The Becoming God

Monday, May 03, 2021

Assumption: The Constant Prayer of the Ineffable No-thing

Back to some unfinished, unpublished posts. This was started 12/31/2020.  The idea was that assumption and compulsion are how the Ineffable (...?) prays. It was meant to be a new look at Cain and Abel. Assumption is prayer. When the (...?) assumes something IS, It "acquires" that thing. That is what 'Cain' means: "acquisition." By (...?)'s compulsion of the universe, It causes what it has acquired to come to pass. This is God's gift or answer to prayer - the thing's moment of existence in transitoriness, which is what 'Abel' means: "transitoriness."

Our repentance is our assumption. We have to acquire mentally what we want, for the universe to be compelled to bring it to pass for a moment. To keep our acquisitioning going, we have to keep our repentance going.

I had written:

I believe that things exist because God assumes that they do exist. Actually, I believe everything is just the Ineffable's own existence - what It has thought - becoming manifest ongoingly. These things did exist in Its mind as potentialities on the way to Its full manifestation. He is thorough; if He thought it, it WILL exist somewhere along the way to His full expression. If what you desire could possibly exist on the way to His becoming fully expressed, don't you think it ought? Taking His talents and ACQUIRING MORE is ministry to Him. He loves it, and He lets you keep it.

As always, I got philosophical:

I believe God is a person. That is why we are persons. But He is not a localized spirit-guy in the sky. "God" is the infinite and all-powerful Consciousness of the invisible, ineffable (...?). I call (...?) the Ineffable. The Ineffable's consciousness is like an electromagnetic field, a pervasive force or power. This consciousness is in and of the Ineffable. We (and everything else) are in, of , through, and to this field of consciousness. The Ineffable's consciousness of the Ineffable (self-awareness) manifests the Ineffable's thought. It is of this manifestation that we are, and we carry on the merry tradition of manifesting the Ineffable's thought WHICH WE ARE. Our worlds are our manifestations. ALL is psychological, all is imagination, all is manifest thought; for all is the Consciousness, THE Manifestation of the Ineffable. Matter, which is the particulated power of the Ineffable's intelligence, facilitates the field's expression in experience. Prayer, both Its and ours, is expression of the field. It prays, and we pray. The difference is It knows how to pray, and we don't. Hence the lesson book, the Bible.

Compulsion brings it into physical reality.

Yes, this post was and is sloppy. I hope there is something of value to you in it.


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