The Becoming God

Monday, July 29, 2019

The Chicken

"Lord God made the earth and the heavens, and every plant of the field before it was in the earth, and every herb of the field before it grew" (KJV, emphasis mine). Everything was imagined before it became through growth/evolution. Did God speak everything into existence? How do you speak without a mouth? You IMAGINE. God first imagined everything as its mature, fully developed end product. That was creation. Then he caused its manifestation.

You know first what it is you want to produce. Otherwise you don't know what to put into its seed. You put into the seed what will grow into what you want. This is "seedtime." First there is seedtime, and then there is harvest. So first the wheat imagined, then its seed, then the harvest.

Seedtime is imagining the end. God makes the seed. We water with faith. Harvest is its manifestation.

IT ALL STARTS WITH KNOWING THE MATURE END. Know that, imagine, and praise God for it, for everything is evolving to manifestation.

PS: Do not be faithful to the dream that something can be. Be faithful to the fact that what you have assumed . . . is. Being faithful to a dream -- it will only BE a dream. Be faithful to the reality, the end you created.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

So Many Things To Consider 10: His Is Ours

Still on Romans 10, believe God raised him from the dead. That is the basis for OUR faith. Wherefore the therefore? Why does raising the anointed one from ignorance to consciousness cause our prayer to change things? It is not our faith that God raised him from ignorance, but that in doing so HE RAISED US. Maybe I do not see myself as raised, but if he was raised, then I am also. AM. Prayer CHANGED things. I have confidence in it. I stand in faith. I have the status. Wherever he is, I am there, also. That big party at the end of the Book of Revelation - God sees us there.

It is simple accounting: an account holds everything. The account is transferred. Everything in the account is transferred. Duh. How hard is that to figure out? By prayer we are in the account. What is our status? Might this have anything to do with the admonition in Matthew 11:28 to "Come unto me"? Like to account ourselves as being in the account represented by the guy raised from the death and in his present status?

When I pray, can I sleep there in his status? Can I assume that my world is as I desire and sleep in that is-ness?

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Happy Days of UN-missed Opportunities

I posted a few notes about missed opportunities still haunting me. What if I hadn't missed them? What would it be like if those opportunities were not missed but taken advantage of? If loss had been gain? If I had known that school was an opportunity afforded me, and I applied myself to study? If I had understood prayer and Christianity? If I had attended Neville's classes in San Francisco when I heard of him? If I had kept valuable coins found? If I had cultivated talents and friendships, kept properties inherited, and had not had, in general, my head up you know where?

Happy days. That is what it would be like. To have the potentials played out favorably instead of frittered away, it would be happy days. Can I FEEL that? Yes. Maybe this has something to do with the admonition to redeem the time. I can live feeling as if I have what I would have FOR REAL if I had turned right instead of stupid. This presents HABIT to the subconscious, and repentance and faith to God. There isn't a cutoff for the rise of opportunity in one's life: YHWH is a perpetual beneficence machine. We just have to un what we have been. and be what we were supposed to do. Or is that do what we were supposed to be.

If nothing else, as Maxwell Maltz said in Psycho-Cybernetics, if you think you are happy, you are.

Friday, July 26, 2019

So Many Things To Consider 9: What

Indeed, the authors of the Bible wrote it so that we might have everything our hearts desire - those being the desires given us by God (see Psalm 37). The beautiful world at the end of the Book of Revelation was in sight when the Son of God, the Ineffable's consciousness, became the Beginning in Genesis. Everything was created by the Ineffable's imagination THEN, clear through to the end intended. The Son of the Ineffable was and is the Beginning and the End, the Alap and the Tau, the First and the Last, and everything in-between. It all is the One, the Consciousness of the Ineffable Most High.

From beginning to end, the Bible is about consciousness, pure and simple. The Ineffable's, God's, ours, matter's. Consciousness manifests in imagination. The Ineffable's consciousness we can know, because we are its imagination.

That and about $5.00US will buy you a nice Cafe Mocha grande at Starbucks. My point in all this is we are dealing with, and are, consciousness exclusively in this universe. EVERYTHING is consciousness. Even hard, physical matter is the power of the Ineffable's intelligence believing it is hard, physical matter. Consciousness. Everything is consciousness - consciousness imagined in one way or the other.

Praise God! Everything manifest is subject to how it is imagined. Change imagination, and you change manifestation. The key in this is Jesus, the attitude of love and of faith and of beneficence that is God's, the Imagination of the Consciousness of the Ineffable. “But dude, that’s like all one guy.” Exactamundo, my friend: US. We are not not It. The trick is learning to imagine as Jesus Christ, with love and mercy, forbearance, humility, faith, submission, and grace.

Everything can be re-imagined. We can investigate all things, as Confucius said in The Great Learning, that we want to manifest in our end. Every condition, stipulation, and relationship. Neville Goddard was stuck, unwillingly drafted into the Army during World War II. He imagined himself released, honorably discharged from the Army, at home in New York in his apartment with his family, touching the things he had there, looking out at the park he viewed from his window. He had asked for a release due an exclusion he was qualified for, and was rejected. They called him into the office. “You still want out?” “Yes, sir.” “Sign here.”

That is an abbreviated version, but it did happen. That evening he was in New York, honorably discharged, with his family, touching the things in his apartment, looking out at the park from his window. BECAUSE ALL IS CONSCIOUSNESS, AND NEVILLE HAD LEARNED HOW TO IMAGINE. It worked then, so he did it again to get from Barbados to New York. It isn’t wishful thinking; it is God thinking. We are called here to learn how to God AS OUR ACTIVITY, how to be the Big Guy we are - the Ineffable’s Consciousness! How to cast out manifestations of ignorance, how to heal, how to set things right, how to be right. But we have got to learn how to imagine, BECAUSE EVERYTHING IS CONSCIOUSNESS. THAT is where we act and work.

So Many Things To Consider 8: Fast Action

I wasted time on youtube entertainment. Thought I ought to fast from it and do something better. BAM! Isaiah 58 came to mind. Doing good is the fast YHWH desires. Doing. I could do what I want, but not doing that and doing YHWH’s will instead is real fasting. It’s got nothing to do with food, but leaving garbage. It's what we decide to DO.

So Many Things To Consider 7: Witness Of Demons

Demons are a proof of God’s being, because they are, and they wouldn’t be if he wasn’t. I had left the church far behind after I got out of the Navy and was living in Hawaii. I was into occultish type stuff and Eastern religions and meditation, when in a meditation I could suddenly not only see the spirit approaching my opened mind, but could also see through it. It was all darkness within. The light emanating from it was a facade, a mask.

It didn’t take more than a heartbeat to realize that it was a deceiving spirit, a demon, that the world must really be as the Bible describes, and I was going the wrong way. That demon did more to convert me than all the sermons and testimonies I had ever heard. No book could ever be as effective as encountering a real demon. If he is there, then God must be, too.

Yet I believe that demons are manifestations of Ignorance. Like everything else, they are consciousness and imagination. If we are here to overcome ignorance, we have to encounter manifestations of it. Duh. In a real sense, it is not attacking us, we are attacking it. It’s just that so many of us don’t know it. “Ack! Ack! I am being attacked by the Devil. He has come to steal, kill, and destroy, and otherwise do his job.” So? He has to for you to destroy him. Buck up, bunky. Greater is He who is in you. How are you to find your strength without a little exercise?

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Jacob's Slip

This was just kind of fun. In Vic Alexander’s translation of Genesis 27:24, blind Isaac asks disguised Jacob, “Are you my son Esau here?” To which Jacob replies, “I am him.” Third person. Jacob had just said, “Yes, I am my brother.” Of course, the proper thing for Jacob to say would have been, “I am he.” But this is ancient Aramaic grammar, not modern English, and the word choice might be a predilection of Alexander’s sense of syntax, so there is no doctrine to be made here.

What caught my eye, though, was the similarity between Jacob's saying, "I am him," and God's reply to Moses in Exodus 3:14. Moses had been thinking about Jethro, God's Excellence, and Ahiyeh Ashur hiyeh, God's reply, could be translated, "I am him." THAT gives meaning to Abraham, Merciful Father, being the payment God expects from us, which I discussed in my previous post.

Anything to support this view? Well, also in Genesis 27, Isaac says to Esau, “Cook me a stew the way that pleases me . . . because my soul will bless you until I am dead.” Rebecca quoted Isaac to Jacob, “Prepare for me the stew.” She said to Jacob, “Bring me three goat kids that are suitable, and I shall cook them as the stew . . . the way he likes it.” Three is perfection. Kid goats are sacrificial thoughts (otherwise, that is a hell of a lot of stew).

Said blind Isaac to disguised Jacob, "Give me the offering . . . bless my soul.” THIS. IS. PRAYER. Jacob didn’t slip up: the “stew” to be made was Abraham, the nature of YHWH, God’s action among us. Jacob properly said, “I am him (Esau become Abraham),” to Isaac, Laughter Of God’s Faith In Assumption’s Fulfillment. Says God, “I am, because I can!”

Again, this is about prayer. Isaac is an attitude of God within us. Esau is our outer, hairy man, the human form we are inhabiting. Jacob is our inner man, our “ignoranced” (at childbirth we slip into an amnesia, a “death” of memory) spiritual self. In prayer, our inner-man imagination presents what we desire to the subconscious AS THOUGH IT EXISTS. Inwardly, we demonstrate joy in its being, in our HAVING RECEIVED IT. This is disguising our present physical state mentally with the "hairy" physical state we desire; i.e., it is done in the mind. We vividly imagine it. “Yeah, sure, I am him. Feel me. Smell me. See? I am him.” Convinced, our subconscious mind causes what we believe we are to recur in our outer world. So BE what you want to be, O Abraham, because God CAN.

So Many Things To Consider 6: The Payment

It was an audio version of Napoleon Hill's Law of Success where I first heard it: "Write down what you are going to pay . . . " Pay? I replayed it a few times. I couldn't figure out what he was talking about. Pay for what? It seemed to have come from left field somewhere. Pay with what? Time? Charitable works? Effort? After it came out that Hill was a scam artist (which in no way affects the validity of what he taught, for he was a very good one), I thought maybe he meant how much time in jail are you willing to pay if you get caught.

The question of what you are willing to pay, of what you are going to pay, is eternally valid. I became born again in light of my having robbed God of the life he had given me. Ix-nay on the iven-gay. What I realized was that he had made me to live for his purposes, not mine. Listen up, Law of Attraction advocates. Using his life for my purposes was robbery. Repenting, surrendering, and submitting "bought" me forgiveness. And a life to his purposes.

What is the price of God? I saw it today in Victor N. Alexander's translation of Genesis from the ancient Aramaic:

Genesis 26

1. And there was famine in the land, different from the first famine that happened in the Days of Abraham, and Isaac went to Abimelech, king of the Philistines at Gadar.
2. And the Lord appeared to him and told him, "Do not go down to Egypt, settle in the land that I command you.
3. "Live in this land and I will be with you and bless you, because to you and to your offspring I give all these kingdoms* (properties), and I shall uphold the oaths that I made to Abraham (swore).
4. "And I shall increase your offspring like the stars of heaven, and I shall give to your offspring all these lands, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed through your offspring.
5. "In exchange for Abraham having listened to my voice and observed my observances, commandments, covenants and Laws."
6. And so Isaac settled in Gadar.

'Abraham' means Merciful Father; i.e., God is Merciful. Abraham is the "Law" of God, his NATURE. Learning to work with the Law, i.e., taking the nature of God upon ourselves, is the payment God wants. It is how we get to Isaac, Laughter. In exchange for becoming the Merciful Father, God GIVES us the kingdoms of the world. In that we become the Father(s) of many nations.


Speaking of payment, I refer to Vic Alexander's translations a lot. His is a solo guy's work of trying to reestablish the Ancient Aramaic Church. Imagine the lives of the believers in the actual days of the first church . . . give or take the actual speaking in Aramaic. We can't do that. Vic can. And he has translated as much as he can, the whole New Testament and a good portion of the Old. Nah, it isn't fancy, it isn't even proofread, but I believe it is as close as we can get to the idiomatic sense of what the first century church understood when they read the scriptures. Good God, I know there are problems with typos and grammar and punctuation, and questions about the text he is using and his accuracy, and I have to read between the lines a lot, but only Alexander's version reads like their heart. His translations are a bit expensive, but to me they are oh, so valuable. He doesn't pay me to plug his product, though he did give me a "thanks for keeping in touch" reply to an e-mail inquiry as to his health. I encourage people to get Alexander's translations because I too want to reestablish the Ancient Aramaic Church. Personally, I cannot believe a person really gives a rat's *** about God if they are not willing to invest in the closest thing we have to an actual first century Bible in English. Let me put it this way: God can't steer us if we are not rolling, and Alexander's translation gets me rolling. Maryah bless him for it.

I have to admit I haven't ordered the Old Testament Scriptures collection yet. I have all the paperback editions, and both paperback and hardcover New Testaments. I'll have to get the Old Testament Scriptures eventually, for I am wearing out my paperback Genesis and Exodus. Worth it? He put me in line with The Payment. What do you think that was worth?

Sunday, July 21, 2019

So Many Things To Consider 5: Prayer CHANGED Things

Inspired by the Second Chapter of Acts' "Quickly now, go tell his disciples that Jesus Christ is no longer dead" (which I take to mean that the YHWH-anointed Jew we call Jesus was no longer dead in the ignorance of amnesia, but had evolved to a higher state of consciousness - his disciples being elements of our minds, and if he, then we also . . . if), I found myself reading Victor N. Alexander's translation of Romans 10:9 from the ancient Aramaic: "That God raised him from the House (State) of Dead" (parenthesis mine). I happened to notice in Alexander's translation of verse 8, that Paul does not actually answer the question he raises. "Except what does it say? Hold close this answer to your lips* (mouth) and in your heart, this is the Manifestation of Faith that we preach." The answer to be held close to their lips and in their heart was ASSUMED by Paul to be understood by his readers! It was what he had been talking about. A quick look at Bullinger's Companion Bible's margin note on the verse shows that the King James "word of faith, which we preach," should have been translated, "word of the faith which we preach." Alexander is right, and Christianity has by the King James Version's mistranslation been slung into outer space. Yoohoo, Christianity.

I hope you can see the gaping hole caused here by Paul's assumption and the translators' misstating of what he did say. qAnother way for Paul to have said it would have been, "Hold the word of the faith we preach close to your lips* (mouth) and in your heart." Then Paul laid out the BASIS for the faith which they preached: "If you confess with your mouth our Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised him from the Dead,* you shall Live. For the heart that believes in him, is sanctified, and the lips that confess in him, Live" (verses 9 and 10, Alexander). By this faith the word of the faith they preached would then have effect -- their lips (mouths, which are peoples minds) would Live, i.e., evolve to a higher state of consciousness.

What are we seeing here? The manifestation of faith Paul preached was that if Jesus evolved from ignorance unto consciousness, so are we if we are joined to Christ by the regeneration of the Holy Spirit. I.e., when they prayed, their prayer CHANGED things.

We might not readily see that when we pray and receive the Holy Spirit. But as Merlin Carothers notes in Prison to Praise, we receive the Holy Spirit as the earnest of those changes (Acts ch. 2; Ephesians 1:13-14; 2 Corinthians 1:22 and 5:5; Romans. 8:16, 23). The changes are thus ALREADY HAD, even if they are not already seen. The Manifestation of Faith is your prayer CHANGED things. If you do not see it, wait in faith. For Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever; and he is the attitude of YHWH toward us.

Wait, wait. What? “Jesus” is God’s ATTITUDE. As his imaginings before our embodiment as ignorance, we did his will in perfect, concerted REFLECTION (see Neville’s Unless I Go Away). As his thoughts wiggled, we wiggled. As he grinned, we grinned. But we were not THINKING. We were his ACTIONS. We were unaware of being HIM. By his love -- Jesus -- God is fixing that. He is getting rid of our ignorance and raising us to his standard, except in God's economy, IT IS ALREADY DONE.

These are the four parts of the Gospel to be preached according to T. L. Osborn (the translator's voice is sped up):
1) That God created us. We are God's creation (imagination). That is where we came from.
2) That Satan (ignorance's deception) ruined us and is the problem of our lives.
3) That God, by his loving beneficence Jesus, conquered Satan - ignorance's lies.
4) That we, by faith joined with Jesus, are RESTORED to life as God, whom we are.

It was the loving, beneficent ATTITUDE of God, Jesus, that moved (from before the beginning) to save us unto the consciousness; to evolve us unto the better likeness of God possible within us. It does not matter when, where, why, or how he did it.  He did it. The benevolent attitude of God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. THAT Christ manifested as our anonymous “Jesus” 2000 years ago. Our Jesus Christ in the Season of Grace was a picture of the eternal ATTITUDE. He was a symbolic picture of the Truth, the attitude of love God still has today! Righteousness is the rightness of God.

Romans 10 per Victor Alexander's translation:

1. My brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God on their behalf, is that they should Live.
2. For I testify over them, that there are those who are zealous for God among them, except not through knowledge.
3. The righteousness of God, however, they know not, except they want to uphold their own righteousness. Because of this they did not submit to the righteousness of God.
4. For the binding post of the Law is Christ, onto righteousness, for whoever believes.
5. For Moses thus wrote of the righteousness through the Law, that whoever performs these [commandments] shall Live through them.
6. Righteousness through faith, however, says thus, that you shall not say in your heart, "Who goes up to heaven and is with* (under) Christ?
7. "And who goes to sheol's abyss and is raised by Christ from the (House of) Dead*?"
8. Except what does it say? Hold close this answer to your lips* (mouth) and in your heart, this is the Manifestation of Faith that we preach,
9. And if you confess with your mouth our Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God raised him from the (House of) Dead,* you shall Live.
10. For the heart that believes in him, is sanctified, and the lips that confess in him, Live.
11. For Scriptures says, "Whoever believes in him shall not perish."

12. And through this, He does not differentiate, neither the Jews, nor the Aramaic speaking people.* For One is He, Lord of all, who is bountiful to all who call on Him.
13. For whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall Live.

John 20

31. But these that are written, [are] so that you believe that Jesus was the Son of God, and whoever believes shall receive* (have) in heaven Life to [the end of] the universe (everlasting Life).

Per Robert Young in his introduction to Young's Literal Translation of the Bible, the ancient Hebrew had no future tense. Therefore, whoever believes HAS in heaven (the mind) everlasting Life (consciousness).

Thursday, July 18, 2019

So Many Things To Consider 4: A God Itself In Process

I have never met nor heard of another Christian who believes, or would even allow, that God is developing. By interpreting Exodus 3:14’s I AM THAT I AM and Malachi 3:6’s I DO NOT CHANGE as meaning that God is eternally self-existent, perfect, and complete, the whole kit-and-caboodle of Christianity has locked itself into a doctrine that God was finished in all wisdom from eternity past. That he knew all things that ever would happen. That he had no development or reason to change. That he could not evolve, grow, or mature. Many even believe that Jesus was a human, white-robed and sashed, standing next to an anthropomorphic God sitting in a big chair from before time began.

God developed over time. Is developing even now. He wasn’t - isn’t - eternally already finished and without change. That’s what we are doing here. That God created everything and is doing everything is already pretty impressive, and I in fact am all-in if there is Strong Determination, but WE are developing, and we are ITS manifestation. If It were eternally perfect and complete, we would necessarily have to be so, too. Hate to think this is it. Creation is not a remotely controlled, out-of-control second existence separate from His. It is one with him - within his oneness - in his process of becoming perfect and complete. He evolves, so we evolve, overcoming OUR ignorance which is in HIM. THAT’s what is going on!

So Many Things To Consider 3: Quantum Reformation Of The Past To The Elimination Of The Future

As a caption scientist I know almost nothing of Quantum Mechanics. I hear, though, that split quantum particles are entangled so that what affects one immediately affects the other regardless of where it is in space or time. I also envision the singularity of the Big Bang as being ONE quantum particle, making all the universe "entangled."

There is consciousness. We can be pretty sure of this, because we think. But the odds against any random chemical chain becoming a living cell is something like 10 to the 164th power. I.e., it ain't happening in the history of the earth or of the universe. And yet we think. Could the magical event have happened "naturally" in either the later history of the universe, or even in a prior Big Bang event, and by quantum mechanics have informed (conditioned) the singularity (and thus all quantum particles from it) to the potential of life?

THIS IS SUPER IMPORTANT! For if an occurrence of life, late in the history of the universe . . . by quantum mechanics conditioned the beginning of the universe to consciousness . . . that consciousness effectively sacrificed itself to give life to all. Lift the Essene Mirrors to THAT! Welcome to the imagic-worldview.

There may be billions of civilizations on the trillions of planets in the universe that are literally millions (if not billions) of years more advanced than we are. Perhaps they have already evolved to pure consciousness. I call these evolutionally ascended beings 'conscii' (no one has offered better). They may recognize that first self-sacrificing consciousness as the Source of their life and consciousness, and worship It as their Creator. Wouldn't their creed be, "I AM THAT 'I AM'"? Wouldn't Its beneficence be their religious practice? And mightn't they practice their religion here as "angels" of that first consciousness? Or, if some have acquired spiritual abilities while still being ignorant a-holes (maybe there is something we ought to watch for here), maybe they are our "demons."

Jesus, then, would be a guy who found the gate to evolving to the next state of consciousness, a consciousness we can now achieve. And church is to be a school of prayer unto it.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

So Many Things To Consider 2: Creation of Life

I am something of a fan of James Tour, a Christian Jew who holds that it is impossible for random change chemical interactions to achieve a living cell. He is, of course, absolutely correct. Almost. I believe that there is no such thing as random chance interactions. You see, the universe was not created of dead matter formed of the quantum particles of the Big Bang. I believe it was formed of the Intelligence of the Ineffable Being who imagined being the quantum particles forming the matter life is evolved from. It observed them. They did not spring into being without purpose or without thought behind them. The idea was: “Make Me manifest.” Hence, an atom is never without purpose: it exists for the Consciousness who is working all things together for Good. Every quantum particle is a part of the Intelligence. We should be surprised that they gravitate toward life?

A Comment and Response About Imagination As God

I received a comment on An E-mail Exchange I Had With a Christian About Neville Goddard, Part I.

"Ever heard of Holy Spirit? Ever heard Him speak to you? If God is imagining, what about his commandments? Is that your consciousness telling you not to formicate or kill? If God is imagination why would he tell you to worship no other God but Him? Or you worship yourself?"


Wow, Unknown, I forgot to come back to this post to clean up the HTML. Thanks for the question. As a tongue-speaking Pentecostal, yes, I have heard of the Holy Spirit. And I HEAR her speaking to me all the time. We distinguish God as the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit for our convenience, but they are facets or functions of the CONSCIOUSNESS of the Ineffable Being. Imagining is what It does. By imagining It created the heavens and the earth. This action is "Godding" (see Rabbi David A. Cooper, God is a Verb). The Ineffable's Imagination is Its Manifestation on Its own level. The Ineffable Being wants US to manifest IT, a la recurrence, on our level. Hence It tells us to act like It and to pursue evolution unto becoming consciousness like It is.

Do yourself a favor and spend time considering Deuteronomy 6:4, that God is a One who is many, and Exodus 3:14, that God is OUR consciousness. Also, read the Bible, which I trust you do, with God, YHWH (Jehovah, the LORD), Jesus, the Holy Spirit all being the CONSCIOUSNESS of the Ineffable Being instead of as separate persons.

That It is manifesting as us becoming It is a real good reason to worship It, for It - consciousness - is our DESTINY. THAT is what Jesus said on the cross -- not that God had forsaken him, but that God had destined him to the Love of God IN the crucifixion: the provision of our salvation by evolution unto consciousness (stated as "For this you destined me" in Alexander's Story of Jesus). He opened that door! LET'S GO!!

So Many Things To Consider 1: The Anonymous Jesus

Neville Goddard stressed that if when you hear the words God, Jesus, Christ, Lord, Jehovah, and the like, you visualize and/or represent to yourself these as human characters, you have the wrong concept of God. None of these were ever a human being with a personal history as we have. And yet, he claimed to have stood in the presence of the Power of God, pure power, who was a person. And to have been embraced by God who was pure love; i.e., by a person who was the pure love of God.

The names we have in scripture are representations of the nature of states. There is one God, the Consciousness and Imagination of the Ineffable, and an infinite number of states of consciousness possible within It. Eil Shaddai is God as the limitless provider, YHWH is Its action within Its creation, Jesus is the beneficent character of that action. (Yes, there were three languages in that - Aramaic, Hebrew, and English.)

I understand the period between the destructions of the first and second temples in Jerusalem to have contained a specially designated "Season of Grace" (so called by Victor N. Alexander), the 70 sevens of years after the Babylonian exile. I also understand this period to have been a picture of what God is doing on the macro scale. An example. A practical photograph of history.

And the exciting thing is it culminates in the evolution to Consciousness. THAT's what is going on! I got from Carl F. Rehnborg in Jesus and the New Age of Faith (and I agree with him) that, at the closure of the Season of Grace picture, a certain Jew pursuing the righteousness God holds man to in the scriptures perceived that the evolution to the consciousness that is Messiahship was POST-MORTEM. That it was GIVEN by God in being RISEN from the dead after the ACT of giving one's life for others. His name probably was not Eashoa or Yeshua or anything like that, though these cannot be ruled out. The thing was, he was representative of YHWH in the overall history being represented in the Season of Grace.

"The Holy Spirit had not yet been given." Man had not yet evolved to the state of Divine Consciousness in the natural history of the earth. When this guy achieved it in the Season of Grace, it became a possibility for everyone. It crystallized. Soon, it broke forth among others who followed suit. But the guy everyone sees when they see Jesus or hear his voice or are healed by him - is anonymous. Yes, he is Jesus, the beneficence of YHWH, the action of God among us, and is happy with that. All we really know about him is that he IS, and that he DID.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

A Short Cut To Consciousness

I propose that our present conscious awareness is an "ignoranced" subset of the consciousness of God, the imagination of the Ineffable Being. I.e., it is the imagination of the Ineffable which is God, or Gods over us. 'God' is the Imagination's action; it is a verb. The Imagination is imagining us, and we are individualized bits of that.

Metaphysically, everything manifest is consciousness, imagination. There is nothing in our realm, visible or invisible, except the Intelligence of the Ineffable. The Imagination is a manifestation of the Ineffable. The physical realm is a presentation of that. There is something of the Ineffable Its Imagination is ignorant of, and we subsets are the manifestation of that. It is our job for the time being.

The Consciousness of God is the Holy Spirit. We are inextricably linked to that. The Holy Spirit is what we are, but our awareness within it, as I said, has been ignoranced to enable the Imagination's ignorance, which we are manifesting, to be overcome. To be fixed with knowledge. This is a repair job, a bit of the Ineffable's perfection becoming even more complete.

Our subset is the unawareness of being the Ineffable. Of Imagination not being as conscious of being the Creator as the Creator is when It is creating by us. We are here to get that consciousness.

We have always been God, but in this ignorance we have been a bunch of knuckleheads. If there is any actual history in the Old Testament, it is this: OMG we are stupid. We are waiting for there to come what we already are. That ignorancing really worked splendidly (in this, I can boast). To get the show on the road, God gave us the Season of Grace: from the cataclysm of becoming human to the cataclysmic end of ignorance, a picture of our stupidity, of God's grace, and of how to achieve the targeted consciousness.

The upshot of the Season of Grace is that we have always been the Consciousness of God, the Holy Spirit. It just takes a certain attitude of belief and submission and humility and application to get to the right frame of mind to be the Consciousness manifest in action. Carl F. Rehnborg and I believe that some guy actually did so at the end of the Season of Grace. The Gospels and the New Testament are about him, though his actual life's actions are largely lost. He did the Buddha thing, so Mark melded Gautama and him together. Or so I hold.

The upshot of all this is that God's Consciousness, the Holy Spirit, is given to whomever will receive it. Like Noah, like Moses, like Jesus, like Paul and Peter and John. Like untold MILLIONS throughout history, the Holy Spirit, the Consciousness of God, comes up from the depths of our being to get us on the road to full consciousness. The baptism or receiving of the Holy Spirit is the beginning and earnest of the process of becoming fully conscious in our lives.

How do you receive the Holy Spirit? Well, first of all you have to accept that the world is as the Bible says it is. Not as your church says it is, but as the Bible says it is: there really is God; Life is increase; that beneficence is "Jesus"; he gave you life for his purpose, and you have used it for your purpose. Oops.

For me, that oops was essential. It caused me to repent, to seek forgiveness, to surrender completely, and to submit to whatever he directed me. I found myself able to cast self-lordship out of myself, effectively ending my rebellion, and in complete submission, I listened. God accepted me, AND IN EUPHORIC ECSTASY OF JOY AND APPRECIATION AND OVERWHELMING ADORATION, I RECEIVED THE INFILLING OF THE CONSCIOUSNESS FROM DEEP WITHIN ME, THE POWER WHICH IS THE HOLY SPIRIT.

Would to God I knew that I had to continue in that frame of mind. Although I knew it was real when I received it, the buzz died down and I soon went back to living in self-willed ways. He did not let me go, though, and I am constantly appreciative of his watching over me, leading me, and providing for me. He is really good at what he does.

Now, forty-four years and almost four months later, having realized that we are here to become conscious ("Come unto Me," Matthew 11:28), I am making effort to get back to that Day One. I started to pursue attaining consciousness through meditation and all that stuff, but he said, "It is put." Put. “Receive” means you let it fill up. Day One, it manifests. Day Two, and every day thereafter, is to be the same. Faith isn't that it is out there to be gotten; faith is that it is here. Not that we can get it, but that we HAVE it. It has been given. "Enter into the joy of your Lord" (Matthew 25:21) means "You get to keep it; it's yours!"

Thursday, July 11, 2019

“I Am Going To Draw You A Picture”

The Season of Grace was spoken about by Isaiah and Jeremiah. It was detailed to Daniel. Seventy sevens of anointing culminating in a Messiah, an Anointed One.

The whole thing was a PICTURE. A painting. A “Word” of God, of what this world IS. It was ABOUT the reality that IS. That is why I and others say that Jesus Christ was not and is not a man. If there was a man (and I personally believe there was), he was constrained to being THE MESSAGE OF WHAT IS. The message is what to believe in.

Even if there was a literal, historical, virgin-born incarnation of the living Almighty, he was constrained to present the PICTURE God had ordained. He had to die on the cross to complete the illustration. The illustration of what? That the kingdom of God, the very consciousness of God, the “Holy Spirit,” is GIVEN. We do not have to work to attain it; it is PUT.

That there is a “real” Jesus Christ raised from the dead and seated in power as God in Heaven is fine. He is yet a picture, though. He is performing the Word ABOUT the Truth: you are God. Repent, and believe the Gospel: It culminates in YOU.

In Memory of Minnie Riperton, November 8, 1947 - July 12, 1979

I am always sad the 12th of July, because of the loss of Minnie Riperton. I did not know her, of course. I was just a 1960’s hippie who had found the Rotary Connection. Hearing of her passing hurt like hearing of the loss of a child. It hurts even though it wasn't yours, like the pain in Don McLean’s “American Pie.” She was a lovely woman. A beautiful lady. I guess in this flesh world, even angels die. My continued condolences to her family.

Friday, July 05, 2019

Memories of Missed Opportunities: They Say, AWAKEN NOW!

Jesus Christ. A guy who attained the Anointing of YHWH. What he did, we can do, too. But I haven't.

For some YEARS now, in my quiet time I have been bothered by memories of missed opportunities. My opportunities and others'. Massive gaffs. Millions of dollars, life and love lost. The thoughts stir regret for foolish short-sightedness. Inactivity. Not applying myself. I just woke up to these memories being bonks on my head - that I presently have an opportunity that I am not taking advantage of. Not applying myself to. Am I going to miss this like I missed others? What opportunity might I presently have that is so important that God keeps whacking me upside along the head with memories of missed opportunities to say, "DON'T MISS THIS ONE!" What one? The opportunity to wake up now, spiritually, to consciousness, in this life, to EVOLVE.

Jesus said, "Come unto me" (quite literally - audibly in my brain - in 1975 at the House of Praise in Kaimuki, Hawaii). Then, I didn't know what he meant. Now, looking at life as evolution from matter to consciousness in a quantum reality, I realize that he was saying, "Rise to consciousness." Live a consciousness life. Not that by it I can get things I want, but that by it I can get the thing I need - the next stage of evolution: consciousness. Consciousness. Is. What. This. World. Is. About.

I was right that in “come unto me” (Matthew 11:28) he was not saying he wanted me to pray to him. He was saying, Use Me (thank you Merlin Carothers in Prison to Praise, wherein God said to Merlin, "I don't want to use you. I want you to use Me!").

Got to get crackin'. And as Pastor Jesse Mason used to say, "The only way to do it . . . is to do it."