flesh), and from the get-go he was to tell them that God had BROUGHT them--past or past perfect tense--that they are IN "the land that flows with milk and honey," the perfect country.

This brought to mind Abdullah telling Neville Goddard, when Neville had told him that he wanted to visit his family home in Barbados, "You are in Barbados." "I am IN Barbados?" Neville asked incredulously. "Yes. You are IN Barbados, and you went there first class!" Penniless (literally) Neville was perplexed, but agreed to go to sleep each night believing that he was in (literally) Barbados. Neville's brother then happened to want Neville to be at the family home for Christmas that year, and arranged fare and sent expenses for it to happen. Neville's only "work" was to believe that it WAS. I don't find anything like this thinking-from-the-end in any other Bible.

Then I noticed the "you shall memorialize this memorial, of all that He has done for you in Egypt," in verse 16. All that God had done for them in Egypt was cruel slavery, yet He says, "Memorialize this memorial"!! That is the premise and core of Merlyn Carothers' teaching in Prison to Praise and Power in Praise--that God has us where we are for the fulfilling of the Promise. In prison? PRAISE HIM FOR IT; FOR YOU CAN ONLY GET "THERE" FROM "HERE," WHICH HE HAS ARRANGED THROUGH YOU. You are not going anywhere at all until you turn to Him in faith and praise. Memorialize your "here"-- note it, and believe you have been brought "there." I don't find anything like this appreciation in any other Bible.

Moses was being sent to the Children of Israel--all that stuff in the Book of Genesis. I believe the Book of Genesis is about what Moses learned about himself after this event in Exodus. This is an esoteric, symbolic spiritual-value way of looking at the Scriptures. The only person in Genesis is Moses, the germ of God's revelation of Himself in us. Moses is an everyman -- me and/or you. The other people are attitudes we have. Jacob is our inner man, and Israel's children are our God-directed thoughts. Telling the Children of Israel is CONTROLLED, PURPOSEFUL THINKING. YHWH (Jehovah) is God's action among us. Elohim is His imagination (which also happens to be us). Note the "ancestors" and "God-of's" in verses 6, 13, 15, and 16. Abraham was Moses' realization that he was the expression of the Merciful Father, our underlying Godhood. Isaac--Laughter--is the state of fulfillment of God's promise, and Jacob is our inner man, the manifestation of that promise. Sum these up in confidence, faith. Listen to Alexander's translation of Matthew 6:9 and 10, Jesus' directions on how to pray:

"Therefore, this is how you shall pray:
'Our heavenly Father, hallowed is your name.
'Your Kingdom is come, Your will is done, As in heaven so also on earth.'"

Notice that these are 'is' and not 'shall' or 'going to be'. 'Is' corresponds to Ferrar Fenton's "must be being" (from the ancient Greek), which is obverse to the King James' sense of injunctional and faithless begging and pleading.

"Hallowed is your name," corresponds to Abraham, God's nature as the Merciful Father.
"Your Kingdom is come," corresponds to Isaac, born of Sarah after her youth was restored.
"Your will is done, as in heaven so also on earth," is Jacob, the manifestation of our/God's thoughts.
Jesus was teaching Exodus 3 as how to pray. He was saying, "Have these attitudes, this confidence."

"And I shall give the nation to be perceived kindly in the eyes of the Egyptians, so that when you go, you do not go empty-handed* (bare). The wife shall ask her neighbor, and the residents of her house for gold plates and silver plates and clothing, so that you may cloth your sons and your daughters, and the Egyptians shall allow it" (Exodus 3:21-22 Alexander). Forgive the past; enter serenity. We have been brought, we are IN the land of milk and honey, therefore Jesus taught, "Give us the bread for our daily need. And leave us serene, just as we also allowed others serenity" (Matthew 6:11-12 Alexander). God will do it, and we will receive it.

One thing about Matthew 6:13's, "And do not pass us through trial, except separate us from the evil one. For yours is the Kingdom, the Power and the Glory To the end of the universe, of all the universes. Amen!" In Exodus 3:18-20, the King of Egypt, Pharaoh, is, in my humble opinion, OUR IGNORANCE. We have to serve God three days making sacrifice in this ignorance. "Three days" is simply a complete and perfect time. The "three days and three nights" Jesus was in the grave was our lives from our initial death (entering this amnesia) to our final awakening and ascension in perfection!! Pharaoh, our ignorance, hasn't the power to deliver us. The only one who can is "Ahiyeh Ashur hiyeh"-- God Who is making us!

From Vic Alexander's translation of Exodus (forgive my editing):

Exodus 3
1. And Moses shepherded the herds of Jethro* (Reu-Eil, "God-looked-upon," Genesis 29:32), his king priest, and he fetched him sheep for the altar, and he came to the mountain of God at Khooriv. (Moses in meditation - ed.)
2. And there appeared to him the angel of the Lord through the waves of fire from inside the sun disc, and he saw that the sun disc itself did not burn up.
3. And Moses said, "Let me see, this must be indeed a great vision, that is why the disc is not burning up."
4. And the Lord saw that he was approaching to look closer, and so God called him from inside the disc, and He said, "Moses," and [Moses] said, "Behold, it is I."
5. And He said to him, "Do not come near, take off your sandals, because the land that you stand on is holy ground."
6. And He said, "I am the God of your father, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob." And Moses hid himself from the faces* that he saw, because he was afraid to look at God.
7. And the Lord said, "I have indeed seen* the slavery of my people in Egypt, and I have heard the agonies of their enslavement, because I know what ails them.
8. "And I have come down to deliver them from the hand of the Egyptians and to take them up from this land to an expansive and good land, to a land that flows with milk and honey, to the land of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites.
9. "And now, behold, the agony of the Children of Israel has reached me* and I can also see the persecution by which the Egyptians oppress them.
10. "Now come, I will send you to the Pharaoh, and take my people, the Children of Israel, out of Egypt."
11. And Moses said to God, "Who am I to go to the Pharaoh and bring out the Children of Israel out of Egypt?"
12. And God said to him, "I will be with you and this is the sign that I am sending you, when you conduct the exodus of the nation from Egypt, you shall work here before God on this mountain."

13. And Moses said to God, "Behold, as I go to the Children of Israel and say to them, 'the Lord God of your ancestors has sent me over to you," and they tell me, 'what is His name?' what shall I say to them?"
14. And God said to Moses, "Ahiyeh-Ashur-hiyeh,"* and He said, "this is what you will say to the Children of Israel, "Ahiyeh has sent me over to you."
15. And again God said to Moses, "This is what you shall tell the Children of Israel, that the Lord God of your ancestors, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, the God of Jacob, sent me over to you -- this is His name to the end of the universe and this is how you shall commemorate me from this century to the end of all the centuries,
16. "Go and gather all the elders of the Children of Israel and say to them that the Lord God of your ancestors has revealed this to me, the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, so as to say this to you, that you shall memorialize this memorial, of all that He has done for you in Egypt.
17. "And you shall tell them that He brought you out of the enslavement of the Egyptians to the land of the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites and Jebusites, to the land that flows with milk and honey."
18. "And I shall make them heed your voice, and you and the elders of the House of Israel shall enter into the presence of the king of Egypt and you shall say to him, 'The Lord God of the Hebrews has revealed this to us now that we must go and spend three days in the wilderness and make a sacrifice to our Lord God.'
19. "And I know the king of Egypt will not allow you to go, and it is not in his power to do so.*
20. "And I shall extend my hand and strike the Egyptians and I shall perform wonders among them and then I shall send you [all out.]
21. "And I shall give the nation to be perceived kindly in the eyes of the Egyptians, so that when you go, you do not go empty-handed* (bare).
22. "The wife shall ask her neighbor, and the residents of her house for gold plates and silver plates and clothing, so that you may cloth your sons and your daughters, and the Egyptians shall allow it."


*3:6 Lit. Ar. idiom retained: "Visions" or manifestations.
*3:7 Lit. Ar. idiomatic figure of speech: "Seeingly have seen."
*3:9 Lit. Ar. id.: "Entered upon me."
*3:14 Lit. Aramaic: (1) "Ahiyeh": "the One Who Comes in His Coming," the absolute sense of "the One Who Comes." (2) "Ashur": "the Beginning Spark that kindles the Fire" or "the Light." (3) "Hiyeh": "His Coming." (4) "Ahiyeh" and "hiyeh" are related forms of the same word. They mean more than "the Coming." They signify also the "Eternal Presence," "the Ever-Present," and the "Never Ceasing Intent of the Comer to Come." (5) In the same way, "Ashur" signifies "the Uncreated Creator who Creates Everything from Nothing." (6) Also, "Ashur" signifies: "Above-the-Flames."
*3:19 Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: "It was not in his clutching hand."
*3:21 Lit. Ar. id.: "Bare."

From Vic Alexander's translation of Matthew 6 from the ancient Aramaic New Testament:

9. "Therefore, this is how you shall pray:
Our heavenly Father,
hallowed is your name.
10. "Your Kingdom is come.
Your will is done,
As in heaven so also on earth.
11. "Give us the bread for our daily need.
12. "And leave us serene,
just as we also allowed others serenity.
13. "And do not pass us through trial,
except separate us from the evil one.
For yours is the Kingdom,
the Power and the Glory
To the end of the universe,
of all the universes." Amen!

I wrestle with Vic's notes on Exodus 3:14. I have expressed them about two dozen different ways. How would you render "Ahiyeh": "the One Who Comes in His Coming," the absolute sense of "the One Who Comes;" "Ashur": "the Beginning Spark that kindles the Fire" or "the Light;" "Hiyeh": "His Coming;" "Ahiyeh" and "hiyeh" are related forms of the same word; They mean more than "the Coming;" They signify also the "Eternal Presence," "the Ever-Present," and the "Never Ceasing Intent of the Comer to Come;" In the same way, "Ashur" signifies "the Uncreated Creator who Creates Everything from Nothing;" Also, "Ashur" signifies: "Above-the-Flames;" as a name?

You are welcome.

"The One Who Comes in His Coming (in the absolute sense of the One Who Comes), the Eternally Present, Never Ceasing Intent of the Comer to Come -- the Uncreated Creator who Creates Everything from Nothing -- the Light Above-the-Flames, the Beginning Spark that kindles the Fire -- His coming."

"I am His coming, the beginning spark that kindles the fire, the Light above-the-flames, 'the One who comes in His coming (in the absolute sense of the One Who Comes),' the eternally present, never ceasing intent of the Comer to come -- the uncreated Creator who creates everything from nothing."


Happy wrestling, complements of the Ancient Aramaic Church.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

If You Are Sick And/Or Dying, GOD'S POWER Trumps Accuracy

It isn't so much accuracy God desires, but faith. The Life-giving Living Branch of the Ineffable Most High is a Power Who is within us, now. That Power is our Hope and is the Revelation of Him, the Father. God wants us to have faith in His Power more than He is concerned with our accuracy. When we KNOW His Power, He can then work on how and why it is. We will pay attention.

God does not wait for us to get fullness of knowledge before demonstration of His Power. He waits only for faith that His Resurrection Power is. Believe It is. The Apostles of Jesus the Anointing did not go out preaching the order of His life or His teachings, nor necessarily His sacrificial death; they proclaimed His resurrection from the dead.* Resurrection Power. Because One died for All, THAT IS FOR US NOW. He is raised. That dying and rising is the Gospel, the revelation of Himself -- the Kingdom Who is the Life-giving Living Branch of the Ineffable Most High IN US!

The Persons seem confusing. The Ineffable is conscious, has a consciousness. Its conscious is Its "Son," the expression of Its Power. That is how I see it, anyway. EVERYTHING THAT IS, IS ITS CONSCIOUSNESS. The Ineffable's consciousness is the Power Who MAKES everything. That Power IS. But to become everything, that Power had to "die." It "died" in faith that It would arise as the Ineffable.

We recently, just two thousand years ago, had a Sermon preached to us about the Ineffable's Power's death and resurrection. The process was demonstrated: a fellow we call Jesus Christ believed the Promise, DIED, and arose from among the dead. LIKE the Power Who first DIED and then arose as the Beginning (see Genesis 1:1), Jesus was the First of this generation to die for all in faith of being resurrected, demonstrating the Power Who has been since the Beginning. GOD DOES NOT CARE HOW YOU GET IT, HOW YOU UNDERSTAND IT,** AS LONG AS YOU BELIEVE IT. HE WANTS YOU TO BELIEVE HE IS CONSCIOUS, HE IS POWER, AND THAT HE LOVES YOU -- THE WORLD -- AND HAS ALREADY DIED FOR YOU. HE WANTS YOUR FAITH TO SHOW HIS POWER, WHO DIED FOR US AND SHOWS HIS LOVE BY RESURRECTING OUR LIVES NOW. BELIEVE IT!

*Ladd, George Eldon, 1975, I Believe in the Resurrection of Jesus, Eerdmans, pg. 40.

**If you are interested to understand it, I recommend the Aramaic New Testament: Translation of the Ancient Aramaic Scriptures directly into English by Victor Alexander, 29 October 2012. ISBN 9781456475789 (paperback) or the Aramaic Bible Disciples New Testament ISBN 9781494471217 (hardcover). Alexander's Old Testament Scriptures (2015) includes Genesis, Exodus, the Proverbs of Solomon, Qohlat (Ecclesiastes), Isaiah, Jeremiah, Daniel, Jonah, Zechariah, and Malachi only. Victor has had to retire from translation work. In my humble opinion, if you do not have Alexander's translations, you do not have the Bible. They are available through Amazon, Barnes and Noble, or other online retailers. I used to say to order directly from Vic Alexander (1129 Linden Ave. #2, Glendale, CA 91201 USA.), but I am not sure he has the capability to handle it responsibly anymore. His e-mail is You can ask.

FYI: AFTER his twenty years of translation work, Vic may have been subject to heavy metal poisoning, which, if he was, has possibly caused some problems. Be charitable, and pray for him.

Monday, April 13, 2020

What Have You Traded God For?

You could have God. What you have instead is what you have traded Him for. You can trade back.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Three Modes of the Ineffable: I Believe in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ: the Faith of a Oneness Pentecostal Trinitarian

My understanding is that the ineffable God exists in three modes of consciousness. One is whatever the Ineffable is Itself. That is, the Ineffable is whatever It is beyond Its manifest consciousness, Its "thinking." Whatever It is beyond Its consciousness is something we will probably never know. But in the tradition of Descartes' "I think, therefore I am," "We are, therefore Something must be." If we are here, It must be there.

The most important thing here is that the ineffable Source is CONSCIOUS. We do not know what else the Ineffable might have or be, but It is decidedly CONSCIOUS. The Source, "God," is a conscious being. An invisible, bodiless, formless being has a hard time moving. It cannot do anything, because It has nothing to move. All It can do is think. But being an infinite and eternal consciousness, It can think a LOT!

Consciousness is the Manifestation of the ineffable Being-Beyond-Consciousness. The Divine Consciousness is, as it were, the "Son" of the "Beyond." I know, I know, one of my two consciousnesses here is "beyond consciousness," but what else can we say about the Ineffable? It is, as Its name implies, INEFFABLE!! I cannot say that It is not consciousness, because It has consciousness. The Ineffable's consciousness, though, is a notably inherent aspect of It. How do you distinguish you from your consciousness? You don't, but there the two of you are: you and your consciousness. Yeah, as one. One is what the scriptures are hammering down.

I do not know if having and being an infinite and eternal consciousness means anything to you, but think about it. An eternal consciousness can think about anything: anything that is; what It, the Ineffable, is; what could be; how everything that could be could and would come about; every deviation, distraction, and alternative to a thing's coming about, and how to overcome those impediments; etc., etc.. I can only suppose that the infinite and eternal ineffable Being worked out in Its imagination everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING, it would take for Its expanding self--consciousness--to become manifest in Its expansion. We are talking the expansion of consciousness here: Its consciousness. There isn't anything else. Which leads me to the third mode of consciousness: intelligence.

I speak of intelligence as power. You wouldn't be mistaken to call it wisdom. It is the power to become what is imagined. God imagined light, and light effused out. Boom! Its intelligence became. Everything else It imagined became, also. History appears to us to become sequentially, but I am not at all certain that is the actual case. Yes, my present being is concrete material manifestation in the progress of time, but I can imagine I am elsewhere--imagine, mind you--and that elsewhere is just as solidly concrete in its reality as here. Consciousness as intelligence manifest - according to my observation/expectation - facilitates the manifestation of the imagination of my (God's) consciousness and the purpose of the "Beyond" non-thing.

The Beginning of the Ineffable's conscious intention to become was the "death" of the Son. We are Its present crucified form. Its death is promised to end. Resurrection is the constantly expressed power of the Ineffable in the progressive ascension of our "ignoranced" (made into the ignorance of the Ineffable's imagination by amnesia) consciousness into the Ineffable's likeness. I believe there was a Jewish guy who did it before us, who is enabled to help us do it ourselves. We are just like him, the three modes of consciousness--God Itself in action.

The way up and out is CONSCIOUSNESS: imagination in the right, God-like attitude.

Friday, April 10, 2020

The Slight Exception In God, and The Big Mistake In The Church

I was surprised that no one commented on my assertion that God is only good, and that he has no negative. I was sure someone would point out that God says, "I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil" (Isaiah 45:7 King James Version), that it is God who brings disaster--evil--on those who continue in hard-hearted rebellion against Him.

I protest, though, that it is ignorance, not God, which creates evil. Ignorance is the slight exception IN the nature of God TO the nature of God. Creation is imagination. Ignorance IN God's imagination creates evil, and we, you and I--spirit/consciousness of God--have become the ignorance of God's imagination. We are his tools, his action, of overcoming this ignorance, the slight exception to himself, and getting rid of it. That is the work we are supposed to be doing.

The big mistake of the church is not seeing that we are God in this work. The grave error in Judeo-Christian theology is the absence of Advaita. Advaita, "not two," is the absence of division, the absolute oneness underlying all things which appear to be separate. Advaita is described as "not one, but not two." Creation is NOT separate from God. God is everything manifest and not manifest. God is the incomprehensible, ineffable, invisible No-thing Being AND Its Spirit/Consciousness AND the manifest power-forms of matter we observe. Whenever I try to explain to religious people of any persuasion that we are God, that God made us of himself, that there isn't anything that isn't God, I hear, "Oh no. You are not God, I am not God, God would not become us, 'I will not share my Glory,’ blah, blah, blah, & etc.." For God's sake, he doesn't SHARE it with us as another, he IS us. We are him when WE create evil by the ignorance of our imagination.

I just got an interesting illustration today: You know that quantum particles can be split, yet the separate parts remain connected. "Spooky action from a distance," Einstein called it. Well, at the Big Bang, all the matter in the universe came from the splitting of a single quantum particle. Everything is connected -- is one thing.

Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Look! It's Gini 101!! A Comment and Response About the Kingdom of God

Posted Wednesday, January 08, 2020
Observation on the Kingdom of God
The Kingdom of God, according the the scriptures, is the place we are going; and, according to the scriptures, we are already there (if, confessing Jesus Christ is YHWH, we have faith for salvation). Seems like I've seen this pattern before.
Posted by Dan Steele at 12:57 AM

Comment by Gini 101:
Am I correct in assuming by this, you are referring to the journey through this age? That is from innocence, through experience, to freedom?
I am enjoying your blog.
Thank you.



Thank you. I think you have got it, but my observation probably warrants further explanation.

My short post was intentionally cryptic, meant to inspire reflection. Certainly the kingdom of God is not a place, a gardened paradise of stone. As a "place," the kingdom of God might be likened to an attitude. I do not mean the snootiness, but in the British aristocracy a person remembered their station; i.e., their rank in society and the appropriate behavior expected of their station. We do not see ourselves in the kingdom of God very clearly yet; my point is that God DOES. It is operating in the Law of ASSUMPTION, and IS CURRENTLY ASSUMING THAT WE ARE "THERE." We are just living below Its expectation. Part of our getting there is our comprehension of the fact that in Christ WE DIED. Died to the stuff outside our station. IN Christ, we ARE RAISED to and are operating IN the kingdom. I am not sure this is what you meant by "from innocence, through experience, to freedom," but it is probably close enough. Freedom from the spiritual death of ignorance, yes, but not freedom from the cooperation with God expected of our station.

We have a long way to go to true understanding. For we are all ignorant conscii, bits of God's imagination who do not know what it is that we do not know. How then can we find what is right to fix what is wrong? I suppose there is your "innocence." And there is where we must grow in faith that we are not us, but are Him. One of my favorite of my two dozen translations of Exodus 3:14 is "Through My imagination in you (as you), we become Me." I.e., trust God to discover through us what He assumes is completed. We must become more experienced in what we do not know until we know it and become Him-as-He-is.

I hope this helps. By the way, Gini, my blog is simply me trying to figure all this out. I am so glad if it aids you on your journey.

Was It Real? And Exodus 3:14

What do you find God to be like? I rejected him. He opened my eyes to see my error, and he saved me. He baptized me with his Holy Spirit. He confirmed his call with his audible (i.e., into my physical nervous system) voice. I have had minor and major physical problems. He healed me. He has healed my friends. He has always only been good, kind and forgiving towards me. By him I have increase, expansion, more. That inherent tendency of him is the "kingdom" of God. When you go to him for healing; don't you fear he will punish you instead? No, FOR HE HAS NO NEGATIVE. The negative part is from US. Is us. Our negative nature leaves him as we get rid of it ourselves. God is only good: he is inflow, jutting over, excess--Life. There is no hell from him. No punishment (the body goes to the grave; the spirit does this shtick again until it grows). God and his kingdom are only good, loving, beneficial.

Moses was feeling this out. He called this goodness Jethro. He was married to the idea. And it said to him, "My becoming (increase, expansion) is the nature of God. I see that your mind has a lot of trouble in it. I have come to straighten it out, to get you thinking like me" (Exodus 3:14-17 me).

God's voice manifesting in my brain's nervous system so that I "heard" it and the little bit of lengthening of my arm were real in the sense of historical, empirical reality. I have no idea as to whether atoms were added to my arm, or if the existing atoms were rearranged. I do know that I WATCHED my arm grow out. A bit. I did not move. It was real.

As I noted to Gini 101, this blog is my trying to figure everything out. I came back to this post to say: God is real; he is good; what do I (we) do about it? "Do the works of God -- believe in the Son -- imagine." God assumes we are as he has concluded: his Manifestation. "Okay, God. I am going to assume I am you, your manifestation. And assume like you. Assume what you would assume. And believe that it is as I assume, because that is good, and you are good. You are resurrection." This is what I get from Dr. Franck C. Laubach, Carl F. Rehnborg, and Neville Goddard. Happy assuming good, the kingdom of God, to you: “You are IN Barbados,” said Abdullah to Neville. You are IN.

Friday, April 03, 2020

Covid-19 Prayer, Believe in the Resurrection of Jesus

This started out as a How-to-Pray article, and it still is, but it isn't so much about technique. It is about attitude. Attitude really is the heart of any technique. For one thing, you have got to take God as serious as a heart attack. God is, of course, a field of power, but beyond that He is a CONSCIOUSNESS. You have got to see that power as a responsive consciousness, a Person. Not a physical form person, but a field of INTELLIGENCE capable of volition and response in power. It. is. aware. of. you.

My difficulty in getting this post written is I believe all the Bible, but not in the traditional way. The kerugma means something else to me. How can I explain it? As so often happens, I looked upon my bookshelf and noticed a book I haven't read in about three or four decades. The title on the spine is completely faded out to a yellowish white, but I know immediately what the book it is: George Eldon Ladd's I Believe in the Resurrection of Jesus. Providentially, I flipped the book open to pages 40-41. I guess I spent some time there: "The important point at the moment is that the resurrection of Jesus was the central proclamation of the early church." Yes, it was. Ladd notes that the early church did not proclaim much about Jesus' life, his teachings, or even his sacrificial death. Their central focus was on his RESURRECTION.

I had to think about that. The Season of Grace had culminated in the Anointing of YHWH upon a man who gave his life to become the Messiah, which means that the culmination of the Season of Grace was the resurrection. Like Ladd, I believe in the resurrection of Jesus; I just do not believe in the same Jesus, a separate Jesus. Jesus is YHWH, the ACTION of God in and through us. The Ineffable is conscious. That consciousness is us. YHWH, the Son of God in the Beginning (see Genesis 1:1), became man. His resurrection was not without us. The proclamation of the early church was that the resurrection is present and is real--Life is restored to us! Now. It is available to us now IN HIM.

THAT'S why people were being healed: the lame leaping, the sick recovered, the dead raised to life. THAT'S why they were told to repent: repentance is revision of our ATTITUDES. Faith that our resurrection is a REALITY. We are appreciative, happy, thankful, grateful, full of worship and adoration. Take God and OUR resurrection as serious as a heart attack. It isn't coming; it is here. We are "there," as Neville would say. We could get Covid-19 at any moment and find ourselves in the battle of our lives, God forbid, but here is the key I offer: You were resurrected. You are resurrected. By His stripes you WERE healed. Find the ATTITUDE: God's reality ... taken as seriously as anything can be.

See "Raise Social Distancing to an Art Form — No Germs From or To Anyone or Anything" March 25, 2020

Thursday, April 02, 2020

The Action of God is Resurrection

The ineffable No-thing, whatever It is, is conscious. That awareness and flow of thought is what we and everything else is. We are imagination compiled of levels or modes of that consciousness. It (the Ineffable) is thinking, and we are the thought. We, like God, are not things; we are an action. That action is resurrection. Moses called it Jethro, God's excellence. Jesus called it the kingdom of God. Resurrection is the nature of nature--God's thought--activated by faith. The resurrection of Jesus, the power and presence of YHWH--God's action--is what we are supposed to be witnesses of. The kingdom of God has to do with attitudes. Read 'attitudes' as love, confidence, trust, forgiveness, humility, contriteness, reverence, honor, gratitude, praise, thanksgiving, worship, surrender, submission, etc., etc.. It is all to be one attitude in us toward Him. It is kind of a cooperation thing between God and us. We take the attitude, he takes the action, and we are all one.

To be continued.