The Becoming God

Monday, November 14, 2016

A Neville Goddard-esque Perspective on Why and How Hillary Clinton Lost the 2016 Presidential Election

Hillary lost the election only because she is a criminal. There was no other reason. Well, that and her probably being a clinical sociopath. She refuses to follow rules. If you follow God's rules you get rewarded. If you break God's rules you get punished. She is getting punished. Look, Hillary, there is a God and he is effectual . . . and he is you.

What we REALLY imagine becomes manifest. You casually imagine that you will get away with all your crimes; as a lawyer you can rationalize and excuse them. But in your heart you fear the reality that you can get caught. That is the REAL imagination of your soul, and as God it becomes (and it must become) manifest. YOU compelled the FBI. Do not blame the policeman for catching you.

God is becoming. He is God Who Is Becoming. We are the where and how he is becoming. For God to be become, his manifestation, which is us, has to be conformed to Him. God is righteous, and if we make our life NOT conform to Him by being criminal, our punishment is what we have made it! You, Hillary, make yourself a criminal: your punishment is being a criminal. And so most of America, as far as the Electoral College is concerned, could not vote for you. Could not, for how could they vote for a criminal?

It was not that Donald Trump had more desirable qualities, or any desirable qualities at all. Ronald Reagan's chimp could have run against you, and she would have won: "Glass ceiling broken by chimp!"

It is time to repent and conform yourself to the right and noble and gracious God Who Is Becoming, for this is an imagic world. Conform to His image, which is to imagine as he does.


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