To Anonymous Who Referred Me To Pappu Fusss' Blog, "did god ruined my life"
You said, "Read something more about God here." Almost nothing about God there. Except we see an example of the ignorance I am trying to cure here. Pappu was a young man who wanted true love. He fell in love with a woman he spoke to on the telephone, and she broke his heart by serially cheating on him. So Pappu went to a Hindu god's temple, offered a coconut and incense, and begged for relief from his pain. Surprise, surprise, nothing happened. But does Pappu learn that God cannot be bribed with a coconut He already owns? No.
Pappu goes on. He freely gave lifts on his bike to a friend at college, and became upset when his friend did not pay him for the favors. Grace you have to pay for is not grace, Pappu. And then a womanizing friend hurt a naive woman, and Pappu realized that innocents get hurt with mechanical regularity in this world. Like the world was made for it.
Well, Pappu, it was. Your innocence is the result of your ignorance, and your ignorance was put here, into a world of futility, to give you opportunity and motivation to realize who and what you are. No outside coconut god is going to do that. Only God inside you can do that, and this is what he put all of us here for -- He wants to do it, to be your Father.
The point is, He is. He is the God who became everything and causes all things to do what they do. That does not always please us. But because He is the one who does everything to everyone, all of whom are Him, there is no guilt for anyone for whatever has been done. It is simply what has been done. Almost all of it in mistaken ignorance. There is no Karma. All there is for our "punishment" is continuance in ignorance. There is no reincarnation, for there was never incarnation. God's intelligence has become what we call matter, and we are God's consciousness, "spirit," which visits upon the body as though it were ours. The spirit does not incarnate, but visits, restored upon body after body, through this extended period in the state of "death" -- the ignorance of who and what we are.
We are here to develop as individual persons of the nature of God, which nature we already are, but no longer to be directed and controlled as automatonic prophets. We use the bodies and this world for experience, for discovery of what we indeed are.
You cannot hate a god you have never known. Yet the true God is within you. All humanity was created within Him as His son. It is His spirit which animates us, just like your father gave you life. But we are the consciousness which thinks it is the body. We hunger and thirst for the body's sake, but its hunger and thirst is symbolic, "imagic," of the imagination's hunger and thirst for knowledge of its Godhood.
So anyway, Anonymous, I did not learn much about God from Pappu. I have "been there, done that." Innocence is ignorance, and ignorance is unbelief of the Truth. I was innocent and ignorant, and like Pappu I had some belief in God. Not much better than his: I had no knowledge of the Truth, either. But in my life I got a taste of the miraculous among the Nichiren Shoshu in Seattle, Washington, and after confronting an honest-to-God deceiving spirit in Honolulu, Hawaii, I fell in among a group of Pentecostal Christians at the House of Praise in Kaimuki.
They, an outreach of YWAM (Youth With A Mission), demonstrated the miraculous in a big way: signs and wonders, healings, speaking in tongues, and glorious conversions. When I went to ask for the gift of tongues and found myself rejected of God, I concluded from my experience that He was indeed there, and that I was indeed not deluded but REJECTED. I doubled down on getting accepted, on learning why I was rejected and getting that out of my life. And God showed me and worked me around to becoming accepted. Casting my rebellious self-lordship out of myself, I found true surrender and submission to God. I wish I could say that I stayed there, but He has never let me go and continues to teach me day by day Who and What we are. One thing Hinduism has right is that we will never get out of here until we learn/discover what we are.
Hi Dan,
Can you explain what's the gift of tongues?
Keep up the great work!
Anonymous, at 3:41 PM
Please see reply, “The Gift of Tongues” at
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 2:53 AM
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