The Becoming God

Thursday, May 06, 2021

If This Is The Church Of Christ, We Are Our Father

I was born in the first half of the previous century, and back that-a-way there was no Internet. My pastor at one time (1977) was Jim Spillman at Omega Fellowship in Orange, California. He quoted something from Frank C. Laubach's Channels of Spiritual Power, and it took me seven years of physically haunting and calling used book stores to find a copy. It was worth it. For years I have considered Laubach to be my actual pastor. Last night I reread his Christ Liveth In Me, which highlights our unity with Jesus. The book offers fifteen corollaries to the postulate that Christ actually lives in us. The fourth corollary blew my mind (as did the others): His will directs my will. "He is in my mind when I have Him in mind, that is to say, when I am thinking about Him. He is in my tongue when I am talking about Him or to Him. He is in my eyes when I am seeking to help someone in need. He is in my fingers if I am writing about Him or for Him or serving a need" (& etc.). All of Laubach's books are gems, but be aware that many had to do with literacy.

Christ Liveth In Me made me want to say that the whole premise of Christianity is that Christ, the Messiah, is the incarnation of God, and that we are that Christ. "I am that I am" (Exodus 3:14) is clearly misleading. It misses the constant transition that is implied in the verbs. They should be "I become" and "His becoming." Victor Alexander makes the whole quote much clearer: "The intent of the Becomer"; the relative Spark which ignites - the Creator"; and "His becoming (the effect of the intent - us." In colloquial English: "I am God in you."

"Christ" is God's doing, and that is us, the Church. One with Him, we are His doing's "Father" - God - accomplishing what He wills. We believe God is "there," and that He is present here, IN OUR DOING. We are zero distance from the being we are the manifestation of. Christ is not just the person, He is the corresponding frequency in the entirety of the field God is. Faith is in that frequency.

As I recently said, manifesting is not getting things; it is our serving Him (i.e., not usward, but us Himward). If God evidences Himself through the actual getting of thing you "manifest," consider seriously the implication of the confidence and humility with which you should be serving Him. Take the idea that Christ liveth in me, i.e. in you, seriously.


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