The Becoming God

Friday, May 17, 2019

The Amazing, Mysterious Mechanics of the Kingdom of God

Perhaps the most amazing and mysterious thing about the kingdom of God is that it is going on all of the time all around us, and we do not even notice it. Like right now. Look around. What you see doesn't register as being you, does it? Yet the kingdom of God is manifesting our selves right in front of us. And while we must see our manifestation as our world if we can see at all, we do not see it as pertaining to our selves. The outside world seems to be separate in every way, because the powers which are manifesting it from us are invisible to us. We forget that we have been what is now being manifested. The kingdom’s recurrence is like a joker’s prank: we are watched and led while oblivious to the game. Except this is no joke. This is the consequence of having been born into ignorance. We have forgotten everything. We are blind to what is going on.

The kingdom of God is that power which manifests the recurrence of ourselves ALL AROUND US. The effect of this recurrence is to generate God's becoming in us. He is our evolution. That's what he is doing. We are tough nuts to crack, tough rows to hoe, so it takes a long time. But one thing about being eternal is that you can take a long time to get things right.

“The kingdom of God is within,” said Jesus. “It is like this," he said, "and it is like that.” Who in his audience had already noticed the kingdom before he described it? Absolutely no one (except maybe some Essene mystics). His audience couldn't even understand his illustrations. Ever so strangely, the kingdom of God is us -- we are the kingdom. It is just hard for us to see that we are the One.

The kingdom of God is not some far away paradise planet, nor is it God's authority over all creation. It is not anything separate from us. The kingdom of God is God's rule in nature. It is the nature of nature as God himself manifests himself by nature. He manifests himself; THAT is the kingdom of God. We are "the operant power."

The kingdom of God is a CONSCIOUSNESS. It operates as a person. There is judgment, discrimination of action. It weighs values; ITS values. At the Beginning, it was appointed man once to die as Christ became us. We began as Christ “dying” of knowledge of our godhood. After this “death” — however many lives it may take — we succeed in the judgment: His likeness. This “must be being” done.

To see the kingdom of God, we need mirrors. I mentioned people of the Essene sect above because Gregg Braden suggests that that group understood the projection of ourselves in the out-picturing of ourselves all around us. The out-picturing is what we are . . . all dimensions of what we are . . . having become the total compass of the world we live in. Braden provides a handy graphic (at 38:22) listing seven of the mirrors and what of ourselves each one purportedly projects:

The mirror of the moment.
The mirror of what we judge -- what we charge against others.
The mirror of that which is lost, given away, taken away.
The mirror of most forgotten love.
The mirror of "Father/Mother."
The mirror of quest into darkness.
The mirror of self-perception.

Here are some sites which explain what these mirrors signify, what they are reflecting, and how:

My interest here is the force itself. It is the power mechanism which makes each of these mirrors manifest our lives from our lives; i.e., the “mirrors” are recurrence of our selves. Our lives are like light which has emanated from a light bulb. It is a constant flow, even though it appears sometime in the future. This flow mechanism has been doing what it does forever with hardly anyone ever noticing. It is God's eternal nature manifesting. Obviously, some of the ancients noticed. Perhaps pre-earth contributors to the Consciousness in the electromagnetic field noticed, too. I suppose God may have whacked them upside along the head like he did with Moses when he said (regarding Jethro, “His Excellence”), "That's Me" (Exodus 3:14a, paraphrased).

We do not see the hand of the Orchestrator's kingdom operating somehow from behind us, but it is his world which appears in front of us. It is his becoming from our thought to experience. Our manifestation is his manifestation BY the kingdom of God.


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