The Law of Attraction is a Fraud! There is No Such Thing . . . and How to Use It
This is what the real Bible is all about. Neville Goddard called it the Law of Assumption. For we -- the psychological forces in us -- are ever causing what we assume to be true, be it good, bad, or indifferent, to manifest.
You want? By faith believe you received and imagine -- assume -- that your life is that which it would be if you had what you want. What would your life be like? How would it feel? Pick out a significant consequence that would follow having what you want and experience it in your mind. Really experience it. Make the intense effort to feel and hear and see that moment of your life as though it were your present. Be there and think from that place, as though you were an actor on a stage in the play of your assumed life. Do this in a sleepy, drowsy state and do it over and over and over again until you fall asleep in the action.
Attraction? That's a crock made up to deny the divine spirit that animates our being and causes our assumptions to become our reality. Let your LOA be the Law of your ASSUMPTION.
Awesome! Love this!
John Peter, at 11:31 PM
I have never met anyone with a negative attitude doing well in life. Just wondering how you came to this conclusion. Do you actually have proof?
Unknown, at 1:02 PM
In my profile is my e-mail address, Let's dialogue about this via e-mail, as it is apparent you either did not read my article or could not understand it.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 11:08 PM
Neville Goddard was nuts. You don't imagine your friend won't lose their job and your imagination makes it true. No one imagined Covid19 bringing that into existence. Successful liars believe their lies but their lies don't come true.
Unknown, at 11:40 PM
Neville Goddard was observant. All - everything - is consciousness. It just isn't working in the way you think it would or should. Keep looking at what IS happening. What has become true for you is the success of YOUR lie, and you do not see it. But there it is: what you are living. Who said no one imagined Covid-19? The research lab in Wuhan was LOOKING for viruses which occur in bats that might potentially spark a pandemic. The whole crew was concentrating on it, imagining what they were looking for. Duh. Keep looking yourself for the mechanism of beneficence/increase in "nature." THAT is the causative Kingdom of God. It has a lot to do with what this is all about. LOA, not so much. Thanks for reading and for the comment.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 12:59 AM
Neville Goddards philosophy is based on solipsism which is very dangerous, I'm much better off dropping all this toxic nonsense.
Anonymous, at 2:27 PM
Dear Anonymous at 2:27,
I understand solipsism to believe only MY self is real and knowable. Neville believed, as far as I can understand it, only God's self is real and knowable, and THAT self exists as everything, including us.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 4:24 PM
Exactly and there's zero evidence that Abdullah existed either and for a man who had such grandiose revelations his personal life was not something to be desired, he basically drank himself to death and his own daughter doesn't want anything to do with the "Law". People need to really stop putting this man on a pedestal as if he hacked the secret of reality, he was just one of the more charismatic guru's in the long line of New Thought teachers. You're better off looking into the deeper Rosicrucian school or Taoist philosophy than Neville Goddard, Neville took older ideas then repackaged them and took them too the extreme so he could market himself.
Anonymous, at 3:23 PM
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