About Neville Goddard's Techniques: Attempt to Answer Questions I Have Been Asked
First of all, Neville learned Hebrew language and kabbalah from an Ethiopian Jew, Abdullah. His was a type of Judaism, the mystical Messianic Judaism "Christianity" would be if it had not been waylaid by the dualistic Western worldview. It is not voodoo or sorcery or magic or dealing with gods, ghosts, demons, or spirits. In this non-dual concept of the world, all universes are manifestation of the ONE BEING, the Source of all existence who also IS all existence. There is no otherness to this God: we are as fully him as he is fully us. This is not the traditional Judaism you are going to find down the street at your local synagogue, in which he is "immanent" but separate. There is no separation. I believe Neville's viewpoint was so aligned with the original mystical Judaism that the people who wrote the Pentateuch would recognize it.
The word 'God' covers a wide stretch, from the incomprehensible and ineffable Most High "Source" ( . . . ) to each quantum particle manifesting the Intelligence that believes It is. It--"God"--has become man (as well as everything else). You and I are becoming conformed in all our nature to ( . . . ). As eternal beings we are covering a lot of ground: before the beginning of the universe we "died" the death of forgetting, crucified to the flesh of these human "lives," to be raised in the likeness of our Father, the Father of "God," ( . . . ). This should take us a long time to perfect. As ( . . . ), we have the time.
I am sorry that is confusing. We cannot think too highly about the Most High, but we can try. The oneness of God is mind-boggling. ( . . . ) is so far beyond all we can even dream, yet so solidly us--all is one thing: ( . . . )!
Most people who get into causative imagining do so to get wealth and privilege for themselves. If your only interest is satisfying your greed and you are looking for a get-rich-quick scheme, I suggest you turn to the Law of Attraction (LOAt). The LOAt uses the Law of Assumption (LOAs) Neville taught (and by which it works), but denies there is a God of any consequence to be concerned with. With LOAt you do not need a conscience, but the LOAs assumes the oneness of our selves with the moral and loving God whom we are becoming and by whom it works. With the LOAs, "If it works, you have found Him." With the LOAt, if it works, you have done it all yourself by vibrating at a higher frequency. Shake well, my friend.
One of the most frequent questions I am asked is whether one has to use all five senses to be "there" in ones imagined state. Let me say that it is desirable, but it depends on the level of your development--your skill set. Compare Noah, who is Adam (your inner you) sunk to the level of Enosh (I believe the 'religion' of the ignorants), with Jesus Christ who "healed with a word." Noah had to bring all the world he wanted to exist into the ark and provide them food for a year. Christ touched and said, “I do wish it, be cleansed” (Mark 1: 40; Alexander) What you need imagine depends on who you know yourself to be. Such comprehension and skill development takes time and practice. The better you do it, the less you have to do. Or at least you get there faster.
The key here is the inner man's "feeling." Okay, inner lady's. Causative Imagining establishes the feeling of a reality that necessarily will be established in ones out-pictured reality by "natural" means. When Neville first learned C. I. from Abdullah and wanted to go to (or later come back from) Barbados, he mentally manufactured a full-spectrum experience of being in Barbados (or later, boarding the ship to leave), with all the concomitant emotions and sensations. These imaginings were pretty big and involved operations. In his later years, Neville said he never got tired of hearing good news for friends. Just hearing with the intense effort to have actually heard, the fruit came. But in all cases he felt that the experience he had mentally attained was real. Really real. He believed he had it, whether he fell asleep in the state after a large effort or breathed the experience to an orgasmic crescendo within seconds. The secret "feeling" is not emotions or tactile sensations; it is the feeling of satisfaction that a real reality has been experienced. Whether you go full spectrum or single sense, it just has to be sensed and believed as real.
What do we do until manifestation comes? What do we do about contrary input, doubts, and negative feelings? What if it is a long gestation period?
Whoa, whoa. Slow down. Once you have actually had the inner experience your future is pregnant, and the outer experience will be delivered. I do not know how one knows his or her future is pregnant, except he or she knows they had the inner satisfaction of reality. Got to invent a stick for this. But until "the meat is on the table," I would suggest exploring the impregnation further; i.e., keep cooking. A bride does not cease having sex with her husband just because she is pregnant, and doing it again does not cancel the existing baby. Praying properly will reinforce your conviction and confidence that you have what you have engendered. It does not mean you doubt while you are getting more familiar with exactly what you want. The trick is to not ever assign "future" to your expectation. Always believe that you HAVE what you desire, that it is HERE and you are moving FROM it.
"What do I do while I am waiting?" How about improving your character? You might have room for improvement. Neville read the Bible religiously . . . without regard to religion: "THIS IS ALL
PSYCHOLOGICAL, AND IT IS ABOUT ME." He also read hundreds of books about the Bible. Pay attention to what God likes because it is like him, and what he dislikes because it is not like him. "Not like him" is sin, and watch which way you go! Learning will affect your inner speech, your attitudes and your thoughts towards others. Your thoughts towards others do affect them, for they are compelled to fulfill your faith-filled expectations; i.e., YOU. Think positively: love is the answer, and give peace a chance.
Something related to this came up while I was writing this post: I watched an "America's Got Talent" show, and a clairvoyant magic act demonstrated a psychic push-technology that initially blew my mind. I have seen several "magicians" predict what their audience would think, do, or say, but this couple, I thought, took it a step further. They supposedly determined what they would have the judges think, and then made the judges think those things as if they were their own thoughts. See "The Clairvoyants: Beautiful Couples Controls The Judge Mind - America's Got Talent 2016"; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6iTMnP2NHc, for fun.
Yes, yes, I know. They are skilled performers and they aren't really doing any telepathy at all (try toe-telegraphy, codes, assistants--such as the unnoticed pair at 5 min. into the video above), but it reminded me so well of what Neville Goddard preached in his lecture, "Mental Diets." He advised his wife, Bill, to think compliments instead of arguments with her boss, because the world--her boss--must reflect her. Your world must reflect YOU!!! (See Gregg Braden, the Seven Essene Mirrors; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EiBsczafvaA). The "Clairvoyants" do have their expectations well and confidently intended, and their world reflects their beliefs. Choose the states you intend carefully, because you are going to get them.
What do you do while you are waiting? Abdullah would say, "How can you be 'waiting' when you HAVE what you desired?" Neville said, "Prayer is thanksgiving; it is praise." Rejoice. Love and appreciate God. Yes, you are he, but don't let that stop you. Minister to him, have mercy to him. Mercy to Him? Yes. Intercede for the poor! They also are him becoming him. In many places in the Bible, at least in Alexander's translations from the ancient Aramaic, God promises favor upon those who show him mercy. When I first noticed that, I thought, whoa, you've got that backwards. But no, He knows He is the poor. He is everything: He is everyone. "Do you love Me, Hearer?" Perhaps we should be teaching them how to have. It will take our minds off waiting.
How to keep your mind of what looks real and threatening while you are waiting, aka keeping faith. Keeping faith while apearances make you crumble inside with fear, how to avoid that.........
Unknown, at 7:35 AM
Judy asks, "How to keep your mind off what looks real and threatening (appearances that make you crumble inside with fear) while you are waiting?" I am not an ordained clergy nor a licensed counselor, but I offer an opinion: deal with the present situation as the person you would like to be would, but simultaneously be calling on the Messiah that you are inside to act NOW. Unfortunately, I have to run now, but I will pick this up for my next post, Dec. 6 or 7, 2016.
Dan Steele
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 6:22 PM
Thanks for the coment, and looking forward to your next post. Meanwhile practicing what you preached...., still dificult because as I act as whome I like to be, then the situation was'nt fearfull, because I had the solution.
Calling on the Messiah that I am inside to act NOW isn't that a contradiction of dealing with the situation of a positiion from the person I would like to be? Confused here.
Unknown, at 10:25 PM
Crumbling inside from fear and not calling upon God within you to act NOW does not sound like a good idea to me. The guys in the boat rowed like heck, yet when Jesus climbed into the boat they were immediately where they were going. As I recall. You are correct, there is a tension in all of this. Faith says do not do anything to accomplish what you desire. Yeah, well, if God says, "Do not do anything to accomplish what you desire," don't. If you are in a bad place, though, and getting the heck beat out of you, you probably should go somewhere else. God is not locked into not acting if we act, especially if we are doing what he wants us to do. One thing I plan to mention in next post is: if while we are waiting for "manifestation" to solve present problem we keep thinking about said problem AS A PROBLEM, it ain't never going away, anyway. We have got to change the face in the mind. "I have imagined you out of my life, you rotten G-d #*%&$ s.o.b!!!" isn't going to work. My mind is full of what I have been reading in Alexander's Daniel 9:24-27 read per Neville and some other discussions. Which is that "Messiah" is a spiritual state of mind to establish "Israel." Israel is God ruling as man . . . in you. Pursue THAT, his righteousness, and I think things will usually go well. And when they do not, you will see the test to make you still better. Our lives here are not worth diddly-squat except for that. Dang, I might just as well have made this my post.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 12:27 AM
Still confused can you explain more about calling on the messiah inside, how do we do this? Perhaps a step by step guidance of manifestation while facing major problems a possibilety?
Unknown, at 1:58 AM
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