The Holy Ghost, the holy spirit, is not a separate entity. It is the same one you and I have and are, BUT WITH GODLIKE/GODLY THOUGHTS. Our human consciousness has some kind of buffering ignorance which keeps us from thinking at the God level. There is a part of it, though, which is beyond the buffer. Receiving the holy spirit is the removing or easing of that buffer to let God-level energy and consciousness flow into our human experience. The Holy Spirit isn’t a God who comes from some other region of space; it’s the amping up of what we’ve got.
The job of Jesus Christ is open.
Hi Dan,
This may seem like a most basic question, but I am wondering if you could unpack "God is your own wonderful human imagination" a la Neville. And I would ask you to please if you can, explain it like you're talking to a ten year old ;) because I find the concepts difficult to grasp.
Neville says my imagination is God. Is that the only part of "me" that is God? He preaches non-duality (no separation), yet there seems to be no way around dualism. He taught "I am God" but also taught that I (the human "I") am the operant power (the one steering God). This is dualistic, unless God is steering God.
I'm wondering what, to your thinking, constitutes "God" in Neville's statement that "God is your own wonderful human imagination." And I realize you use the term Ineffable. Still yet you have a blog delving into the nature of God and Man, so please indulge the question.
In Neville terms, is "God" solely my unconditioned awareness of being? Adding anything to "I Am" is adding to the name of God, he says. So, what about my thoughts, my mental diet, my feelings... are those God too? If I have a negative thought such as "I'm so stupid," is that God having that thought. IS that thought God? Or is that "me"? (separate from God). If God is consciousness then how can any thought not be God?
Or is "God" just pure consciousness, pure unconditioned awareness of being (if so, Neville's calling God "imagination" is a misnomer)? If God is pure unawareness of being then who/what is thinking? Who/what is "adding to the name of God"? Many differentiate it by use of the word "ego." But if God is creator of all, then God is creator of said ego, and is creator of who/what is thinking and of all the thoughts being entertained.
Do you see my confusion?
Anonymous, at 1:24 PM
Eh, give me a few minutes . . .
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 2:21 PM
See "The Guy Increasing"
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 5:11 PM
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