The Becoming God

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Telepathy: How God is Wired

I am a bit fascinated with thought transference. I know my thoughts are influencing others. How? One person said my pineal gland's ether is vibrating and causing the change in them. Another says I am sending them Aka threads via Huna and Piko Piko. Tea? I do not think God is wired that way. I think God is wired "in-house."

I understand God to be imagining us. All of us together at one time. I do not send vibes or strings to any "other." They are not other. God imagines me sending my imagination to another, and simultaneously imagines the other imagining he or she is "receiving" my thoughts. Two can communicate "telepathically" simultaneously at opposite ends of the universe because it is God who is simultaneously imagining them.

We are individuals, but in reality we all are within a field of God's imagination. Think, for illustration's sake, of a large area electrical grid. From one place the electricity goes out to everywhere on the grid. One electricity. One field. But all over the place there are individual filaments burning. A filament at one end of the field is burning the same electricity as a filament at the opposite end of the field. It don't need no stinkin' bridge of vibration or strand to connect to the other filament; it is already connected to it via the electrical grid.

And we are all connected in house. God does not need exterior connections.

Monday, November 28, 2016

About Neville Goddard's Techniques: Attempt to Answer Questions I Have Been Asked

I am not an expert or even a good practitioner of causative imagining, but I have read/listened to and for the most part understand Neville's lectures, books, and tapes. I am, if anything, a seminary-trained biblical theologian (something a little past that, I hope); and this blog, The Becoming God, is my effort at missions and evangelism for God as I understand him. And I understand him pretty much along the same lines as Neville Goddard. From this blog I get a lot of questions from people who have discovered Neville and want to learn more about causation by imagining (C.I.). Maybe I can clear up some of those questions here.

First of all, Neville learned Hebrew language and kabbalah from an Ethiopian Jew, Abdullah. His was a type of Judaism, the mystical Messianic Judaism "Christianity" would be if it had not been waylaid by the dualistic Western worldview. It is not voodoo or sorcery or magic or dealing with gods, ghosts, demons, or spirits. In this non-dual concept of the world, all universes are manifestation of the ONE BEING, the Source of all existence who also IS all existence. There is no otherness to this God: we are as fully him as he is fully us. This is not the traditional Judaism you are going to find down the street at your local synagogue, in which he is "immanent" but separate. There is no separation. I believe Neville's viewpoint was so aligned with the original mystical Judaism that the people who wrote the Pentateuch would recognize it.

The word 'God' covers a wide stretch, from the incomprehensible and ineffable Most High "Source" ( . . . ) to each quantum particle manifesting the Intelligence that believes It is. It--"God"--has become man (as well as everything else). You and I are becoming conformed in all our nature to ( . . . ). As eternal beings we are covering a lot of ground: before the beginning of the universe we "died" the death of forgetting, crucified to the flesh of these human "lives," to be raised in the likeness of our Father, the Father of "God," ( . . . ). This should take us a long time to perfect. As ( . . . ), we have the time.

I am sorry that is confusing. We cannot think too highly about the Most High, but we can try. The oneness of God is mind-boggling. ( . . . ) is so far beyond all we can even dream, yet so solidly us--all is one thing: ( . . . )!

Most people who get into causative imagining do so to get wealth and privilege for themselves. If your only interest is satisfying your greed and you are looking for a get-rich-quick scheme, I suggest you turn to the Law of Attraction (LOAt). The LOAt uses the Law of Assumption (LOAs) Neville taught (and by which it works), but denies there is a God of any consequence to be concerned with. With LOAt you do not need a conscience, but the LOAs assumes the oneness of our selves with the moral and loving God whom we are becoming and by whom it works. With the LOAs, "If it works, you have found Him." With the LOAt, if it works, you have done it all yourself by vibrating at a higher frequency. Shake well, my friend.

One of the most frequent questions I am asked is whether one has to use all five senses to be "there" in ones imagined state. Let me say that it is desirable, but it depends on the level of your development--your skill set. Compare Noah, who is Adam (your inner you) sunk to the level of Enosh (I believe the 'religion' of the ignorants), with Jesus Christ who "healed with a word." Noah had to bring all the world he wanted to exist into the ark and provide them food for a year. Christ touched and said, “I do wish it, be cleansed” (Mark 1: 40; Alexander) What you need imagine depends on who you know yourself to be. Such comprehension and skill development takes time and practice. The better you do it, the less you have to do. Or at least you get there faster.

The key here is the inner man's "feeling." Okay, inner lady's. Causative Imagining establishes the feeling of a reality that necessarily will be established in ones out-pictured reality by "natural" means. When Neville first learned C. I. from Abdullah and wanted to go to (or later come back from) Barbados, he mentally manufactured a full-spectrum experience of being in Barbados (or later, boarding the ship to leave), with all the concomitant emotions and sensations. These imaginings were pretty big and involved operations. In his later years, Neville said he never got tired of hearing good news for friends. Just hearing with the intense effort to have actually heard, the fruit came. But in all cases he felt that the experience he had mentally attained was real. Really real. He believed he had it, whether he fell asleep in the state after a large effort or breathed the experience to an orgasmic crescendo within seconds. The secret "feeling" is not emotions or tactile sensations; it is the feeling of satisfaction that a real reality has been experienced. Whether you go full spectrum or single sense, it just has to be sensed and believed as real.

What do we do until manifestation comes? What do we do about contrary input, doubts, and negative feelings? What if it is a long gestation period?

Whoa, whoa. Slow down. Once you have actually had the inner experience your future is pregnant, and the outer experience will be delivered. I do not know how one knows his or her future is pregnant, except he or she knows they had the inner satisfaction of reality. Got to invent a stick for this. But until "the meat is on the table," I would suggest exploring the impregnation further; i.e., keep cooking. A bride does not cease having sex with her husband just because she is pregnant, and doing it again does not cancel the existing baby. Praying properly will reinforce your conviction and confidence that you have what you have engendered. It does not mean you doubt while you are getting more familiar with exactly what you want. The trick is to not ever assign "future" to your expectation. Always believe that you HAVE what you desire, that it is HERE and you are moving FROM it.

"What do I do while I am waiting?" How about improving your character? You might have room for improvement. Neville read the Bible religiously . . . without regard to religion: "THIS IS ALL
PSYCHOLOGICAL, AND IT IS ABOUT ME." He also read hundreds of books about the Bible. Pay attention to what God likes because it is like him, and what he dislikes because it is not like him. "Not like him" is sin, and watch which way you go! Learning will affect your inner speech, your attitudes and your thoughts towards others. Your thoughts towards others do affect them, for they are compelled to fulfill your faith-filled expectations; i.e., YOU. Think positively: love is the answer, and give peace a chance.

Something related to this came up while I was writing this post: I watched an "America's Got Talent" show, and a clairvoyant magic act demonstrated a psychic push-technology that initially blew my mind. I have seen several "magicians" predict what their audience would think, do, or say, but this couple, I thought, took it a step further. They supposedly determined what they would have the judges think, and then made the judges think those things as if they were their own thoughts. See "The Clairvoyants: Beautiful Couples Controls The Judge Mind - America's Got Talent 2016";, for fun.

Yes, yes, I know. They are skilled performers and they aren't really doing any telepathy at all (try toe-telegraphy, codes, assistants--such as the unnoticed pair at 5 min. into the video above), but it reminded me so well of what Neville Goddard preached in his lecture, "Mental Diets." He advised his wife, Bill, to think compliments instead of arguments with her boss, because the world--her boss--must reflect her. Your world must reflect YOU!!! (See Gregg Braden, the Seven Essene Mirrors; The "Clairvoyants" do have their expectations well and confidently intended, and their world reflects their beliefs. Choose the states you intend carefully, because you are going to get them.

What do you do while you are waiting? Abdullah would say, "How can you be 'waiting' when you HAVE what you desired?" Neville said, "Prayer is thanksgiving; it is praise." Rejoice. Love and appreciate God. Yes, you are he, but don't let that stop you. Minister to him, have mercy to him. Mercy to Him? Yes. Intercede for the poor! They also are him becoming him. In many places in the Bible, at least in Alexander's translations from the ancient Aramaic, God promises favor upon those who show him mercy. When I first noticed that, I thought, whoa, you've got that backwards. But no, He knows He is the poor. He is everything: He is everyone. "Do you love Me, Hearer?" Perhaps we should be teaching them how to have. It will take our minds off waiting.

Thursday, November 24, 2016

The Characters of the Bible, the Image of God, and How the Bible is Understood

I call "Ineffable" the great, unknowable, unfathomable, incomprehensible, invisible, imperceptible Source of all being. We call It Father and Mother, Eil, Ein Sof, Elohim, and YHWH, but the Ineffable is above and beyond Ein Sof, the endlessness. And yet It is Eil Shaddai: the almighty, all-providing Breasts. All--absolutely all--comes from It. It is beyond being 'force' or 'power' or 'intelligence' or 'mind' -- It is beyond any sort of "being." It is beyond thingness; It is beyond movement -- and yet It imagines. The Ineffable's Imagination (verb!) is Its one action, and that action is wholly Its "Image." The Imagination of the Ineffable is Its only Image, the Manifestation. Hence, "When it (causative imagining) works, you have found Him." There is nothing else by which we can know the Ineffable.

The Imagination of the Ineffable is that which we call God: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. "As that which was before the beginning, (the Ineffable's Imagination/Son) created 'God,' the Heavens, and the Earth," to fulfill the manifestation of the Ineffable (Genesis 1:1; my personal interpretation, thanks to Victor Alexander and Rabbi David A. Cooper). The Imagination's power and wisdom in us is to us "Jesus Christ," or if you would, Eashoa Msheekha: the Life-giving, Living Branch--i.e., the Imagination of the Ineffable that is our life!

All potential for everything that can happen is the Imagination. The Imagination is everything that can happen--if it is not imagined, it does not and cannot exist! Each and every "happening" in the universe is a state. States are transitory: one flows into another continuously in what we call "time." Each state as it manifests is the Ineffable via imagining at that moment; it is a "portrait" of the Ineffable. As individualized conscious spirit of the Imagination, we flow through states we have imagined somewhere in time. You see your state? That is the Ineffable at the moment, for you are the Ineffabe at the moment. Or at least Its reflection. Learn to look well, for we are enabled to elect the state of the Ineffable we wish to be by assuming that we are that state. Hey, that is what He is doing, and we are portraits of him.

The states of the Ineffable are what the Bible is all about. The Bible is about the Ineffable's states: the states that are, the states that we are in, the states we can be, the states we need to attain to or acquire. What is interesting is that almost absolutely no one in the whole world recognizes this! The various natures of the states are indicated by the "names" of the characters of the Bible. The Hebrew word for 'name' means the nature of a thing, so the "names" or natures are the most important part of the Bible--they are the states the stories are talking about--and they are the one thing that absolutely no translator translates! Ironically, they are the one thing the whole Bible is about!!!

If you (as much as you are able) do translate them yourself, you will see that the Bible is wholly psychological and is about states of being and awareness and not history. The historical aspect, perhaps, shows the structure of the relationships among the states involved. But where can we find the meanings of the ancient Aramaic, Hebrew, and Chaldee names? Victor Alexander says that Strong's Hebrew and Chaldee dictionary is about worthless, and his own Aramaic dictionaries he has had to rewrite because of their inadequacies. Where does that leave us poor lexiconless pikers? Learn to listen to God, my friends, for He is the only one who knows.

It is apparent that God is a field much like gravity that is intelligent and powerful. The field is endless, and everything in it is it. We are all this one thing, this field. Alexander has noted that the word 'Adam' comes from the Aramaic word for portrait, adam-tha, though I rather believe that the Aramaic word for 'portrait' comes from Adam, our inner man, which is a portrait of that field which is God. Our lives are fields of work within the work of the intelligent and powerful field that is God. Our "work" is manifesting that which already is.

Because of the way the Bible is written, people think that God is a big guy composed of unapproachable light who is eternally sitting in big chair in a place called Heaven and a guy standing beside him with dead people bowing all around praising them, with angels rushing back and forth telling him all the things in the universe that are happening to get permission from him to do this or that or another. That seems like a stretch to me. God IS, and all the states that he already IS are becoming manifest as we flow through them and our nature becomes more like his. The high state that He is is where we are going.

Which brings me to trying to understand the Bible as it is written. The translators read it as a literal, linear history and imagine the characters as real people doing their spiritual work historically at that time. Thus Jesus Christ--Eashoa Msheekha--performed his work of salvation on the cross two thousand years ago. It escapes them that the state of salvation was established by God FROM BEFORE THE BEGINNING OF THE UNIVERSE. It is that EXISTING state of salvation which is being REVEALED. Knowing this, we have to interpolate "the revelation of Jesus Christ" back to the historic work FROM BEFORE THE BEGINNING OF THE UNIVERSE with its continuing influence and effect. We were born into ignorance of the existing Grace--two states--and by moving into the state of knowledge the work of Jesus Christ at the beginning makes us one.  It is in this way that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Ephesians 2

1. Also to you who were dead in your sins and foolishness, 2. As you walked in the ways of old, according to the worldliness of this universe, and according to the leaders of the earth's governments,* in the spirit that compels Children to be heedless, 3. According to the same practices that we also followed in the past through the lust of our flesh, and according to the flesh we did what we considered justifiable,* and ended up being children of wrath like everybody else.
4. Allaha, however, who is rich in mercy, loved us because of His great love, 5. Whereas we were dead in our sins, He gave us life with the Messiah and saved us by his grace, 6. And He raised us with him and placed us in heaven through Eashoa Msheekha, 7. That He may show the universes that are coming, the great riches of his grace and His fulfillment through Eashoa Msheekha that descended upon us. 8. For it was by Grace that he saved us through faith, and this was not of your doing, except the gift of Allaha. 9. Not through the performance [of deeds,] so that no human should be proud. 10. For we are his creation, whereas we are born through Eashoa Msheekha as works of grace, those by which from olden times Allaha favored us. 11. Because of that, remember that you people were in the beginning according to the flesh, and that you were called unto circumcision from uncircumcision, which is accomplished with hands of flesh.*
12. And you were in that age without the Messiah, and you were foreigners of Israel,* and you were strangers to the covenant of the kingdom, and you had no hope and no Allaha in the world. 13. Now, however, through Eashoa Msheekha, those of you who were outsiders* in the old times, have become kindred through the blood of Eashoa Msheekha. 14. For he is our peace, he who made two into one, and who united the knot of the old pair in equality, 15. And [he resolved] the enmity in his flesh, and the Law of commandments he cancelled by his own commandment, so as he may rebuild both lines through his Triune essence into one new human being, and create peace, 16. And so he may gaze upon both of them in one body with Allaha, and so he may kill the enmity by his Cross, 17. And so he may come and proffer peace upon you, to those who had wandered off and to those who had stayed near.

Footnotes: *2:2 Figure of speech retained: Secular leaderships that do not accept Eashoa Msheekha as Maryah and Allaha. -- *2:3 “According to conscience.” -- *2:11 To understand the significance of the Cross (a concept lost to Western theologians,) there has to be opposition of the two paths, the one branch suspended horizontally in the air, the symbol of the Spirit, anchored by the vertical branch that is buried in the ground, symbol of the world. The horizontal branch cannot stand without the vertical branch, or else the cross loses its significance and purpose. Thus accordingly without opposition, Christianity cannot exit. -- *2:12 Continuing reference to the symbol of the Cross. -- *2:13 Figure of speech: “Distanced.”


The Ancient Aramaic Church understood. When we understand, we are a part of that body of believers. This puts me in an odd way, because the most reliable translation I know of is written by Victor Alexander, who holds to the literal-historic interpretation! Still I use his translation, because I can interpolate his impressions to the ancient meanings. No one said this was going to be easy.

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

I Believe in Jesus Christ . . . All of Them . . . Each and Every One of Them

I marvel how people can prove the Bible by what it says without seeking the soul of what it says. The Bible says that Jesus Christ was born of a virgin and wore a robe dipped in blood. I believe that, but I believe that you and I--all of us--are that robe dipped in blood. "Jesus Christ" is the Father--his power and wisdom--that is in us. He desired this, and he gave it birth: God's desire for it is the "virgin," and we are the child.

Unlike Neville Goddard, though, I do not discount the possibility of there having been a teacher of righteousness in Israel who was "Jesus Christ." Mark, certainly, drew upon the life of Gautama Buddha for his Gospel (see the Christian Lindtner Theory), but that does not mean that there was not a comparable teacher among the Jews who exemplified the enlightenment of God within him. An actual 'Jesus' or James or person who understood and could actualize God's kingdom which was within him as it is within us. I believe in THAT Jesus Christ, even if it were only Mark's own perception.

But what of his work of salvation? The Manifestation is the manifestation of that which has been from before the beginning. There was no work being done by him, and there is no work being done in you or I. The work was done before the first day, from before God's intelligence sneezed into BEING. Back then he determined what is. This is revelation of what IS. We are only discovering.

Sunday, November 20, 2016

There is the Baptism in the Holy Spirit by a Person: What if that Person . . . is You?

There is the experience to be had of being baptized in the Holy Spirit. This experience is given to you by a person. Anyone who has had this experience knows that you cannot just make it up. It is not coming to faith in God or in Jesus Christ or of your forgiveness by Him, though these are contributing factors. The baptism in the Holy Spirit is given by a person.

For myself, I was waiting for a friend who was praying to receive the gift of tongues at Grace Bible Church in Honolulu, Hawaii. One of the ministers came out and asked me if I had received the gift when I believed, and I wound up kneeling before a folding chair in their fellowship room giving God my tongue and lips. Nothing happened. I went through the whole litany of everything I had and ever hoped to be, giving them to God, and was soundly rejected.

I sought where to go in my giving and entered a trance, searching through a ravine where I came upon a block I could not get past. I had no name for it, but I knew it was what made me unacceptable to God. I could not name it to give it to him, so I sobbed, "I do not know what it is, but whatever it is, I give it to you."

The point I want to make here is that I was in my imagination and speaking to my imagination. And my point in that is that THE GOD WITHIN IS THE GOD WITHOUT! God was in my imagination in that I was thinking about him and talking to him, and God was my imagination, acting upon me. He was not a big, white-light guy in a big chair jillions of miles away acting by remote control; he was Me, straightening me out. 'I' had the power of baptizing with the Holy Spirit, and after I realized and surrendered my rebellion of self-lordship, I--God 'I'--exercised it and filled my being with the Holy Spirit. Me do it? No way! He who is me did it, for he is a person, and that person . . . is me.

So I offer you this: be aware that He is there. There . . . in you! Talk to him. Love and, yes, fear him. Listening to him involves having questions, observing the spontaneous thoughts that come to your mind, and writing them down. This is a do-it-yourself prophet kit! You will have volumes of insights, but first seek the baptism in the Holy Spirit, for you want to go into the Pentecostal world.

See "Mark Virkler: Our Message in 8 Minutes!": (or,, which is commercial)

Revision of Representation: As God You Change Your Life, and God Changes Their Lives

When you want to change a person to help them, you do not change them, you change you. You do not change their world, you change your inner man's perception of the world. You represent to yourself YOU as you would like to be. What would it be like FOR YOU if it were true that you were THAT you?

For you, an individualized consciousness of God, to have that experience, God must compel them to fulfill it. Compelling is his shtick; he does it invisibly without detection. They decide and make choices; it happens "naturally." You do not have to lift a finger or come up with compelling arguments or figure out anything, but trust God to figure out how to do it . . . and to do it. You change your world, and he changes the world.

In his lecture, "Repentance, a Gift of God (How to Really Pray)," Neville Goddard shares the experience of Freedom Barry, whom he had sent to San Francisco to teach the Law of Assumption (causation by imagining/faith). When he first arrived in the city, Freedom took his fox terrier out for a walk and was accosted in the street by a drunk who asked for a handout. Freedom declined, but said to himself, "I must apply this principle." He immediately represented that man to himself as being gainfully employed and in need of nothing. To himself. Freedom inwardly made unto himself a new experience of perception of that man. He did not change the man, except his experience of his perception. HIS experience of him. We change the experience of our inner man, our imagination, which is God.

Two weeks later Barry met the man in the street again, and he was gainfully employed and in need of nothing, or at least well on his way to it. He told Freedom that after he had asked him for a handout and had been denied, he felt so bad and ashamed about it that he went out and got a job, a good one. Freedom Barry had changed HIS OWN INNER BEING'S EXPERIENCE, and GOD changed the man to give Barry that experience. And the man was helped.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Neville Goddard and Revelation 19: 12 : "He Had a Name Written That No One Knew But He Himself" . . . and You.

Several months ago I wrote a note: "Neville Goddard and Revelation 19: 12: Christ dwells in us. He is clothed in us. Our flesh is his robe. Call upon HIM! Esau is the outer flesh-man, Jacob the subtle inner man. Jacob prospered and became two camps. When he discovered God in himself, he found Esau was the face of God."

This must have been from some audio-only of Neville's I listened to, for I cannot find it in text. Anyway, seeing it again I thought I would take a look at Revelation 19 translated from the ancient Aramaic, which I copy below from Victor Alexander's website ( After the passage I have some comments about verse 11 and following:

Revelation chapter 19

    1. After this I heard a great voice of a huge crowd in heaven, saying,

            "Halleluiah!* Salvation and power
            ...and glory and honor to our Allaha,
            2. "For just* and righteous
            ...are his judgments,
            Because he has judged
            ...that great prostitute,
            That one who corrupted
            ...the earth with her fornication,
            And who brought the blood
            ...of her own servants
            Against herself."

    3. And a second time they said,
    "Halleluiah!" And the smoke of her [pyre] was rising forever*.
    4. And the twenty-four priests fell, and the four life forms, and they worshiped the Allaha who sits on the throne, as they said, "Halleluiah!"
    5. And a voice emerged from the throne that said,

            "Glorify our Allaha,
            ...all [you] his servants*,
            And those who submit to him
   the small and the great."

    6. And I heard like the sound of a great crowd, and like the sound of great waters, and like the sound of powerful thunders, saying,

            Since he reigns [in Kingship,]
            Our Maryah Allaha,
            ...the One and Only for all.
            7. "Let us be happy and rejoice*,
            ...and give him glory,
            For it has arrived
            ...the wedding of that Lamb,
            And his bride*
            ...loves* him.
            8. "And he has given her therefore
   be dressed in fine linens,
            Pure and clean,
            ...for those fine linens
            Are the blessings
            ...of the saints."*
            9. And he told me, write,
            "Blessed are they
            ...who are called
            To the wedding feast
            ...of the Lamb."

    And he told me, "These words* of mine are Allaha's truth*."
    10. And I fell at his feet to worship him, and he said to me, "Look! No! I am your companion [in service] and of your brothers, those who possess* the testimony of Eashoa. Worship Allaha, for that testimony of Eashoa is the spirit* of prophecy."

            11. And I saw heaven opened
            ...and behold the white horse,
            And the one seated on it,
            ...[who is] called: "Faithful and True,"
            And [who] judges and wages war
            ...through his righteousness.
            12. And his eyes are like
            ...the flames of fire,
            And on his head,
            ...a tiara of crowns,
            Who has the titles that are written*,
            ...and the name that is written,
            That which no human [being] knows,
            ...except for him.
            13. And he wore the robe
            ...that is drenched in blood,
            And who calls his name,
            The Allaha Manifest.
            14. And the armies in heaven,
            ...follow him on white horses,
            And they are dressed
   clothes of white
            ......and clean linen.
            15. And from his mouth
            ...emerges the sharpened sword,
            with the two edges,
            With which he strikes
            ...the nations,
            And he shall shepherd the nations
   the rod of iron,
            And he squeezes the winepress
            ...of the vine,
            ......of the ferment of Allaha,
            The One and Only for all.
            16. And he has on his robe
            ...and on his thigh
            ......the titles written,
            "King of Kings" and "Lord of Lords."

    17. And I saw an angel as he rose in heaven and cried out in a great voice, as he said:

            To all birds in the midst of heaven,
            Come, gather to the Great feast of Allaha,
            18. So as to eat the flesh of kings,
            And the flesh of generals*,
            And the flesh of warriors*,
            And the flesh of horses and their riders,
            And the flesh of all the children of the free
            And the slaves and the small and great.

    19. And I saw that demon and the kings of the world and their armies, as they gathered to do battle with the one on the horse and his armies.
    20. And the demon was hunted down and the false prophet with him, the one who performed those miracles before him, by which were lost those who took on the mark of the demon and the ones who worshiped his image. And while alive they were both thrown into the sea of fire that burns like* brimstone.
    21. And all the others were killed by the sword of the one who sat on the horse, by that which emerges from his mouth, and all the birds [of prey] ate their fill of their flesh.

    19:1*Lit. Ar. idiomatic figure of speech: "Give him praise!"
    19:2*Lit. Ar. id.: "True."
    19:3*Lit. Ar. id.: "To [the end of] the universes of all the universes."
    19:5*Lit. Ar. id.: "Slaves."
    19:7*Lit. Ar. id.: "Brighten up."
    *Lit. Ar. id.: "Woman," or : wife.
    *Lit. Ar. idiomatic figure of speech: "Is pleased she."
    19:8*Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction retained. Or: "Are the rewards of sainthood."
    19:9*Lit. Ar. id.: "Manifestations."
    *Lit. Ar. id.: "Truths."
    19:10*Lit. Ar. id.: "Have."
    *Lit. Ar. idiom retained. Or: "Essence."
    19:12*Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction retained. Or: "He holds [is famous for] many titles [written names], but has one name."
    19:18*Lit. Ar. id.: "Heads of thousands."
    *Lit. Ar. id.: "The powerful."
    19:20*Lit. Ar. id.: "With."

Well, before I get to verse 12, let me say that in the context of the 2016 American Presidential race's conclusion, verse 2 reminds me of Hillary Clinton. But in my view the passage has no such literal-historical reference or application, though Hillary provides us a salient illustration of the principle, which is what we should expect to find in such an imagic world.

The imagination/consciousness/spirit of God has flipped into being the ignorant mind of man. The ignorance is from amnesia, as that Original Mind has been thoroughly forgotten because we honestly think that we are the human. We are here to cultivate that nature of the Ineffable which is noble and free. The Devil, demon, Satan and their armies are the ignorance that has befallen us. That noble and free nature of the Ineffable is inculcated in us through the righteousness of the Faithful and True who sits on the white horse. His goodness is the war against the ignorance: "When it works, you have found Him--God--to be your own, wonderful, Human Imagination."

It is a principle of my interpretation of the scriptures that the Hebrew word for 'name' means 'nature.' I got this from James Strong's Hebrew and Chaldee dictionary, but I cannot find anyone else who holds to this principle. Take it with a grain of salt, but consider it when you are reading verse 12:

Who has the titles that are written*,
            ...and the name that is written,
            That which no human [being] knows,
            ...except for him.


"He holds [is famous for] many titles [written names], but has one name." Many titles, but one nature, which no one knows but Him: the Ineffable.

He wears a robe drench in blood--your body's living experience--and calls it, "God manifest."

Verse 16: And he has on his robe
            ...and on his thigh
            ......the titles written,
            "King of Kings" and "Lord of Lords."

This is a little confusing. I have seen so many glorious paintings and illustrations of the Man on the horse with the words "King of Kings and Lord of Lords" written on his thigh. "On his thigh" is a really polite way to say his creative member, the rib as it is described in Genesis, or Jacob's sinew. In you, God Manifest, is the power and the wisdom of God--Jesus Christ. You have His power in you.

Verse 21: And all the others were killed by the sword of the one who sat on the horse, by that which emerges from his mouth, and all the birds [of prey] ate their fill of their flesh.

Ignorance is destroyed by those righteous acts of the Faithful and True by that which emerges from YOUR MOUTH, which is your imagination! I know that Ignorance does not want to give up its kingdom, but it shall be utterly destroyed.

Remember how far away you are from the invisible, incomprehensible, Ineffable. Jacob learned imagining--became blessed into being two camps--and discovered that God lived in him. Seeing Esau, his flesh, he said, "I have seen that your face is the face of the angel in my vision" (Genesis 33; 10, Alexander). Our faces are God's! We are his messengers, zero distance from him. Zero distance from the Most High! So keep looking down from on high.

Friday, November 18, 2016

Unclear on the Concept: Learning from the Protesters of the 2016 American Presidential Election: If the Time for Action was BEFORE the Election . . .

What can we learn from the protesters in American cities now actively rejecting the election of President Trump? It should be obvious that the time to protest and reject him as President was BEFORE the presidential primaries were complete. Certainly BEFORE the election was held. What good does it do to protest AFTER the election? His election is a "done deal," and no amount of protesting is going to change it. To protest now is about a day late, wouldn't you say?

It is apparent that we are living reactively in an imagic world. First, things happen (which we in our ignorance have caused); then, we react. This is out of order. Just as the time to cause Donald Trump to NOT become President was BEFORE the election, the time to cause the world we want is BEFORE we get a world we do not want. We should cause first; and let the world react.

In respect to this order, in Ezekiel chapters 1 and 10 there are a couple of strange illustrations. I understand that the "wheels within wheels" are probably references to the astrological constellations in the stars (eyes), which correspond to the children of Jacob, which are facets of the mind, which is our imagination which rules the world. As imagination is God, the Potter, the wheels within wheels may be construed as potter's wheels, or the implementation of the Kingdom (powers) of God over the affairs on the earth. That sounds round about, but the effect is that the creatures move first, and the wheels follow whatever they do, just as the potter casts the pot and the clay follows his fingers:


"15 As I was looking at the four creatures I saw four wheels touching the ground, one beside each of them. 16All four wheels were alike; each one shone like a precious stone, and each had another wheel intersecting it at right angles,17so that the wheels could move in any of the four directions.18 The rims of the wheels were covered with eyes. 19Whenever the creatures moved, the wheels moved with them, and if the creatures rose up from the earth, so did the wheels.20The creatures went wherever they wished, and the wheels did exactly what the creatures did, because the creatures controlled them.21So every time the creatures moved or stopped or rose in the air, the wheels did exactly the same."

Therefore, we should think things well first, imagine good lovingly, intend beneficial results before actions. Represent things going pleasantly in your mind's eye BEFORE the opposite occurs. Like the kid said, pay it forward.

Thursday, November 17, 2016


 9-26-2017 edit: Neville explains movement in his lecture, The Creator:

Represent. THAT is the way to pray. To pray is to represent in your mind's eye what it is you desire to be, and to BE it. Experience that being as though it were true. It is an accomplishment: you actually have to DO it, experience it as the reality you are in. This is how we present our petition to God, who is our own, wonderful, human imagination.

Representation is the "Pruning Shears of Revision." (See my post: "Neville Goddard's Pruning Shears of Revision: It Is Not Tomorrow That We Fix, But Today's Past";

Teach your children well: the Ineffable is becoming manifest. This is the first principle of the universe: what the Ineffable IS . . . BECOMES manifest. There is a definite pattern: first the state of the Ineffable, then its appearing. We are first mind--the Ineffable's mind (!), then matter.

So we want health, wealth and peace of mind for our children and neighbors. REPRESENT them as such before your mind's eye: they are healthy, wealthy, and have peace of mind.

From Neville Goddard's lecture "How to Really Pray" (audio:; text:

"Well now, what is my responsibility? I want to change my world. Well then, I ask myself, 'What would I see if it were changed? How would I see the world if my world was exactly as I want it to be, how would I . . . how would I see it?' Well then, see it! In my mind's eye, conjure a scene which would imply that it is true - live as though it were true - in 'my mind's eye.' I know I can't make it so, but in the depth of my own being the Father - he has the power to make it so.

"So now I go to my Father. How do I go to my Father? I first of all do what I am called upon to do - I enact a scene implying the fulfillment of my dream, and then I turn it over completely in thanksgiving to him. It is myself, my essential being, but it transcends my reasoning mind. I do not know on this level how it can be done, but I do know that if I have faith in him - it is my own self - it will be done in my world. So we are told in scripture, without faith it is impossible to please him. And those who would draw near to him must believe that he exists, and that he rewards those who seek him. I must believe that he exists, and that he rewards those who seek him.

"Well, without faith it is impossible to please him. What is faith? The same chapter in Hebrews defines faith for us. 'Faith is the assurance of things not seen, the evidence of things hoped for. By faith we understand that the very worlds were created by the Word of God, so that what is seen was made out of things which do not appear.' Well, in my world it hasn't yet appeared. I say it all is contained within my imagination. So I will enact a scene which would imply that it's real. And then, within myself, I give thanks."

Representation is imagining that what you desire is your present and real reality. It is assurance of the thing not seen, the evidence of the exact thing I hope for. Whether you are practicing the Law of Attraction, the Law of Assumption, visualization, contemplation, affirmation, chanting, prayer, or whatever, they all work because at their core is your mental representation of what you desire before your mind's eye as though it were your real and present reality.

You want to pray to God? To Eil Shaddai? He has become your own, wonderful, HUMAN imagination. Representing what you desire to be to your imagination is how you present your petition to Him: "I want exactly this . . . ," and you represent to your imagination what you want as though it were your present and real reality. In your mind's eye you experience it over and over until it takes on all the tones of reality. You have to accomplish its real ness. You feel all the emotions you would feel. Feel the feeling of it being REAL. Really real. MOVE yourself to that state, and then go to sleep. IN THAT REALITY, YOU GO TO SLEEP.

"I am telling you, that whatever you pray and ask for, believe that you will receive, and it shall be given to you" (Mark 11: 24, Alexander). "Faith, then, allows what is anticipated by the Hope [of the Kingdom,] He who was given to them through oaths and by the Revelation of the Invisible." (Hebrew 11: 1, Alexander).

Representation is saying, "This is the reality of my being, and that which I outwardly experienced (and now forgive that it might pass) is not." And God, your imagination, says, "Okay, got ya. One new manifestation coming up!"

See my previous post "Oh, Prayer is MOVEMENT":

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

This May Be the Best of Neville Goddard's Lectures: "The Pruning Shears of Revision"

I found Nevillution's reading of Neville Goddard's "The Pruning Shears of Revision" ( to better than Gary Norgrund's reading I have listened to for years. I hope you enjoy and listen much. (Text:

"Neville Goddard's Breathing Technique" isn't bad, either:

Neville Goddard - How to Really Pray   (text:

Monday, November 14, 2016

A Neville Goddard-esque Perspective on Why and How Hillary Clinton Lost the 2016 Presidential Election

Hillary lost the election only because she is a criminal. There was no other reason. Well, that and her probably being a clinical sociopath. She refuses to follow rules. If you follow God's rules you get rewarded. If you break God's rules you get punished. She is getting punished. Look, Hillary, there is a God and he is effectual . . . and he is you.

What we REALLY imagine becomes manifest. You casually imagine that you will get away with all your crimes; as a lawyer you can rationalize and excuse them. But in your heart you fear the reality that you can get caught. That is the REAL imagination of your soul, and as God it becomes (and it must become) manifest. YOU compelled the FBI. Do not blame the policeman for catching you.

God is becoming. He is God Who Is Becoming. We are the where and how he is becoming. For God to be become, his manifestation, which is us, has to be conformed to Him. God is righteous, and if we make our life NOT conform to Him by being criminal, our punishment is what we have made it! You, Hillary, make yourself a criminal: your punishment is being a criminal. And so most of America, as far as the Electoral College is concerned, could not vote for you. Could not, for how could they vote for a criminal?

It was not that Donald Trump had more desirable qualities, or any desirable qualities at all. Ronald Reagan's chimp could have run against you, and she would have won: "Glass ceiling broken by chimp!"

It is time to repent and conform yourself to the right and noble and gracious God Who Is Becoming, for this is an imagic world. Conform to His image, which is to imagine as he does.

On the Progression of Jacob as Prayer to Salvation

I recently presented my view that the Antediluvian Patriarchs were originally meant as a progression from our ignorant religious state to an effective mental state for causative prayer ( That is that they, the genealogy of Adam in Genesis 5, are entirely psychological and occur as mental states or attitudes to the proper frame of mind for prayer: the resting in faith in God. They are a mechanism!

There is, of course, another progression of the same nature, that of Jacob in Genesis 29 and 30. As I previously stated, Adam is each of us, and we become Cain and Abel--flesh and spirit. Abel is invisible and forgotten but still active, and we erect religion as its substitute in our lives. So Seth is actually Abel--God's spirit in us--drawing us toward him. To the state of Noah, the rest wherein we find relief and salvation.

The progression of Jacob is much the same. Esau is our flesh like Cain, and Jacob is our inner spirit-man like Abel. Jacob is us ignorant of being God's spirit--we're sneaky rats--but like Seth, we have a religious hunger for the birth-right and blessing. Sent to Laban (Levin), which is an affliction-filled study in righteousness, Jacob becomes psychologically developed and practiced in prayer. The goats and stakes are causative imaginings. There is a flood in one progression, and a wrestling in the other. Noah finds a new world, and Jacob becomes Israel: God-Ruling-As-Man.

Similarities? I think so. Because the Book of Genesis is a Prayer Manual, a Success Manual. It is to teach us how to effectively, causatively PRAY.

Mark 15: 34: The Existent Allahoota: the Milta or "Manifestation" is Always the Revelation of the EXISTING STATE of the Allahoota (the Godhood)

This is just a statement of my personal belief as a theologian. This is more for me than it is for you.

My concept of Allaha (God) is non-dual. There is the inconceivable, incomprehensible, inexpressible Source Of All Things (the Ineffable, or Eil), and Its Milta--the Manifestation. They, which are everything, are one.

I believe that Eil is the imagination of the Ineffable Source of all Things, which is a slight distinction: the Source does not move; Its imagination, Eil, is Its movement.

Milta is the manifestation of Eil. The Manifestation always, always, always is the revelation of Eil, the Ineffable, AS IT EXISTS. Because the Milta is Eil just as Eil is the Ineffable.

There are maybe two or three people in the whole world who are still with me. The above Ineffable/Eil/Allaha/Milta are an intelligence of power and wisdom, which power and wisdom we know of as the Lord Jesus Christ, or Maran Eashoa Msheekha in Aramaic. Victor Alexander has said that "Maran Eashoa Msheekha came to the world to save everybody, not just one nation."

That Jesus Christ came into the world to save everybody is what this post is about. I do not believe that he did come to save everybody, but to demonstrate, to REVEAL, how it is that everybody IS saved.

I may have lost the last three.

You see, the Milta (or Logos if you prefer Greek) always reveals what EXISTS. He did not come to do a new work, but to reveal the work that had already been done at the beginning of the world. That work was the power of God and the wisdom of God flipped from being the consciousness of God into being the consciousness of man. It is because God became us AT THE BEGINNING that we all are ultimately saved at the end.

At the beginning, Eil/the Ineffable imagined the end It desired. The end is all the Manifestation perfectly existing as the Ineffable, or, if you would, AS RISEN. The end is determined in faith to BE EXISTING.

In Mark 15: 34 of Alexander's scripture, Eashoa says, "Eil, Eil, l'mana sh'wik-thani." That is, "My Allaha, my Allaha,* wherefore did you destine me?" ( This is also translated as "Eil, Eil, wherefore hast thou vouchsafed me" (see, number 5:

Or, if I may: "You destined me to reveal that all are saved by my sacrifice/death in becoming them at the beginning." He became us that we might become him, and we will, because Eil has determined that he--and we are in him--is risen. The Milta reveals what EXISTS, how the Ineffable/Eil IS.

So watch what the illustration IS: the Life-giving, Living Branch gives Its life to be hung on a wooden stake and enter the experience of death AS US, suffering for a perfect time (represented as three days) to be raised in justification and sanctification because it was Christ who was really doing it for and as us. This work complete, he ascends to operate as God--Allaha/Eil.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

The Antediluvian Patriarchs as Progressive Entry into the State of Prayer: Neville Goddard and the Flood of Noah

(Added 02/14/2018: I found this woman's research interesting on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural TV program, at about 9:30 and following:

Please see my previous post, "Introduction to The Antediluvian Patriarch Progression as Entry into Biblical Prayer: Neville Goddard and the Flood of Noah" ( I could not get this complicated post going until I got that part composed (it helps me to have someone to explain my ideas to, for which I thank DeBorah).

Over the last forty years or so I have read unnumbered scholastic tomes and articles that dealt with the conditions of the earth before the flood of Noah and the changes they underwent after the flood. Their authors wrestle through incredible science and controversy, and yet Moses was simply trying to teach us how to enter into effective, causative prayer. That is all that the book of Genesis is about; it is a success manual for prayer!

The men in the genealogy of Adam in Genesis chapter 5, the "antediluvian patriarchs," are actually a progression of heart-felt attitudes whose manifestation generate within us the frame of mind necessary for genuine biblical prayer. The proper mental state for prayer does not just pop into our heads because we is smart; it is cumulatively cultivated in our attitudes. It is GENERATED step by step in our hearts as the appropriate attitudes swell and the conducive frame of mind for prayer is attained. The kingdom--the powers--of God have to do with attitudes.

Biblical prayer is a state of being, a unique state of many flavors. It is concocted of the antediluvian patriarchs! They are a formula. We start as Adam, an individualized consciousness of God. Dumbed-down to the level of fleshly, human Cain in the ignorance of amnesia from our flip into the "field" of mankind, we set up a weak, sickly, feeble substitute, Seth--religion, to take Abel's place. Abel is the forgotten spirit of God within us. The antediluvian patriarchs are the mechanism which takes us from this ignorant state of Seth unto the powerful state of Noah: awareness of our being Abel in faith-based prayer.

Each stage or "patriarch" of the process needs to develop into a completely mature attitude. And these overlap; they co-exist. Do not be confused by their nine hundred plus-year lifespans; while these states of attitude require real and thorough formation, it shouldn't take a person more than ten-seconds to accomplish them! Because these attitudes are supposed to be the basis of our regular life, the constant state of mind of our character. It is a matter of being wholly into them, and if they are not our everyday character, they are going to take some PRACTICE. They are supposed to be there as our nature when we go into the silence. How else can we pray always?

I certainly am not the first to see this or to write about it. I'll give that to Moses, but see also Neville Goddard's lecture, "The Flood is Still Upon Us" ( (This is the same as audio lecture "Facts Overflow the World", but for some reason the transcriber missed the start of the lecture, which begins, "When we read the Bible, we think it is an old book describing . . . ") When Neville talked about the flood tide of sleep lifting us above the "facts" of the world which deny that what we desire exists, this is what he was talking about.

You have my apology: I am not a Hebrew or Aramaic scholar full of wisdom about what the names of the patriarchs really mean. They are the natures necessary for effective prayer, but nobody wants to translate them because we have always been taught that they are just guys' given names. These "names" are among the most important things we will ever encounter in this world! The Bible, from Genesis 1:1 to the end of Revelation, is about us--it is our story; it is about our lives. And it is about God. It just so happens that we ARE God. He is a non-dual reality; the e'had that he is (Deuteronomy 6: 4) is EVERYTHING. Everything is the One. I can only go by my Strong's Exhaustive Concordance's Hebrew and Chaldee dictionary and some other lexicons and commentaries. I sure wish Victor Alexander ( could take the time to translate the Aramaic names found in Genesis. Then we could use it as the manual for prayer that it is. If you see better meanings and have better insights than I come up with, hey, there is a comments section below (please include your sources--I've got to check out validity). I am sorry also for the redundancy in what follows:

Adam, who is each of us, is God's consciousness individualized as our consciousness, making ours a portrait of his. "God" is the intelligence that is power causatively imagining in the universe, and we are that spirit causatively imagining in man (when we are in the state of Noah). Each of us is a unique manifestation of the same God appearing in different men and women. He is all of us, and we are the masks he is wearing. There is only one God, and he has become everything; but what he is, well, that is what we are in truth. And that would be imagination, consciousness, the intelligence that is power.

Our Adamic "rib" is the creative power within our nature; it is our creative power. The rib is imagination with its desire, its hunger for expansion of experience.

Eve is the faith of God (who we really are) which brings these states to pass. It believes that what is desired EXISTS. And you will notice that all of this is just one person so far--each of us, individually! Read the Bible personally, for it is all about YOU, personally. And these have gotten here, into being Cain and Abel. And we are still just one person.

Apart from the genealogy in chapter 5, Cain and Abel are our manifestation in this world, the "gain" of fleshliness and our underlying spiritual reality. The Abel/spiritual part is invisible to us in this field, and so in our ignorance it is forgotten or "dies" to us--our flesh perspective kills it, though it lives still to God. We always have an undetectable live connection to God, who we actually are, our subtle "inner man."

I believe the line of Cain is, quite literally, our fixation in this present, "ignoranced" state. Seriously. Tubal-Cain means 'to flow' and 'to strike a note--fixity'; i.e., our constant awareness of being just flesh, a human in the here and now. This is found to be 'pleasure; to be agreeable.' I know this experience might not be pleasurable for you at this moment, but that is why the antediluvian patriarchs should be of particular interest to you. They are the method which leads us to Noah, a trip to a better world--a salvation from this unpleasantness.

The progression from this ignoranced state unto the power of prayer follows the line of Abel. Abel is not dead, he is just forgotten. His "blood," our spirit's effective reality, still speaks to God. God doesn't give up on us, ever. While Abel is our spiritual dimension, we, lacking overt experience with this reality, come up with a substitute for it. We set our feeble, sickly substitute, a sprout of our own, in Abel's place. This is Seth and his "son" Enosh, or if you would, it is religion, our wimp-ass replacement for what should be our consciousness of the dynamic, living force that is God's Spirit--the kingdom (power) of God within us. Feeble or not, religious knowledge is a starting point, an awareness that there is an experience to be had if we can find it.

This awareness becomes fixed--Cainan--so that it can be built up. We occupied it as a nest. This leads to Mahalaleel, the praise of God, giving him fame and making the idea clear. Mahalaleel is shining, making a show of it--boasting, making ourselves foolish, raving about him in the aisles--throwing out and raising holy hands. Holy Rollers got it right!

This is an upward direction, but if we go there praising, we have to face HIM, the Holy One, the intelligence that is power, wisdom, and love, foe he inhabits the praises of his people; and he is truly AWESOME. We become awestruck: "Uh-oh, what am I doing here? Excuse me while I prostrate myself in humility and hide my face in shame here on the floor." 'Jared' means to descend. Nothing can sober us faster than facing the truth of God, Him-With-Whom-We-Have-To-Do. Yet here we find the most wonderful thing; in our repentance (for everything we thought we knew was wrong), he forgives us. He accepts us. Enoch means to be initiated into this awareness of God HERE--he who is in us, as us. He is more than immanent, he is us! This is the narrowing of our interests, the throttling of ourselves into the discipline of learning of God and teaching others.

The next part may be one of the greatest mysteries of spiritual pursuits. Where Enoch may be the learning of God, Methuselah and Lamech are the doing. Engagement. Methuselah is 'man of a dart'; literally, 'an adult . . . spear.' And Lamech is the OPPOSITE of kingdom. I see in this the dissolution of our ignoranced-life developed self-lordship. We are not of ourselves kings or queens, but we have lived our lives under our own purposing. We have exercised our own, independent lordship. We have done whatever we please with no regard for what God created us for. We live as Gods unto ourselves, as though we owned ourselves. This is rebellion, rebellion as witchcraft, rebellion against the purpose God has for our existence. We belong to HIM!! 'Methuselah' is our active abandonment of our self-control and chucking it right out of ourselves. We must abdicate our position, quit, and cast it out of ourselves. And if we happen to fall flat on our face when we do relinquish self-control, what is that to us? He is powerful to catch us, if he so wills!

Enoch supposedly said by the name 'Methuselah,' "When he dies, it will come." This is true: God cannot accept us if we think we are his peer, that we are 'other,' separate and divided from him and operating of our own volition. Our thorough, true submission unto God is like a good suicide; it is the death of our self-lordship, of our rebellion of independence. When we fully surrender, get all the way down with no independence left, we find acceptance and the rest of God. We are him, and we are his. We become unconditioned awareness of being: no agenda--what he wants is what we will do--it is all up to him! This is Noah. When our self-lordship is dead, then God can move.

It is in the state of Noah that God speaks, "Build me an ark." The ark is our mind, but this one we build for whatever God wants. It has all the things of our regular life that we want, the animals two by two, and the life God wants for us, the seven pairs each. These come into the three decks of the ark, our mind. I will take this from Neville's lecture, "The Flood is Still Upon Us" (, page 3 of 12):

The first deck is the flood of facts that is our present life. We are imprisoned by them! Everywhere we look, this is where we are. They present a wall to us. The facts of this life tell us that what we want is NOT what we have. But the second deck is the psychological interpretation of these facts. We can accept them, or we can penetrate their wall to see beyond them and to believe another reality. And this we do with Shem, Kham (Ham), and Japheth. Shem means nature, and from a thing's nature we give it its name; e.g., we call a chicken a chicken because it has the nature of a chicken, because that is what it is. Shem is knowing exactly what we want, the state or nature we desire to be. We define what it is that we want: we name it.

Kham is heat, the heat of intensity, of vivid, passionate desire. It is the emotional hunger for carnal experience. Let's think of focus. It is not for nothing that it is called a rib. Canaan is this carnality, but that is another chapter.

Japheth is expansion, the being in the state that is desired. The third deck of the ark--our consciousness--is the spiritual consummation of the facts. In the first deck we are in a flood. In the second deck we judge the psychological interpretation of the flood we are in, and penetrate its walls unto another state, another set of facts. We expand in that existence. It becomes the new flood of facts in our existence until it is the spiritual consummation of our experience. We are in that state, because God is imagining us so.

I want to publish this so that you and I can start working on this idea. I am sure that it will be refined as more people research the meanings of the patriarchs' names and their implication for entry into the biblical state for effective, causative prayer. So take all this with a proverbial grain of salt and check back at some time to see if we make some significant editing, changes, or redactions.

Monday, November 07, 2016

Introduction to The Antediluvian Patriarch Progression as Entry into Biblical Prayer: Neville Goddard and the Flood of Noah

(Added 02/14/2018: I found this woman's research interesting on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural TV program, at about 9:30 and following:

I received a lovely note from DeBorah, and my reply serves as an introduction to "The Antediluvian Patriarch Progression as Entry into Biblical Prayer." I have been trying for ages to introduce the idea, but I needed someone to talk to about it, a person who need me to explain it to them. Thank you Poetess, for being that person:

-----Original Message-----
From: DeBorah
To: Daniel Steele

Hello, Daniel

Still reading, still meditating, and feeling pretty good, and this Friday I'm turning 50. I just wanted to tell you thank you for everything that you shared with me, and I look forward to continuing to read more of your blog. Keep up the good work. Your Internet friend, DeBorah.

Thank you, DeBorah,

And happy birthday to you on Friday! I was just sitting down to write a special post on the blog that your question is the center of. You don't know what you are missing for your healing? God does, and you are He! In your meditation, ask him (he certainly can hear you) and be ready to learn. The Holy Spirit brings everything to our remembrance, so why not what you are missing to you? Believe me, he can show you.

When I returned to Christianity in 1975, I did not know that what kept me from being acceptable to God was my retention of self-lordship. I didn't have a clue. Seeking to know, I saw a block I could not get past, and in utter despair I said, or rather sobbed, "I do not know what it is, but whatever it is (which was a scary proposition) I give it to you." I fully surrendered myself to whatever came up. Then he took me on a trip in my mind through my spiritual history: 'I' spirit became flipped into 'me' human and had taken 'his' life for whatever purposes 'I' determined. 'I' had stolen 'me'--his life--from his purpose for 'me.' I was a rebel, an outlaw, a bandit--an "independent" in my mind who considered myself to be God's peer. He let me know that I am not, and when I got there, he accepted me.

He did not tell me the answer, he illustrated it. You might also see what you 'hear.' That is the way it works for me and for many others--we see in our minds what he is saying to us.

The post will have more to do with a wholeness approach to praying, following the pattern of the antediluvian patriarchs as the attitudinal entry into prayer. You know that the characters of scripture are actually natures representative of psychological attitudes of mind. One gives birth to another, and their lives overlap until they come to full maturity, and then their descendants carry on. They were not guys who lived a long time a long time ago; they are attitudes--states of mind that come to full maturity, which might only take seconds, and they generate one another. It is accumulative.

Seth is our Substitute, a Sprout that takes the place of our Spirit, Abel. Like, say, religion? Enosh is his son, religion's sickly, weak feebleness. Yet by our inner religion God leads us to each descendant of Adam unto Noah, the Rest that Saves. That rest is what Neville was talking about in the sensation of "floating on the flood tide of sleepiness . . . to be raised up above the flood of the facts of this life . . . in the ark of our mind." TO GET TO THAT TRANSITIONAL FLOATING WE NEED GO THROUGH THE NATURES, ATTITUDES, AND STATES THAT THE ANTEDILUVIAN PATRIARCHS REPRESENT.

Why flounder trying to find the rest or manufacture it yourself when the Bible gives us its formula? The appropriate state of rest is concocted; it is not mixed in a beaker, but it is generated in the heart through the emotions and attitudes found in the imagination.

So, what are these attitudes and emotions? All I can do is sort through the dictionary and try to discern from the meanings of the patriarchs' names the states, attitudes, and emotions we go through to enter the state of mind that is "the rest." This makes for a long and complicated post, which is why I have been sitting on it for a long, long time. And you, DeBorah, have just put me right through my introduction for the post. Thank you, and Happy Birthday! And please, see my next post.

Dan Steele

Your experience of God I find very intriguing. Thank you for the birthday wishes.

The Mistake

From having been God's consciousness we annexed these human brains, and thus we flipped into this state of complete amnesia and its concomitant ignorance. From this perspective we developed errant worldviews and now make a mistake. It is a big, multilayered mistake: that God is other . . . and that anything other than God is acceptable.

In this mistake is the concept of duality, that there is separation between God and ourselves. We see God as another being, something outside of ourselves. Everything is named and piecemealed: God is over there, Jesus stands in front to his right, there is a Bema Seat in a place, angels travel, God does not actually touch the universe. We read the Bible as history, and boy, is there division there! Cain and Abel, Esau and Jacob, Ishmael and Isaac are to us pairs of brothers, but in reality--the real reality--they are states we pass through of flesh and of spirit as ignoranced God in his sleep.

Galatians chapter 4 (Alexander; is an extremely important passage for those who read the Bible as history. In it Paul explains that we are just visiting here, and for a season we are under ritual as our mother, Hagar and Mount Sinai. But REALLY we are the kingdom of God, as Isaac is the Spirit, and if Isaac, then Israel. The characters of the stories are allegories of the situation that exists in reality, and how can the child of an allegory be anything other than an allegory himself?

The point is that the piecemeal is an illusion: all the bits are one united whole. Christ, God, the flesh, time, spirit, angels, the beginning and the end are all one CONTINUITY: the Ineffable and Its emanation--imagination!!! All are one: the "layers" have no division. How all that works I have no idea, but I marvel.

Saturday, November 05, 2016

The Only Way to Pray is to DO it; the HOW to Pray is per the Bible to Imagine the End in Faith That It is Done

For example, Genesis chapter one, which is God's application of Mark 11: 24, "Whatever you pray and ask for, believe that you will receive, and it shall be given to you" (Alexander). This works because Exodus 3: 14, "Ahiyeh Ashur hiyeh," is the very nature ('name') of God. The words mean, I believe, that what God intends, He becomes. Otherwise there would be nothing!!! See Alexander's notes on Exodus 3: 14 through   (

Friday, November 04, 2016

If You Appreciate the Messiah, Be Merciful to God . . . Your Lowest Neighbor, "the Poor"

I was long confused by Ephesians 4: 7: "But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ" (KJV). According to the gift of Christ? This is much clarified by Alexander's translation of the ancient Aramaic, "To each one of us,* however, He gave us grace according to their measure in appreciating the Messiah." Yikes! According to our appreciation of the Messiah is exactly the opposite of what the KJV insinuates. Our appreciation of the Messiah influences our measure of grace!!!  Amp yours up accordingly.

And reading more of Alexander's translation, I noticed this odd bit in Mark 12: 30: "And that you love* your Maryah Allaha with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. This is the first commandment." The note on this is Lit. Ar. idiomatic figure of speech: "That you mercy to." That we mercy to God? Mercy Him? He whom we beg mercy from? Oh, wait, this is a oneness God--"For One is the Maryah and one is the Faith and one is the Baptism,*  and One is Allaha, Father of everyone and Supreme over all, and Omnipotent in everything and Omniscient in all of us."

One . . . in all of us. To each one of us,* however, He gave us grace according to their measure in appreciating the Messiah. Because of that it is said [in Scriptures,] “He ascends to the highest, He furnishes a resting place and He grants rewards to humanity.” That He ascends, however, is what, except for also that He beforehand would descend to the lower depths of the earth.

Oh, God has descended to the lower depths of the earth: the poor. They are the mask he is wearing. Appreciate that they are Christ, the Messiah, and have mercy on God. Then the second commandment really is like the first: that you love your best friend* like yourself. They are God, we are God. The note on your best friend is "the one that is close to you." God--the one that is close to you--is the poor.

Ephesians 4

1. I beg you thus, I who am bound to our Maryah, that you proceed according to the calling by which you were called, 2. In complete sympathy,* peacefulness and generosity* of spirit, and preach [the Kingdom] to each other in love, 3. And you should endeavor to guard the Triune essence of the Spirit,* dovetailed in peace, 4. So you may be with one body and one spirit, as you are called by the one Hope of your Calling. 5. For One is the Maryah and one is the Faith and one is the Baptism,* 6. And One is Allaha, Father of everyone and Supreme over all, and Omnipotent in everything and Omniscient in all of us.* 7. To each one of us,* however, He gave us grace according to their measure in appreciating the Messiah. 8. Because of that it is said [in Scriptures,] “He ascends to the highest, He furnishes a resting place and He grants rewards to humanity.” 9. That He ascends, however, is what, except for also that He beforehand would descend to the lower depths of the earth.

(He gives us grace to the measure we appreciate Christ, who has descended to the lower depths of the earth. Who could that be now? All of us! And he ascends to the highest, he furnishes a resting place and he grants rewards to humanity--is this a pattern of prayer.)

James 1

(I think this has to do with overcoming our ignorance of the Truth that God has become us, that we might become him better than we were.)

12. Blessed is the person who anticipates being tested; so as when they win, they receive the wreath of everlasting life, that which Allaha has promised those people who are merciful to Him. 13. Let no human being who is tested, say that I am being tested by Allaha, for Allaha does not test human beings, and He never tested any human being. 14. Except each human being is tested through their desires; they are tempted and tormented by their own desire. 15. And this desire becomes pregnant and gives birth to sin. When sin matures, it gives birth to death. 16. Do not lose yourselves, dear brethren. 17. Every blessed and wholesome gift comes down from above, from the Father of the Enlightened, He that nothing changes with Him, not even the shadow at sunset. 18. He was pleased to have begotten us through the Manifestation of the infallible Truth, to become the very best of His creation.

19. And you, dear brethren, let every human being among you be quick to hear and slow to speak and slow to anger. 20. For the anger of man does not serve the righteousness of Allaha. 21. Because of that keep away from yourselves all demonic acts and the excesses of evil, and accept with gentleness the Manifestation that is planted in you, as she* is the One who can bring to Life those souls of yours. 

James 2: 2

21. Was not our father Abraham made righteous through works, as he raised his son Isaac to the altar? 22. You can see how his faith led to his works, and through the works his faith molded him. 23. And the Scripture was fulfilled that said, “It was that Abraham believed in Allaha, which was reckoned to him as righteousness,” that he was called Allaha's Mercy, “Av-ra-him.” * 24. You can see that it was through works that a human being is made righteous and not through faith alone. 25. Likewise, Rahab the adulteress, was it not through works that she was made righteous, that she received the spies and got them to escape by another route? 26. Whereas the body without spirit is dead. Likewise the faith without works is dead.

Footnotes: *2:23 Aramaic name: “The Father is Merciful.”

Mark 12

29. Eashoa said to him, "The first of all the commandments, hear, O, Israel, the Maryah Allaha is the only Maryah.* 30. "And that you love* your Maryah Allaha with all your heart and with all your
soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. This is the first commandment.
31. "And the second one that is like it, that you love your best friend* like yourself. There is no greater commandment than these."
32. The scribe said to him, "Beautifully, my master*, you said truly, that He is one and there is no one but Him.* 33. "And that a person should love him with all one's heart and with all one's mind and with all one's soul and with all one's strength, and to be merciful to your best friend as yourself, this is greater than all the sacrifices* and offerings."

*12:30 Lit. Ar. idiomatic figure of speech: "That you mercy to."
*12:31 Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: "Best Man," or "the one that is close to you."
*12:32 Lit. Aramaic: "Rabbi."
*12:32 Lit. Ar. idiomatic expression: "No others after Him," ... the holy Spirit witnessing
that Eashoa the Messiah is Allaha.
*12:33 Lit. Ar. id.: "Holocausts."

Isaiah 41

Who called the generations from the beginning? It is I, I am the Lord, the Beginning and the End, it is I."*
5. "The islands saw me and the outskirts* of the earth feared me; they succumbed, made offerings* and came." 6. And a man helped his companion and to his brother he said, "Be strengthened!" 7. and the carpenter encouraged* the smith, who flattens with the mallet and works it, saying, "The seams are beautiful,"
and they fasten them with nails so as not to move. 8. "Now, Israel my servant, the Ya'koob* I chose,
the offspring of Abraham my kin,* whom I strengthened.
9. "[Whom] I called from the edges* of the earth and its [outermost regions]* and to whom I said, 'You are my servant, I chose you; I did* not denigrate you.' 10. "Fear not because I am still with you, and do not stammer because it is I* who am your God;

*41:8.1 Lit. Aramaic name retained: "Jacob." *41:8.2 Lit. Aramaic idiomatic term: "Rakhmi": "one who loves me" or "one who has mercy on me."

Proverbs 8

17. "I have mercy on those who have mercy* toward me, and those that seek me find me.
18. "Opulence and honor are mine, and the ancient possessions and the righteousness.
19. "And my fruits are better than precious gold and my treasures* [are more] than choice silver.
20. "I walk through the path of righteousness and the avenues of judgment.
21. "And to surpass the expectations of those who [show] me mercy, and I shall fulfill their ordination.

John 14

20. “In that Day you will understand*, that I am in my Father and you, you are in me and I in you. 21. “Whoever have my commandments in them, and observe them, they are the ones who love me. The ones that are merciful [thus,] shall receive mercy from my Father, and I shall [shed my grace upon]* them and show myself to them.” 22. Judah--not Iscariot--said to him, “My Maryah, to whom you will show yourself and not to the world*?” 23. Eashoa replied and told him, “Whoever is gracious* to me, should [guard, and adhere to,]* my manifestation, and my Father shall bless* them, and to them We shall come, and an abode with them We* shall make*.

14:20 “Know.” -- 14:21 “Be merciful to.” -- 14:22 “The People.” -- 14:23. 1 “Merciful.” -- 14:23. 2 “Observe.” -- 14:23. 3 “Be merciful to.” -- 14:23. 4 Literal [Here as in English usage,] “We,” connotes reverential address. -- 14:23.5 Literal Or, “Build.”

Matthew 25

34. "That is when the King says to those from his right, 'Come, blessed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom that was destined for you from the foundations of the universe. 35. " 'For I was hungry and you gave me to eat. I was thirsty and you gave me to drink. I was an outcast and you took me in. 36. " 'I was naked and you clothed me. I was ill and you visited me. I was in prison and you came to me. '37. "Then the saintly will say to him, 'Our Lord, when did we see you hungry and we fed you, or you were thirsty and we gave you drink? 38. " 'And when did we see you an outcast and we took you in, or when were you naked and we clothed you? 39. " 'And when did we see you ill or in prison and we came to you?' 40. "And the King replied and told them, 'Amen, I am telling you, that whatever you do for one of these my little brethren, for me you have done that.'

1 Corinthians 2

1. And I, my brethren, come to you neither with great speeches, nor with wisdom do I preach to you the sermon of Allaha. 2. And I do not judge myself among you like I know something, except for Eashoa Msheekha; also [Eashoa] as he was on the cross. 3. And I come to you with much fear and trembling. 4. And my manifestation and preaching are not through deliverance by words of wisdom, except through the revelation of the Spirit and power. 5. So as your faith may not be in the service of humanity, except through the power of Allaha. 6. Wisdom, however, we speak of among those who are mature, neither the wisdom of this world, nor of the authorities of this world which shall come to naught, 7. Except we speak the wisdom of Allaha through the sermon that was hidden and which Allaha had chosen from before [the foundations of] the universe, for our glorification. 8. That which not one of the authorities of this world know about, for if they know it, they would not have crucified the Maryah of Glory. 9. Except as it is written in Scriptures, No eye has seen and no ear has heard, and the human heart has not perceived, that which Allaha has consecrated for those who have compassion on him.*

Footnotes: *1 Cor 2:9 “(Regular human perception's) Eye does not see and ear does not hear, and over the heart does not rise the thing Allaha graced to those who mercy Him.”  For it is spiritually discerned.

2 Corinthians 1

(This explains much of the mechanism of what is going on! God's love goes out to us that we might feel that love for others so that they might feel the love God has for us. We JOIN him in his work:)

3. Blessed is the Allaha, Father of Maran Eashoa Msheekha, Father of Mercy and the Allaha of all Benefaction, 4. Whose heart [goes out] to us through all tribulation, that we may also be able to [feel for] those who are going through tribulation, [to feel] that same love with which we are loved by Allaha. 5. For whereas the sorrows of the Messiah increase in us, likewise through the Messiah increases also our love. 6. Even though we are under tribulation then, it is on behalf of His love, and we are going through tribulation for the sake of your life eternal. And if He loves us, it is because of you that we are loved, so you will strive to anticipate His sorrows, those over which we also sorrow.

Romans 9

23. And [there is much over which He can] pour out his mercies, upon the vessels of mercy who hallowed Allaha with glory -- 24. Who are us, the called, not only from the Jews, except also from all the nations. 25. Whereas He said also through Hosea, “I call those who were not my people my people, and to those I was not merciful I shall be merciful. 26. “For there will be in the place where they were told that they were not my people, there they shall be called the Children of the Living Allaha.”

Romans 13

8. And with no human enter into obligation for anything, except love one another. For whoever loves his companion fulfills the Law. 9. Also that which is commanded, that you shall not kill and you shall not fornicate and you shall not steal and you shall not covet, and if there is another commandment, through which the Manifestation is adhered to, to show mercy for your relations as [though they were] yourselves. 10. Love of relations does not belie evil, because love is the fulfillment of the Law. 11. And know this too, that the Age is at hand and the hour is as of now to wake up from our sleep. For now Lives everlasting are much more imminent than when we first believed.

1 John 3

1. And see how great the love of the Father is for* us, that children he called us, even though we are only servants.* That is why the world does not recognize us, because they do not know Him either. 2. My beloved, now we are children of Allaha, and it was not revealed until now what is destined to occur. But we know that whenever He is revealed, we shall be in that likeness, and we shall see Him just as He will be. 3. And whoever carries* this hope, should cleanse their soul* as He is immaculate.
4. Whoever commits sin takes on* abomination. For sin is all abomination. 5. And you understand that He was revealed as the redeemer for our sins, and there is no sin in Him. 6. And whoever adheres to Him, does not sin; and whoever sins, does not see Him and does not know Him.
7. My Children, let no one* mislead* you, whoever performs righteousness is righteous, like the Anointed One he becomes holy. 8. And whoever takes on* sin is of Satan. Because from the beginning Satan was a sinner, and that is why the Son of Allaha was revealed, so as to unravel the works of Satan.

15. For whoever hates their brother is a killer* and you know that whoever kills a human being cannot be found to be a recipient of everlasting Life.* 16. By this we know His love for us, that He sacrificed himself on our behalf, and it is also a blessing for us that on behalf* of our brothers we give ourselves.
17. And whoever has earnings of the world and sees their brother in need but withholds their mercy from them, how can there be the love of Allaha in them? 18. My children, love not one another by words* and by the tongue*, except by deeds and in sincerity. 19. And by this we are cognizant that we are genuine* and before* He returns we must deliver our heart*, 20. So that if our heart should fail* us, as much as Allaha is the creator of our heart, and does He not know everything?*

Matthew 5

7. "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy."

Matthew 9

1. And he climbed aboard the vessel and crossed, coming to his town. 2. And they brought to him a bedridden paralytic. And Eashoa saw his faith, and he said to him, "Take courage,* my son, your sins are forgiven." 3. Then some men of the scribes said inside themselves, "He is blaspheming." 4. Eashoa, however, knew their thoughts, and he said to them, "Why do you perceive wickedness in your hearts?
5. "For which is easier to say, that your sins are forgiven, or to say, 'Get up and walk?' 6. "So as you may know that the Son of Man has authority on earth to forgive sins, he said to the paralytic, "Rise, pick up your bed and go to your home." 7. And he rose up and went home. 8. As the crowds saw this, they became frightened and glorified Allaha, Who had given such authority to human beings.

11. And as the Pharisees saw this, they said to his disciples, "Why does your Master eat with treasury people and sinners?" 12. As Eashoa heard it, however, he said to them, "The healthy do not need a physician, except those who are terribly ill. 13. "Go learn the meaning of, 'Mercy I (the terribly ill?) seek and not sacrifice.' For I did not come to call on the righteous, except the sinners." 1. And he climbed aboard the vessel and crossed, coming to his town.

9: 27 Have mercy on us, son of David." (Us! -- It is our human actions which are the "son of David, the Christ.")

Matthew 12

1. At that time, Eashoa was going around [some] farmlands on the Sabbath, and his disciples got hungry and began to squeeze the heads of grain and eat. 2. The Pharisees, however, seeing them, said to him, "Behold, your disciples are doing that which is not Lawful on the Sabbath." 3. He told them, "Did you not read what David did when he became hungry, and those that were with him, 4. "How he entered the house of Allaha and ate the Lord's bread of offering, that which was neither Lawful for him to eat, nor for those who were with him? 5. "Or did you not read in Scriptures, that the high priests in the temple absolve the Sabbath and they are not cheating? 6. "However, I am telling you, there is someone greater than the temple here.
7. "Or if you knew what it meant, 'Mercy I desire, and not sacrifice,' you would not have held accountable those who were not cheating. 8. "For the Son of Man (David, the Christ, our actions) is the Lord of the Sabbath."

Mark 10

46. And they came to Jericho, and as Eashoa went out of Jericho, he and his disciples and a great crowd, Timaeus son of Timaeus, sat at the edge of the road and begged.* 47. And he heard that it was Eashoa of Nazareth, and he began crying out and saying, "Son of David, have mercy on me." 48. And many yelled at him to shut up. He cried out more, however, and said, "Son of David, have mercy on me."
49. And Eashoa stood still and asked* them to call him. And they called the blind man, "Take courage,* rise, he calls you." 50. The blind man cast off his cloak, got up and went to Eashoa, 51. Eashoa said to him, "What do you wish that I do for you?" The blind man said to him, "My Maryah, so I may see." 52. And Eashoa said to him, "[Then] see, your faith has given you Life." And at once he saw [Eashoa,] and followed him.

Luke 10

33. "Then a Samaritan passing through came to the place where [the victim] was and saw him and took pity on him. 34. "And he approached him and treated his wounds and poured wine and oil over them, and placed him on his donkey and brought him to the dispensary and laid him out. 35. "And on the morning of the [next] day, he took out two dinars and paid the pharmacist and told him, 'For his fee and if he needs more care, upon returning I will give it to you.' 36. "Which of the three do you see as the neighbor of the one who had fallen in the hands of the robbers?" 37. [The scribe] said, "The one who took mercy upon him." Eashoa told him, "Go you also and do likewise."

John 16

23. “And on that Day you will not ask me anything. Amen, amen, I am telling you, that whatever you ask of my Father in my name, you shall receive it. 24. “Even though until now you have not asked anything in my name. Ask and be assured* that your joy shall be complete. 25. “Until now I have spoken to you figuratively. There will come a time when I shall no longer speak with you figuratively, except that [is when] I shall introduce you openly* to the Father. 26. “On that Day [when] you ask in my name, and I will no longer say to you that I am asking the Father [on your behalf,] 27. “For the Father himself shall have mercy on you, since you were merciful to me, and you shall [also] believe that I have emerged from the Father. 28. “I emerged from the Father and came to the world*, and again I leave the world and I go [on my way*] to the Father.”

John 21

15. As they ate breakfast*, Eashoa said to Simon the Rock, “Simon, son of the Dove*, do you have more compassion for me than the others?”* He said, “Yes [indeed,] Maryah, you know that I have [great] affection* for you.” Eashoa said to him, “Shepherd my rams.” 16. [Eashoa] said to him again a second time*, “Simon, son of the Dove, do you have compassion for me?” He said, “Yes [indeed,] my Maryah, you know that I have [great] affection for you.” Eashoa said to him, “Shepherd my sheep.”

21:15. 1 Lit Aramaic: Or, “Broke their fast.” -- 21:15. 2 Lit Aramaic: Symbol of the Holy Spirit. -- 21:15. 3 Lit Aramaic construction: “ you have greater mercy for me than these?” -- 21:15. 4 Lit Aramaic: “Mercy.”

Genesis 6

8. And Noah found mercy in the eyes of the Lord.

Genesis 18

1. And the Lord revealed Himself to him while he was at the Chestnut of Mamre, as he sat in the entrance of his abode, when the Day became hot. 2. And he raised his eyes and saw, behold, three men standing above from where he was, and he saw them and ran from the entrance of his abode to meet them, and he fell on his face on the ground in their worship. 3. And the Lord said, "If you can find mercy in your eyes [for them,] do not neglect your service.*

Proverbs 14

20. Even to their friends, the poor [appear to be] hated, and the relatives of the wealthy are plenty.
21. Whoever mistreats his friend commits a sin, and the one who takes mercy on the poor is blessed.
22. The abominable go to oblivion by doing evil, but* the merciful and the righteous do all the acts of goodness; the workers of evil receive no mercy or faithfulness; kindness, however, and faith, are with the workers of goodness.

Hebrews 13

1. May you be bound with brotherly love. 2. And do not lose your mercy toward strangers. For this is how a human being is deemed worthy to receive angels while awake. 3. Remember those who are imprisoned, as if you were imprisoned with them. Remember those who are persecuted, as you are also a human being in the flesh. 4. All married couples are to be honored, and their bed is clean. Those who are adulterers and fornicators, however, Allaha will judge.
5. Do not let your mercy be guided by money, except expend everything you have for the sake of mercy. For Maryah has said, "I shall neither leave you, nor loosen my hold on you." 6. And we have this assurance as He has said, "Maryah is my backer, I submit to no one, what can the human being do to me?" 7. Remember your leaders in ministry, those who spoke to you of the Manifestation of Allaha. Imitate their relentless service and proclaim their faith. 8. Eashoa Msheekha is the fulfillment of yesterday, today and forever.*

15. And by His hand we raise the offerings of glory for Allaha in every season, those that are "the lambs" from the lips of those who confess His name. 16. And do not lose your mercy for and association with the poor, for through these actions does a human being glorify Allaha.

James 2 (again)

1. Brethren, do not hold the faith that glorifies Maran Eashoa Msheekha hypocritically. 2. For if a person walks into your synagogue wearing gold rings or their clothing are beautiful, another, a poor person, enters in rags, 3. And you look at the one attired in a beautiful outfit and say, “You sit over here where it is nice,” and to the poor person you say, “You stand up over there,” or, “sit over here by the rug under our feet,” 4. Behold, are you not at odds within yourselves, and are you not choosing with evil intentions? 5. Listen, dear brethren, was it not those poor in worldly possessions and yet rich in faith that Allaha chose to be the heirs of the Kingdom, that which Allaha bequeathed to those who showed mercy to Him? 6. You, however, shun the poor. Was it not the wealthy who oppressed you and who delivered you to the court? 7. Were they not blaspheming against your blessed name by which you were Called?
8. And if you adhere to the Law of Allaha, you would do well, as is written [in Scriptures,] “Be merciful to your brothers and sisters* as though they were yourself.” 9. If you are hypocritical in your attitude, however, you are committing sin, and you are betraying the Law like those who transgressed the Law. 10. For if all the Law is observed and is applied as one, one is responsible to observe all. 11. For [the same Law] that said, “You shall not fornicate,” also says, “You shall not kill.” For if then you did not fornicate, except you did kill, you have transgressed the Law nevertheless. 12. Thus you shall speak and thus you shall vow, as people who are destined to be tried by the Law of Freedom. 13. For a judge has no mercy for the one who shows no mercy. You win the judge over with mercy. . . .

19. That you believe there is one Allaha,* you are doing well. Yet even the demons believe this as they writhe on their bellies.* 20. So then you want to know, O, you mixed up human being, that faith without works is dead? 21. Was not our father Abraham made righteous through works, as he raised his son Isaac to the altar? 22. You can see how his faith led to his works, and through the works his faith molded him. 23. And the Scripture was fulfilled that said, “It was that Abraham believed in Allaha, which was reckoned to him as righteousness,” that he was called Allaha's Mercy, “Av-ra-him.

Footnotes: *2:23 Aramaic name: “The Father is Merciful.”

2 Peter 1

7. However, as you add submission to Allaha, you will be merciful to your brothers and sisters, and then such mercy entails love.


21. Let us guard our souls by the love of Allaha, then, as we await* the marriage feast* of Maran Eashoa Msheekha, to live with Him eternally.* 22. And pluck certain [souls] out of the fire, 23. As they would surely die; have mercy on them, then, through submission, as you abhor even the tunic that is besmirched by the flesh.

Hosea 2

18. And I shall [make] a covenant with them on that day, [together] with the creatures of the wilderness, the birds of the sky, and the creepers of the earth, and [as for] the sling, the sword, and wars, I shall retire them from the land, and I shall settle them in hope.
19. And they shall be circumcised* to me forever* and they shall encircle* me through righteousness, justice,* grace, and mercy.

Zechariah 12

9. "In it, on that Day, the Lord shall spring forth [to send] to oblivion all the nations that come over to Jerusalem.* 10. "And I shall cast upon the House of David and the inhabitants of Jerusalem the spirit of tolerance and mercy, and they shall gaze upon me, the one they* touched."* And they shall writhe over him, as they writhe over [the death] of an only son,* and they shall be broken over him, as they are broken over an heir's [death]".*

Daniel 4

24. " 'This is the meaning, O, king, majestic* and high, you have reached the [stature of the] angel, my lord;
25. " 'You have been cast out of humanity, and your abode will be with the creatures of the wilderness; they shall feed you vegetation like the oxen, and the shade of the sky shall be your protection, and seven periods [of time] shall come over you, until you realize that the Most High has authority over the kingdom of man, that to whomever he pleases he gives it. 26. " 'And that which he said regards leaving the stump of the tree with its roots, these are the kingdoms -- it is for you when you shall rise again, when you understand that all authority is from heaven.* 27. " 'That is why, my king, you are being praised,* and your sins are forgiven through righteousness and your abominations through mercy over the down-trodden -- until your foolishness has departed from you.'"