The Becoming God

Sunday, May 30, 2021

God in the Other "Imagination Plus Faith"

I thought that God, being the Consciousness of the ineffable No-thing, the field-like energy of the (...?), was affecting me positively from without (though I [and all else] am within it and am of it) to generate Its high and positive nature in me. Then I found the Neville Goddard audio lecture "Imagination Plus Faith" that begins, "Tonight's subject is imagination plus faith." This particular lecture is different than the printed version which other people are recording. Neville's own-voice audio version has a description of God which has just revolutionized my concept of God. According to it, instead of God being outside or beyond me (though as a field including, one with me), He - God - is my imagination. Here, this thing, my awareness inside me right here and right now. And this thing, God, my imagination, is DIRECTLY affecting me to tear down the partition wall, the insulation that separates Him and me, to rub it out of existence. So God is this, here, me. It is only perfect awareness of and unity with Him is coming in the future. Then I shall know Him as I am.

Alas, I have not been able to find a text version of this audio recording, though text versions abound of another lecture by the same name. THAT "Imagination Plus Faith" begins, "This series is really a combination of both the Law and the Promise."

The first ten and a half minutes of Neville's audio description of God and imagination plus faith goes like this:

Tonight's subject is imagination plus faith. Imagination plus faith are the reality out of which man fashions his world. What do I mean by 'imagination'? I mean God. Man is all imagination, and God is man and exists in us, and we in Him. The eternal body of man is the imagination, and that is God Himself. The Divine Body of Jesus - we are His members. It is entirely up to us what we imagine. But, it is imagination plus faith. For we are told that without faith it is impossible to please Him.

Now, I can tell you tonight that your own, wonderful HUMAN imagination is God. I can't convince you that it is. I ask you to try it. I ask you to test it, but I can't persuade you to the point of conviction. You have to become self-persuaded through experience. So here any bold assertion on my part will really not convince you, but I am hopeful. But...

Imagination is the sole cause of the phenomena of life. If perchance you hear the word God, the word Lord, the word Jesus Christ, and it conveys the sense of some existent something OUTSIDE of your own, wonderful HUMAN imagination, you have a false Lord, a false God, and a false Jesus Christ. If you really know who you really are, that your own wonderful human imagination IS God, you cannot fail in achieving your objective. "All things are possible to him who believes." "With God all things are possible." Now, He equates man with God. I just quoted from the ninth of Mark and the nineteenth of Matthew. In Mark, it's man: all things are possible to Him Who believes.

In Matthew he tells a story - tells the rich young man to sell everything - if you want to enter the Kingdom of Heaven, sell it all and follow Me. And then he was disheartened because he had so many things, so many possessions. And then He said, "It is easier for the camel to enter through the door, the through the 'needle's eye', than a rich man to enter Heaven." And then the disciples said, "Well then, who can be saved?" He said, "With men it is impossible. But with God all things are possible. With men who do not know who they are - that is what He means - with men who do not know the Lord's name. "Those who know thy name put their trust in thee. For thou, O Lord, would not forsake those who seek thee." If I know His name. Well, let us look for His name as revealed in scripture.

"And Moses said to God, 'If I go to the Israelites, and I say to them that the God of your forefathers has sent me to you, and they say to me, "What is His name?" what shall I say?' And God said to Moses, say, 'I am.' THAT is who I am. Just say 'I am' has sent you. For that is My name forever, and by this name I shall be known throughout all generations. I have no other name." Just be aware, to be aware is to say, "I am." Without uttering one sound; just to be aware; that is "I am." That is God. Now, that's what I mean by 'imagination'.

Now, what is faith? We are told in the eleventh chapter of Hebrews that faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. By faith we understand that the world was created by the word of God. That things which are seen were made out of things which do not appear. And without faith it is impossible to please Him. He calls a thing that is not seen as though it were, and the unseen becomes seen. Now, having found who God is, my own, wonderful HUMAN imagination, then how would I go about actually creating something that at the moment seems either difficult or even impossible?

I start first of all, naturally, with God. For God is my own, wonderful human imagination. So the most blessed gift in the world is a strong, vivid imagination, a clear idea, and a determinate vision of things as I would like them to be - all within my own mind. Conjure a scene which would imply the fulfillment of my dream, see it clearly in my mind's eye, give it all the tones of reality, give it as much sensory vividness as I can, and believe in that imaginal act. Have it so fixed in my mind that I am completely oblivious to all the things round about me that would deny it, and walk in the assumption that it is so. Assume that feeling that the wish fulfilled, and simply ignore everything that denies it and walk in it. And I am calling a thing that is not now seen as though it were seen, and that unseen state will become seen.

I tell you I KNOW this from my own experience. It never fails. But we are the operant power. Knowing what to do is one thing, and doing it is another. So will I do it? To know it all well and good, but will I do it? "Those who know thy name put their trust in thee." In any other god, it is a false god. To turn to any other god, you are turning to a false god. He is housed within you, as you are told in scripture, "Do you not realize that Jesus Christ is in you? Examine yourself whether you are holding to the faith. Test yourselves." Well now, I can test you right now, this very moment. In fact, I have already given you the test, and you be the judge of whether you failed or passed. I used the word God, I used the word Lord, I used the word Jesus Christ. If your mind jumped on the outside to something other than your own, wonderful HUMAN imagination, you failed the test. Do you not realize that Jesus Christ is in you? For if in any way, and no matter how you try to excuse it, your mind goes out to some image on the outside, no matter how beautiful it is, how altogether wonderful it is, if it goes out, you failed the test. So we are told "examine yourselves to see whether you are holding to the faith." Now he tells you what it is: "Do you not realize that Jesus Christ is in you?" Unless, of course, you failed the test.

Now, it may be a shock to the whole vast world, but I cannot avoid telling the story. I have experienced it. I can only share with you what I know, and I am telling you that if you dare to assume the feeling of the wish fulfilled, knowing Who is doing it - it is God doing it, for God is your own, wonderful HUMAN imagination, and He is doing it. So if you dare to assume it and you walk in the assumption that it is so, ignoring the senses, ignoring the facts of life that deny it, in a way you do not know it will become a reality in your world. This is what I mean by imagination plus faith. For these are the realities out of which we fashion our world.

PS: Did I make any mistakes besides lousy punctuation? Please let me know.

PPS: Do not misread this: "Assume that feeling that the wish fulfilled."

PPPS: Related posts: Neville Goddard's Ten-Second "Flash" Salvation of Double Theredom

Dr. Joseph Murphy- Become One With The GOD Presence Within You (the video's text is unreliable)

Joseph Murphy - Whatever You Give Attention To The Subconscious Magnifies - Relax and Listen


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