The Becoming God

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Mental Diets Continued With Siti Revisited


Thank you for your kind words on your last post. I appreciate being able to express my thoughts on this subject matter of mental diet, consciousness, a life journey from the inside out.

I found others from around the globe who also are on this similar journey…a man by the name Elitom Elamin, a woman named Erika Witthuhn, both are on YouTube. They speak very similar to what Neville writes about.
I mention these two because they’ve had a background in the Christian doctrines growing up, but realize that “the issues of life” flow out from within…the kingdom of love. They share, especially Elitom from the Biblical scriptures, and Erika for many years was encouraged by Christians in Northeast of Scotland, the Findhom Foundation, and a book called “Open Doors Within” by Eileen Caddy.

These two are in a lifestyle that I’ve never heard of or could imagine…it’s known as the “Breatharian Journey” or living “Prana”. But the more I listened to what they say, I can see how they exemplify the teachings of Jesus that was written in the Eastern mindset.

These two exemplify the writings of the writers of the Old Testament but in todays time frame. Just as Moses…”I am has sent me”. These two are One with Him.

Elitom speaks much about the science behind your physical makeup and how cultivating your mental diet changes your world into a reality you’re meant to live, changing your physical life which includes your physical food habits.

I mention these two because they’ve spent at least 20-30 years in their journey and not swayed by conventional thought and practice coming at them from family and friends.

There’s much on YouTube regarding this subject that are not mature enough in their knowledge yet.

Bruce Lipton, Wayne Dyer, Gregg Braden are mentioned regarding the metaphysical world, Conscious awareness. Personally I like to stick to the Biblical scriptures the way Neville has written and expressed and how I imagine Abdullah his mentor has led him.

I understand that you spent a few years in the Navy?…so I thank you for your service.
Enjoy this last day of the weekend!


Thank you, Siti. As always, take everything with a grain of salt and test with the known reality of the scriptures.

Well, I had to come back to this to say that I watched a few minutes of Breatharian videos on YouTube. One a scale of one-to-ten, I would say these people are full of crap. I did learn a new form of English: "I live entirely and exclusively on prana between meals (excuse me, I've got something caught in my teeth)." I guess we all are breatharians. But these are lie-arians. Seriously, these are the people I was saved FROM when Christ intervened in Hawaii and I became a Christian. They are not swayed by conventional thought BECAUSE THEY ARE NUT CASES willingly self-deluded. To quote "Monte Python and The Holy Grail," "Run away!!"

Monday, May 30, 2022

God's Mistake

No, it was not His creating you. Or me. We learn from the Law of Assumption that creating is ever done in the imagination. Whatever we desire is to be assumed to already exist and to be already possessed. It is "been there; done that" for a future encounter. "What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them" (Mark 11:24 KJV). That is how God rolls.

Well, people's mistake is they WANT something instead of assuming that they already HAVE it. They imagine their desire to have what they do not have, and THAT is what gets manifested as their future encounter. By wanting they have implied/imagined that they do not have, and not having is what they get. Someone has said, "You can have anything you want, as long as you do not want it."

"I do not want ice cream." No, no, no. Not that kind of not wanting. Although that will almost certainly get you all the ice cream you want by grace, the idea of creating is to imagine and believe that you just HAD a nice big bowl of ice cream (or whatever) and are super satiated by it: "So full. So happy. Thank you so very much." Living in the grace of God, Eil Shaddai, we should be so satisfied and grateful all of the time!

I think that for a moment God wasn't. As the Beginning of everything, He imagined the heavens and the earth as they would be His perfect and complete Manifestation. (I am working on the idea that first was the physical earth, and then the spiritual heavens--the basis of the oft repeated Biblical preference for the younger son.) And then he WANTED Man. He implied in His own imagination that He did NOT have Man, and by the Law of Assumption Man was denied Him. God became his own adversary.

God has greatly desired us, and He has made a way (ding! ding! ding!) to undo the seeming separation HE has caused. In Christ He believed that He HAD us: "You in Me and I in them." From the Beginning there has been two spheres of existence, one under the adversarial relationship being wanted and the other under the restoration of belonging to Him. Salvation is about that simple: "You wanted me (this I believe!); I belong to You."

Mental Diets Continued With Siti Revisited


Thank you for your kind words on your last post. I appreciate being able to express my thoughts on this subject matter of mental diet, consciousness, a life journey from the inside out.

I found others from around the globe who also are on this similar journey…a man by the name Elitom Elamin, a woman named Erika Witthuhn, both are on YouTube. They speak very similar to what Neville writes about.
I mention these two because they’ve had a background in the Christian doctrines growing up, but realize that “the issues of life” flow out from within…the kingdom of love. They share, especially Elitom from the Biblical scriptures, and Erika for many years was encouraged by Christians in Northeast of Scotland, the Findhom Foundation, and a book called “Open Doors Within” by Eileen Caddy.

These two are in a lifestyle that I’ve never heard of or could imagine…it’s known as the “Breatharian Journey” or living “Prana”. But the more I listened to what they say, I can see how they exemplify the teachings of Jesus that was written in the Eastern mindset.

These two exemplify the writings of the writers of the Old Testament but in todays time frame. Just as Moses…”I am has sent me”. These two are One with Him.

Elitom speaks much about the science behind your physical makeup and how cultivating your mental diet changes your world into a reality you’re meant to live, changing your physical life which includes your physical food habits.

I mention these two because they’ve spent at least 20-30 years in their journey and not swayed by conventional thought and practice coming at them from family and friends.

There’s much on YouTube regarding this subject that are not mature enough in their knowledge yet.

Bruce Lipton, Wayne Dyer, Gregg Braden are mentioned regarding the metaphysical world, Conscious awareness. Personally I like to stick to the Biblical scriptures the way Neville has written and expressed and how I imagine Abdullah his mentor has led him.

I understand that you spent a few years in the Navy?…so I thank you for your service.
Enjoy this last day of the weekend!


Thank you, Siti. As always, take everything with a grain of salt and test with the known reality of the scriptures.

Well, I had to come back to this to say that I watched a few minutes of Breatharian videos on YouTube. One a scale of one-to-ten, I would say these people are full of crap. I did learn a new form of English: "I live entirely and exclusively on prana between meals." I guess we all are breatharians. Seriously, these are the people I was saved FROM when Christ intervened in Hawaii and I became a Christian. They are not swayed by conventional thought BECAUSE THEY ARE NUT CASES willingly self-deluded. To quote "Monte Python and The Holy Grail," "Run away!!"

Sunday, May 29, 2022

Mental Diet With Siti

Back on May 7, 2022, Siti wrote to me. I did not get back to this letter until now. Sorry, Siti. Siti impresses and inspires me, because she is DOING (or at least trying to do) what we all are supposed to do, to think CONSTANTLY the way we would want things to be AS THOUGH THEY WERE. I take quite a bit of liberty in editing Siti's e-mails for posting here, but in fact she writes a lot better than I. Any errors are probably mine. I just hope I do not alter her thoughts at all.


Your first paragraph from Neville’s "Mental Diets" is very sobering to me. In fact this last set of messages have been so that I think twice before I say anything. They have taken me to another level of consciousness. I have listened to them a few times over to gain firm understanding regarding the difference between the Second Man within and the "old man" without, keeping/training my thoughts within the "Kingdom of Love." My time is being spent more and more on praying for others or "imitating the Father." It brings greater meaning to "giving Him first place" and "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and strength."

I got it, understanding that NDEs are imaginational experiences (thank you).

You are wondering if when these “real experiences which sometimes are not nice can be made nice, loving and happy.” I would think that that’s what revision is all about…did I not see you post a couple days ago "If you are in a bad place, go somewhere else"? I agree…but then, I am saying or agreeing because of being in that same inner kingdom, Second man thought. It is sad that at the moment most Christians do not hold fast to that Inner Man view. Even so, I pray/imagine for them.

The whole idea of prayer as I have gleaned from my father, that I have in the past taken for granted, has been taken to another level/understanding/perspective. I knew my father was very serious about prayer, and I was reminded of it when I read chapter nine, "The Annunciation," of Neville's book Freedom For All. I think Neville explained that well…simple, that I use that method of prayer as I am led to pray/imagine for those coffee mates…that includes you and your family.

The next chapter in Neville's Resurrection is "A Confession Of Faith." I am getting a greater understanding of Neville's dreams of David being the Son of God…that you cannot say Jesus is Lord unless the Holy Spirit reveals it - that - to you. That chapter makes so much sense to me now; it's like I get it!! More and more the scriptures are tying together, creating the Father in his people doing the Father’s business on this planet.

I hope I am making sense. My inner thoughts seem to be growing faster than I am able to put words on paper, er, computer device, ha ha!


Thank you, Siti. I hope I did not change any of your ideas. Neville collected several of his pamphlet sized books in Resurrection, which others have continued in the many Neville Readers published. You are the one person I know who gets her inclusion here and now in the Oneness of God, for one cannot have distance to what they are. I have got to stop bouncing around and center on praying like I know we are supposed to. So much depends on it.

Divergence: The Desired Younger Keeper EMERGES from the Older Reject As They Grow Apart

Let me define God: God is the imagination of the Ineffable powerful to become what it assumes it is. What it believes it is is very limited. What it thinks is possible and does not want to be is very broad. Everything it believes is will become, but only that which it believes it is will remain. Both project this world, but they diverge.

The younger Kingdom of Light was desired from the beginning. It was desired, defined, and created. The older Kingdom of Darkness was manifested FOR THE YOUNGER KINGDOM OF LIGHT TO COME OUT OF. That which is like God comes out of that which is not like him. Older Cain is acquisition, the mass of "flesh" Adam. Younger Abel is transitoriness, that bit of Adam becoming God's image, God manifest. Announcement, prophecy - John, comes before its fulfillment, Jesus. Older Japheth, expansion, lives in the tents of younger Shem, the name or definition of God's nature Japheth is becoming, The spiritual was intended from before the beginning, but it took a long time for man to appear. Christ's ascension was the last act of the 490 year long Season of Grace. God is real patient.

The older Kingdom thinks worldly. The younger Kingdom thinks Godly. They really, really do not get along. "They hated me first." Think like God: assume that what He has given you desire for is. Live believing you have the desires God gives you. WHEN IT WORKS, YOU HAVE FOUND HIM (-Neville Goddard). Stay there.

The Kingdom of Light was PLANNED. It is here now. The evil thought group is perpetuating itself and is becoming purer. The holy thought group is itself and is becoming purer. They are diverging, some to everlasting this, and the other to everlasting that. We go in one or the other by the election of our THOUGHTS. We are perpetuating and purifying to which END? Whichever is "at hand." So (I suggest) think and live under the Law - "Whatsoever is of good report." Track like God.

Here is a brilliant aside: I realized a long time ago that God speaks to us through many songs. I can't hear "Help Me Rhonda" by the Beach Boys on the radio without hearing "help me Jesus, help me get him (Satan) out of my heart" in my mind. I transition any number of songs this way. This morning I heard my wife listening to this, "Daddy's Little Girl." See if you don't also hear God's voice singing to His precious little you.

Saturday, May 28, 2022

On Thomas Westbrook, The Holy Koolaid: Nothing Fails Like Dealing With History When It Isn't

I am in a bit of a quandary. I do not know if Thomas Westbrook, the Holy Koolaid, is being intentionally deceitful and duplicitous in trying to dissuade the religious from faith, or genuinely just does not know how to read the Christian scriptures. He rips the Bible apart for being historically inaccurate, unscientific, inhumane, riddled with contradictions, unclear and inconsistent. "Nothing fails like Bible history," he says and strives to prove by demonstration.

I doubt the Bible was ever meant to be taken as literal history by its authors. I have to assume that this young man who has been so deeply involved in the Christian religion all his life already knows this about the Bible. But then again, maybe not. Christian education, being what it is, may have failed him - as it has so many others - to a very great extent. We do not get the truth in church, because they do not know how to read the Bible, either.

The authors of the books of the Bible were inspired to utilize many existing myths, legends, and historical events to weave together illuminable illustrations about the Power which is becoming manifest in and through this world. The Power's own manifestation is Its intention and is what It is presently doing, for which this world is the way it is.

Perhaps telling is a statement by Westbrook in one of his videos: "Unless you see the Bible as pure metaphor or allegory, you can approach the several of the following ways." With this he sweeps away interpreting the Bible as metaphor and allegory, which is exactly what the Bible is and how it is to be interpreted, and then misleads with: "On one end of the spectrum you can take the stories as pure myth, complete and total fiction without a shred of truth in explanation of natural history...or appeals to the supernatural." In this verbal slight of hand is Thomas' own brand of koolaid: he sweeps away the Bible as being pure metaphor and allegory for reality, which is what it is, and offers instead other pointless alternatives which the scriptures are not. This leaves him free to attack all the fallibilities of the must-fail alternatives without ever addressing the realities and truths the metaphors and allegories illustrate. Super slick if his intention is to deceive; super sad if he really does not know that the Bible is just, ever and only, about the Power. God speaks in illustrations, and He would not have painted the picture if He did not have the subject in mind.

Let me rephrase Westbrook's argument:

"Unless you see the Bible as pure metaphor or allegory (which it is), you can approach the Bible (which is an entirely metaphorical, symbolic, and allegorical representation of the Reality) several of the following (pointless) ways (which are error, because the truth the Bible represents is expressed symbolically in metaphorical and allegorical illustration). On one end of the spectrum you can take the stories as pure myth - complete and total fiction without a shred of truth in an explanation of natural history...or as appeals to the supernatural" (a bit paraphrased, parentheses mine).

Personally, having seen and received responsive miracles, I do not have the luxury of being an atheist, though as a tongue-speaking, God-praising Pentecostal I do appreciate that emotions and stress-induced neurochemicals can cause - and might very well have caused - all the sensational artifacts I enjoyed in my baptism in the Holy Ghost. Yet this does not cause me to doubt that baptism and observed miracles one bit. For I have not found any other cause for the miracles I have witnessed than the Power which is God. God is a power which is a person, the Divine Mind of the Ineffable Being, i.e., Its consciousness. The Power is the sole cause for EVERYTHING.

To see the truth and reality of what the Bible is about, we have to translate the proper names to what the original readers would have understood in their language. "Oh. It turns out that they are not people's proper names after all." We have to dig into the symbolism, stretch our minds and consider the illustration's message, "What does He mean by this?" For this exercise aligns us with His Manifestation, the so-called Kingdom of God. This is the essential point: of all that the Ineffable has thought as possible, Its own desired Manifestation is emerging as it diverges from it. This refined Manifestation of the Ineffable the preferred younger son.

The Bible does not give a rat's hinny about the historicity of the younger sons, save they be found in us. They all represent the emerging image of the Power from the mass of everything God has thought. Hence Abel still speaks; Shem, the youngest son of Noah, covers Japheth, expansion, the eldest; Abraham, the Merciful Father, laughs for Isaac and casts misbegotten Ishmael out. Jacob is our inner man, Esau the older, outer flesh. The younger son, spiritual Israel, is called out of Egypt, the old corrupt flesh, and the End Church out of Blind, Unhearing Israel. The New Jerusalem goes one way, Hades the other. The pattern permeates the whole of scripture (also makes me wonder if 'heaven' in Genesis 1:1 is also the younger manifestation preferred to the older 'earth'; i.e., that God created the universe to draw Himself out of it).

the Bible is all symbolic, metaphor and allegory. There is not a linear history but a process of development. God has a likeness that is becoming. "Think on these things" to go with the part of creation the Ineffable is keeping as Itself. There is a separation going on. I hope for the sake of those who would be there that there is no actual hell of torment (whether short or long). I prefer to think that the hell experienced in near death experiences is a symbolic warning to take this stuff as seriously as God does. And to criticize what is not historical and dismiss it because it is not historical is deceitful and duplicitous and, in my opinion, irresponsible, reprehensible, and (think of all naughty negatives).

Literal history, science, and behavioral instruction are secondary to the purpose of the Bible. Its main purpose is get us to see, to hear, and to believe to become quite literally part of God's Kingdom, His own Being. Do not feel bad if you have not seen the Bible in this way. I as a senior am just now getting a handle on it. But DO repent and see the Bible as a revelation of the Power we all are OF, and strive to align with the good of it.

Monday, May 23, 2022

It Is The .0000000001 Percent That Are True That Bugs Me

99.9999999999 percent of all near death experiences, visions, visitations - spiritual experiences of all kinds good or bad - are fake, exaggerated, and/or hallucinatory. If even one, though, be real and true... 

Saturday, May 21, 2022

Christianity’s Only Evidence: Christ Proves Himself Alive

I only have one reason for being a Christian: Christ has proven to me that He is alive. That alone is enough. I was a wicked and adulterous generation, and Jesus gave me a sign: He acted. THAT was the sign of Jonah to me -- the Guy who was dead is alive. IS alive. I do not need a Bible without error or contradictions, stories that are historically true, pastors who are not nuts, collaboration by science, or for everything to go right for me. There is only one thing that matters: Christ is alive, and this I KNOW.

The scribes and Pharisees played the wrong game. "If He is the Messiah, then..." He does not have to anything. Maybe it would be logical, maybe it would be desirable, but this is His world, and it is FOR Him and BY Him. We kowtow to Him, not He to us. Christ is not trying to convince us of any argument at all. His reality is self-evident. It stands alone as reason enough. He verifies it with signs, wonders, and miracles. And it is apparent in the reports of near death experiences that if He is not our barbeque before God, we are His.

Neil Tyson said that God is the gap in our scientific knowledge, that we need a god to explain things beyond our understanding. What science explains responsive miracles? We pray, and at the exact moment Jesus is evoked, an eye grows in a dry socket, leprosy disappears, mangled bones arrange whole. What science is doing that? As long as It is answering to the name Jesus, I am sticking with that living Gap.

There are tens of thousands of books, articles, and videos of why people reject God, Jesus, religion, the Bible, and all other religious notions. Sorry, people, it is an imperfect world, and there is a whole bunch of freakin' idiots in it. Christ is not the way you think or expect He should be. But He is. He is Lord, high and lifted up. He alone is worthy. Maybe that is your mistake, as it was and is mine: we think that WE are worthy. Slap yourself and knock some sense into yourself: WE ARE DEALING WITH ALMIGHTY GOD, SOVEREIGN OF THE UNIVERSES, THE CREATOR OF US, WHO HAS ALL POWER OVER US. And you are flipping HIM off? We put NOTHING on Him. Nothing but ourselves on our faces on the ground before Him. For the sign of Jonah -- He who was dead is ALIVE.

Listen to the Pharisaical arguments against Christianity in these and other videos which completely miss the point that the only evidence ever offered is Christ's personal power and majesty. Christianity's Fatal Error

How to Become an Atheist - My Journey out of Religion

Monday, May 16, 2022

Matthew 12:40: The Message of Hope

Near death experiences (NDEs) are not new. People have been resuscitating from temporary death as long as there has been man. The Athenians waived Paul off because it was old news: "Another one of those 'I died' stories? We have heard plenty of people's experiences in Hades and Elysium." There is enough scientific evidence to pooh-pooh the euphoria and fears of near death experiences, even after hours or days of one being dead: "One thing is for sure, NDEs are fascinating and are (probably) nothing to do with the afterlife."

Yeah, but. I cannot dispute emotional and neurochemical causes of sensational effects within me, but what about the Other Guy? What about his healings and words of knowledge and prophecy? That Jesus was in the heart of the earth three days and three nights and rose on the third day would not have impressed many Jews: He had just raised Lazarus after four days. Now that, they recognized, was an exceptional miracle--a day beyond any expected resuscitation. Jesus' point of three days and three nights was the completeness of His mission. That Passover was not Jesus' first dance. He knew exactly how long it was from the 14th of Nisan to the end of the festivals. Three means perfect and complete, unmovable, fixed, finished. It was the original “Mission Accomplished.” Bullinger notes three is symbolic of the cube (x to the third power), of solid contents, of "that which is solid, real, substantial, complete, and entire" (1967. Number in Scripture. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications. p. 107). Regardless of the period of time allotted, Jesus' work was going to be 100% complete within it. And so it was. Is. See Was Jesus in the grave for 3 days and 3 nights?

So what is the practical effect of Jesus' NDE? May I suggest hope? As in First Corinthians 13:13, "These three [things] are what binds us together: faith, hope and love" (Alexander). Hope of release from guilt, fear, and punishment. Hope where there is no hope: Sarah was restored to youthfulness to bear Isaac; Jairus received his dead daughter alive and hungry; the woman with the perpetual issue of blood was made well. "It is never too late" is only true when possibility for what is desired still exists. The only hope that may still exist for it is Jesus. His hope is ever "solid, real, substantial, complete, and entire"...for the three days and three nights He was in the heart of the earth. Hope in Him pays off.

Sunday, May 15, 2022

Impetus to Religion

Imaginings are real, but they are not what they purport to be. If anything, they are speech. They take a certain kind of listening: "What do you mean by that?" So it is with near death experiences (NDEs). Their diversity tells us that they are not literal. They may be imaginary, but we would not want to be locked into an ongoing hallucination of punishment that seems more real than this experience. Please note that I am NOT saying that they are not real. I am saying that they reveal - speak of - a deeper reality.

NDEs probably account for the formation of religion. The revelation of hell and a way to escape it inspires personal reformation and evangelistic action: "You. Do. Not. Want. To. Go. There. -- You. Do. Want. To. Do. This." I have to wonder if the burning bush which was not consumed and the frightful flames the Jews saw at Mt. Horeb had anything to do with visions of hellfire. Each of those fires were God, and salvation was offered by the Law. Many NDEs appear to be iterations of the same.

I hope that somewhere in this I say something you can understand. We go to hell for holding onto darkness when light is offered: "And just as Moses lifted the darkness by the light of life, this is how you should glorify* (lift up) the Son of Man" (John 3:14 Alexander). Moses lifted the darkness by the Torah,  the "Light of Life." That was for the body. Jesus is the Spirit, the inner man. He is the Law for us, our Torah — PROVISION FOR RECONCILIATION TO PEACE WITH GOD. I.e., Jesus is our sacrifice, our escape from wrath to serenity IF WE WILL TAKE IT.

Our Altar, our connection point with God, is Jesus within us - a chimney that goes nowhere but to God within. Take it or leave it. Baby, don't leave it!! Jesus is our believing and living like God: moral, with integrity, fidelity, love, mercy, grace, and care. Of ourselves, all we all have nothing but bad karma coming. There is no buying our way out. We MUST have loan forgiveness for our wasting of GOD's life, for we cannot come up with it! There is a reason His name is Jesus: God Saving. Thank God He paid!

Friday, May 13, 2022

Satan In Genesis 3 Was Not Serpent Until The Curse

For some reason people think that Genesis chapter three says a serpent spoke to Adam and Eve. Lucifer was a glorious, beautiful, powerful, and wise being. THAT was who spoke to Adam and Eve. When he became a roadblock, satan, he was cursed to become a serpent. THAT is who Moses referred to, the glorious being who had become a serpent. "Lucifer, who is now the Serpent, Satan, rose higher than all others in the Paradise and deceived Adam and Eve, which changed him by earned curse from a glorious, beautiful, powerful, and wise being into a serpent." I.e., it was not a slithering, sneaky snake who spoke to Adam, but the slithering, sneaky snake who was once a glorious, beautiful, powerful, and wise being. DON'T GO HIS ROUTE.

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Trees (Strike the 's')

Something about near death experiences speaks to me about the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of God and Evil in the Garden of Eden. Man was expelled from the garden, but there was kept a way back to the Tree of Life. I think I see now that the Tree of Life is the Sovereign Lord's way of doing things. Its principles. Its nature. Its intentions. Its assumptions. The omniscient, omnipotent eternal has set Itself, Its character, in stone. The Rock. Existence is Its way or the highway. Which is a problem for everyone who wants something else. For it is not their choice. This is not an election. God isn't running for office. It does not demand worship or obedience: It deserves worship and obedience. For this is right, because of what It is. What grace It has bestowed upon us - a chance to repent back to the Tree!!

The Tree of the Knowledge of God and Evil is not so much another tree as it just is not the Tree, the Tree of Life. It is actions of independence from the Tree of Life. Satan wanted his way, one third of the angels wanted their way, man wanted his way. These are big Bozo no-nos. Rebellion of independence has its comeuppance. Where are you going to go? There is not another way. There is only one Tree offered. No alternatives. No options. It really is God's way or the highway. Except there is no highway. Hell is the option rebels get.

There is provided a way back to the Tree of Life. The Tree is the Sovereign. The agency of return to Life is the Altar, Jesus Christ. He did Its will, and there you go--do Its will: "I in them and you in me" (John 17:23). Enter into the Provision. That is not believing about the Provision, that it is there, but exercising the Provision, that you are at, in, and of the Altar, Jesus Christ. Believing about the Provision, even to the working of miracles and signs because of it, does not buy you beans (see Matthew 7:22-23). You have got to go to and know the Power and the Wisdom of God provided for reconciliation to the Tree of Life. Bow the knee. It is that or the highway. Oh. Wait a minute. There is no highway.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Raging Sea of Demoniacs: A Hell Before the Grave

I do not put much stock in this letter of Pilate to Caesar being authentic, but it is interesting that in Eyewitness Report of Jesus' Resurrection - Pilate Wrote What the Soldiers Saw and Felt the crowds who hailed "Crucify Him!" against Jesus became as hell's demons. Possessed. That is what Jesus had to endure for me and you. Those were the people who crucified the Lord, and whose philosophies some give precedence over the scriptures.

Tuesday, May 10, 2022

A Tenuous Veil

I have been considering near death experiences (NDEs) reported on Almost all of us will die. NDEs have happened as long as there has been man. The veil between this experience and that experience appears to be tenuous at best. The NDEs are personal, but there common mediums. Consciousness of guilt yields pretty scary effects as deserved recompense: super realistic punishment and hell. Understanding, love, and forgiveness find a provision for peace, joy, and serenity. I can see how many religions started from NDEs. The thing is, those who experience them say that NDEs feel more real than this world. The specifics are unclear, people have varying visions, but which kind of experience do you want to have? Listen to the reports yourself. Believe something. Our philosophy STOPS when we die. We are then THERE. If there is a provision, take it NOW.

A Brief Moses - Jesus Outline

Moses' Beginning. First Adam. Cain, flesh, outer man. Abel died. Moses cannot enter.

Jesus' Beginning. Second Adam. Jacob, spirit, inner man. Abel resurrected. Jesus entered.

We all know the pattern. The application is called recapitulation. Championed by Irenaeus (I have an old term paper on this in this blog.) All things man failed at Jesus repeated with success: death to life, etc.

Sunday, May 08, 2022

The Most Important Word In The Bible

Hayah. Strong's Hebrew Dictionary 1961. Is, was, will be, become, come to pass, quit, and many more. The idea is transition. It has to do with God, the One and Only who was, who is, and who will be. He is in constant transition. In fact, it is His name, AHYH and YHWH. Jesus was not always a man man. He was from heaven, incarnated a man, and then became a life-giving spirit. Always the same? The same TRANSITIONS yet stays the same. We stay the same yet transition from darkness into light. Hayah; in my opinion the most important word in the Bible.

Saturday, May 07, 2022

Like This Woman

Rosemary Thornton. So many things so well said:

Successful Writer Bleeds To Death and Meets God

Heading For Healing 29: The Happy Hunters

I was delighted to see Charles and Frances Hunter on a Sid Roth Youtube video. I often refer to my WATCHING my arm grow out as one of my faith anchors. It was Charles Hunter who prayed for that at a Melodyland Christian Center Charismatic Clinic. Their book How To Heal The Sick is excellent. A search for them on the internet and can be rewarding. Do not worry about getting healed, heal others!

Ancient Chinese Saw/Perceived Big Picture

I am not saying the New Testament is historical and not symbolic. I am saying the big picture was and is literal, more real than the symbols. Moses symbolized his big picture, but the big picture he symbolized was more real than the symbols. FYI, honorable Chinese seek to live virtuously, so purely that there is no thing done in secret that can testify against them. Their Confucian goal is to be a superior person, and their guide is the "Words of Tian" - the words of heaven, i.e., of God. I assume Emperor Guang Wu so lived, as testified to by this revelation:


Chinese Emperor Guangwu Given Signs of Jesus' Crucifixion and Resurrection

This gives me a new appreciation of Yin and Yang (black and white, respectively).

From wikipedia: "Also unique among emperors in Chinese history was Emperor Guangwu's combination of decisiveness and mercy. He often sought out peaceful means rather than bellicose means of putting areas under his control. He was, in particular, one rare example of a founding emperor of a dynasty who did not kill, out of jealousy or paranoia, any of the generals or officials who contributed to his victories after his rule were secure."

Edit: Having written the above, I thought to take look at Chinese philosophers of Guang Wu's time. (Guang is spelled Chuang in Wade-Giles romanization. Guang was the founder of the Second, Latter Han Dynasty.) I picked up my beloved History of Chinese Philosophy by Fung (1952, Princeton University Press). I kid you not, opening the book the first words at the top of the page (vol. 1, p. 398) were "the sun and the moon are eclipsed." The sentence is "When unicorns fight, the sun and the moon are eclipsed." This is in chapter XV (15), "The Appendices of the Book of Changes and the Cosmology of the Huai-nan-tzu." What of the changes and the cosmology? The world is imagic!! And this was from the First (Former, Early) Han Dynasty, Guang Wu's teachers.

Wednesday, May 04, 2022

Suicide: A) Don't; B) If You Are In A Bad Place, Go Somewhere Else

If you are going to die, why die dead? You won't get to see how things turn out. You can die to the situation you would be leaving anyway. Just go somewhere else. You will be psychologically dead to the situation you would be physically dead to, and you can start a new life without it. When Christ died, he died for us. God accounts his death as ours. We ARE dead, as far as our present lives and situations go. There is another life for us in Christ's resurrection, because when he died for us (and thus we in him) and paid for our sins (our being unlike God), he then arose FROM the dead to a new life in God WITH US STILL IN HIM. His death led to our new life, IF we are willing to go there.

May I suggest, GO THERE. Just start the new life. Accept what God has done. He made Jesus that point of departure from this life to that life: "Come to me, all you mourners and carriers of burdens, and I shall give you peace. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, as I am peaceful and gentle of heart, and you shall find peace in your souls. For my yoke is pleasant and my burden is light" (Matthew 11:28-30 Alexander).

There might really be a hell like the Bible suggests. Believe me, whether there is, or the Biblical image is symbolic of something even more real than that, life in Jesus Christ is far, far better than anything death can offer - and you get to see how things turn out!

Monday, May 02, 2022

Restoration Until We Awaken Might Just Be Wishful Thinking

I was not always a Christian, and it occurs to me that when I wasn't I had plenty of indication that there was a God and spiritual influence over all the things that occurred in this world. We heathens had perception, too, and the invisible world was as clear as the spiritual realm is to Christians, just less understood about the provision of forgiveness.

It appears that the soul or consciousness of a person continues after death. So "death" is the loss of conscious CONTACT with that person, we to it and it to us: it continues and we continue, just no conscious connection. I had taught that this "life" we live is a form of death between God and ourselves. He is there and our consciences are here, just unaware of Him - no conscious contact. When we die to this world we become aware of that world. Maybe some do get restored to human life again, but maybe that restoration is a delusion someone experienced in that world, and we in hope have bought into it.

My point is that it is not a safe bet. Prior life memories are not necessarily the actual experiences of the one testifying. I know my soul is using this body for the moment and will continue after it dies. There are other souls or conscii who can inhabit and use bodies and brains, too, and impress memories never actually experienced by them.

All we DO know is that we are going to die someday, and will then face whatever is there. I am betting on what I have experience of here: evidence of what is there providing forgiveness for me through the life and death of Jesus Christ. In Him I have already died and raised from death back to contact with God again. This is real restoration. Why wait for a restoration that might be a delusion?

Sunday, May 01, 2022

The Adversary of God IS God

"For the leader of the world is coming, and to me has nothing" (John 14:30 Alexander). That is really good news. God opts for good: "We know then that those who love God in everything, He helps them toward goodness, those whom He consecrated beforehand to be called" (Romans 8:28 Alexander). In God's assumption turning into manifestation, He pulls to the right; i.e., towards good and benevolence. That is His nature. God is Good.

God does not have to be like that. He COULD be evil, if He were so inclined. Imagining all things that could be, every option, every contingency, God COULD lead things into terror and torment, every hope of man dashed, failure at every turn. God HAS imagined all things that could be, every option, every contingency, and is working them all toward the full manifestation of Him, of Good. Satan is that other option He ever resists. All through history, the process of His becoming, evil comes to naught - dead ends and failures. Satan does raise up his head, and it continuously gets squashed. Because the Big Guy ever choses to bring about good over the evil option. Always has, always will. THAT is our faith. Jesus rode it through trial, scourge, and crucifixion. He forgave them - chose good - and became God's unmitigated Manifestation.

PS: You do well to resist the Devil. God does, too.


Today's word is altar. The altar is a sign of God. It is the focal point of connection with Him, the place where sacrifice is slaughtered and offered and shared with God. We might always be thinking of God, about Him, but the altar is where we go TO Him. I do not know how the ancients made earthen and stone altars. Apparently they could be single stone pillars with fire around them, or barbeque slabs with fire underneath - I haven't found a blueprint. And you are correct, altars represent an attitude in us. And the whole idea of altars is a big item in God's vocabulary.

There are a lot of interesting articles about altars, "mizbeach," online. I found this one especially interesting: Mizbeach Ha’ola, The Altar of Burnt Offering. The Hebrew word for altar begins with mem, for Messiah, with the purpose of connection of life dynamic and thanksgiving. Kind of a two-way street. We see the same thing in the name of God, YHWH, where the divine channels down through one window and up from the other. God is one - both windows.

Some of the other sites on God's altars mention that idolators' altars are cursed, even if they have the same form as Jewish altars. A difference noted is that the idolators' altars were at the front of the facility, and the altar in Jerusalem was inside the Temple. What I make of that is that with the idolators' altar you were expected to pay first. The Temple was a house of prayer: you were let in regardless, worked out with God how you would honor Him (that is not doctrine, just me thinking).

The altar in Jerusalem was a point of connection. An altar in our home can be one too. My mother had a prayer bench to kneel on with a Bible open on the front of it. Some can go to the Lord sitting back on an overstuffed chair. I knelt on the floor in front of a folding chair at Grace Bible Church in Honolulu. Have a place.

AHYH and YHWH Exodus 3:14 and Deuteronomy 6:4

AHYH - AHYH occurs in Exodus 3:14 in the Hebrew: "I AM THAT I AM.

YHWH - YHWH occurs in Deuteronomy 6:4 in the Hebrew: "The Lord our God is one Lord" in KJV.

"He is/the Becoming One our God, He is/the Becoming One is One" per me.

Interestingly, AHYH - YHWH occurs in Exodus 3:14 in Alexander's Aramaic: "Ahiyeh Ashur hiyeh," Ashur is the spark that kindles the flame, as imagination/assumption kindles or creates manifestation. Asher (Hebrew), 'THAT,' shows relation of the first to the second.

Neville Goddard's "I AM" Yod-Hey-Vav-Hey Is Misleading

Neville's insistence that yod-hey-vav-hey "for ever and ever means 'I AM'" is misleading, because yod-hey-vav-hey does NOT mean "I AM." YHWH is third person. 'I AM' (first person) is spelled with an aleph: aleph-hey-yod-hey -- AHYH, not YHWH. YHWH references AHYH. 'YHWH' says, "HE IS/THE BECOMING ONE."

Is imagination causative? Yes, it is. HIS imagination is causative. HIS assumption becomes. THAT is what we are dealing with. I believe we are one with God, that we are His imagination, but what we imagine is given up to Him to manifest, as it were on an altar. We are part of the One Who Is, part of His being, but we are not of ourselves being. We are artifacts. Stay humble.