Covid-19 Prayer, Believe in the Resurrection of Jesus
My difficulty in getting this post written is I believe all the Bible, but not in the traditional way. The kerugma means something else to me. How can I explain it? As so often happens, I looked upon my bookshelf and noticed a book I haven't read in about three or four decades. The title on the spine is completely faded out to a yellowish white, but I know immediately what the book it is: George Eldon Ladd's I Believe in the Resurrection of Jesus. Providentially, I flipped the book open to pages 40-41. I guess I spent some time there: "The important point at the moment is that the resurrection of Jesus was the central proclamation of the early church." Yes, it was. Ladd notes that the early church did not proclaim much about Jesus' life, his teachings, or even his sacrificial death. Their central focus was on his RESURRECTION.
I had to think about that. The Season of Grace had culminated in the Anointing of YHWH upon a man who gave his life to become the Messiah, which means that the culmination of the Season of Grace was the resurrection. Like Ladd, I believe in the resurrection of Jesus; I just do not believe in the same Jesus, a separate Jesus. Jesus is YHWH, the ACTION of God in and through us. The Ineffable is conscious. That consciousness is us. YHWH, the Son of God in the Beginning (see Genesis 1:1), became man. His resurrection was not without us. The proclamation of the early church was that the resurrection is present and is real--Life is restored to us! Now. It is available to us now IN HIM.
THAT'S why people were being healed: the lame leaping, the sick recovered, the dead raised to life. THAT'S why they were told to repent: repentance is revision of our ATTITUDES. Faith that our resurrection is a REALITY. We are appreciative, happy, thankful, grateful, full of worship and adoration. Take God and OUR resurrection as serious as a heart attack. It isn't coming; it is here. We are "there," as Neville would say. We could get Covid-19 at any moment and find ourselves in the battle of our lives, God forbid, but here is the key I offer: You were resurrected. You are resurrected. By His stripes you WERE healed. Find the ATTITUDE: God's reality ... taken as seriously as anything can be.
See "Raise Social Distancing to an Art Form — No Germs From or To Anyone or Anything" March 25, 2020
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