The Becoming God

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Love as the Ineffable’s Existence

Rereading yesterday's post, I wanted to strike it, but I don't know if I can say it better. Reflecting on Steve Gardipee's attempt to express what he saw/felt while dead (you call THAT "death"?), I had one of those spiritual-comprehension vision things that are so hard, if not impossible, to put into speech. Of course, no one is going to be able to describe the Ineffable, but I got a glimpse, a feeling of something incomprehensible. I remember Jack Hayford describing it as "something you know is just ahead of you, a bit out of reach, a little to the left around an invisible corner you can't quite catch up to." Something like that. I saw the Ineffable as Love. Love as an existence unto Itself. That was Its state: infinite, eternal, invisible, all the omnis LOVE. Motionless, complete, perfect. And that Love had to move, because It is Love. So It moved by consciousness, thought, imagination, intelligence--Its powers--Its "kingdom."

Everything that is is the expression of that complete and perfect Love--the Ineffable--by consciousness. That eternal Milta (Manifestation) became the Beginning and the End, YHWH, and in the Season of Grace, Jesus Christ--Love as existence Itself.

Now, this world seems to be a horrible, horrible place due to our ignorance, which indeed is horrible, horrible. But the Milta became this (from what It was) in faith that the Love It was would work It's way out through whatever It in darkness became.

I have often said that we are bits of consciousness. We are, but deeper than that we are bits of LOVE--Love in expansion. All of us. It is my impression that even the darkest, hate-filled cruel and rebellious soul will through many lives come around to love, but I don't know. There seems to be a lot of "oblivionate" in the Aramaic. I wouldn't advise putting it off.


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