Some Observations On The Meaning And Function Of Jesus, Jethro, Moses, And The Bible
The intent of the Bible’s authors was that we might have whatsoever our hearts desire. Jesus preached the kingdom of God. Moses wondered about Jethro, God’s excellence. The kingdom of God is that invisible power of God, God’s excellence, which gives us whatsoever we desire.
The word ‘Jesus,’ according to what I worked out some years ago in my word studies, does not mean “God’s Salvation” as much as it means “God saving us.” Jesus is the ACTION of God, a principle in the nature of YHWH; i.e., that God’s goodness comes through in what he does.
Moses is the germ of the Gospel in us which notices this. God WANTS us to notice and to discover who and what we are. You learn; you preach. Moses noticed that Jethro was the kingdom of God: “Ashur (consciousness/awareness/imagination/belief) is God’s becoming” (Exodus 3:14a). That is what we are, and that is what we are to do.
I cannot recommend highly enough Merlin Carothers’ Power in Praise (1972, Plainfield, NJ: Logos International), a book I inherited over fifteen years ago from my mother’s library but didn’t read until I realized that praise is the key to the kingdom of God. Colonel Carothers discovered that we praise God for whatever horrible conditions we find ourselves in NOW because we trust that he is working all things together for our good, and praise him for whatsoever we believe we HAVE RECEIVED from the situation we find ourselves in. It’s “You have not made a mistake. You have not failed. You are working all things, including this, together for my good.”
God is a powerful, invisible consciousness dreaming this reality. It isn’t a two-dimensional dream on a plane, but a four to eight or more dimensional dream more like a silo. Jethro wasn’t a man. Moses is that seed of the Gospel within us. His curiosity is our curiosity: “What makes the world tick?” The answer is, “God.” That moving force is the kingdom of God. Jesus is the action of God saving us, and praise is the “miracle spring water” of his effect. Finding the kingdom of God is recognition of the Consciousness that is dreaming everything; that it is dreaming us dreaming us. Thus we dream and praise and thank him for THIS cross he is raising us from. For this is the way to his manifestation. There is perfection in what he is doing. Glory in the cross!!
‘Jethro’ = the kingdom which acts in providing good — “whatsoever your heart desires.” God is saying in Exodus 3:14, “That is My becoming.” So we should live in the imagination of constant praise, worship, and thanksgiving. God wants this word out. Promulgated. Publish it. It pays to advertise. If you don’t believe me, look at Kenneth Copeland and all the prosperity teachers. Let people know what you think, and praise, love, and trust God. Praise creates the kingdom!
In a sense, God did say what the Jewish text says he did in Exodus 3:14. Moses was wondering about Jethro, His Excellence, the kingdom (power), the spiritual force directing the universe to provide whatsoever we want. And God said, “I AM THAT.” I. e., our imagination. “I AM THAT ‘I AM.’”
Hi Dan,
Is there a post with a "Reading list"? It would be most useful to have a list of the books you've recommended.
Thank you,
Maria Paula, at 5:22 AM
Actually, I believe I did write some posts with lists of books, but I am not sure what else was the topic to find them under. Several of the most influential books I have read were before I even became a Christian over forty years ago, and boxloads I have sold over the years. Some of the things which have informed me are just bits of a book; a page or an idea, like Carl Rehnborg's idea of the kingdom I have adopted. I keep J. B. Phillips' "Your God Is Too Small" where I will always see its title on the binder. The title is all I care for, a precious reminder. My Romans professor, Dr. Ray Shelton, said any good theologian's bible will automatically fall open to whatever page Romans 5:12 is on. He wrote his dissertation on the Greek 'o (ho), which the translators ignored or misunderstood. We are all born "dead," spiritually insensitive, "because of which" ('o) we sin. Not die because we sin. Some little thing like that I will find in a book, and then I'll keep the book just because I know it's in there when I see the book. I can't have you reading the tomes to ferret out the fragments. But the biggies? I'll try to make up another list with some annotations of good books, like Dr. Frank Laubach's and Merlin Carothers'. By the way, some of the books are notable because they are so bad. I have collected Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormon tracts and atheists'/flat earthers' arguments just because they are such good examples of how stupid people are. How incredibly illogical we can be (got to make sure we are not doing the same!). "Magic, Witchcraft, and Religion" by Lehmann and Myers is fascinating and insight-generating, but almost too scary to keep in the house. It could only be recommended by a seminary professor who routinely cast out demons, and expected the same from his students. Such has informed me, too, but I would hesitate to recommend such a "bad" book or the arguments of idiots as good Christian reading.
Thanks for the suggestion.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 3:53 PM
It sounded like an interesting project, Maria, so I did make up something of a list for you:
"A Reading List For Maria":
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 2:34 AM
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