The Becoming God

Thursday, November 24, 2016

The Characters of the Bible, the Image of God, and How the Bible is Understood

I call "Ineffable" the great, unknowable, unfathomable, incomprehensible, invisible, imperceptible Source of all being. We call It Father and Mother, Eil, Ein Sof, Elohim, and YHWH, but the Ineffable is above and beyond Ein Sof, the endlessness. And yet It is Eil Shaddai: the almighty, all-providing Breasts. All--absolutely all--comes from It. It is beyond being 'force' or 'power' or 'intelligence' or 'mind' -- It is beyond any sort of "being." It is beyond thingness; It is beyond movement -- and yet It imagines. The Ineffable's Imagination (verb!) is Its one action, and that action is wholly Its "Image." The Imagination of the Ineffable is Its only Image, the Manifestation. Hence, "When it (causative imagining) works, you have found Him." There is nothing else by which we can know the Ineffable.

The Imagination of the Ineffable is that which we call God: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. "As that which was before the beginning, (the Ineffable's Imagination/Son) created 'God,' the Heavens, and the Earth," to fulfill the manifestation of the Ineffable (Genesis 1:1; my personal interpretation, thanks to Victor Alexander and Rabbi David A. Cooper). The Imagination's power and wisdom in us is to us "Jesus Christ," or if you would, Eashoa Msheekha: the Life-giving, Living Branch--i.e., the Imagination of the Ineffable that is our life!

All potential for everything that can happen is the Imagination. The Imagination is everything that can happen--if it is not imagined, it does not and cannot exist! Each and every "happening" in the universe is a state. States are transitory: one flows into another continuously in what we call "time." Each state as it manifests is the Ineffable via imagining at that moment; it is a "portrait" of the Ineffable. As individualized conscious spirit of the Imagination, we flow through states we have imagined somewhere in time. You see your state? That is the Ineffable at the moment, for you are the Ineffabe at the moment. Or at least Its reflection. Learn to look well, for we are enabled to elect the state of the Ineffable we wish to be by assuming that we are that state. Hey, that is what He is doing, and we are portraits of him.

The states of the Ineffable are what the Bible is all about. The Bible is about the Ineffable's states: the states that are, the states that we are in, the states we can be, the states we need to attain to or acquire. What is interesting is that almost absolutely no one in the whole world recognizes this! The various natures of the states are indicated by the "names" of the characters of the Bible. The Hebrew word for 'name' means the nature of a thing, so the "names" or natures are the most important part of the Bible--they are the states the stories are talking about--and they are the one thing that absolutely no translator translates! Ironically, they are the one thing the whole Bible is about!!!

If you (as much as you are able) do translate them yourself, you will see that the Bible is wholly psychological and is about states of being and awareness and not history. The historical aspect, perhaps, shows the structure of the relationships among the states involved. But where can we find the meanings of the ancient Aramaic, Hebrew, and Chaldee names? Victor Alexander says that Strong's Hebrew and Chaldee dictionary is about worthless, and his own Aramaic dictionaries he has had to rewrite because of their inadequacies. Where does that leave us poor lexiconless pikers? Learn to listen to God, my friends, for He is the only one who knows.

It is apparent that God is a field much like gravity that is intelligent and powerful. The field is endless, and everything in it is it. We are all this one thing, this field. Alexander has noted that the word 'Adam' comes from the Aramaic word for portrait, adam-tha, though I rather believe that the Aramaic word for 'portrait' comes from Adam, our inner man, which is a portrait of that field which is God. Our lives are fields of work within the work of the intelligent and powerful field that is God. Our "work" is manifesting that which already is.

Because of the way the Bible is written, people think that God is a big guy composed of unapproachable light who is eternally sitting in big chair in a place called Heaven and a guy standing beside him with dead people bowing all around praising them, with angels rushing back and forth telling him all the things in the universe that are happening to get permission from him to do this or that or another. That seems like a stretch to me. God IS, and all the states that he already IS are becoming manifest as we flow through them and our nature becomes more like his. The high state that He is is where we are going.

Which brings me to trying to understand the Bible as it is written. The translators read it as a literal, linear history and imagine the characters as real people doing their spiritual work historically at that time. Thus Jesus Christ--Eashoa Msheekha--performed his work of salvation on the cross two thousand years ago. It escapes them that the state of salvation was established by God FROM BEFORE THE BEGINNING OF THE UNIVERSE. It is that EXISTING state of salvation which is being REVEALED. Knowing this, we have to interpolate "the revelation of Jesus Christ" back to the historic work FROM BEFORE THE BEGINNING OF THE UNIVERSE with its continuing influence and effect. We were born into ignorance of the existing Grace--two states--and by moving into the state of knowledge the work of Jesus Christ at the beginning makes us one.  It is in this way that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

Ephesians 2

1. Also to you who were dead in your sins and foolishness, 2. As you walked in the ways of old, according to the worldliness of this universe, and according to the leaders of the earth's governments,* in the spirit that compels Children to be heedless, 3. According to the same practices that we also followed in the past through the lust of our flesh, and according to the flesh we did what we considered justifiable,* and ended up being children of wrath like everybody else.
4. Allaha, however, who is rich in mercy, loved us because of His great love, 5. Whereas we were dead in our sins, He gave us life with the Messiah and saved us by his grace, 6. And He raised us with him and placed us in heaven through Eashoa Msheekha, 7. That He may show the universes that are coming, the great riches of his grace and His fulfillment through Eashoa Msheekha that descended upon us. 8. For it was by Grace that he saved us through faith, and this was not of your doing, except the gift of Allaha. 9. Not through the performance [of deeds,] so that no human should be proud. 10. For we are his creation, whereas we are born through Eashoa Msheekha as works of grace, those by which from olden times Allaha favored us. 11. Because of that, remember that you people were in the beginning according to the flesh, and that you were called unto circumcision from uncircumcision, which is accomplished with hands of flesh.*
12. And you were in that age without the Messiah, and you were foreigners of Israel,* and you were strangers to the covenant of the kingdom, and you had no hope and no Allaha in the world. 13. Now, however, through Eashoa Msheekha, those of you who were outsiders* in the old times, have become kindred through the blood of Eashoa Msheekha. 14. For he is our peace, he who made two into one, and who united the knot of the old pair in equality, 15. And [he resolved] the enmity in his flesh, and the Law of commandments he cancelled by his own commandment, so as he may rebuild both lines through his Triune essence into one new human being, and create peace, 16. And so he may gaze upon both of them in one body with Allaha, and so he may kill the enmity by his Cross, 17. And so he may come and proffer peace upon you, to those who had wandered off and to those who had stayed near.

Footnotes: *2:2 Figure of speech retained: Secular leaderships that do not accept Eashoa Msheekha as Maryah and Allaha. -- *2:3 “According to conscience.” -- *2:11 To understand the significance of the Cross (a concept lost to Western theologians,) there has to be opposition of the two paths, the one branch suspended horizontally in the air, the symbol of the Spirit, anchored by the vertical branch that is buried in the ground, symbol of the world. The horizontal branch cannot stand without the vertical branch, or else the cross loses its significance and purpose. Thus accordingly without opposition, Christianity cannot exit. -- *2:12 Continuing reference to the symbol of the Cross. -- *2:13 Figure of speech: “Distanced.”


The Ancient Aramaic Church understood. When we understand, we are a part of that body of believers. This puts me in an odd way, because the most reliable translation I know of is written by Victor Alexander, who holds to the literal-historic interpretation! Still I use his translation, because I can interpolate his impressions to the ancient meanings. No one said this was going to be easy.


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