The Becoming God

Sunday, July 30, 2023

Heading For Healing 39: T.L. Osborn's "The Message That Works" (For Salvation And Healing) Is The Message Of The BIBLE, The Message of W.M. Branham, J.G. Lake, Dowie, Etc.

My apologies for my being so slow to catch on. I did not know that the whole of William Marrion Branham's teachings were called "The Message" by his followers. I have only been interested in Branham's teaching that all sickness, illness and disease are the result of Satan's destructive work in the Garden of Eden--the lie that we are separate from God, and because of Jesus Christ's sinless life and work on the cross we are FULLY REDEEMED FROM Satan's work, and thus we now may be completely forgiven, saved, and healed IN God, and He IN us.

That is really a pretty short message, isn't it? Satan caused sin, sin destroyed our relationship with God, which ruination opened us to corruption; God as Jesus Christ sacrificed Himself for us, paying the FULL price of our punishment, won the reward of us--the right to forgive, adopt, restore us to Himself, and heal us. This is THE message of the Bible, and is all that Branham's Message is about: ALL SATAN'S CLAIM OVER US IS GONE, DESTROYED, AND WE ARE, IF WE BELIEVE, BACK TO THE RELATIONSHIP WE HAD WITH GOD IN THE GARDEN: "You in Me, and I in them."

Jesus Christ came to set man free from sin and death and the pains of hell. And He DID. 

I knew that Daisy and T.L. Osborn had heard this message preached by William Branham in Portland, Oregon, before the beginning of their successful evangelistic crusades. This message of God's love and Satan's defeat allowing our freedom, success, and healing was the inspiration for their healing ministry. So I should not have been surprised to find that the message in T.L.'s book The Message That Works is indeed the same message they heard from Branham in Portland, that God loves us, Satan is defeated, and Jesus is Lord; thus we can be saved and healed.

The story of the Gospel is all about this transition or flip from our being under Satan's control to being completely free of him in God. The four-hundred-and-ninety-year Season of Grace culminates in this freedom -- Daniel 9:24. I wondered if other healing ministries had the same basis and inspiration. I remember stories about Smith Wigglesworth striking and abusing the ill who came to him for healing. "I am not striking them; I am striking the Devil who gave them the illness," he said.

I have a copy of God's Generals: Why They Succeeded and Why Some Failed by Roberts Liardon (1996, Whitaker House). Page 173: "In utter hopelessness, Lake threw his Bible against the fireplace mantle and it fell to the floor opened to Acts chapter 10. As he walked over to pick it up, his eyes drifted to verse 38: '...God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power: who went about doing good, and healing all that were oppressed of the DEVIL, for God was with Him.'

"Those words ripped through his thoughts. 'OPPRESSED OF THE DEVIL!' That meant that God wasn't the author of Jennie's sickness, or of any sickness! And if Lake was a son of God through Jesus Christ, then God was with him, just as He was with Jesus! Now he was convinced it was the devil who had cause Jennie's illness."

Page 25, regarding John Alexander Dowie: "Then I prayed for some message.... Then the words of the Holy Ghost inspired in Acts 10:38, stood before me all radiant with light, revealing Satan as the Defiler, and Christ as the Healer. My tears were wiped away, my heart was strong, I saw the way of healing...I said, 'God help me now to preach the Word to all the dying around, and tell them how 'tis Satan still defiles, and Jesus still delivers, for He is just the same.'"

T.L. Osborn heard the message from William Branham, then SAW the message when Jesus walked into his bedroom. The Glorious One was triumphant!! IS (!!) triumphant. His victory is full, whole, and complete. We are forgiven...IF WE BELIEVE. Mark 11:24, "Believe ye receive, and ye will HAVE."

Sunday, July 23, 2023

User Error

We fail in life due to USER ERROR. Living life is like using a computer. Ignorance is our adversary. Ignorance is the source of our problems. The fault isn't in our stars; it's in our brains. We are ignorant of how to use Life. We do not know what to do. This needs correction! The program is there, loaded and ready to be used by those knowledgeable, but most of us haven't taken time to learn life's program - God's "rules" -  seriously, and haven't learned how to use it. We are not those who have made themselves knowledgeable. Life is to us like a partially learned computer operation, which requirements leaves us flummoxed when it just won't work. "Do what I want!" we scream when we desperately desire a result AND DON'T KNOW HOW TO GET THERE. There is nothing wrong with the program; it is just our lack of knowledge. We just do not know what to do or how to do it due to our having remained IGNORANT instead of learning the program, the rules, what buttons to push.

"What we have here is failure to investigate" (my apologies to Donn Pearce, author of Cool Hand Luke). Actually, the whole quote from Cool Hand Luke is disturbingly applicable here to what I mean by user error: "What we've got here is... failure to communicate. Some men you just can't reach. So you get what we had here last week, which is the way he wants it... well, he gets it." "Some men (and women) you just can't reach." Has God been trying to reach us, and we just can't be reached because we just won't listen? We have failure and illness because WE DO NOT TURN TO GOD. And unfortunately that is the way WE "wants it." We shut ourselves off from God. We won't listen; we won't learn; we won't obey because we haven't taken what we have heard SERIOUSLY. So we "gets it." Do not blame God: He has been a-knocking on our head-ball. He is playing hardball, and THE BALL IS IN OUR COURT.

Our suffering, stress, and failure may result from user error due to our not knowing how to have faith, how to pray, that we should pray, what to pray for, that we exist in the invisible world as much as this one, that we are to be holy and upright in character and behavior. If we think and believe that we are SEPARATE FROM God, we fail to see what we are and how we are PART OF the program. The number one remedy is to recognize that God is immediately present, that He is IN US, and that we are IN HIM. "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls" (Matthew 11:28-29 KJV). I.E., LEARN THE PROGRAM.

Follow the scriptures. Be pray-ers. Be church goers. Bring people to God, and make disciples of them. Be obey-ers. We have been lackadaisical, while God has been SERIOUS all along. We have been living a life of slack, slackadaisical, and it has bit us. We have "gots it." If we want anything like winning, we have to play the game.

Tuesday, July 04, 2023

The Message of the Seed Bag: God's Purpose in the Cosmos

Throughout the ancient world the gods were often depicted as carrying what appears to me to be a seed bag. Obviously, the seed bag was so frequently included because it was essential to the message the art was created to convey. Ancient farmers probably used such handbags to carry seed to be spread across their fields. By carrying the seed bag the god was naturally engaged in planting seed for a future harvest. Some suggest the bag contained the cosmos, the order of the universe. Others suggest the bags contained wisdom to be granted to man's civilization. I imagine the originators of the art were trying to say, "This is what the gods are doing; they are seeding the cosmos with their wisdom in hopes of harvesting their own likeness."

Edit: Here is an interesting theory of what the seed bags indicate:

The Bible's Astonishing Explanation of the Ancient "Alien" Handbag Controversy - What Are They?

and Writings of the Watchers Discovered in PRE FLOOD City Describes End of the World - Gobekli Tepe

Monday, July 03, 2023

The Other Repentance

What do you Do when you do have evidence--concrete, physical, empirical, personal, experiential and historical EVIDENCE--of God's and the invisible realm's reality, presence, and power? I mean when you personally have had physical healing or healings, you have experienced the in-flooding Spirit taking control of your mouth to speak in a language you don't know (though you could tell it was praise and worship), you have seen visions and have physically heard Jesus' voice, and have witnessed innumerable miracles of all sorts and heard unnumbered testimonies of faithful, rational, sane people who have had spiritual experiences like yours . . . what do you DO?

You have repented your mind and beliefs. You have sought and hopefully found a believing church to join. You have a pretty keen interest in the Bible and studies of spiritual dynamics. I think perhaps the last repentance is submission to the spirit within to express itself through you, to give rein to its reign; i.e., to step out and be as Christ and to DO as Christ.

Sunday, July 02, 2023

Heading For Healing 38: Pursue PRESENT Sonship

God's purpose is for SONS, sons in the present moment. You believe in God, that Jesus is His Son, and that you are saved? That's nice. But you are dealing with the wrong proposition. God doesn't want just believers; He wants SONS. Sons who will manifest Him in the NOW like Jesus did. To those who believe Jesus is the Son of God He gives the power to become SONS of God (John 1:12). While many are called into the field of believers, few pursue their full sonship NOW. I have not heard of a finer man than Dr. Frank C. Laubach. A believing missionary to the Moros in the Philippines, he found God still pushing, even travailing for "the Christ-thing which has no name" to be formed in him (see March 9, 1930, below):

"The most wonderful discovery that has ever come to me is that I do not have to wait until some future time for the glorious hour. I need not sing, 'Oh that will be glory for me -' and wait for any grave. This hour can be heaven. Any hour for any body can be as rich as God! For do you not see that God is trying experiments with human lives? That is why there are so many of them. He has one billion seven hundred million experiments going on around the world at this moment. And His question is, 'How far will this man and that woman allow allow me to carry this hour?' This Sunday afternoon at three o'clock He was asking it of us all. I do not know what the rest of you said, but as for me, I asked, 'God, how wonderful dost Thou wish this hour alone with Thee to be?'

“'It can be as wonderful as any hour that any human being has ever lived. For I who pushed life up through the protozon and the tiny grass, and the fish and the bird and the dog and the gorilla and the man, and who am reaching out toward divine SONS, I have not become satisfied yet. I am not only willing to make this hour marvelous. I am in travail to set you akindle with the Christ-thing which has no name. How fully can you surrender and not be afraid?'" (Emphases mine).

Sons. Not just believers, but people who know that God is IN them and who submit TO Him. Frank got moving. Will you pull up your stakes of complicity with the world and set out to sonship? God is in travail to set you akindle with the Christ-thing which has no name. That, I believe, is our actions in and with the Holy Ghost. Thousands may be healed before you are, but you will get to see them healed and saved with you. I guess it isn't "onward Christian soldiers, marching as to war"; but rather, "onward Christian soldiers, marching to war." Shape up and stand by to engage. Believe me, you won't have long to wait. Hurry!

The Burning Bush Was The Two Parties--The Two Levels Of God's Manifestation, If You Would-- As You

It is my contention that in the burning bush incident (Exodus chapter 3) Moses was shown himself. The point of the vision was: "You are two." God said of the spectacle, "I am that 'I am,'" which I take to have meant, "I am that which you are seeing, which is "you," you and I together becoming Me." Moses saw the bush, which he knew to be himself (you can see what looks like a bush with its root system in the upper and lower branches of the human nervous system; that is the physical, organic human), and Moses also saw the self-sustaining flame of the Spirit of God within him. I.e., Moses saw his real physiological, psychological, and spiritual makeup--the real Moses. The flame was Moses' spiritual aspect, his consciousness. God's revelation to Moses was that the whole bush-and-spirit-together thing was God's consciousness manifest. God is consciousness, the Ineffable's imagination. The Ineffable Being, the No-thing, somehow THINKS. It imagines, and It has the power to become what It imagines; hence, there Moses was, and here we are.

Not you alone are God, the Consciousness of the Ineffable No-thing. EVERYONE IS. Which means that everyone is individually sovereign. We can think to change and improve our world, but we cannot impose our will upon other people against their will. I am sure Jesus would have if He could have. We can, though, think and do good things as the Consciousness of the Ineffable we ARE. Consciousness is the Kingdom of God; It is the first-born Son of the ineffable No-thing. It is the POWER by which we may become sons of God. That IS His purpose here with us, isn't it?

John 1:9-12 Alexander: "There was the light of the truth, that which lights everyone who is born. He was with the people and the people [came into being] by his hand, and the people did not know Him. He came to his own, and his own did not receive him. But all those who did receive him, He assigned them to be children* (sons) of God, [to them] who believed in his name." We can change our world and their world, but people have sovereignty to hold onto evil in spite of all those changes. It is only to those who receive Him that He gives CONSCIOUSNESS--i.e., awareness--of the power within them to become sons of God.