Represent. THAT is the way to pray. To pray is to represent in your mind's eye what it is you desire to be, and to BE it. Experience that being as though it were true. It is an accomplishment: you actually have to DO it, experience it as the reality you are in. This is how we present our petition to God, who is our own, wonderful, human imagination.
Representation is the "Pruning Shears of Revision." (See my post: "Neville Goddard's Pruning Shears of Revision: It Is Not Tomorrow That We Fix, But Today's Past";
Teach your children well: the Ineffable is becoming manifest. This is the first principle of the universe: what the Ineffable IS . . . BECOMES manifest. There is a definite pattern: first the state of the Ineffable, then its appearing. We are first mind--the Ineffable's mind (!), then matter.
So we want health, wealth and peace of mind for our children and neighbors. REPRESENT them as such before your mind's eye: they are healthy, wealthy, and have peace of mind.
From Neville Goddard's lecture "How to Really Pray" (audio:; text:
"Well now, what is my responsibility? I want to change my world. Well then, I ask myself, 'What would I see if it were changed? How would I see the world if my world was exactly as I want it to be, how would I . . . how would I see it?' Well then, see it! In my mind's eye, conjure a scene which would imply that it is true - live as though it were true - in 'my mind's eye.' I know I can't make it so, but in the depth of my own being the Father - he has the power to make it so.
"So now I go to my Father. How do I go to my Father? I first of all do what I am called upon to do - I enact a scene implying the fulfillment of my dream, and then I turn it over completely in thanksgiving to him. It is myself, my essential being, but it transcends my reasoning mind. I do not know on this level how it can be done, but I do know that if I have faith in him - it is my own self - it will be done in my world. So we are told in scripture, without faith it is impossible to please him. And those who would draw near to him must believe that he exists, and that he rewards those who seek him. I must believe that he exists, and that he rewards those who seek him.
"Well, without faith it is impossible to please him. What is faith? The same chapter in Hebrews defines faith for us. 'Faith is the assurance of things not seen, the evidence of things hoped for. By faith we understand that the very worlds were created by the Word of God, so that what is seen was made out of things which do not appear.' Well, in my world it hasn't yet appeared. I say it all is contained within my imagination. So I will enact a scene which would imply that it's real. And then, within myself, I give thanks."
Representation is imagining that what you desire is your present and real reality. It is assurance of the thing not seen, the evidence of the exact thing I hope for. Whether you are practicing the Law of Attraction, the Law of Assumption, visualization, contemplation, affirmation, chanting, prayer, or whatever, they all work because at their core is your mental representation of what you desire before your mind's eye as though it were your real and present reality.
You want to pray to God? To Eil Shaddai? He has become your own, wonderful, HUMAN imagination. Representing what you desire to be to your imagination is how you present your petition to Him: "I want exactly this . . . ," and you represent to your imagination what you want as though it were your present and real reality. In your mind's eye you experience it over and over until it takes on all the tones of reality. You have to accomplish its real ness. You feel all the emotions you would feel. Feel the feeling of it being REAL. Really real. MOVE yourself to that state, and then go to sleep. IN THAT REALITY, YOU GO TO SLEEP.
"I am telling you, that whatever you pray and ask for, believe that you will receive, and it shall be given to you" (Mark 11: 24, Alexander). "Faith, then, allows what is anticipated by the Hope [of the Kingdom,] He who was given to them through oaths and by the Revelation of the Invisible." (Hebrew 11: 1, Alexander).
Representation is saying, "This is the reality of my being, and that which I outwardly experienced (and now forgive that it might pass) is not." And God, your imagination, says, "Okay, got ya. One new manifestation coming up!"
See my previous post "Oh, Prayer is MOVEMENT":
I'm very happy to have just recently found your blog, and I don't want to bombard you with questions as I read here... :)
To me, representing something in your mind's eye and experiencing it as if "now," sounds like fantasizing. People fantasize all the time. Feeling it really real. And those fantasies never become a reality.
So the difference must be the "faith"? Entering a fantasy with faith that you are creating something in the unseen realm, which will have its eventual birth in the concrete realm, versus just "a fantasy"?
What are the "tones of reality"? And what is "feeling"? Is it emotions? Or rather is "feeling" getting to that point where you have convinced yourself (your subconscious) that you have just engaged in creative act? Or is "feeling" sensory? The five senses? I can imagine biting into a lemon and "feel" the sensation of its bitterness... but I can only do that because I have tasted a real lemon before. That is called sense memory. If I had never tasted a lemon, could still conjure one in sense memory? I don't know.
I have had only a handful of successes with conscious creation. Each time I used "inner ear." Hearing someone's voice confirm what I wanted. There rally was no "scene." No visual aspect to it. Just their voice... was all I could conjure. Each time, I chose a person whose voice I could easily "hear" in my head. Each time, these were small and fairly insignificant things, so there was no resistance on my part to "letting it go." Each time, I "heard" what I wanted and then asked myself something like, "Do you really believe what you just heard was real"? And I answered "yes." I didn't really engage in any "emotions." But gain these were small things.
It's as if the imagined thing is the film strip and its appearance in the 3D world is that film's projection onto a screen, yes?
I've been reading Thomas Troward, and he says that, "our thought of anything forms a spiritual prototype of it, thus constituting a nucleus or center of attraction for all conditions necessary to its eventual externalization by a law of growth inherent in the prototype itself."
He also said that this eventual externalization is conditional on the seed/protoype being allowed to remain undisturbed. Thus anything that is felt equally and opposite will uproot the planted seed. For me that thing is the daily (all day) mind chatter, self talk, inability to shut out nagging reason and senses. My negative mind chatter seems to run on autopilot. Constantly. Because I'm so frustrated and dissatisfied with my life. (And though I 'get" that what I just wrote there is an "I am" statement, and you could say it is my statement that is creating the experience, I SWEAR that that statement is observational OF my experiences.)
Do you have a post about mind chatter and self talk? Because I tell you, it's exhausting. What do you think about what is called "PTSD"? Do you think it exists? It is self created?
Do you yourself literally do what you've written toward the end of this post? Say aloud or silently, "I want exactly this." And then state it. And then enact a scene implying it. And then... what? I recall Neville would suggest just going to sleep with this repeated lullaby: "thank you, Father."
One thing many "New Thought" people, with the exception of Neville, seem to say is that some manifestations do not happen for any number of reasons, having to do with being "right." But are not ALL desires from God? Why would God give anyone a desire that would/could/should not manifest?
Anonymous, at 9:03 AM
Dear K,
Who said that what we fantasize does not come true? We usually forget our fantasies and do not recognize their fulfillments, but not everything is possible or desirable. It has a lot to do with intention.
The tones of reality are all the senses you mentioned. Listen to Nevillution's YouTube "Sami's Question."
I do not so much practice causative imagining as I observe it. I had seminary and 35 years Bible study before discovering Resurrection in a used book store. I see that C. I. is what Moses was talking about.
No. It is as if it were a play and you are an actor in it. You walk on stage and engage the concrete props and actors, seeing and feeling and hearing an immediate reality as if your being there were to you being "here."
Listen to and read Neville's Mental Diets. I think it is the same as Self Talk. I transcribed and posted How To Use Your Imagination and Mental Diets in this blog.
I have no doubt that PTSD exists, but it is maintained, just as any other disease is, by minds that do not know how to break the cycle. The cycle can be broken and the mind released with learning and practice.
I am not a bid Troward fan--just not familiar with him. Yes, thought forms prototype, but not easily canceled by contrary ideas if revisited and nourished with intention and hope. We are not doing this stuff be ourselves. There is this really big guy called God who is doing it with us and through us. I have heard that he can get some pretty big things done.
I have written much about what I call the 'flip.' We were God's consciousness, but flipped into believing ourselves to be the thought of humans. Ignorant humans. Neville talked about amnesia. We forgot that we are God, and live our lives AS THE IGNORANT HUMAN. God does not have to give us bad desires or desires that ought not manifest; we do that plenty well on our ignorant own. This nature is a state, and we want to ascend to the nature and states of the God we are. Listen to "Unless I Go Away." We were not as God as highly freedomed as the Ineffable. This experience of death is to get us past what was blocking us from being as free as the Most High. This is the work of Jesus Christ fulfilled spiritually from BEFORE the beginning of the universe. I.e., it is guaranteed to be fulfilled physically. It is just going to take some time for us to catch on.
Dan Steele
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 2:18 PM
Dan, Thank You for this reply and all your replies! I stumbled on your blog a day ago and I've been reading avidly because I have this nice long holiday weekend. I could have left comments/questions on each post that I read in the last 24 hours, which is at least 20 posts, but I didn't want to bombard you. It's fascinating that you spent all those years immersed in orthodox theology and managed to find such truths despite. Your understanding goes deeper than mine. I grew up in the church and it really did a number on me, for many many reasons. I will revisit both of those Neville lectures you have suggested. I know I've listened to them in the past. I think it just takes time, at least for me, for things to truly sink in to my understanding. I went through a different process than yours. I went from being very angry for a long time at a God I believed in (the bearded sky God I was taught about) for/because of my life's experiences, to an attempt at Atheism, to dabbling in many other "religions" stumbling on Neville's writings. I think the reason I conclude that "fantasies never come true" (and I should have said some fantasies, or some people's fantasies) is because all the things I dreamed of for myself as a child and growing up, my hopes, things I fantasized about with great regularity, never came to be. But maybe that is because I fantasized with an underlying belief that they would never come true. Religion really messes people up. Especially Calvinism.
Anonymous, at 3:59 PM
Yes, and you are welcome, and you have given me fodder for a new post to deal with these questions you and others ask. We have a real experience, and religion tells us it is this or that while we compare and say, no, not really. We need to keep disproving what religion says and keep what we cannot disprove that is justifiable with our experience. Take care.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 6:31 PM
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