The Becoming God

Tuesday, January 31, 2023

Gospel For Michaël

Hi, thanks for trying to help, but I don't understand a word of what you say.

God manifest through me ? Well, why does he manifest for me a shit body and life despite I have put tons of effort to better myself, and others have all the best on earth since birth and have such a good body and mind that they fly throughout life like butterflies and have not even an interest in god ?

I am sorry but I don't understand what you say and I can not use this in any practical way. Even doing the Neville Goddard technique don't work as I am completely f'ed up and my mind and body don't react positively to that imagination work. On the opposite it drive me crazy cause it don't work and then it reinforce the négative side. I don't even have anymore energy to do this inner work.

Thanks for trying, but I think it's best you don't loose your time with me.

Have à good day.



Thank you for the good wishes. You are not a waste of time, Michaël. Something I think you are not getting is that you, Michaël, you are much desired and loved by God. When Jesus went to the cross to suffer and die for us, he did it for YOU. And he would have done it just for you, even if you were the only one ever to be saved by it. Because God wants and loves YOU. You are a lot more valuable than you think.

You have spent a lot of time and effort in trying to accomplish something spiritual. That is commendable. In the first century BC, many Jews knew that the Messiah promised in Daniel 9 and elsewhere in the Oracles of the Jews was coming, and they went into the wilderness and into the Jordan Valley to prepare themselves for his appearing. There were a lot of schools of discipline, study, ritualized law, and "inner work" to cleanse themselves and become "holy." Your long and intense effort has made you, like them, exhausted and sad. That is something we do to ourselves. When Jesus did arrive, he said, "Come to me, all you mourners and carriers of burdens, and I shall give you peace. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, as I am easy* (peaceful) and gentle of heart, and you shall find peace in your souls. For my yoke is pleasant and my burden is light." That's Matthew 11:28-30 in the Bible per Alexander.

Peace in your soul. A light burden. You do not have to earn or accomplish anything to have peace and joy from him in your soul. The Holy Spirit is simply received, accepted as him when you accept him as your lord and savior. That is, when you give up trying to do it yourself.

I hope that in your twenty years of reading you have realized that we are tri-part beings. We have a physical part, a mental part, and a spirit part. When we are born, we are immediately aware of the physical part, and we eventually become aware of the mental, but the spiritual part, Michaël, what about that? Did you know that Adam named his second son Abel? That means "zero" in Hebrew. Zero, as in nothing, waste, futility, or vanity. Who names their son Zero? Abel is OUR spirit. He is zero to us when we are born and discover our body. He is zero to us when we begin to think. But his blood, i.e., his life, the life of the eternal spirit of God, speaks to us despite his being "dead." You wouldn't be trying if you hadn't been hearing him, Michaël. The Kingdom of God, his spirit, is within you and is calling out to you.

"Why does he manifest for me a shit body and life despite I have put tons of effort to better myself?" THAT'S the problem, Michaël. What and how you are is the sum of your best thinking. You are looking for a mechanism to become the best you can be without recognizing the God IS the mechanism. His end goal for you is him. We are not there yet, but our end is to be the manifestation of God as he IS. And we are to get there FROM THIS--WHAT WE NOW ARE, no matter how f'ed up this now is. From what we now are, we do not make ourselves like him, he does. For only he can do it!! Our part is to humble ourselves, surrender to him and submit to his doing it. For he cannot do it if we are doing it.

I am a big fan of T. L. Osborn. You might never have heard of him. He said he had seen Jesus. I believe him, for I have heard Jesus. I know now that "Jesus" is an aspect or action of God, a characteristic or nature of the invisible force that he is, but God deals with us as a man. Neville met the Power of God, and he was a man. He met the Love of God, and he was a man. We meet Jesus, the Salvation of God, and he is a man. So I deal with God as Jesus, as a man. He is so much more. I met Osborn, and I remember he had made a point to learn to speak French. There are a lot of very interesting YouTube videos about and by him, like these:

Lords Gym William Branham T L Osborn on William Branham with French Translation


You are desired and loved by God, Michaël. You are his best. You think you are a mess, but he can make you . . . into him! He is the mechanism which accomplishes it. Do not let self-lordship stand in your way--cast it out! There is nothing more practical than a contrite spirit before our Lord God, the bigger part of us. Best wishes to you.

Dan Steele

Sunday, January 29, 2023

On Neville On Your Son David Standing Before You When You Wake Up

I received this as a personal e-mail from General Lee (sorry about the statue, General). It's about the matter of the literal David of Biblical fame standing before you as your son when memory of your Godhood returns to you:

"I just was looking up examples of people's understanding when Neville mentions David. It's also confusing to me but I read your post and it's a little more understandable the way you put it. It still confusing to me but the whole part about when David stands before me. What the hell does that mean? You mean when I recognize my own imaginings and it's no longer a desire but a reality is that David. I'm so confused."

Sir, you are not the only one who is confused about this, sir. I have a couple of times "seen" what I believe Neville is talking about. I will try to explain my understanding, and you and others can consider whether I am close or am wholly mistaken. Neville believed the Hebrew word YHWH to mean "I AM." I have always thought this strange, because YHWH is third person, but nevertheless it refers to God Himself. YHWH is translated in the Bible as "the LORD." It also says in the Bible "the LORD and His Christ"; that is, while Christ is God, and YHWH is God, they are not the same. If you would, Christ is YHWH's work, His action. It is a subtle distinction, but of paramount importance.

The Bible speaks of Jesus Christ. 'Jesus' means "YHWH Saving." 'Christ', or 'Messiah', is YHWH's action of delivering to an acceptable state. YOU are Jesus Christ, and I am Jesus Christ: the "I AM" doing His work, "Christ." We are YHWH Fathering "David," God's "Beloved," when we do the will of God, which is the work of God. What is the work of God? That we believe on the One He has sent. Whom has He sent? He has sent Himself, YOU, General, sir. Your work, your action, recognizes you as their Father, YHWH Himself, for you are.

For Neville, when he "got" that he was YHWH, the Father of David the Christ, David as the stripling/ youth/ child implanted in each of us (Ecclesiastes 3:11) appeared before him and called him, "Father."

Do not feel bad about being confused: "He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity (the stripling) in the human heart; yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end."

If we did not have the doing in us, He could not judge us for not doing. But we do, and He can. Christ.

Saturday, January 28, 2023

Michael's Complaint and Heaven Introduced, Invading Hell

I received a comment from Michael. It was a comment and a rant, a reasonable complaint. Michael was not satisfied with my responses--he felt I was not answering his questions adequately, just giving pat answers. It is hard to answer questions the nature of Michael's without rewriting the Book of Ecclesiastes. I have tried to extract Michael's questions here:

"We are supposed to be God? What a joke, God is supposed to suffer and imagine for months, even years one thing that will happen? And doing it continually and by the same time denying his current suffering?

"I am God imagination?

"You always need something here, its endless. And how about the people who get what they wanted with Neville technique, and life have take all back horribly, like the girls who got a boyfriend, good life, etc, and then he died and she ended destroyed inside...

"Also tell me how a God worth its name could create a s' place like here?

"How to believe in God and there is no support inside us even when we search like crazy?

"I am nothing of what I perceive and still my f'ing mind everyday is identified with my body, thought and senses. Its endless suffering. And doing effort for what? To finally die and see everyone we love die?"

I had to edit Michael's French (literally--he's in Belgium).

There is so much to attack here. Which is the greatest problem? Not which is the most urgent question, but what is the most basic problem Michael has in understanding and accepting the reality we are in? I think it might be the expectation of magical effect, that if we do 'a', 'b' will follow. 'B' does not follow our 'a', so there is frustration, disillusionment, and rejection of premise. I tried to explain to Michael that there IS evidence, solid evidence, of God by His actions among us, IF one will accept the testimony of the miracles themselves. Definite, deliberate response actions by No-thing trump everything else in my book.

A big problem is Michael's conceptualization, I dare say misconceptualization, of his being God. I am God? Yes, and so is the floor you are standing on and the air you breath. EVERYTHING is God, including this physical appearance, imagination, and the "Wholly Other." We are HIS Manifestation. Maybe I should use a bigger font: We are HIS Manifestation, but we are just Manifestation. He is presenting; we are presentation, but we are not running the show. We have been ruining the show, and the fix is letting Him run it in and through us. His Holy Ghost Spirit (mind, consciousness) baptism is the introduction of Light into this darkness, the entrance of Heaven into Hell, IF we will let Her in and let Her operate. 'Israel' means "Eil's Prevailing"; it is not our force. I think Michael has been trying to control Her rather than submit to her, which just possibly could be a problem to getting 'b'. We are the car being steered; God must be allowed to steer.

The greatest problem might be the state of the Church in Europe, at least the Church that Michael has been exposed to--or NOT exposed to. I have found that you cannot wait for the church to do anything or to come around to the truth you have found; you have to do good things yourself and find the Truth yourself. My world changed when I realized that God could AND WOULD teach me Himself. It was just a matter of believing and learning to see and to listen--of course with a very generous understanding of what is in the Bible. God cannot say, "This is that..." without our knowing His vocabulary of "this" and what "that" is or was.

Michael does have one salient point, expressed better in one of his later comments: he sees endless suffering in this world in everything eating everything else. Life seems to be terror, a source of desperation: "To finally die and see everyone we love die?" You've got me there, Michael. It is true that this world appears to be the manifestation of Hell, a Hell we have made by our ignorance. And it is. That is the sad truth, lad; it is. We do all die. The bigger Truth you are missing is that this world isn't meant to be this way, and it will not stay this way. The God it manifests is determined to be different, and eventually this world WILL manifest what He wills. That is why the Greek New Testament says, "Your Name must be being Hallowed; Your Kingdom must be being restored; Your Will must be being done both in Heaven and upon the Earth." (Matthew 6:9-10 Fenton). Why? Because as I said, the Ineffable's Consciousness, the Spirit which is Christ, is supplanting the darkness and ignorance of our world with the Light of understanding the intended End of God: that which we shall be. In His book, it is a done deal, Christ HAS VANQUISHED the death we bear. Seem to bear. In Christ, in God, the ignorance who is our Satan IS GONE!! By His (Christ's) stripes we WERE healed, and in His economy we are already there: Satan. Has. No. Claim. Neville said, "Faith is loyalty to the invisible reality."

God's Heaven is introduced and invades our Hell in and through us. If you do not have a church to go to, do not wait. We have floors and knees. The only thing that is truly needed is the recognition of God, the Consciousness of the ineffable No-thing. I cannot prove to you God. He has to do that. Just look around clearly. It is said that you can't get something from nothing, but I say you can only get something from the No-thing. All things have come from Its imagination. Christ is His Consciousness's action of ordering all things into Himself in manifestation. IT'S A RIDE. Let Him steer.

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Mining Eil Shaddai

Eil (pronounced "eal"--a long 'e' followed by an 'l') is the ancient Aramaic/ proto-Hebrew name of God. This per Victor Alexander's blog post "Old Garments." In his post "The God of Abraham," Alexander says, "Eil means 'He Is,' as in the 'I AM.'" In other words, Eil is YHWH. He is the eternal sustainer of our lives and the provider for them. It is by Eil's grace that we exist at all; it is only because He wills it! So I am flabbergasted, absolutely flummoxed, that people are so cavalier in their regards to Him. They have no deference to Him at all? It is like they consider Him, The Infinite and Eternal, to be THEIR slave instead of the other way around: "I just tell the universe--God--what I want, and it has to get it for me." WHAT?!! It is just so much "Me, me, me, me, me entitled masturbation.

I advocate praying for miracles, and as Eil's representative sometimes demanding them. But the miracles themselves EVIDENCE the Power and the Wisdom and the Glory of Him with whom we have to do, with Whom we ARE doing!! If you are not shaken a bit by an obviously deliberate manifestation, you are not really clear on the concept of, well, anything. HE is imagining, dreaming US. As such, though we are therefore Him, we are 1000% SUBJECT to Him. He can make us kings and queens, or blot us out of existence. He can imagine us in a very real, blasting hot, smelly and horrible hell. WE SHOULDN'T GIVE HIM REASON TO!!

He is Eil, the Almighty. It is the simple, clear, unvarnished truth that He DESERVES respect and honor and worshipful glory from that which He has made. We are made. We do not command Him; He commands us. Yes, we want success, but let us not put success before wanting Eil, from whom it comes. In John 6:26 and 27 Jesus said, "You want me, not because you saw miracles, except that you may eat your fill of bread. Do not work for the food that perishes, except [for] the food that [destines] you for eternal Life* (...that fastens [you] to Lives [to the end] of the universe). The hand of the Son of Man will give [it to] you. For [upon] this has the Father placed the seal of God" (Alexander)." We may think of that Son of Man as a man outside of ourselves, but He is within us, too. Mine Eil Shaddai for HIM!

Saturday, January 21, 2023

The Word Translated as "Gospel" ALSO Meant Reward Or Fee Given To Bearer Of Good Tidings: Third Attempt

A fellow went on a rant commenting on my post For Anyone Contemplating Suicide: There is Another Way, saying, "So sorry I don't buy this same easy answer bullshit I see everywhere. This makes no logic at all and its disproven everywhere you see. You are just one of the lucky ones."

It isn't luck. I am blessed. There is a Blesser who is rewarding me, for I am writing this. I do not pray or visualize or meditate a la Neville to manifest things. I deride the so-called Law of Attraction method of idolatry. But I do learn of God and share what I learn. My mind is running all day long trying to figure out what He is saying, what He is doing, what it is that is really going on: "What are You doing? Why?"

So things seem to just go my way, more or less. I am healthy and happy, pretty much as comfortable as I need to be. I don't do anything to get things, but what I need is there when I need it, or there is a better alternative. Can things go south? In a heartbeat. What then? This. Wait and see, and this. Learn of God, listen, try to figure out what He is saying, what He is doing, what it is that is really going on: "You are doing this? Why?"

Jacob ("James") had some really good advice:

"You, however, brethren, pour out your souls until the Coming of the Lord, like the farmer who nurtures his precious fruit trees on his land, and pours out his soul over them, until they receive the short rains and the heavy rains. Likewise, you too, pour out your souls and let your hearts be true, for the Coming of the Lord is approaching. Do not sigh among yourselves, brethren, that [the wealthy] are not judged, for, behold, the judgment awaits them at the gates* (Do not sigh one over one, brethren, that they were not judged, for behold the judgment stands before the door). You should wish to become like the prophets, brethren, as they poured out their spirits on your behalf, those that spoke in the name of the Lord. For, behold, we give blessings to those who preached to us the Hope [of the Kingdom.] You heard of the Hope of Job and you saw what the Lord did for him later, 'For the Lord is merciful and compassionate towards us -- that He is'" (James 5:7-11 Alexander, emphases mine).

The prophets preached the Hope of the Kingdom, which Kingdom has to do with attitudes.

3. "Blessed (rewarded) are the humble*, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
4. "Blessed (rewarded) are the mourners, for they shall be consoled.
5. "Blessed (rewarded) are the gentle, for they shall inherit the earth.
6. "Blessed (rewarded) are they who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied.
7. "Blessed (rewarded) are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy.
8. "Blessed (rewarded) are the pure of heart, for they shall see God.
9. "Blessed (rewarded) are the peace makers, for they shall be called the sons of God.
10. "Blessed (rewarded) are they who are rejected for their righteousness, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.
11. "Blessed (rewarded) are you when they criticize you, and reject you, and tell you every wicked saying because of me, in falsehood.
12. "Be glad and rejoice that your reward is great in Heaven, for this is how they rejected the prophets (who preached) before you" (Matthew 5:3-12 Alexander, emphasis and parenthesis mine).

Preach. Teach. Pour out your soul, for there IS a reward THEY will receive; the same reward you live under.

The Word Translated as "Gospel" ALSO Meant Reward Or Fee Given To Bearer Of Good Tidings: Second Attempt

In the Bible, at the end of a season--almost any season--there is a reward. This is beyond but probably includes the principle of seedtime and harvest. The reward at the end of the season is a thing God does. This rewarding by God is part of a recurring pattern in the scriptures. E.g, in Daniel chapter 1, Daniel strives to stay kosher, and it is given to him to stand before King Nebuchadnezzar. In chapter 2, Daniel is given high position, gifts, great authority and headship. In Daniel 3, Shidrach, Mishach, and Abednego's stature in Babylon was raised by the king. In Daniel 4, Daniel's God is exalted by the king. And so it goes, time after time, season after season, throughout the Bible: There is innocence, there is a challenge, there is trouble, there is affliction, the saints stick stay dutiful, noble, long suffering, and eventually they receive a reward.

I bring this up because the original, first meaning of the Greek word euangelion (euaggelion) was "reward given to bearer of glad tidings." Its basic concept was a reward, a reward given for delivering a message of glad tidings. Euangelion did not come to mean the message of glad tiding itself until much later. There is only one known example of euaggelion actually meaning the glad tiding itself before the New Testament was written. Granted, a) there may be other pre-NT instances yet to be found; b) the Jews spoke Aramaic, not Greek; and c) the idea of euangelion meaning the message itself was in vogue at the time of the New Testament. But still, the Greek word euangelion and its contemporary Aramaic and Hebrew equivalents HAD DUAL MEANINGS: the reward given for proclaiming or presenting good news, and the good news itself. WHEN USED, THE WORD COULD MEAN EITHER.

When I open my Strong's Concordance's Greek dictionary, my Analytical Greek Lexicon (I gave my big BAG to a local church), or any of my study bibles, the only definition I find for euangelion is "Gospel, good news, glad tidings." Where is euangelion as a reward given for good tidings mentioned in the New Testament? That definition is only found in the stronger, more thorough lexicons. I venture to guess that very few Christians even know it exists.

So where is the first definition of euangelion used in the New Testament? Nowhere? Are you sure? When Jesus came preaching in Mark 1:15, He said, "The Season is finished, and the Kingdom of God has arrived. Repent, and believe the Gospel." What Gospel? This was like His first day on the job--there was no Gospel or kerygma (proclamation) about Him to be believed as yet. But there was the promise of a reward (see Daniel chapter 9's seventy weeks of years) to be given at the end of the Season of Grace. Jesus proclaiming "The Season is finished, and the Kingdom of God has arrived. REPENT AND BELIEVE IN THE REWARD GIVEN TO THE BEARER OF GOOD TIDINGS" would make a lot of sense then, wouldn't it?

For there is a reward. Jesus Christ lived His life, ministered and even went through the crucifixion trusting for it. He healed people throughout His ministry and by His sacrifice received US!! Paul fought the good fight of faith trusting in it. THE WORD EUANGELION HAS DUAL MEANINGS, TWO OF THEM: THE REWARD FOR GOOD TIDINGS, AND GOOD TIDINGS. Where in the New Testament use of the word did it mean A REWARD FOR GOOD TIDINGS instead of GOOD TIDINGS?

Now, I have caught myself. I have supposed that the bearer of good tidings received a reward--euangelion--from those who received the tidings. Who receives them in the New Testament? We do. Who are we? God dreaming. Who pays the fee or reward to the deliverer of good tidings? God does. What does God have to give?

The Word Translated as "Gospel" ALSO Meant Reward Or Fee Given To Bearer Of Good Tidings: First Attempt

The Greek word euaggelion, pronounced euangelion (Strong's 2098, from Strong's 2097, from εὖ G2095 “good,” and ἄγγελος G32 “messenger”), is translated throughout the New Testament as "gospel," meaning "good news, glad tidings, or the message about glad tidings." I think this may be wrong. Scholarship on the word (see especially Millar Burrows' The Origin of the Term Gospel) indicates that up until the New Testament was written, euaggelion meant "the reward given to one who brought good tidings." Thayer's, Vine's, the NAS, the Encyclopedia Britannica, and others agree.)

Question: Was it the Gospel or the Reward for the messenger which was first preached to Abraham? (Galatians 3:8)

And is the Promise Of The Reward which is the very nature of God why Abel's voice still speaks?

What Does The Bible Say About Rewards?

Siti Cultivating Her Life


I read your latest post, and I don’t mind at all that you put it up. The last several weeks I’ve been reading and watching different YouTubes of people...mainly Bill Donahue. I read some articles you have posted on your thoughts of Bill, and I agree with take things with a grain of salt. Bill does however have some very good information on meditation that can be used and understood by people just coming into it, myself included, not to mention the metaphysical world. It’s interesting that I watched the same videos you mentioned, “Hidden Meanings," "Meditation," "Talking to the Pineal," and "Why God Tried to Kill Moses,” and I liked all of them.

There was something he mentioned in “Contradictions in the Bible” video, starting at about 50 minutes, where he says that “Genesis 2, 3, 4 is the creation of the carnal mind and Genesis 1 and 5 is the creation of the divine mind.” I had never heard that before.

I agree that “Bill Donahue is teaching what the Church was supposed to teach” (Jan. 1, 2017)...and like you said, “The World is Psychological” (Dec. 20, 2022). It has been an interesting year of learning, training my mind with its thoughts for a better self that can live in the end with desires fulfilled. It has not been easy, but it’s been a year of peace and joy within. “The world will do what it does” as I hear Neville say in his messages. It’s interesting that Neville, who came from a Catholic background, was mentored by a Kabbalist Rabbi...a radical change of the mind and outlook. Jesus, our mentor, said; “Amen, amen, I am telling you, that whoever believes in me, these works that I do, they (you and I) will also do; and greater than these they (you and I) will do, [now] that I go to the Father. And whatever you ask through my name, I will do for you, so that the Father is glorified through the Son” (John 14:12-13 Alexander). I can hear my dad saying, “You can do better than that,” or “I can see you go beyond what I’ve done.” Isn’t that just like our fathers, who want their kids to be like them...and go further and beyond them?


Thank you for writing, Siti. Yes, Bill Donahue is quite a character. He has caught on well that everything in the Bible is true, but not like that. It means what it says, but does not say what it means. It is code for spiritual, psychological realities. Even if we die and see--hyper-physically visually SEE--the Light of God enthroned in Heaven with the man Jesus Christ standing to His right with angels all around worshiping and singing praises, we know that those realities are the universal medium we are in and of eternally. Always have been, always will be. We just have to let It--It!!--get our heads right.

Dan Steele

PS: Happy Lunar New Year. Sunday begins the Year of the Rabbit.

Wednesday, January 18, 2023

Siti's Course

Somehow this got past me. It is an email from Siti, sent June 10, 2022. Some kind of business or distraction kept me from posting it. I think Siti will forgive my minor editing and emphases:


I am aware that we are living in a time where information is traveling at lightning-fast speed across the globe, most of that information being very negative, so one has to live by faith in God to even get the sense of truth. So, for me keeping my mind in His word is a daily constitution.

Reading your “Heading for Healing 30” sparked my thoughts where you say, “Man was free of disease. Then we fell. Satan, our adversarial ignorance, caused illness”...(and death). Human beings in Jesus /Life are free of Satan/ignorance/sickness/death...the last enemy. “He has nothing in Me”. And so, that is mirrored in me, why? Because In Christ I died. Didn’t Jesus say, “The thief comes not but to steal, kill, and destroy; but I came that You may have Life, and have it more Abundantly”? And “I am the the good shepherd, and the good shepherd consecrates himself in place of his flocks” (Alexander). To me that’s saying God became man, so that we can become as He is.

“Blessed is the man (the righteous/Spirit inner man) who walks NOT in the counsel of (conventional herd wisdom) the ungodly. Nor stands in the path/way of ignorance. Nor sits in the seat/throne of the scornful. But his delight is in the Law of the Lord and in His word man meditates/mental diet day and night. He shall be like a tree (of Life), planted by the rivers of water that brings forth fruit in its season. Whose leaf (body) shall not whither (remember Moses? whose natural forces were not abated), and whatever he does shall prosper" (Psalm 1, parentheses Siti).

When I’m out cutting grass on the tractor I just thank Jesus that because of Him I am full of faith that He can find and see. Doubt is a divided heart, and faith is one with God. Because of Him I am transformed/regenerated in mind and body by His word. I am a Holy-Spirit-Being-led person through His word of Romans 8:14 and Galatians 5:18.

I do believe, when all is said and done, that I’m held responsible for what I have done with His gift of Life to me. So, I choose to think/eat from the tree of Life rather than think/eat from the “good” part of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Because as I see it, that “good” part is still off of a bad tree...and isn’t THAT just how it all started?


Monday, January 16, 2023

Song "Torn" Has A Word From God, And A Word About Hardball

I mentioned to Michael that God sometimes "speaks" to me by bringing the lyric of a song to mind. The sample I used was the first I can remember of His doing this to me, "Help Me Rhonda" by the Beach Boys. I do not remember what was bugging me at the time, but it felt to me to be demonic interference. To my mind came the sound of the Beach Boys singing Help Me Rhonda, but in my mind the lyric was changed to "help me Jesus, help me get him out of my heart"--'him' being the devil.

Writing to Michael, who is quite upset with this world and was commenting on an article I wrote for people considering suicide, the song "Torn" came to mind, because Michael seems quite torn about how life isn't fair--is quite rotten for some people actually. Specifically, the line "illusion never changed into something real" is what came to mind. Michael is totally bummed that all his effort at causation using Neville Goddard's "technique" hasn't panned out. Read, study, practice, meditate, believe, feel, all for what? Waiting only leads to more waiting. "Eff this!" Illusion has never changed into something real for him. Not yet, anyway.

That is the illusion of Neville Goddard's technique having some sort of promise of magical causation, the production of what was desired and believed to be had (Mark 11:24). Well, I am a firm believer in the invisible world this world (as we naturally know it in our "sleep" state) is only an illusion of. As I walked back to my seat at the House of Praise in Kaimuki on Oahu, Hawai'i, after I had gone forward to accept the salvation/forgiveness of sins proffered, I saw quite clearly in my mind the distinction between "this" word and "that" world. In this world we see the physical meaning of things; in that world they see the spiritual meaning of things. They are two different value systems.

The trouble is: which one is the illusion? Many believe that this world is real and that world is an illusion. I am of a mind that that world is the real one and this world is, well, a sick puppy of that one. Illusion isn't the right word. This world is becoming the manifestation of that world, but--though real--hasn't gotten its act together yet.

So, stick with it or get out? Well, there is no "out." Out of this world only gets you 100% into that world, and not the best of terms. It is definitely better to stick it out here taking Nebuchadnezzar's advice in the Book of Daniel, chapter 4:

34. And as the Days came to an end* (as the Days were completed), I, King Nebuchadnasser, raised my eyes to heaven, came to myself again* (my awareness again over me), I blessed the Most High, I glorified the One who lives forever*, I made preparations -- for his authority is eternal and his kingdom is everlasting* (and to His Lives to [the end of] the universes I praised).
35. And all the inhabitants of the earth are like nothing before him, and he does whatever he pleases to the powers of heaven and the inhabitants of the earth, and there is no one that can raise his hand and say, "What are you doing?"
36. In that very season, my cognition returned to me, my nobles and generals harkened to me, I regained my kingdom and greater majesty was added to me.
37. Thus, I, Nebuchanasser, glorify, exalt and serve* ([stand] in preparedness) the King of Heaven, whose actions are genuine and whose ways are just, and those that walk in pomp he is able to humble (Alexander, bold emphasis mine).

May I suggest you walk not in pomp, but be humble and contrite of spirit before God? Neby found out the hard way that "that" world is the real one, and it is playing hardball with this one to form it (us) into its Manifestation. (And yes, I am aware of the spellings. Thanks.)

Friday, January 13, 2023

A Thread of Comments on "For Anyone Contemplating Suicide: There Is Another Way"

This old post must have caught Michael's attention. Causation as it is taught is not working for him. Nor does it work for most people, as technique is not meant to be magic. Relying on rituals to cause would be idolatry. Please pray for him to have peace in his life.

Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Sci-fi Manifestation Is Scary

Google Engineer on His Sentient AI Claim

Artificial Intelligence: it will kill us | Jay Tuck | TEDxHamburgSalon

The Real Reason to be Afraid of Artificial Intelligence | Peter Haas | TEDxDirigo

We can go all day looking up the threat of AI. Who can war against it?

You Are Consciousness, God: A Short Story By Max Samson Retold By Jeff Roth

I will go ahead and include here a little story told by Max Samson to Jeff Roth (2009, Jewish Meditation Practices For Everyday Life, Woodstock, VT: Jewish Lights Publishing, p. 106-107 [I am otherwise sorry I bought the thing--too much talk]):

"Two waves, a big wave and a little wave, were floating in the ocean. The little wave looked up and saw that the big wave was weeping. 'Why are you crying?' he asked his friend.

"'Oh, you are such a small wave that you can't see what I see. I can see over the heads of our brother and sister waves all the way into the shore. All of us are dying as we hit the shore.'

"'Oh,' said the little wave. 'You don't have to cry about that.'

The big wave said, 'If you were able see what I see, you would cry too.'

"'No, not really,' said the little wave. 'If you want, I can teach you something that will allay your fears.'

"'How much will it cost?' asked the big wave.

"'Why, nothing!' said the little wave with genuine surprise in his voice.

"'Oh, I know,' said the big wave. 'You're going to tell me I have to stand on my head for thirty years, or sit with my legs crossed and not move for a week.'

"'Why would you do that?' asked the little wave. 'That would be ridiculous.'

""You mean it won't cost anything and I don't have to do all those strange practices? All right, what's the catch?'

"The little wave thought for a moment and said, 'Well, there is only one small catch. You have to be quiet long enough for me to say six words.'

"'That's all?' asked the big wave. He thought to himself that whatever the little wave told him would be free, and he wouldn't have to do many lifetimes of esoteric practices, so he finally said, 'I can be quiet for that long. Go ahead.'

"The little wave then told the big wave, 'You're not a wave, you're water.'"

The Blasphemes of Revelation 13

Got it. In Revelation 13 the demon who rises up out of the sea's robots' heads have the names of blasphemes on them. Blaspheme is the belief of separation from God, of independence, like the stupidity of thinking that He is "other" and that we can actually wage war against Him. It has been proposed that AI robots will "believe" that they can eliminate human beings and make the world a better place for robots. Bigots. Yes, I know we have all seen it on TV. Maybe it would be better if we had not imagined it.

Revelation 13 Adumbration

To adumbrate is to give a foreshadowing, to faintly demonstrate a pattern. Here is a video reporting an event I believe adumbrates the events of Revelation 13 per Alexander. Apparently a number of Japanese AI scientists were working on getting robotic soldiers to self-repair through satellite hookups when the robots took off killing the scientists, or something like that. Twenty-nine humans were shot by four robots before other scientists could pull enough wires to deactivate them. One of the robots (an image given life as in Revelation 13?) connected to the satellite program and began to restore itself BETTER THAN BEFORE. Who will be able to fight such soldiers when Japan fields them? The world marvels at AI robots, BUT DOESN'T DO ANYTHING TO STOP MILITERIZED SOLDIER ROBOTS BEING BUILT.

There are substantial differences in Alexander's Revelation 13:

1. And [the dragon] stood on the sand of the sea, and I saw that demon* rising out of the sea, that has ten horns and seven heads, and on its heads the names of blasphemies.
2. And the demon that I saw resembled a tiger and his feet were like gold and its mouth like the mouth of lions, and the dragon gave it his power and his throne and great authority.
3. And one of its heads, as though cut and dying,* and from under its own death it pulled through;* and the whole world* was enthralled in the wake of that demon.*
4. And they worshipped the dragon, since it gave authority to that demon, and who could do battle with him?
5. And he was given a mouth to utter abominations* and blasphemies, and he was given authority to do so forty-two months.*
6. And he opened his mouth to blaspheme against God, to blaspheme against His name and His Abode, and [against] those who dwell in heaven.
7. And he was given authority over all generations and nations and tongues and peoples* and he was given [authority] to do battle with the saints and to defeat* them,
8. And they worshipped him, all of them who dwelled on earth, those whose name is not written in the book of Life, of the Lamb who was sacrificed* from the foundations of the universe.

9. If a human [being] has ears, [then] listen.
10. If a human [being] takes captives, captivity he is taken,*
If a human [being] kills by the sword,
...he is destined to be killed the sword.
This is the justification* for the hope
...and faithfulness of the saints.
11. And I saw another demon* that rose from the earth, and he had two horns resembling those of a ram, and he spoke as a dragon.
12. And all the powers* of that first demon he performed before them, and he made the world* and those who dwell in it so that they would worship that first demon, the one who became healed from under its own death.*
13. And he performed grandiose* signs, whereas even fire fell* from the sky over the earth, before humanity;
14. And he misleads* those who dwell on earth to be the slaves of the image of that demon, the one who had been struck by the sword and had lived.
15. And it was given to him to impart a spirit to the image* of that demon, and to command* that all those who* do not worship the image of that demon to be killed.
16. And he enslaved them all, the small and the famous* and the rich and the poor and the children of the free and the slaves, whereas to be given a mark* on their right hands or between their eyes*[,]
17. So that no one* could sell or buy, except he who has the mark of that demon or the number of his name.
18. Here there is wisdom, whoever has a mind* should count the number of that demon [,] for it is the number of a human being. And his number is six hundred and sixty-six.



13:1*Lit. Ar. id.: "Inhuman creature," or : anti-man.
13:3*Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: "Cut to death."
*Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: "Pushed out."
*Lit. Ar. id.: "Earth."
*Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: "Was amazement after that inhuman creature."
13:5*Lit. Ar. id.: "Nonsense."
*During the ministry of Jesus.
13:7*Lit. Ar. id.: "Motherlands."
*Lit. Ar. id.: "Be victorious [over.]"
13:8*Lit. Ar. id.: "Cut up." Or: consecrated.
13:10*Lit. Ar. id.: "By highway takes."
*Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: "For this occurs."
13:11*Lit. Ar. idiomatic figure of speech: "Carnivorous Creature."
13:12*Lit. Ar. id.: "Authority."
*Lit. Ar. id.: "Earth."
*Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression retained. "Who nearly died."
13:13*Lit. Ar. id.: "Boisterous."
*Lit. Ar. id.: "From below."
13:14*Lit. Ar. id.: "[Leads] to oblivion."
13:15*Lit. Ar. id.: Or: "idol."
*Lit. Ar. id.: "Enslave."
*Lit. Ar. id.: "If."
13:16*Lit. Ar. id.: "Grand."
*Lit. Ar. id.: "Authorization," "certification," "stamp," "seal," or "commission."
*Lit. Ar. id.: "Foreheads."
13:17*Lit. Ar. id.: "No human [being.]"
13:18*Lit. Ar. id.: "Brain."


Very few Japanese are born-again Christians. Robotic abilities trusted in are blasphemes. What their creators do/believe is what they themselves get (verse 10)--a strong hint for what we should be doing.

Dr. Tony Evans First Sunday 2023

I had never heard of Tony Evans, he doesn't seem to be a Rev. Ike disciple, but I liked this bit of his sermon youtube suggested. I hope you enjoy and learn to stay steadfast.

You Are In Your Season Of Grace

Follow something I believe I read in a note by Victor Alexander, I call the seventy sevens of years of Daniel 9 the Season of Grace. I see it as a sort of snapshot of all history and of our personal salvation history, kind of a restatement of God's grace to us. But I know that it doesn't look like much of a grace. The Jews were in captivity in Babylon, had to rebuild the Temple amidst contentious neighbors, had to contend with Antiochus Epiphanes, were subjugated by Rome--not a lot of real good days. There was the promise of a savior, and a bunch of the faithful Jews went out to the wilderness to prepare themselves in communities disciplined under teachers of righteousness until the Messiah arrived. Then the Captain of the Hosts of Heaven did arrive, but not like they expected. He died in their stead, as their sacrifice. Grace at the end winning out. All of it is as an adumbration of our lives here: pretty much life sucks until we wake up to the oneness we have always been of.

Obviously, not everyone is waking up in this life. This is death, separation from conscious attachment. It was appointed for all to die of conscious attachment this once, and to mature to perfection through however many lives and deaths it takes to wake up to the grace proffered. From the initial flip into the death these lives are to the reward of the Grace of Oneness is the Season of Grace. It is personal. You can go for it or ignore it, fight it or get harvested--each of us is in the Season.

Sunday, January 08, 2023

FYI: Cheryl Craig Asked A Good Question On An Old Post

Find comment section at When Moses met Jesus in the Flocks of Jethro and wrestled Esau to become Israel.

Saturday, January 07, 2023

Taking Care Of Each Other

I hear God speaking to me, challenging me. This particular conversation began at my 50th-year high school reunion. I happened to sit across from the woman who had been the prettiest girl in our graduating class. I was shocked and concerned when she confided that at our age she was alone in life, with no husband, no children or other family. None of her old friends remained. There was no come-on, nothing untoward, just the stark report that she was now alone in life and a bit scared. She still has to work to get by on Social Security (we are 73; she fortunately doesn't look it). She rents a room from a friend and is reasonably concerned about her future: "I just try to be wise about my spending and trust in the Lord."

Though mostly alone, she is better off than many. Since our discussion I have become increasingly aware of the plight of single women and of the poor, especially the homeless, and the disparity of how things are done by the church and the way they are supposed to be done biblically.

The church has gotten way off track. I see homeless, strung-out and disheveled men and women walking around our streets and wonder, "Where's the Church?" and worse yet, "What has the Church become?" The answer is "Not much, afraid, and home." Yes, yes, guilty here, too. Opportunity for evangelism in being missed.

The Ecclesia, the Body of Christ, is supposed to be a family--the relatives of God, those who mercy Him--a community of mutual support. It is supposed to be arranged that people see miracles evidencing God's love, are taught the Word of God and are born from above, genuinely converted into the family where they feel confident to share their possessions and wealth without fear of being taken advantage of, and without care of being taken advantage of because of their faith. Virtually endless growth. Widows and orphans are supposed to be safe and fed. Single women and the poor are supposed to be taken care of. There is a whole lot about this in the Bible, especially in Jesus teachings:

"'When I broke the five breads for the five thousand, how many basketfuls of fragments did you gather?' They told him, 'Twelve.' And he told them, 'And when the seven for the four thousand, how many baskets of fragments did you fill and carry?' They said, 'Seven.' He told them, 'Why then do you still not understand?'" (Mark 8:19-21 Alexander).

The human being (Christ) giving a little bit to the Family of God, Jesus (YHWH) had increased it, making it more than sufficient. The lesson was not that Christ is powerful, but that Jesus (the Father) EXPANDS what is devoted by Christ to make it sufficient for the family, plus(!) twelve baskets from five loaves after five thousand men had eaten their fill of them.

Ever feel like you have just been smacked by the Lord? Lovingly, chastisingly, I mean. But does the Church have the nerve to do it? I've got that book on my shelf, still: Your God Is Too Small. Listen to what John MacArthur quotes from A. W. Pink (Gleanings In The Godhead) at 21:05Spiritual Stability, Part 3: Humanity and Faith” (#2).

Wednesday, January 04, 2023

Welcome to Romper Room

Romper Room was a morning television show for preschool-aged children. That is where we are. Here is a fun bit of math: The universe is about 13 billion years old. If we assign our 13 billions of years as one unit of time, how old was God 13 billion units ago? For Him that was just yesterday. Whatever the ineffable No-thing started out as an infinite eternity ago, It has imagined Itself into whatever It is now. We are just now at the very beginning of following suit generation-wise. We are in the romper room of imagination, becoming as He is. We are about to imagine ourselves into whatever God is, because He is growing through us whom He is imagining.

Tuesday, January 03, 2023

Response to CCraig About Bullinger's Lexicon or Strong's Concordance


I have to admit I had never heard of Bullinger's Lexicon before now. Looking into Bullinger on Amazon, I see there are a lot of works of his I might not have. Most are available as free pdfs on the internet, including the lexicon--many of which I may have downloads of, but I do not reference them very often. I use Bullinger's Companion Bible hardbound, which is also available on the internet in numerous forms. One thing I can tell you about Bullinger's lexicon is that you are not going to use it. It is a valuable resource IF YOU KNOW GREEK. Do not get me wrong, there is a lot to be gained by just reading the English comments, but trying to coordinate the comments with texts written in Roman numerals is going to kill your buzz. Click on the lexicon link above and thumb through the pages. So, yeah . . . . . no. And the lexicon is for the New Testament only. By the way, I recommend reading page 896 of 999 of the pdf. This alone is worth our communication.

I have had a number of Strong's Exhaustive Concordances. I have kept only the compact paperback with the Hebrew and Greek dictionaries, as the hardbound volumes are cumbersome (be sure you get the dictionaries!). I use it frequently to find where an English word or phrase is used and which Greek or Hebrew word is in the original text. I like being able to have my fingers in numerous pages as I flip from reference to reference. The Strong's on the internet is very convenient, too. If I know the number of the word from the concordance, it is an easy search from there. I don't think I have ever paid more than about 10 to 15 dollars--tax included--for even a new Strong's. And most Companion Bibles I have gotten used for about twenty dollars each. Not the black leather bound, though. KJV always, too (I have just never seen an NIV miracle or demon cast out; I think demons giggle at a paraphrase, like, "I am only taking this as seriously as you are, which ain't much"). And yes, I have a preference for translations from the Aramaic, as that was the language it was all lived in, whether literal or symbolic. The Greek cannot not be a translation of all that was said, written, and thought by the Bible's authors.

Thank you, Cheryl, for informing me of Fr. Richard Rohr's Immortal Diamond. God has always spoken to whomever is listening in their search for Him in and as us. Rohr says false self; I think ignorant self. It is a mistaken self we usually "see," in any case.

About the Strong's dictionaries: take the definitions more as a direction than a set definition. The Bible is looser than Bible scholars contend. Neville often said, "Every child born of woman is going to have the exact same experience." Yes, the same experience, but not like he had. Experience is God's language to us. What He said to Neville may not be what He says to us even though we are going through the same process event or development. Kind of like what you say to one neighbor will be different from what you say to another neighbor when you lend each a cup of sugar.

Check and see if this paperback has the dictionaries.

Yikes! Looks like a deal, if it can be gotten, hopefully, in good condition.

Monday, January 02, 2023

God Growth

God grows. He became us to become Him. That is a net increase. The Ineffable does not change, but He grows, expands, and matures. There wasn't anything, then as the Beginning of all things (Genesis 1:1) He creates them. They become, then they become Him maturely. It is a process of growth.

The Bible is addressed to the imagination, said Neville Goddard. It is more than a how-do-you-do. In there is a how-to-do--how God as you becomes Him, which we, being Him, are to do. We do not become little gods, like God, separate gods, or any other such nonsense. We become mature individuals of God; i.e., God as individuals--all still one "Big Guy." He flows into existence, experience, through us: We are channels of spiritual power. At least we are supposed to be . . . if we could just unstupid ourselves.

We are supposed to do God's works. What is the work God would have us do? This is the work of God: "Believe in whom he sends" (John 6:29 Alexander). Whom does He send? Himself . . . AS YOU!! You and I are the ones God sends. We are to believe in Him as us that we might become Him, the Big Guy, as individuals, that He might grow.

God eats faith.