The Becoming God

Monday, November 07, 2016

The Mistake

From having been God's consciousness we annexed these human brains, and thus we flipped into this state of complete amnesia and its concomitant ignorance. From this perspective we developed errant worldviews and now make a mistake. It is a big, multilayered mistake: that God is other . . . and that anything other than God is acceptable.

In this mistake is the concept of duality, that there is separation between God and ourselves. We see God as another being, something outside of ourselves. Everything is named and piecemealed: God is over there, Jesus stands in front to his right, there is a Bema Seat in a place, angels travel, God does not actually touch the universe. We read the Bible as history, and boy, is there division there! Cain and Abel, Esau and Jacob, Ishmael and Isaac are to us pairs of brothers, but in reality--the real reality--they are states we pass through of flesh and of spirit as ignoranced God in his sleep.

Galatians chapter 4 (Alexander; is an extremely important passage for those who read the Bible as history. In it Paul explains that we are just visiting here, and for a season we are under ritual as our mother, Hagar and Mount Sinai. But REALLY we are the kingdom of God, as Isaac is the Spirit, and if Isaac, then Israel. The characters of the stories are allegories of the situation that exists in reality, and how can the child of an allegory be anything other than an allegory himself?

The point is that the piecemeal is an illusion: all the bits are one united whole. Christ, God, the flesh, time, spirit, angels, the beginning and the end are all one CONTINUITY: the Ineffable and Its emanation--imagination!!! All are one: the "layers" have no division. How all that works I have no idea, but I marvel.


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