The Becoming God

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Neville Goddard and Revelation 19: 12 : "He Had a Name Written That No One Knew But He Himself" . . . and You.

Several months ago I wrote a note: "Neville Goddard and Revelation 19: 12: Christ dwells in us. He is clothed in us. Our flesh is his robe. Call upon HIM! Esau is the outer flesh-man, Jacob the subtle inner man. Jacob prospered and became two camps. When he discovered God in himself, he found Esau was the face of God."

This must have been from some audio-only of Neville's I listened to, for I cannot find it in text. Anyway, seeing it again I thought I would take a look at Revelation 19 translated from the ancient Aramaic, which I copy below from Victor Alexander's website ( After the passage I have some comments about verse 11 and following:

Revelation chapter 19

    1. After this I heard a great voice of a huge crowd in heaven, saying,

            "Halleluiah!* Salvation and power
            ...and glory and honor to our Allaha,
            2. "For just* and righteous
            ...are his judgments,
            Because he has judged
            ...that great prostitute,
            That one who corrupted
            ...the earth with her fornication,
            And who brought the blood
            ...of her own servants
            Against herself."

    3. And a second time they said,
    "Halleluiah!" And the smoke of her [pyre] was rising forever*.
    4. And the twenty-four priests fell, and the four life forms, and they worshiped the Allaha who sits on the throne, as they said, "Halleluiah!"
    5. And a voice emerged from the throne that said,

            "Glorify our Allaha,
            ...all [you] his servants*,
            And those who submit to him
   the small and the great."

    6. And I heard like the sound of a great crowd, and like the sound of great waters, and like the sound of powerful thunders, saying,

            Since he reigns [in Kingship,]
            Our Maryah Allaha,
            ...the One and Only for all.
            7. "Let us be happy and rejoice*,
            ...and give him glory,
            For it has arrived
            ...the wedding of that Lamb,
            And his bride*
            ...loves* him.
            8. "And he has given her therefore
   be dressed in fine linens,
            Pure and clean,
            ...for those fine linens
            Are the blessings
            ...of the saints."*
            9. And he told me, write,
            "Blessed are they
            ...who are called
            To the wedding feast
            ...of the Lamb."

    And he told me, "These words* of mine are Allaha's truth*."
    10. And I fell at his feet to worship him, and he said to me, "Look! No! I am your companion [in service] and of your brothers, those who possess* the testimony of Eashoa. Worship Allaha, for that testimony of Eashoa is the spirit* of prophecy."

            11. And I saw heaven opened
            ...and behold the white horse,
            And the one seated on it,
            ...[who is] called: "Faithful and True,"
            And [who] judges and wages war
            ...through his righteousness.
            12. And his eyes are like
            ...the flames of fire,
            And on his head,
            ...a tiara of crowns,
            Who has the titles that are written*,
            ...and the name that is written,
            That which no human [being] knows,
            ...except for him.
            13. And he wore the robe
            ...that is drenched in blood,
            And who calls his name,
            The Allaha Manifest.
            14. And the armies in heaven,
            ...follow him on white horses,
            And they are dressed
   clothes of white
            ......and clean linen.
            15. And from his mouth
            ...emerges the sharpened sword,
            with the two edges,
            With which he strikes
            ...the nations,
            And he shall shepherd the nations
   the rod of iron,
            And he squeezes the winepress
            ...of the vine,
            ......of the ferment of Allaha,
            The One and Only for all.
            16. And he has on his robe
            ...and on his thigh
            ......the titles written,
            "King of Kings" and "Lord of Lords."

    17. And I saw an angel as he rose in heaven and cried out in a great voice, as he said:

            To all birds in the midst of heaven,
            Come, gather to the Great feast of Allaha,
            18. So as to eat the flesh of kings,
            And the flesh of generals*,
            And the flesh of warriors*,
            And the flesh of horses and their riders,
            And the flesh of all the children of the free
            And the slaves and the small and great.

    19. And I saw that demon and the kings of the world and their armies, as they gathered to do battle with the one on the horse and his armies.
    20. And the demon was hunted down and the false prophet with him, the one who performed those miracles before him, by which were lost those who took on the mark of the demon and the ones who worshiped his image. And while alive they were both thrown into the sea of fire that burns like* brimstone.
    21. And all the others were killed by the sword of the one who sat on the horse, by that which emerges from his mouth, and all the birds [of prey] ate their fill of their flesh.

    19:1*Lit. Ar. idiomatic figure of speech: "Give him praise!"
    19:2*Lit. Ar. id.: "True."
    19:3*Lit. Ar. id.: "To [the end of] the universes of all the universes."
    19:5*Lit. Ar. id.: "Slaves."
    19:7*Lit. Ar. id.: "Brighten up."
    *Lit. Ar. id.: "Woman," or : wife.
    *Lit. Ar. idiomatic figure of speech: "Is pleased she."
    19:8*Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction retained. Or: "Are the rewards of sainthood."
    19:9*Lit. Ar. id.: "Manifestations."
    *Lit. Ar. id.: "Truths."
    19:10*Lit. Ar. id.: "Have."
    *Lit. Ar. idiom retained. Or: "Essence."
    19:12*Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction retained. Or: "He holds [is famous for] many titles [written names], but has one name."
    19:18*Lit. Ar. id.: "Heads of thousands."
    *Lit. Ar. id.: "The powerful."
    19:20*Lit. Ar. id.: "With."

Well, before I get to verse 12, let me say that in the context of the 2016 American Presidential race's conclusion, verse 2 reminds me of Hillary Clinton. But in my view the passage has no such literal-historical reference or application, though Hillary provides us a salient illustration of the principle, which is what we should expect to find in such an imagic world.

The imagination/consciousness/spirit of God has flipped into being the ignorant mind of man. The ignorance is from amnesia, as that Original Mind has been thoroughly forgotten because we honestly think that we are the human. We are here to cultivate that nature of the Ineffable which is noble and free. The Devil, demon, Satan and their armies are the ignorance that has befallen us. That noble and free nature of the Ineffable is inculcated in us through the righteousness of the Faithful and True who sits on the white horse. His goodness is the war against the ignorance: "When it works, you have found Him--God--to be your own, wonderful, Human Imagination."

It is a principle of my interpretation of the scriptures that the Hebrew word for 'name' means 'nature.' I got this from James Strong's Hebrew and Chaldee dictionary, but I cannot find anyone else who holds to this principle. Take it with a grain of salt, but consider it when you are reading verse 12:

Who has the titles that are written*,
            ...and the name that is written,
            That which no human [being] knows,
            ...except for him.


"He holds [is famous for] many titles [written names], but has one name." Many titles, but one nature, which no one knows but Him: the Ineffable.

He wears a robe drench in blood--your body's living experience--and calls it, "God manifest."

Verse 16: And he has on his robe
            ...and on his thigh
            ......the titles written,
            "King of Kings" and "Lord of Lords."

This is a little confusing. I have seen so many glorious paintings and illustrations of the Man on the horse with the words "King of Kings and Lord of Lords" written on his thigh. "On his thigh" is a really polite way to say his creative member, the rib as it is described in Genesis, or Jacob's sinew. In you, God Manifest, is the power and the wisdom of God--Jesus Christ. You have His power in you.

Verse 21: And all the others were killed by the sword of the one who sat on the horse, by that which emerges from his mouth, and all the birds [of prey] ate their fill of their flesh.

Ignorance is destroyed by those righteous acts of the Faithful and True by that which emerges from YOUR MOUTH, which is your imagination! I know that Ignorance does not want to give up its kingdom, but it shall be utterly destroyed.

Remember how far away you are from the invisible, incomprehensible, Ineffable. Jacob learned imagining--became blessed into being two camps--and discovered that God lived in him. Seeing Esau, his flesh, he said, "I have seen that your face is the face of the angel in my vision" (Genesis 33; 10, Alexander). Our faces are God's! We are his messengers, zero distance from him. Zero distance from the Most High! So keep looking down from on high.


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