The Becoming God

Monday, May 27, 2019

Give Me That Old-time Religion: Jesus is Jethro, the Kingdom, YHWH's Beneficence, AND MY ACTION

I was just looking through The Prosperity Bible: the greatest writings of all time on the secrets to wealth and prosperity (2007; New York: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Penguin), which cost me all of fourteen bucks when I bought it through Amazon years ago. I was going to read Shinn's The Game of Life and How to Play It, because I so enjoyed a youtube video on abundance last night in which she stressed that faith is expectation (OMG, there are four, five, or more of these videos, all of differing lengths). “Your expectation hath healed you.” “Be it unto you according to your expectation.” Tell me that’s not Neville.

I got sidetracked in the Prosperity Bible by stories by Hill, Conwell, and Wattles. I saw in Wattles' table of contents Increasing Life, which reminded me of Jethro, God's Excellence:

"CHAPTER 5 - Increasing Life

"YOU must get rid of the last vestige of the old idea that there is a Deity whose will it is that you should be poor, or whose purposes may be served by keeping you in poverty.

"The Intelligent Substance which is All, and in All, and which lives in All and lives in you, is a consciously Living Substance. Being a consciously living substance, It must have the nature and inherent desire of every living intelligence for increase of life. Every living thing must continually seek for the enlargement of its life, because life, in the mere act of living, must increase itself. A seed, dropped into the ground, springs into activity, and in the act of living produces a hundred more seeds; life, by living, multiplies itself. It is forever Becoming More; it must do so, if it continues to be at all."

The Intelligent Substance. That's the Consciousness, the imagination, THE image of the Ineffable. It must increase. Like the point of the universe before the Big Bang. The Big Bang is an image of the Ineffable's urgency to increase. That is what we are. (By the way, I noticed again in Hill's Think and Grow Rich the comment that all success starts with an idea, and that that is half of the "secret." Well, of course the other half of the secret is to follow the idea with faith in action. That's what Shinn is talking about.)

Anyway, increase in life, as Wattles discusses it, is Jethro, God's "Excellence." That is what Moses was seeking -- God's increase, the flow of his beneficence, the nature of his grace, the powers/"kingdom" which cause or induce increase. "Jethro" was code for the kingdom, Jesus, YHWH's beneficence. Which made me wonder, Was Jesus the beneficence, Jethro, the kingdom of God manifest as YHWH's anointing upon men for men to SEE during the Season of Grace? We SAW YHWH as Yeshua in acts of the kingdom/beneficence among men in the Illustrative Season, and now we are in the Age of Grace.

"CHAPTER 14 - The Impression of Increase

"WHETHER you change your vocation or not, your actions for the present must be those pertaining to the business in which you are now engaged.

"You can get into the business you want by making constructive use of the business you are already established in; by doing your daily work in a Certain Way. And in so far as your business consists in dealing with other men, whether personally or by letter, the key thought of all your efforts must be to convey to their minds the impression of increase.

"Increase is what all men and all women are seeking; it is the urge of the Formless Intelligence within them, seeking fuller expression.

"The desire for increase is inherent in all nature; it is the fundamental impulse of the universe. All human activities are based on the desire for increase; people are seeking more food, more clothes, better shelter, more luxury, more beauty, more knowledge, more pleasure — increase in something, more life.

"Every living thing is under this necessity for continuous advancement; where increase of life ceases, dissolution and death set in at once.

"Man instinctively knows this, and hence he is forever seeking more. This law of perpetual increase is set forth by Jesus in the parable of the talents; only those who gain more retain any; from him who hath not shall be taken away even that which he hath.

"The normal desire for increased wealth is not an evil or a reprehensible thing; it is simply the desire for more abundant life; it is aspiration.

"And because it is the deepest instinct of their natures, all men and women are attracted to him who can give them more of the means of life.

"In following the Certain Way as described in the foregoing pages, you are getting continuous increase for yourself, and you are giving it to all with whom you deal. You are a creative center, from which increase is given off to all."

Give me that old-time religion: an idea and faith in action. Muchas gracias, shoulders we stand on.

(The best pdf for Wattles' book is By far the best type-set/fonts, but it is not public domain.)


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