The Becoming God

Friday, May 24, 2019

A Finite Infinite (Not Really)

If you were raised with an “I AM THAT I AM” type of theology, you probably believe that the Ineffable Most High has for all eternity known everything that would ever happen or would ever be. That It has had foreknowledge of all eternity from the beginning of eternity to its end. Not that there was or would be either. The rallying cry of this group is, "God does not change!"

I believe that the Ineffable has developed over Its lifetime. It would have started out as something like a spiritual gravity or field which eventually became aware of Its own existence. Aware that It was, It would have gone through an “I think, therefore I am” phase of discovering what It was that was thinking. We are born into a futility like unto that search for comprehensive self-awareness. The Ineffable has always been, only now It thinks and acts by predetermined imagination.

Proverbs chapter 8 presents a child, the first of God’s creative acts, who was daily before God as His delight. I believe that was the Ineffable’s own childhood, Its own period of development which served as the model for the Ineffable’s Manifestation. "This is how I developed; this is how my manifestation will develop" -- the Ineffable’s personal history. As above; so below.

Everything it would take to produce the manifestation of the Ineffable in each and every one of us was foreknowed (sorry) — worked out — in individual acts over ages of time. Every feather falling from a bird, every leaf swept down the gutter, every twitch of your eye when your kid leaves his underwear on the bathroom floor again, was calculated for its contribution to the Manifestation. What is now foreknown was thought out as the child. And in that child we are born.

What a wonderful God to praise and worship. The Child grew up, and so do we.


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