The Becoming God

Tuesday, April 07, 2020

Was It Real? And Exodus 3:14

What do you find God to be like? I rejected him. He opened my eyes to see my error, and he saved me. He baptized me with his Holy Spirit. He confirmed his call with his audible (i.e., into my physical nervous system) voice. I have had minor and major physical problems. He healed me. He has healed my friends. He has always only been good, kind and forgiving towards me. By him I have increase, expansion, more. That inherent tendency of him is the "kingdom" of God. When you go to him for healing; don't you fear he will punish you instead? No, FOR HE HAS NO NEGATIVE. The negative part is from US. Is us. Our negative nature leaves him as we get rid of it ourselves. God is only good: he is inflow, jutting over, excess--Life. There is no hell from him. No punishment (the body goes to the grave; the spirit does this shtick again until it grows). God and his kingdom are only good, loving, beneficial.

Moses was feeling this out. He called this goodness Jethro. He was married to the idea. And it said to him, "My becoming (increase, expansion) is the nature of God. I see that your mind has a lot of trouble in it. I have come to straighten it out, to get you thinking like me" (Exodus 3:14-17 me).

God's voice manifesting in my brain's nervous system so that I "heard" it and the little bit of lengthening of my arm were real in the sense of historical, empirical reality. I have no idea as to whether atoms were added to my arm, or if the existing atoms were rearranged. I do know that I WATCHED my arm grow out. A bit. I did not move. It was real.

As I noted to Gini 101, this blog is my trying to figure everything out. I came back to this post to say: God is real; he is good; what do I (we) do about it? "Do the works of God -- believe in the Son -- imagine." God assumes we are as he has concluded: his Manifestation. "Okay, God. I am going to assume I am you, your manifestation. And assume like you. Assume what you would assume. And believe that it is as I assume, because that is good, and you are good. You are resurrection." This is what I get from Dr. Franck C. Laubach, Carl F. Rehnborg, and Neville Goddard. Happy assuming good, the kingdom of God, to you: “You are IN Barbados,” said Abdullah to Neville. You are IN.


  • I don't understand how the negative could be only in us if there is no duality, no separation from God; if there is only God in the world; if "I kill and I make alive; I wound and I heal" ....?

    By Anonymous Anonymous, at 9:27 AM  

  • As you might have expected, 9:27, I made your question into a post: May 1st, 2020, How God is Only Good With Negativity in Us Without Duality:

    By Blogger Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 3:05 PM  

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