The Becoming God

Wednesday, March 30, 2022

Proverbs: Perpetuators and Perpetrators

Images we think become our world, a world created by us.

I confess my faults. I enjoy the KCAL 9 news broadcast in Los Angeles, and at night I watch YouTube videos of bad drivers, fails, off-color humor, and clips from movies and television shows. It is an unbelievable world we live in, and all this negativity: wars, catastrophes, violence, murders, theft, vulgarity, fornication, cruelty, etc. - the malevolence seen on TV and imagined - perpetuates it, for my imagining perpetrates it. The bad world is my manifestation: I cause it.

Solomon says to flee the bad land, to learn wisdom and get an education in righteousness, and to THINK good things instead of bad. I am not real good at controlling my mind. In Proverbs there is a constant teeter-tottering between how the good think and how the bad think: the bad are like this, but the good are like this; be good, don't be bad. There is constant encouragement to control our minds, to not DO evil because because of THINKING good.

4:20. My son, listen to my words, and extend your ear toward what I say.
21. Do not let them get out of your sight, except guard them inside your heart.
22. Because they are Everlasting Life* to whoever finds them, and his or her flesh shall all be healed.
23. With every enlightenment guard your heart, because it is from him that the Everlasting Life* emerges.
24. Do away from you the impertinent mouth, and put off from your lips the recommendation of fraudulence.
25. Let your eyes gaze objectively, and your eyelids take in what is in front of you* (Your eyes with wholesomeness they look, and your eyelids make do in front of you).
26. Let your feet pass from evil paths, and all your ways shall be well established.
27. And do not deviate to the right and the left, except let your foot pass from evil.*

Consider Proverbs 4:25, please: "Let your eyes gaze objectively, and your eyelids take in what is in front of you." What is front of you, of your desired life, let your EYELIDS take in. I.e., imagine it. Let your imagination make do what is in front of you.

Vic Alexander's Proverbs of Solomon Was On Sale $12.33US @ Amazon

I love having the individual paperback books of the Bible Victor Alexander has translated. I tried to buy the individual Proverbs of Solomon directly from Vic, but if he did have it it was in a box he could not find at the time. The book was originally $25 on, but checking again, I found it marked down to $16.99. Great. When I signed on to buy it, it was $12.33! Got it. Love it (though Vic only translated chapters 1 thru 24, as he believes the other proverbs were by other authors). I logged onto Amazon today to check the price before telling you it was on sale, and the price is now $13.25. I guess it's a moving target.

Of course I already have Proverbs of Solomon and the other books in my Old Testament Scriptures and a digital copy from (obsolete link), but the individual books are so much more convenient -- less heavy and easier to open and make notes in.

Just checked Amazon again. $12.64. Go figure. I wish they'd do this with Scroll of Hosea.

Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Adam Was Not Kicked Out Of The Garden Of Eden For Disobeying God, But For Changing Their Nature

Yes, Adam did disobey God by eating of the Tree of Knowledge, but it was the fruit of the Tree of Life - knowledge/wisdom, a perceptual change - which altered Adam's nature and thus caused their removal from the garden. For they had become unlike God. God did not say to not eat the fruit to test Adam's loyalty, but wisely, lovingly warned them of the potential consequence of knowing all things: "You want the Truth? You can't handle the Truth!" But lovingly.

By eating the fruit of the Tree of Life, wisdom, Adam became imbued with knowledge of their destiny, knowledge of what they were and of what was required of them to gain the eternal life they wanted. What they saw (causation) put the literal fear of God into them - Adam ran and hid and tried to cover themselves. It was fear which separated them from God, for they could not accept what they were destined to. Offered to them was the cup Jesus was sent to drink (Mark 10:38; 14:36; John 18:11), and because they (we) would not, Jesus had to.

We have in Mark 15:34 "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" Can you hear this loud BEEP!!? - WRONG! According to Alexander's translation from the ancient Aramaic in Story of Jesus From His Own Words, Jesus actually said, "'Eil, Eil, wherefore you left me?' In other words, 'For this you destined me'" (emphasis mine). Jesus did what Adam was unwilling to do to gain eternal life and the lordship: He ate of the Tree and STAYED. That resoluteness mattered; mattered unto resurrection and ascension - the Reward. We, in Adam's nature, are invited to join the risen Jesus in His.

By the way, there is only one Tree in Genesis 2:9, for the Tree of Life IS the Tree of Knowledge. Victor Alexander's translation of Genesis from the ancient Aramaic is the only version I know of that indicates there was only one named tree in the Garden of Eden, and that the nature of the Tree of Life was knowledge of everything (a la Wisdom in the Book of Proverbs):

2:9 "And the Lord God supplied from the earth all that is pleasing to the sight and delicious to eat and the Tree of Life in the midst of Paradise."
2:17 "And of the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil (i.e., of all things) you may not eat, because on the day you eat of it, you will die the death (death you shall die)."
3:22 "Behold, Adam wanted to be like one of Us, to know the good and the evil; now, that is why he extended his hand and took from the Tree of Life and ate, so he could live forever (to the end of the universe! Italics mine)."
3:24 "And so the Lord God ejected him, and there shot up for them from the East of the Paradise of Eden the plants of carob and a perishable life at the edge of the sword, so as there would be one day a return to the way of the Tree of Life" (all bold emphases mine).

One might suppose "the tree of the knowledge of good and evil" in the Hebrew was a gloss added parenthetically, explaining that the tree of life and the tree of knowledge (of everything) were one and the same. A corrected Genesis 2:9 might read: "And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden (i.e., the tree of knowledge of good and evil)." My point here is that the same tree called the Tree of Life in Genesis 2:9 and the Tree of Knowledge of good and evil there and in Genesis 2:17 is the same tree called the Tree of Life in Genesis 3:22, and 3:24. The Tree of Life imparts knowledge, as knowledge gives life. This is monumental, is it not?

'Life' has to do with causation. 'Knowledge' has to do with perception (see Bullinger Companion Bible 2:9 note). Proper perception with faith gives life! God foresaw that Adam, knowing he was but dust, could not handle perception of Adam's destiny imparted by wisdom. We, born into this world with Adam's nature, cannot, either. At least, not until we segue into Jesus' FAITH and trust in Him.

Edit: "For whereas through one human being, sin entered the universe, and through sin, death, and this death entered humanity, as [because of which] they all sinned. For until there was the Law, while sin existed in the universe, it was not considered sin, because there was no Law. Except death passed from Adam until Moses, also onto those who did not sin, as though that would become the Law of Adam, that being the death which was destined for him* (In the likeness that passes the Law of Adam, that was of the death of him that was destined)" (Romans 5:12-14 Alexander, brackets mine; see Ray Shelton).

Thursday, March 24, 2022

Life Mode

I hope you got it, when in trying to explain what modalists mean by 'modes', I said in A Disingenuous Trinity, "You identify yourself as the person living whatever life you have. But that force of life is a step off from your identity. There is you AND the force of life within your body, the spirit and the soul - or however you would distinguish, define, or delineate them." Within us is a mental consciousness and an energizing life force, two definite and distinct modes coexisting in the one person we each are. In First Peter (per Alexander):

2.Those that were chosen by the Prescience of Allaha the Father, through the Holy Spirit, to be the adherents and to sprinkle the blood of Jesus Christ -- may blessings and peace proliferate among you.
3. Blessed is the Allaha our Father and Lord Jesus Christ, He Who out of His Providential generosity gave us a new birth from the beginning, through the Resurrection of Jesus Christ, so as we may have the hope of everlasting life,
4. And the Inheritance that is immutable, undefilable and unspoilable, that which is consecrated for you in heaven.
5. While you are guarded by the power of Allaha and through the Faith of Life Everlasting that you are blessed with revealing in the final ages* (seasons).

The Prescience of Allaha the Father. This is the Ineffable Being's sense of "I am-ness," Its consciousness we call "God." But note that the Aramaic Allaha is short for Allahoota, the Godhead, which is comprised of T'lah Qnu-meh, the three "spirits" of the Trinity.

Please note also that Peter says in verse three, "Blessed be the Allaha our Father AND Lord Jesus Christ" - one unit, not "Blessed be Allaha the Father and (our) Lord Jesus Christ" - two units. It is the Allaha Who has given a new birth "from the Beginning" - capitalization mine, as I believe the Son of God was the Beginning all creation is from - "through the resurrection of Jesus Christ, so as we may have the hope of Everlasting Life." Capitalization here because...

Through the Faith of Life Everlasting. The Force of Life within the Godhead - "Life Everlasting" - is a mode our force of life is like. I said, "that force of life is a step off from your identity. There is you AND the force of life within your body, the spirit and the soul - or however you would distinguish, define, or delineate them." Within us is a mental consciousness and an energizing life force, two definite and distinct modes coexisting in the one person we each are." Modes of a Person, not two (or three with the physical manifestation) separate conscious Persons in committee-like agreement.

The "Orthodox" Trinity is the heresy. The Ineffable is ONE Being, one Person becoming in and through three different but united modes. We are but perturbances within the One Being, disturbances of Its conscious field we call imagination. Were our motions quieted, we would be "oblivionated." The best we can do is to get our motions perfectly synchronized with the faith of His Life Mode. This produces the Beloved, David, the Christ. We are the fathers of THAT, and should ought to want to stay that way.

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Three Notes From Siti

Dan, Wow, you are on a roll this morning!
I love it…very good descriptions.

When Jesus said "Amen, I am telling you, that on this day you ARE with me in Paradise", Jesus sounded just like Ab, Neville's mentor…"you are in Barbados".

I appreciate your time and effort you put into your writings. They are very clear and easy for me to understand…even though sometimes I need to read it through a few times over.
They’ve been very encouraging and helpful in keeping my mind on "I am He".
I’ve been seeing results in the people I "pray" for, as well as my own.


PS: I am He, or rather "I am I".

PPS: Your PS (3rd paragraph) of "The Principle of the World and Our Ignorance"…made so much sense when you said "it takes us quit a bit of time to catch on and resolve the perspective of division we think exists. Got to stop thinking it. ‘Unless you believe I am He, you will die in your sin (of believing He and I are separate)'".

"Whoever adheres to me and I to them, they shall bring much fruit. Because without me, you cannot do anything. For if a person does not adhere to me, they are cast out. Like a branch that withers, (which) they cut off and throw into the fire to burn. But if you are abiding in me and my words abide in you, everything whatsoever you desire to ask, it shall be done for you" (John 15:5-7).

Thank you so much, Siti. You are most encouraging to me and I appreciate your words very much. Yes, I am He = I am I, because He is Me. "Sin" is simply "unlike God"; i.e., thinking we are separate is unlike anything God thinks.

Regarding Abdullah, Neville's mentor, sounding just like Jesus, you and I have Alexander's translation from the Aramaic, which I believe Abdullah would understand. I wonder if Abdullah already understood these words the way Alexander translates them and the way you and I now understand them: "On this day you ARE with me in Paradise."

When God Forgave You

I said in The Principle of the World and Our Ignorance, When He imagined the End Manifestation of Himself in Genesis 1:1, YOU (hopefully) were in It. "And he said to Jesus, 'Remember me, my Lord, when you come in the [Glory of] Your Kingdom.' Jesus told him, 'Amen, I am telling you, that on this day you are with me in Paradise'" (Luke 23:42-43 Alexander).

When as the Beginning God, the Son of the Ineffable imagined the End with us in it, THAT is when we were forgiven. The Season of Grace culminating with Jesus' birth, life, death, burial, resurrection and ascension was a picture, a snapshot of that, saying, "This is what IS: you are with me in Paradise."

A Disingenuous Trinity

All too often what Christian pastors teach about the beliefs of other religions and of other sects of Christianity is not what those people actually believe. Like, 100% of the time. Take modalism, for instance. What I believe God's modes are is not what any Christian pastor I have known thinks God's modes are. You have a consciousness which you identify as 'me', right? It is the recipient observer of all your sensory input, and is reading, hearing, and thinking all you are right now, kind of your "inner man." Pastors typically say that there are three such consciences in God, three separate "Persons" equal and working simultaneously independent of each other (though they are each the same God), and they exist separate from creation. The idea in modalism, they insinuate, is that God assumes the roles of these Persons sequentially, being the Father one moment and either the Son or the Holy Ghost the next. I do not think any modalist has ever dreamed such a thing.

Back to your conscious identity. You identify yourself as the person living whatever life you have. But that force of life is a step off from your identity. There is you AND the force of life within your body, the spirit and the soul - or however you would distinguish, define, or delineate them. Not two separate persons, nor three when you include your physical body with all its forces in play. I see God like this, one Being in three MODES. One God: the Ineffable Being with Its consciousness, and Its consciousness in manifestation. There is communication between them just as there is communication between our spirits, souls, and bodies, for we are each one three modes.

Christian pastors insist that the Trinity of God is too difficult for man to thoroughly understand. No, God is just like us. Not that we have made Him in our image, but that He has made us in His.

Tuesday, March 22, 2022

The Principle of the World and Our Ignorance

God-level belief becomes manifest. In Genesis 1:1, God imagined His perfect manifestation as it would exist as though it did exist. Imagination is how God creates. He imagined the End and believes the world of His perfect manifestation does exist. The world in Genesis 1:1, the planned world God created, had a problem: our ignorance is in the way of its becoming manifest. So God is using this darkened world, which is, to mature those who align with His word unto the desired End. He is going to dump all that does not.

Imagination is how God creates: believe it now, and it will happen naturally in its time. God imagined the End in Genesis 1, with Man His perfect image. He has a problem with ignorance on the way to that image. God is overcoming His problem, working through the generation of His perfect image and the elimination of ignorance. The End desired is on the other side of the problem. Interestingly, where we fall at the end is our choice. Ignoranced, we are in the forgetting, but we can opt to become informed. We can humble ourselves to serve the first world, or we can stiffneckedly use the world being eliminated. Which way you going?

PS: Why ignorance? God's intelligence in flipping from spirit (consciousness) to what It believes It is physically has to forget that It is spirit. It believes It is physical and separate from spirit and does not know that It still is the Divine Consciousness of the One Ineffable Being. You have to admit, it takes us quite a bit of time to catch on and resolve the perspective of division we think exists. Got to stop thinking it. "Unless you believe 'I am He,' you will die in your sin (of believing 'He and I are separate')." You are either on the boat or not. They took up stones to stone Jesus who was not being vain, but humbly cognizant of the fact that we are one with God. God says so: "Hear, O Israel (God's Prevailing in the Struggle), YHWH our God (the consciousness of the Ineffable), YHWH is One (you are in It and of It!)" (Deuteronomy 6:4). "I (God) have said, 'You are God'" (Psalm 82:6). When He imagined the End Manifestation of Himself in Genesis 1:1, YOU (hopefully) were in It. "And he said to Jesus, "Remember me, my Lord, when you come in the [Glory of] Your Kingdom." Jesus told him, "Amen, I am telling you, that on this day you are with me in Paradise" (Luke 23:42-43 Alexander).

The Principle of the World is Really Quite Simple

God imagined everything first. I mean, really, what else can the Ineffable Being do besides to imagine? Except, perhaps, to become what It imagines It is. This is overriding principle of the world, and what is governing all action on all levels. The overriding principle of the world - of the universe - is that what is imagined by God becomes manifest. This is what the Holy Ghost DOES. Imagining is how God creates. This principle is literally the only game in town.

God's belief is causative, and on this we ride. "As above, so below" is axiom: as God believes, so we have to deal with it. But this is reversible: "As we believe, so God has to deal with it." And He does. What we believe in alignment with His word He makes become: "If two agree..." Believing is what God does. We are to do that, too. What we believe contrary to His word, well, He deals with that, deal with us. The last thing in the world you want is for what you believe contrary to God's word to actually become.

The principle is quite simple, isn't it? Everything becomes by thought, by God's belief. And He has given it unto the son of man to do the thinking and believing, because we are He.

Friday, March 18, 2022

I Am Betting On The Man

I know I have said hundreds of times that God is a conscious field and that Jesus is the field's substantiveness and that you and I are at best perturbances in and of that field. And I have agreed with Neville Goddard that no character of scripture was ever a literal living, mortal being. But I disagree with Neville that Jesus was symbolic and not a flesh and blood human. That he was different from the scriptural picture to be sure (better, not less), but he was a person like you and me nevertheless.

The scripture is sentiment about the real person who was, about what he was and what he became, but I believe the human really was because he had to be. Because God cannot hold us to being as he was if he was not flesh at all. I mean, where is the standard to judge by if he wasn't? The Season of Grace, which Daniel described as the fulfillment of obligations and the coming, death, and ascension of the Messiah King, required a real, living, breathing Messiah King to actually come, die, and ascend. Something concrete had to transpire, and there is our standard: we cannot be expected to do or be more than he, so he had to be.

(Edit: Yes, I know the Biblical story is an illustration, but so are we. When we meet it, it will be a person, as I believe it already is.)

Thursday, March 17, 2022

A Field Of Russian Dolls

I think of what we call God as a field of energy. The field is itself the consciousness of the Ineffable Being. In the field of consciousness is Jesus, the Ineffable's consciousness's nature to become perfectly consistent in manifestation. In Jesus are those who hear and engage in the process. In them are those who will not hear and or will not engage in the process. And lastly there is the world we all project as our environment and situation, the paint on our faces. The whole thing is a field with individual perturbances within it heading for consistency, either by engaging in the nature of the Highest or by elimination of that which fails to sync.

Misread Book of Revelation

I misunderstood how the revelation works. The ascended, ignoranced Jesus received from the Ineffable the revelation of Himself. For Jesus is the project of the Ineffable who wants to become manifest in this dimension. Jesus is the Ineffable’s manifestation project. So the revelation given to Him was for us, to inform us that we might become the manifestation of the Ineffable in Him. This destiny is open for us as long as we keep from being eliminated.

The process of manifestation is one of generation, of refinement and elimination. That is why the rod of iron. The human Jesus was very strict in doing all necessary to become the Messiah, for he did not want to be eliminated. We will face challenges. If we want to keep the manifestation option open, we have to be so severe with ourselves. Think the goodness of righteous Job before his troubles, and then through his troubles. We have the potential, and we have to make progress.

It is God who wants to be manifest. Alexander has an interesting passage in Story of Jesus. He notes that when we say Lord God, we think of something like the highest ruling god - that God rules. The Aramaic Allaha is different. Allaha is short for Allahoota: the Godhead. It always includes all of the Godhead, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Jesus always was, is, and will be in the center of the throne of God in heaven. He suffered ignorance one time, but is back up to speed. Be found in Him and keep the manifestation of the Ineffable open with Him. Not everyone is going to the party.

Monday, March 14, 2022

Elohim: It Means "Over the Flames": Which Flames?

You can check out my previous posts saying the Hebrew word Elohim means "over the flames" (per Victor Alexander). I have suggested that the "flames" the Power and Authority are over could be ourselves or the stars of the universe. It has been said by others that we are sparks of the Divine, that healing ministries involve lightnings of God's Spirit, that we are the light of the world, etc. Take comfort in this, that you are the flame Elohim - Over the Flames - is over and one with. He who is over the stars in heaven is also over you and is in you!

Saturday, March 12, 2022

Revelation 2:6 Nicolaitans Explained

FYI: per Victor Alexander's translation of Revelation, the ancient Aramaic word for "the performing of rituals" is niaqleidto. Hence:

"Except this you have [in your favor,] that you hate the performing of rituals* (Aramaic: niaqleidto), which I also [do]."

God and the Ephesians did not hate the works of a people, but the empty works of anybody.

Friday, March 11, 2022

Genesis 4:9 - "Am I My Brother's Guard?" (Alexander)


Interesting prophecy from an old Norwegian woman in 1968. Not that 90 is old. She was from old Norway. A lot of sins and evils could be listed, but she says that the full measure of our sins is reached when we treat harshly those who are in need (about 6:55 to 7:25 in video). What was it for which God rained down fire on Sodom and Gomorrah? Is it coming again?

The Obvious Right

What with the war in Ukraine and the threat of things going nuclear per many prophecies, I decided to take another look at the Book of Revelation, a history of the universe. What I found surprised me. Allaha ("God") expects correct reaction to the obvious right: He is God our Source and thus deserves honor, praise, worship, and glory from us.

That is pretty much it. It is not that He demands it; it is that this relationship and reaction is, simply, right. Any aversion to this is wrong, "sin," missing the mark. Give Him nothing averse to be vengeful for - do what is right/take on the right reaction - and you are cool.

It is always this way. There is nothing new under the sun. What is right is right: He is Glorious God, and we are mudmen. Yes, we are from Him, of Him, by Him, for Him, through Him, and to Him, but we are in this position, not in His position. He is the Ineffable and our Allaha, and we are His Manifestation. What is right in this position, in this relationship? It is right to honor, to praise, to worship, to glorify, to trust, and to obey Him. For these are obviously the right things to do. God is devoted to things being right, for the End is HIM.

Wednesday, March 09, 2022

Limitation and Rebellion

I am not writing about limitation and rebellion just because they rhyme with personification and multiplication. William Branham said the United States is a woman's nation, in fact, a woman nation, and he associated that odd personification with its destruction: "This is a… America is a woman’s nation. Got her pictures, Her number’s thirteen, thirteen colonies, thirteen stripes, thirteen stars, thirteen so… Everything is thirteen, thirteen, thirteen and a woman. See?...And I seen a great woman rise up, beautiful to look at, but a cruel wicked heart. And that will be a church. And she’s on her road now....Then I seen the end time when the United States looked like a big bunch of bursted up stones and things like that, just blowed out, smoldering everywhere."

Branham famously spoke like that. What has this to do with limitation and rebellion? Our purpose is to personify God, for our actions to be His manifestation. Personifying God LIMITS us to specific roles in accordance with His nature. Men are to fulfill the role God has as male, and women are to fulfill the role God has as female. Personifying God does not have a thing to do with capability. We are to operate in faith fulfilling whatever role we are given, not in fulfilling our desires. Our lives are God's life; we BELONG to Him and are to do His will, which is to manifest Him as He is in His roles. America refused. The American colonies rebelled against their king. Insisted on having their way, fought tooth and nail for it. And here we are over two centuries later, still imposing our will upon all who thus far have survived us. Few know this rejection of limitation is conscious rebellion against God.

America's comeuppance is on its way. I pray it not be yours. God knows how to deliver His own. Please be found on that road.

Friday, March 04, 2022


The idea our purpose being God's personification brought to mind Bobby Darin's song Multiplication. Yes, I am that old. Multiplication is a factor in our purpose, too. "Multiply" was the first commandment given to man: "Multiply and increase, and fill the earth and its environments, and have authority over the fish in the sea and the birds of the sky and the four-legged animals and all the creatures that crawl over the earth" (Genesis 1:28 Alexander).

The idea here, though, is one of digestion. God has a hunger to become manifest. That is done through imagination in accord with His nature. What we think becomes. You become what you eat. So does God. Thinking correctly adds to His manifestation. That stuff can stay. Thinking poorly, being abominable, can't. It is waste, and is eliminated from the body.

The desirable is incorporated; the abominable is dumped. Be mature, and think well. Do not miss the opportunity.

My Half-inch Gap

I said in My Gap that per Neil Tyson, "God" only exists beyond the border of our scientific knowledge, in the ever shrinking gap of what we do not know. Well, in about 1978 or so I watched my left arm grow out only about half an inch, maybe five-eighths, at the name 'Jesus'. I would love to know the science in that half inch of growth. That's my kind of science!


That's the name of the game
And each generation
You know they play the same.
--Bobby Darin

‘Personification’ is not exactly what Mr. Darin sang. He said 'Multiplication'. But personification is the name of the game for every generation. We are here, there, and everywhere all the time to personify God. For me, "God" is the consciousness of the Ineffable Being, the manifestation, the effulgence of the Ineffable Being's glory.

There is a cute dismissal of religion used by agnostics and atheists: "Man creates God in his own image; God is but the personification of good." The truth is that God creates man in His image to personify Him. It is right for us to emulate God because He was first, before us, and we are from Him for this purpose - to manifest, to personify Him. Maybe this is what all the Mosaic Law is about.

I pity the Christian, well, everyone, actually, who does not get to hear (from somebody) what C. H. Dodd says about the Logos in The Interpretation of the Fourth Gospel (1968. Cambridge University Press). (DO NOT bother to get it if you do not know basic biblical Greek, for there is a massive amount of untranslated and even unreferenced Greek text in the book. Greek was a second language for Dodd and his students; knowing German, Hebrew, even Aramaic would help, too.) Dodd's work thoroughly explains the Hermetic view of the Oneness of God and the Gospel writer's understanding of how the Logos applies to that Oneness. That Oneness includes us.

What I have got from Dodd (not necessarily his intention) is that Christ is God's expression. Both the biblical and historical Jesus and we are thus to express God, to personify Him AS HIS WORD. His Word is SUBSTANTIVE. We are not mere representatives adjunct to the operation, we ARE the operation.

"As the Beginning, the Son of God creates the heavens and the earth" (Genesis 1:1 Alexander, capitalization of Beginning - a Person - mine). The Son PERSONIFIED God as the Beginning, and He personifies Him as us today. It is what we are doing. Do it well. "Be therefore mature people, like your Father in heaven is Mature" (Matthew 5:48 Alexander; see also Philippians 3:1-16).

PS: It occurs to me that the "I am" of the Beginning in Genesis 1:1 could be, probably is the "I am" referenced in Exodus 3:14's "I am that 'I am.'" I.e., "His becoming."