The Becoming God

Thursday, May 30, 2019

The Guy Increasing

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The Holy Spirit: No God From Somewhere Else":

Hi Dan,

This may seem like a most basic question, but I am wondering if you could unpack "God is your own wonderful human imagination" a la Neville. And I would ask you to please if you can, explain it like you're talking to a ten year old ;) because I find the concepts difficult to grasp.

Neville says my imagination is God. Is that the only part of "me" that is God? He preaches non-duality (no separation), yet there seems to be no way around dualism. He taught "I am God" but also taught that I (the human "I") am the operant power (the one steering God). This is dualistic, unless God is steering God.

I'm wondering what, to your thinking, constitutes "God" in Neville's statement that "God is your own wonderful human imagination." And I realize you use the term Ineffable. Still yet you have a blog delving into the nature of God and Man, so please indulge the question.

In Neville terms, is "God" solely my unconditioned awareness of being? Adding anything to "I Am" is adding to the name of God, he says. So, what about my thoughts, my mental diet, my feelings... are those God too? If I have a negative thought such as "I'm so stupid," is that God having that thought. IS that thought God? Or is that "me"? (separate from God). If God is consciousness then how can any thought not be God?

Or is "God" just pure consciousness, pure unconditioned awareness of being (if so, Neville's calling God "imagination" is a misnomer)? If God is pure unawareness of being then who/what is thinking? Who/what is "adding to the name of God"? Many differentiate it by use of the word "ego." But if God is creator of all, then God is creator of said ego, and is creator of who/what is thinking and of all the thoughts being entertained.

Do you see my confusion?

Anonymous at 1:24 PM

Dear Anonymous at 1:24,

Yes. You probably foresaw that this would have to be its own post. Thank you for the question. Oneness indeed is a hard thing to grasp. I am sure the ancient contemplatives wondered, too, where is the dividing line between thought and body, between physical and spiritual, between our spirit and God's spirit? The Sanskrit advaita expresses it well: "without division -- not one, but not two." Which sounds like gobbledygook if one cannot conceive of two halves seamlessly being one. There is only the Ineffable. Everything is an expansion of the Ineffable.

The thing is, there is the appearance of there being two, where part of one is acting like something else. Perhaps you have seen someone hypnotized. The person hypnotized is one consciousness, and his or her apparent consciousness comes under the control - to a large degree - of the hypnotist. But the hypnotized person's true consciousness is still back there governing things. It won't jump off a building or knowingly shoot someone -- you cannot make it do something it doesn't want to do. It is there, but hidden, while the apparent consciousness makes a clown of itself. Yet this is one mind: the one person hypnotized is both the supermind and the mind dumb enough to allow itself to be hypnotized.

"This is dualistic, unless God is steering God." Yes, exactly: God IS steering God (thank you; I will use it.) That is a perfect way to look at what is going on. And you are correct, no thought is not God. We are operant power not in that we are steering God, but in that we are God becoming what we believe. He is increasing in us, through us.

Maybe it would help if we ran the clock back a little bit. What helped me was Rabbi David A. Cooper's God is a Verb: Kabbalah and the practice of mystical Judaism (1997; New York: Riverhead books). He inspired my concept of the Ineffable, of which I have no concept except that It is way beyond Ein Sof, the Endlessness. Sorry for going off tangent so quickly. Back in time kazillions of years ago, in my philosophic speculation, there was an unconscious something which realized that it was. What was it, and what could it do? It had to find out. No one to guide or teach it. Knowledge of "I am this; I can do that," developed over eons of time. Its thought, consciousness, imagination was Its manifestation of what It was.

Long story short: The Ineffable discovered everything It was and could do, but Its imagination did not. It was stationary. Reflexive, if that's the right word. The Ineffable willed (e.g.) to blink, and in Its imagination It imagined, blink. That's why I stress Neville's lecture "Unless I Go Away." For the Ineffable's imagination to discover all that it is and can do, to be Its perfect and complete manifestation, it had to be cut loose to discover all that it is and can do. Welcome to the looseness. We are free to be individual, but not independent, for we are the Ineffable/Its imagination. To THAT we are locked in.

Back to kazillions of year ago: The something which was, was spirit. It had no physicality. The only action it could take was imagination. So the only thing it could "do" was imagine. It could imagine this dimension, and what it imagined, it could become. When it became something, it was not separate from that thing, but was it. It became this dimension. It became the powers in this dimension. It became the particulate matter. It became the consciousness in things, in the electromagnetic fields, and in every living thing. What the Ineffable "does," It does through Its imagination, which is "God" to us. Every part of us is God. We can know God, who we are, but we cannot know the Imaginer except by what It imagines.

The Big Guy intends, I believe, for everything of Its extension, Its imagination, to be wholly consistent with Its nature. For what It has become to be as mature, capable, and knowing as the Ineffable Itself. This is going to take awhile. The Ineffable already has an imaginary image of what Its full and complete, mature Manifestation is to be. That was the "Beginning" in Genesis 1:1. That "Beginning" is the end we are to be at the end of the Book of Revelation. So we are all It or "Him," the Ineffable, Its manifestation, on the way to becoming that manifestation.

From the incomprehensible Most High "Ineffable" Beyond-being to the quantum-energy units floating in space, all are seamlessly one thing: the Ineffable. It is God imagining in us, allowing whatever happens to get us to turn to and discover this oneness. It is where we have come from and where we are going to. It is us, yet SEEMS different because we have given It a name. Names create the illusion of separation, of difference and otherness. That is an unfortunate effect. Part of our mind, the part we are aware of, has been temporarily stupided, "ignoranced," -- hypnotized -- to discover and develop what we are until we are like the Source, the Ineffable we cannot know outright except by what It does.

It is very interesting: we need to submit to God, take up what It is doing, and in that taking up surrender to it (God). It is a loving cooperation, the putting a submitted hand to the work in agreement, having aligned energies. "I want such-and-such . . . what do You want? THAT I will do, praising you for what I want." I have heard from those who have gone this route, that before long what they wanted, they don't want it anymore. Well, I am getting to preaching now. God bless you.

I hope something in here helps ease your confusion.

Maybe not. For a ten-year-old? How about there is one super-big guy, “God,” who is thinking. He is him, and his thoughts are him, too. Every thought he has is him, and he is thinking the thoughts you think are you. He is thinking every thing, and every one else, too. His thoughts have the power to become the things he thinks. So every thing, and every one, in every way, are him.

Dan Steele

There Is No He

I am sure it is an oddness to you that I read the Bible as one man, me. Not as what I have done, but ought be. All the characters, including myself, are God in the act of becoming. E.g., in Exodus, Moses is the germ of the Gospel in me, Egypt my earthiness, Pharaoh my rebellious ignorance, people my thoughts, cities the cages my beliefs construct, Jethro my desires, murmurings my complaining, the tabernacle my praise — my becoming.

God is in me, as "me." All that happens to me is allowed not by a god outside of me, but by the God who is inside. “I” am manifestation. You are too. We cannot pray to any god in heaven except to the God who is heaven in us. Why does God allow us to create the horrible things that happen to us? TO DRIVE US TO THE ONENESS. We praise God for everything he allows, because those things deliver us to the needing of him, to submission unto him WHO IS NOT ANOTHER.

There is no "he" who allows anything. We allow it. No separate, aloof, testing us god. Go to the oneness! We are not "with" God, but ARE God. We are that one Being. Praise is just part of the road to what we are.

"I AM THAT 'I AM'" is all first person in the Hebrew ('ehyeh 'asher 'ehyeh; lit. "I become that 'I become . . . '"). The grammatical third person in the Aramaic, the 'hiyeh' in "Ahiyeh Ashur hiyeh," is logically first person, too: "I (YHWH) am him (Jethro)," or "He (Jethro) is Me (YHWH)." “I manifesting have sent ‘me’ to you.”

I cannot recommend highly enough Merlin Carothers’ Power in Praise (1972, Plainfield, NJ: Logos International), but when he says of God that "He" allows the miseries we create to drive us to accepting Jesus Christ, remember "I am that Being."

Getting us to recognize “Him” doing things is just the beginning. If He is doing a thing, and we are doing the same thing, then we are one. God is trying to get us to recognize and accept the ONENESS.

Along this line is praising God. The only way to do it is to do it. Immediately apparent (at least in my mind) is that God hears us. If he hears us, then he is here. "God inhabits the praises of his people." His "people" are our thoughts. God has no problem with exalting himself, for as much as he could exalt himself, it is only the truth, so it is really good if you can allow the Holy Spirit to exalt God through you . . . for you. If YOU are praising God sincerely, and God is praising himself sincerely, the "two" are one. You are him; he is you.

That there is no god but the one who is us is basic to ancient Judaism, ancient Buddhism, and ancient Christianity. I am not familiar with ancient Islam.

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

The Holy Spirit: No God From Somewhere Else

The Holy Ghost, the holy spirit, is not a separate entity. It is the same one you and I have and are, BUT WITH GODLIKE/GODLY THOUGHTS. Our human consciousness has some kind of buffering ignorance which keeps us from thinking at the God level. There is a part of it, though, which is beyond the buffer. Receiving the holy spirit is the removing or easing of that buffer to let God-level energy and consciousness flow into our human experience. The Holy Spirit isn’t a God who comes from some other region of space; it’s the amping up of what we’ve got.

The job of Jesus Christ is open.

Eternity is a Short Time, and Infinity a Small Thing, to the Ineffable

Part of my perspective.

Why I Still Believe The So-called Law Of Attraction Is A Fraud

Back on March 16, 2016, I posted "The Law of Attraction is a Fraud! There is No Such Thing . . . and How to Use It." It has been a constant on my most-viewed list. I get some flack for it, too: "I have never met anyone with a negative attitude doing well in life. Just wondering how you came to this conclusion. Do you actually have proof?"

Proof? For me, yes; for you, no. What holds me off is evidences, simple logic from what I have observed. It really is a simple thing: I experience God as a person, not as a vibration. I am engaged with a consciousness which speaks with words, experiences, and illustrations. I observe deliberate actions, not vibrational reactions. Sure, a mind may have vibrations, but vibrations do not have a mind. God does.

There simply is a person involved. I am not necessarily discounting the vibrations per se LOA advocates believe things have. But vibrations do not discriminate, nor act in precisely-timed responses. Vibrations do not observe or intervene. Vibrations do not have a predetermined goal, a foretold destiny, nor a purpose.

Yes, we do attract good or bad things into our lives by what we think, say, and/or do. But we are playing God's game of recurrent manifestation then. For we are manifesting our inner selves by what we ASSUME to be true. I'll give vibration a pass on that. Even as a law.

But it is short sighted. A truncated vision. There is a "guy" involved. Powerful and deliberate. Responsive. And resourceful WWWWAAAAYYYY beyond anything we can imagine. "He" talks. He acts. He hears, responds, and provides. Maybe your carefully vibrated consciousness will bring you many good things and much success. God bless you. But my dude, the lack-consuming beneficence of the Ineffable's imagination, turns me to good for His sake, tracks me and guides me and leads me to His end, which I would rather have more than anything your vibes can deliver you. Too religious for you? Sorry.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Give Me That Old-time Religion: Jesus is Jethro, the Kingdom, YHWH's Beneficence, AND MY ACTION

I was just looking through The Prosperity Bible: the greatest writings of all time on the secrets to wealth and prosperity (2007; New York: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin), which cost me all of fourteen bucks when I bought it through Amazon years ago. I was going to read Shinn's The Game of Life and How to Play It, because I so enjoyed a youtube video on abundance last night in which she stressed that faith is expectation (OMG, there are four, five, or more of these videos, all of differing lengths). “Your expectation hath healed you.” “Be it unto you according to your expectation.” Tell me that’s not Neville.

I got sidetracked in the Prosperity Bible by stories by Hill, Conwell, and Wattles. I saw in Wattles' table of contents Increasing Life, which reminded me of Jethro, God's Excellence:

"CHAPTER 5 - Increasing Life

"YOU must get rid of the last vestige of the old idea that there is a Deity whose will it is that you should be poor, or whose purposes may be served by keeping you in poverty.

"The Intelligent Substance which is All, and in All, and which lives in All and lives in you, is a consciously Living Substance. Being a consciously living substance, It must have the nature and inherent desire of every living intelligence for increase of life. Every living thing must continually seek for the enlargement of its life, because life, in the mere act of living, must increase itself. A seed, dropped into the ground, springs into activity, and in the act of living produces a hundred more seeds; life, by living, multiplies itself. It is forever Becoming More; it must do so, if it continues to be at all."

The Intelligent Substance. That's the Consciousness, the imagination, THE image of the Ineffable. It must increase. Like the point of the universe before the Big Bang. The Big Bang is an image of the Ineffable's urgency to increase. That is what we are. (By the way, I noticed again in Hill's Think and Grow Rich the comment that all success starts with an idea, and that that is half of the "secret." Well, of course the other half of the secret is to follow the idea with faith in action. That's what Shinn is talking about.)

Anyway, increase in life, as Wattles discusses it, is Jethro, God's "Excellence." That is what Moses was seeking -- God's increase, the flow of his beneficence, the nature of his grace, the powers/"kingdom" which cause or induce increase. "Jethro" was code for the kingdom, Jesus, YHWH's beneficence. Which made me wonder, Was Jesus the beneficence, Jethro, the kingdom of God manifest as YHWH's anointing upon men for men to SEE during the Season of Grace? We SAW YHWH as Yeshua in acts of the kingdom/beneficence among men in the Illustrative Season, and now we are in the Age of Grace.

"CHAPTER 14 - The Impression of Increase

"WHETHER you change your vocation or not, your actions for the present must be those pertaining to the business in which you are now engaged.

"You can get into the business you want by making constructive use of the business you are already established in; by doing your daily work in a Certain Way. And in so far as your business consists in dealing with other men, whether personally or by letter, the key thought of all your efforts must be to convey to their minds the impression of increase.

"Increase is what all men and all women are seeking; it is the urge of the Formless Intelligence within them, seeking fuller expression.

"The desire for increase is inherent in all nature; it is the fundamental impulse of the universe. All human activities are based on the desire for increase; people are seeking more food, more clothes, better shelter, more luxury, more beauty, more knowledge, more pleasure — increase in something, more life.

"Every living thing is under this necessity for continuous advancement; where increase of life ceases, dissolution and death set in at once.

"Man instinctively knows this, and hence he is forever seeking more. This law of perpetual increase is set forth by Jesus in the parable of the talents; only those who gain more retain any; from him who hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.

"The normal desire for increased wealth is not an evil or a reprehensible thing; it is simply the desire for more abundant life; it is aspiration.

"And because it is the deepest instinct of their natures, all men and women are attracted to him who can give them more of the means of life.

"In following the Certain Way as described in the foregoing pages, you are getting continuous increase for yourself, and you are giving it to all with whom you deal. You are a creative center, from which increase is given off to all."

Give me that old-time religion: an idea and faith in action. Muchas gracias, shoulders we stand on.

(The best pdf for Wattles' book is By far the best type-set/fonts, but it is not public domain.)

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Neville's Grand Prophecy: The Promise Fulfilled

I hope you will avail yourself of Neville Goddard's grand prophecy, the audio lecture "Unless I Go Away" (John 16:7). It is the clearest statement we may ever hear of what is going on, of what this world, which is our lives, and all the universe are all about. I have listened to it unnumbered times (as Neville would say). It only gets better as I grow in comprehension of the dynamics involved.

Speaking of dynamics, it might help you to know that Victor Alexander translation of John 16:7, the beginning idea of Neville's insight, is "It will benefit you that I am going." Not away, but going!!! Jesus has not departed and left us, but sunken within us, invisible to us yet WITH US, is waking us up to our godhood so that WE are going away from this world. When the spirit of God in us -- Jesus -- is ascending, the Advocate (Holy Spirit) manifests in that action. God is thus never more present, because he is working on our awareness of consciousness/imagination, which he IS! God is never closer to us than when we are going through the last of our three days in this dump. He was never apart from us, but now we are aware of him.

The thing to remember is, "Be hearted, I have conquered the world" (John 16:33 Alexander). That is the way to live -- hearted! It isn't: “I have left you, but here is the Holy Spirit to pray to.” But, “Be hearted, for we are in this together.” Do you see the difference in how Alexander's translation turns the scripture right-side out? I cannot for the life of me understand why Victor Numrud Alexander has not been awarded a Nobel Prize for what he has done.

Everything in the world has meaning, says Neville. We cannot yet understand it, but everything has meaning, for God is meaning, and God is the world. He is playing every part. The Gospels are an active story. And we were as the sunflowers in Neville's vision -- we bowed and bent to God's command as prophets. God does not want prophets only, but independent persons of his nature. The world is somehow a perfect poem, a son to God. The characters are real, and every one God. To the son God has given a promise. The promise is that "As for the Father there is Life through his trinity, so also He has given the Son Life through his trinity" (John 5:16 Alexander). A promise which is fulfilled in God's economy, and "must be being" in ours.

What a wonderful prophecy is "Unless I Go Away."

Saturday, May 25, 2019

The Gift of Tongues

On another post I received a question/comment:

Hi Dan,
Can you explain what's the gift of tongues?

-Anonymous at 3:41 PM

Dear 3:41,

What is the gift of tongues? I can give you an opinion based upon my personal experience. I can refer you also to several hundreds if not thousands of books on the subject at any seminary's library. My go-to book is The GIFT of the HOLY SPIRIT by J. E. Stiles (1948; Glendale, CA: The Church Press). I have also written:
Anger-caused Cancer: Healing by Forgiveness
Prelude to The Hell I Went Through to get Baptized in the Holy Spirit
The Hell I Went Through to get Baptized in the Holy Spirit
Notes Regarding J. E. Stile's Book: "The Gift of the Holy Spirit"
The Ineffable was the Beginning, is Jesus Christ (A Reply to Rob From Somewhere in the World)

I refer you also to The Gift of Tongues by Smith Wigglesworth. I've got every sermon by and just about every book written about Smith Wigglesworth. Just about everything is about faith, power, believing, and tongues.

I have noted that I went through hell to get the gift of tongues. I asked for it, and found myself rejected. I discovered that I had taken the life God had given me for my own purposes without a peep of thanks to Him or inquiry as to what he had given me life FOR. It turned out that I belong to him and am FOR him. I was able to cast the spirit of self-lordship out of myself and surrendered, submitted myself to him fully. You hear about tarrying. I think my waiting for directions from him, fully committed to him, was my "tarrying." The gift of the Holy Spirit has been given! I listened intently. As if from another mind I heard softly in mine: "Remember this, and it is all right." I was accepted.

When I realized that I was accepted, my heart burst for joy and gratitude. I adored and exalted and appreciated God from deep within my being. From there I felt a swelling upward of some sort of energy, of power flooding me. It rose toward my throat, and my jaw began to twitch on its own. The minister laying hands on me said, "Don't try to control it." You hear the expression, "Receive the Holy Spirit." Well, you do not do anything more that a bucket does to receive water from a well -- you simply let it flow in, flow up, and flow out. "Out" is tongues. I knew only that I was expressing to God a love and appreciation I could not express in words that I knew -- gratitude inexpressible to me.

I often read that tongues are to edify. They are, but not to make us feel better or more confident. I believe that we just do not know how we are to pray correctly. How to claim what is ours. How to praise God for what he is doing. How to exalt him for what IS that we do not yet see. We learn that we need to imagine a revision of what was as though it was as we desired. That we have to BELIEVE it was received. I think that is what is happening in a person's personal prayer life in tongues. We are saying, "Such-and-such IS; I AM that. Thank you for this. And etc.." Such may also be proclaimed to the church in tongues to edify -- quite literally -- that their hearts and actions ARE as they would have them.

There is also the gift of tongues Neville spoke of, as he rejected the gibberish of the Pentecostal holy-rollers of his day (of which I am one). That is the God-given ability to master foreign languages for the sake of promulgating the Word. See Wycliffe Bible Translators for that.

I want to say again that it is the spirit which gives utterance. In the gift of tongues, we are observers only of what is going on. We do not know what we are saying. We are not doing a thing except praising, adoring, and exalting God in our hearts. We exercise NO control. The spirit speaks as we OUGHT in order to edify us: “I believe I receive.”

I should note that after the initial experience of speaking in tongues at the receiving of the Holy Spirit, one takes up the speaking or praying in tongues volitionally. Volitionally in the sense that you want to do it and avail yourself of the spirit and open your mouth (or mind!) to speak. You still do not know what is going to come out, but you make the effort to initiate the speaking to God in praise, worship, adoration, and supplication. I have the feeling that supplication in tongues is a whole lot more affirmative than our native language version would be.

Praise, worship, and adore God for what? For including you, the consciousness which is thinking itself to be Dick or Jane or Anonymous at 3:41, in Its Manifestation. Think of it — YOU are destined to be HIM! FOR REAL!

“Prayer is praise; it is thanksgiving.” — Neville. Live a life of prayer. And tongues.

Friday, May 24, 2019

A Finite Infinite (Not Really)

If you were raised with an “I AM THAT I AM” type of theology, you probably believe that the Ineffable Most High has for all eternity known everything that would ever happen or would ever be. That It has had foreknowledge of all eternity from the beginning of eternity to its end. Not that there was or would be either. The rallying cry of this group is, "God does not change!"

I believe that the Ineffable has developed over Its lifetime. It would have started out as something like a spiritual gravity or field which eventually became aware of Its own existence. Aware that It was, It would have gone through an “I think, therefore I am” phase of discovering what It was that was thinking. We are born into a futility like unto that search for comprehensive self-awareness. The Ineffable has always been, only now It thinks and acts by predetermined imagination.

Proverbs chapter 8 presents a child, the first of God’s creative acts, who was daily before God as His delight. I believe that was the Ineffable’s own childhood, Its own period of development which served as the model for the Ineffable’s Manifestation. "This is how I developed; this is how my manifestation will develop" -- the Ineffable’s personal history. As above; so below.

Everything it would take to produce the manifestation of the Ineffable in each and every one of us was foreknowed (sorry) — worked out — in individual acts over ages of time. Every feather falling from a bird, every leaf swept down the gutter, every twitch of your eye when your kid leaves his underwear on the bathroom floor again, was calculated for its contribution to the Manifestation. What is now foreknown was thought out as the child. And in that child we are born.

What a wonderful God to praise and worship. The Child grew up, and so do we.

To Anonymous Who Referred Me To Pappu Fusss' Blog, "did god ruined my life"

Dear Anonymous,

You said, "Read something more about God here." Almost nothing about God there. Except we see an example of the ignorance I am trying to cure here. Pappu was a young man who wanted true love. He fell in love with a woman he spoke to on the telephone, and she broke his heart by serially cheating on him. So Pappu went to a Hindu god's temple, offered a coconut and incense, and begged for relief from his pain. Surprise, surprise, nothing happened. But does Pappu learn that God cannot be bribed with a coconut He already owns? No.

Pappu goes on. He freely gave lifts on his bike to a friend at college, and became upset when his friend did not pay him for the favors. Grace you have to pay for is not grace, Pappu. And then a womanizing friend hurt a naive woman, and Pappu realized that innocents get hurt with mechanical regularity in this world. Like the world was made for it.

Well, Pappu, it was. Your innocence is the result of your ignorance, and your ignorance was put here, into a world of futility, to give you opportunity and motivation to realize who and what you are. No outside coconut god is going to do that. Only God inside you can do that, and this is what he put all of us here for -- He wants to do it, to be your Father.

The point is, He is. He is the God who became everything and causes all things to do what they do. That does not always please us. But because He is the one who does everything to everyone, all of whom are Him, there is no guilt for anyone for whatever has been done. It is simply what has been done. Almost all of it in mistaken ignorance. There is no Karma. All there is for our "punishment" is continuance in ignorance. There is no reincarnation, for there was never incarnation. God's intelligence has become what we call matter, and we are God's consciousness, "spirit," which visits upon the body as though it were ours. The spirit does not incarnate, but visits, restored upon body after body, through this extended period in the state of "death" -- the ignorance of who and what we are.

We are here to develop as individual persons of the nature of God, which nature we already are, but no longer to be directed and controlled as automatonic prophets. We use the bodies and this world for experience, for discovery of what we indeed are.

You cannot hate a god you have never known. Yet the true God is within you. All humanity was created within Him as His son. It is His spirit which animates us, just like your father gave you life. But we are the consciousness which thinks it is the body. We hunger and thirst for the body's sake, but its hunger and thirst is symbolic, "imagic," of the imagination's hunger and thirst for knowledge of its Godhood.

So anyway, Anonymous, I did not learn much about God from Pappu. I have "been there, done that." Innocence is ignorance, and ignorance is unbelief of the Truth. I was innocent and ignorant, and like Pappu I had some belief in God. Not much better than his: I had no knowledge of the Truth, either. But in my life I got a taste of the miraculous among the Nichiren Shoshu in Seattle, Washington, and after confronting an honest-to-God deceiving spirit in Honolulu, Hawaii, I fell in among a group of Pentecostal Christians at the House of Praise in Kaimuki.

They, an outreach of YWAM (Youth With A Mission), demonstrated the miraculous in a big way: signs and wonders, healings, speaking in tongues, and glorious conversions. When I went to ask for the gift of tongues and found myself rejected of God, I concluded from my experience that He was indeed there, and that I was indeed not deluded but REJECTED. I doubled down on getting accepted, on learning why I was rejected and getting that out of my life. And God showed me and worked me around to becoming accepted. Casting my rebellious self-lordship out of myself, I found true surrender and submission to God. I wish I could say that I stayed there, but He has never let me go and continues to teach me day by day Who and What we are. One thing Hinduism has right is that we will never get out of here until we learn/discover what we are.

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Sense the Kingdom of God

The kingdom of God is that force, that mechanism, which makes our consciousness manifest as our world. For example, we say of a person’s children who are like their parent that “the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.” Actually, the children are forms of manifestation of their parent’s consciousness.  The children mirror their true parent, the consciousness. The kingdom of God is that invisible agency which causes the manifestation.

The kingdom, being the intent of God to manifest, is bent toward beneficence. That is why Jesus can say, “Seek first the kingdom of God, and all these good things will be added unto you” (Matthew 6:33). Or in Genesis 24:14, “On the mount, YHWH provides.” When you get that submitted to, the kingdom works all things together for good, you naturally, full of gratitude, praise and give thanks.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Some Observations On The Meaning And Function Of Jesus, Jethro, Moses, And The Bible

Please forgive the rambling nature of these thoughts. I haven’t the time right now to edit them better. Please accept the proposal that if we are mistaken in understanding the first revelation in the Bible, we are mistaken in everything subsequent.

The intent of the Bible’s authors was that we might have whatsoever our hearts desire. Jesus preached the kingdom of God. Moses wondered about Jethro, God’s excellence. The kingdom of God is that invisible power of God, God’s excellence, which gives us whatsoever we desire.

The word ‘Jesus,’ according to what I worked out some years ago in my word studies, does not mean “God’s Salvation” as much as it means “God saving us.” Jesus is the ACTION of God, a principle in the nature of YHWH; i.e., that God’s goodness comes through in what he does.

Moses is the germ of the Gospel in us which notices this. God WANTS us to notice and to discover who and what we are. You learn; you preach. Moses noticed that Jethro was the kingdom of God: “Ashur (consciousness/awareness/imagination/belief) is God’s becoming” (Exodus 3:14a). That is what we are, and that is what we are to do.

I cannot recommend highly enough Merlin Carothers’ Power in Praise (1972, Plainfield, NJ: Logos International), a book I inherited over fifteen years ago from my mother’s library but didn’t read until I realized that praise is the key to the kingdom of God. Colonel Carothers discovered that we praise God for whatever horrible conditions we find ourselves in NOW because we trust that he is working all things together for our good, and praise him for whatsoever we believe we HAVE RECEIVED from the situation we find ourselves in. It’s “You have not made a mistake. You have not failed. You are working all things, including this, together for my good.”

God is a powerful, invisible consciousness dreaming this reality. It isn’t a two-dimensional dream on a plane, but a four to eight or more dimensional dream more like a silo. Jethro wasn’t a man. Moses is that seed of the Gospel within us. His curiosity is our curiosity: “What makes the world tick?” The answer is, “God.” That moving force is the kingdom of God. Jesus is the action of God saving us, and praise is the “miracle spring water” of his effect. Finding the kingdom of God is recognition of the Consciousness that is dreaming everything; that it is dreaming us dreaming us. Thus we dream and praise and thank him for THIS cross he is raising us from. For this is the way to his manifestation. There is perfection in what he is doing. Glory in the cross!!

‘Jethro’ = the kingdom which acts in providing good — “whatsoever your heart desires.” God is saying in Exodus 3:14, “That is My becoming.” So we should live in the imagination of constant praise, worship, and thanksgiving. God wants this word out. Promulgated. Publish it. It pays to advertise. If you don’t believe me, look at Kenneth Copeland and all the prosperity teachers. Let people know what you think, and praise, love, and trust God. Praise creates the kingdom!

In a sense, God did say what the Jewish text says he did in Exodus 3:14. Moses was wondering about Jethro, His Excellence, the kingdom (power), the spiritual force directing the universe to provide whatsoever we want. And God said, “I AM THAT.” I. e., our imagination. “I AM THAT ‘I AM.’”

Friday, May 17, 2019

What Kept Moses From Entering Canaan is Keeping You Out of the Perfect Country

The only sin which kept Moses from entering Canaan was not his striking the rock or his taking credit for the water or giving a poor image of God. It was his not believing he was forgiven for it, which is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, the only unforgivable sin. Are you asking God for forgiveness? You had it AT THE FALL INTO HUMAN CONSCIOUSNESS.

The Amazing, Mysterious Mechanics of the Kingdom of God

Perhaps the most amazing and mysterious thing about the kingdom of God is that it is going on all of the time all around us, and we do not even notice it. Like right now. Look around. What you see doesn't register as being you, does it? Yet the kingdom of God is manifesting our selves right in front of us. And while we must see our manifestation as our world if we can see at all, we do not see it as pertaining to our selves. The outside world seems to be separate in every way, because the powers which are manifesting it from us are invisible to us. We forget that we have been what is now being manifested. The kingdom’s recurrence is like a joker’s prank: we are watched and led while oblivious to the game. Except this is no joke. This is the consequence of having been born into ignorance. We have forgotten everything. We are blind to what is going on.

The kingdom of God is that power which manifests the recurrence of ourselves ALL AROUND US. The effect of this recurrence is to generate God's becoming in us. He is our evolution. That's what he is doing. We are tough nuts to crack, tough rows to hoe, so it takes a long time. But one thing about being eternal is that you can take a long time to get things right.

“The kingdom of God is within,” said Jesus. “It is like this," he said, "and it is like that.” Who in his audience had already noticed the kingdom before he described it? Absolutely no one (except maybe some Essene mystics). His audience couldn't even understand his illustrations. Ever so strangely, the kingdom of God is us -- we are the kingdom. It is just hard for us to see that we are the One.

The kingdom of God is not some far away paradise planet, nor is it God's authority over all creation. It is not anything separate from us. The kingdom of God is God's rule in nature. It is the nature of nature as God himself manifests himself by nature. He manifests himself; THAT is the kingdom of God. We are "the operant power."

The kingdom of God is a CONSCIOUSNESS. It operates as a person. There is judgment, discrimination of action. It weighs values; ITS values. At the Beginning, it was appointed man once to die as Christ became us. We began as Christ “dying” of knowledge of our godhood. After this “death” — however many lives it may take — we succeed in the judgment: His likeness. This “must be being” done.

To see the kingdom of God, we need mirrors. I mentioned people of the Essene sect above because Gregg Braden suggests that that group understood the projection of ourselves in the out-picturing of ourselves all around us. The out-picturing is what we are . . . all dimensions of what we are . . . having become the total compass of the world we live in. Braden provides a handy graphic (at 38:22) listing seven of the mirrors and what of ourselves each one purportedly projects:

The mirror of the moment.
The mirror of what we judge -- what we charge against others.
The mirror of that which is lost, given away, taken away.
The mirror of most forgotten love.
The mirror of "Father/Mother."
The mirror of quest into darkness.
The mirror of self-perception.

Here are some sites which explain what these mirrors signify, what they are reflecting, and how:

My interest here is the force itself. It is the power mechanism which makes each of these mirrors manifest our lives from our lives; i.e., the “mirrors” are recurrence of our selves. Our lives are like light which has emanated from a light bulb. It is a constant flow, even though it appears sometime in the future. This flow mechanism has been doing what it does forever with hardly anyone ever noticing. It is God's eternal nature manifesting. Obviously, some of the ancients noticed. Perhaps pre-earth contributors to the Consciousness in the electromagnetic field noticed, too. I suppose God may have whacked them upside along the head like he did with Moses when he said (regarding Jethro, “His Excellence”), "That's Me" (Exodus 3:14a, paraphrased).

We do not see the hand of the Orchestrator's kingdom operating somehow from behind us, but it is his world which appears in front of us. It is his becoming from our thought to experience. Our manifestation is his manifestation BY the kingdom of God.

Sunday, May 05, 2019

Reflections on Translation Of Exodus 3:14

Reflecting back on Translation of Exodus 3:14a from the Ancient Aramaic "Ahiyeh Ashur Hiyeh" : "Imagination Is MY Becoming"

Perhaps by Jethro, "His Excellence," Moses meant what we call 'Jesus,' the loving, compassionate, forgiving, providing, saving grace of YHWH. Jesus, of course, IS YHWH -- that grace aspect of the Ineffable which is becoming manifest.

It is, "the Lord (YHWH/Jesus) and his Christ." 'Christ' is manifestation. The Consciousness manifests. We call it an "anointing."

The "name" of a thing is its nature. The name of chicken is chicken because it is chicken. We do not do things “in the name of Jesus” because we have his authority separate from him. We do things in his nature because we ARE him. There cannot be two!!! We are his anointing (actually him, YHWH) on this body, our cross. Of our own physical self we can do nothing. So it is not, “in Jesus’ name,” but rather, “in Jesus.” We — our imagination/consciousness (resident in the heavens/visiting here) — are IN Jesus, because we actually are him. What we manifest on earth is Christ, for we are the Father (albeit here, on earth). Perhaps those who think this reality is a multidimensional simulation are on track.

I am open to the idea that people actually “saw” YHWH in the aspect of Jesus, the anointing of Consciousness upon a human person at the end of the Season of Grace Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Daniel discussed. So much so that the Father could say, “People saw Me.” And Jethro abounded. And now we are to be him — ourselves — Jesus!

Is there a way to test it? Pray for OTHERS in the beneficent grace of YHWH, Jesus — “in” Jesus: “Be healed in Jesus.” Rather than pray to Jesus, pray as Jesus, for you in your compassion are God’s grace: YHWH.

Saturday, May 04, 2019

Amber: Prayer is Praise

In my last post I received an encouraging note from AmberLC, who says she checks my site frequently to see if I have posted anything. I have been composing an article about the kingdom of God, about how it makes the out-picturing of ourselves manifest as the world(s) all around us, yet we cannot see it working at all except as that out-picturing. The article needs heavy editing or a complete rewrite, so it will be a few days before that is ready, if ever. I hate to disappoint.

But as I got up this morning, well, yesterday morning now, it came to mind that people do not want so much to understand the mechanics of the kingdom as they do to know what to do in the kingdom of God. The answer came immediately: praise.

We talk a lot about the secret of things -- the secret of imagining, the secret of manifestation, the secret of happiness, etc.. The secret to the kingdom of God is praise. Also love, trust, COMPASSION, and obedience; but I digress. Those things are covered in praise. "But I don't like the way things are," you protest. The situation you are in RIGHT NOW, no matter what it is, is a point in the trajectory to what you do want. You cannot get there from anywhere but where you are right now. If you are going to get there from here, God will have worked an amazing work. SO PRAISE HIM FOR IT NOW. What you praise God for now, as having received what you are going to get, prompts the kingdom to manifest its out-picturing as your life. Which pretty much sums up what I was going to say in the post I was writing.

I will have more to say about this in upcoming posts.


Thursday, May 02, 2019

It’s All Consciousness: the Truth About Evolution

Dr. Bruce Lipton discusses a young girl who received another girl’s heart in a transplant operation. The young donor had been murdered. The girl who received the heart also received impressions so clearly of the donor’s murder that an arrest could be made of the person who had killed her. Because the heart is the strongest transmitter and receiver of consciousness. The donor girl’s consciousness was not still in the heart, but the heart was still geared to receive her consciousness. Lipton concludes our bodies are “virtual-reality suits”; that we, the consciousness of our bodies, are not really here but are in the clouds, as it were, of the Consciousness Who Is God.

“It’s all evolution,” I am told. Yes, but of what? Not only of physical forms, but of consciousness. The consciousness of the Ineffable, if that be us, is evolving in and through us as us. We are the manifestation of Its evolution.

We ourselves are off-site. Not that there is any distance involved between ourselves and our suits. The “distance” is difference in nature: physical and spiritual. Physical evolution facilitates spiritual evolution. Our spiritual “I am” facilitates physical evolution. In the end, it’s all consciousness.

Wednesday, May 01, 2019

The Ineffable’s Intelligence and the Kingdom of God

It is my opinion that the intelligence of the Most High God, the Ineffable, becomes whatever it believes it is. It believes it is light, it becomes light. From quantum particles to us. One night I was tripping on the fact that everything is the Ineffable’s intelligence, and that it is conscious of everything it is. I was euphorically carried away with the idea. As I laid down to sleep, I was bothered by the chronic pain in my shoulder I'd had for years due to arthritis in my neck. As I was lowering my head to the pillow, I said in my mind to the intelligence, “You can heal me.” Before my head hit the pillow, the pain was completely gone. The kingdom’s way of saying, “Yeah, I can.”

I laid there marveling.