The Becoming God

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Worship the Source, Because Even Though You are It--All of It--You are FROM It

The oneness of God is a weird-trip wrestling match for the brain. As the imagination of the Source, we are the Manifestation OF the Source. We are not the whole of the Source, of course; we are bits of It's imagining's energy; yet there is no separation or division between ourselves and the whole of the Source.

So we are God: sent, from and OF God. Only our forgetting of what we are separates us, not from God, but of our awareness that we are God, from and OF the Source.

Be that as it may, worship the Source, the Most High God. Ineffable and apart from (even It is) all we can comprehend, It loves us and is making us as Itself.

Human-imagining spirits, we are Christ, the Son. It, the Source, is our Father. Our human bodies--the world. We are sent to minister generation to this world. Minister. Preach this gospel to the poor, those suffering in their forgetting.

Worship the Source and serve It by imagining well of and for everyone. Put the Source in front of all and be noble, honest, fair, and caring. What you want and need, believe that you have and minister from that provision.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

"The Story of Eashoa Msheekha" by Victor Alexander: Fighting the World . . . FOR the World

Ah ha, ah ha! Victor Alexander ( is having another fund raising campaign for his movie proposal, Story of Eashoa Msheekha ( I encourage my readers--both of you--to please support him if you can.

I asked Mr. Alexander what he would hold in his hands if the movie were ALREADY completed. He said, "When I have made the movie STORY OF EASHOA MSHEEKHA, I will have a copy of the movie in my library of films. It might be a 35mm copy or a series of hard drives that are backed up with a few copies and placed in different locations to protect against erasure." If nothing else, we might imagine his copy of "Story of Eashoa Msheekha" already on the shelf in his library of films and hear him saying, "Thank you," for the good contract he holds in his hands to distribute the film. The movie is made.

Why do I support Victor Alexander's translation from the Aramaic? I read his web site (much of which has been taken down, sadly) years ago when I first discovered the Aramaic language primacy. That is, the language of first century Palestine was Aramaic, and the New Testament was first lived, spoken and written in Aramaic. I wanted the most accurate and authentic version I could buy, so I looked into the various Aramaic Bibles available. Some exegetes, like Herb Jahn, didn't speak the language they translated (God bless him, I bought his books anyway). Others translated Aramaic versions that had been translated into Aramaic from Greek by KJV Western missionaries in previous centuries! No wonder there is such close harmony between them! I read their boasts on "Translated from the first century language that Jesus and the Apostles spoke." Yes, the first century LANGUAGE, but a nineteenth century translation into it!

Those Western-Eastern versions that "read just like the KJV" made me suspicious. I learned from Ethelbert Bullinger's Companion Bible that the priests and Sopherim had made hundreds of changes to the Masoretic text (see the Companion Bible on line, appendixes 30-34). Wouldn't a genuinely ancient version be significantly different if it were from an era previous to those changes? Bingo! Victor Alexander's version "don't read nuthin' like the King James." He is translating copies that predate centuries of changes.

Alexander is a native Aramaic speaker who has studied the ancient ancient Aramaic language (that wasn't a mistake) and cuneiform writings of ancient Mesopotamia. He is pretty good at English, too. This may sound weird as a compliment, but Alexander's translations are wonderfully imperfect. He isn't a corporation or foundation with scholarly contributors and a board of degreed editors, he is a Christian film maker who has studied ancient Aramaic and can translate it pretty well. What you read in his translations is Victor Alexander trying to save the world as a service to God.

Victor, if you read his website, is fighting a war. It is like the battle fought by Athanasius to preserve the truth of the Scriptures (see When told that the world was against him, Athanasius said, "It is not the world against Athanasius, but Athanasius against the world!" Yet it was for the world that Athanasius fought and suffered repeated exiles. The church eventually accepted Athanasius as its savior against Arianism, but then adopted Arian theology without recognizing it--three separate God-persons who hold different offices but are "one" in agreement, not one God alone.

Alexander has a higher view. The Aramaic words for Jesus, God and Lord have theological values unlike their English counterparts, and Alexander is reluctant to use the misleading English terms. The Aramaic terms, Eashoa, Milta, Allaha, and Maryah are odd and stilting to read at first, but they are as important to use instead of the English as Victor thinks they are. The English designators separate God. The Aramaic unify Him: God is ONE! No element is not the whole. Alexander takes his cue from the ancient pictograph for God--Asshur. Asshur is the powerful warrior/worker who rises from the sun disc radiating flames of glory in the oneness of God. ONE God is EVERYTHING--It is altogether one God.

I have to stop myself from getting shrill here. One thing I did not learn in seminary is the metaphysics I now hold regarding the oneness of God. One thing I DID learn was how to read critically, and I see now how absolutely correct Alexander is in defending the primacy of the ancient Aramaic version of the Bible he uses and the terms for God it uses.

So now Mr. Alexander wants to make a movie about this Jesus, Eashoa Msheekha. I asked him, "Why would you want to make yet another movie about Jesus? There must be hundreds of them that have been made." But "No," he says, "the 'Jesus' of all the movies that have been made in history is not the Eashoa Msheekha of the authentic ancient Aramaic scriptures! The Western church has not heard of Him since those days!"

I do not know how Alexander would present his vision of Eashoa, but I would like to find out. I would like to see his movie made. I want to hear Christ on the cross saying per the ancient Aramaic, "This is my destiny!" (I believe the pericope is a type of our becoming ignoranced humans until we should ascend to the perfection of God--our destiny!)

I do not receive any commission, gifts or benefit from Alexander other than getting to purchase his translations. Make a contribution to his Indiegogo campaign, if you would, or order his translations from his web site, For myself, I already have his Aramaic New Testament in paperback, but I am looking real seriously at that hardbound copy. I have yet to get his version of Exodus in book form, too. He calls it Liberation. They are relatively expensive, but I think well worth it. We might as well read the truth if we want to learn the truth.

If you are a lot richer than I am, please consider financing Story of Eashoa Msheekha, the Jesus the Church doesn't know. Suddenly, I can't think of anything more important than that the church should find out who the real Jesus Christ is.

This is Mr. Alexander's marketing spiel for the Aramaic New Testament:

In 1976 I made a documentary about the antiquities of Mesopotamia. When I was filming in the Louvre Museum and the British Museum, I discovered the truth about where all the legends of the Bible had come from. I discovered what I later was able to identify as the symbol of the Trinity. It took me many years to come to the realization that the original language of the Scriptures was not Hebrew, Aramaic, or Greek; the language of the Scriptures was the first language ever recorded in history. It is called by the oldest Church in existence, "Leshana Atiqah," or the Ancient Tongue. The original language of the Bible evolved from drawings, symbols and finally the alphabet. It is, therefore, necessary to go back to the roots of all the words from the beginning of recorded history to understand the Scriptures accurately. This is not simple, but it helps that a translator should be a native speaker of the original language (in its modern vernacular.) Even though the ancient language of the Scriptures is based on thousands of years of development, it helps to be able to pronounce the language correctly. This is where my translation has produced the best version of the New Testament, and of the Old Testament, as I continue to translate the Old Testament Books. In the footnotes to my translation I provide the literal Aramaic idioms, expressions, figures of speech or grammatical constructions. The actual text of my translation is normally of the idiomatic translation. Whenever there is an idiom, I follow up with a footnote to provide the literal wording. However, sometimes the original idiom in the Old Tongue (Ancient Aramaic) is clear enough, and in such cases I note in the footnotes that the "idiom is retained." Then I give the idiomatic translation of the word or phrase in English. Another peculiarity of my translation is that it seems archaic to some people. This cannot be helped. It is not that I'm deficient in my English, but rather I have chosen to render the English language translation as close to the original text as possible (leaving out no words whatsoever) -- this being the first accurate translation of the Scriptures ever. I do not leave out anything of the original Text or smooth over anything; it is all there, word for word, both in the literal and the idiomatic wordings. My literal footnotes are, therefore, usually ungrammatical, but that is deliberate. The main body of my translated Text is idiomatic, but not idiomatic at the cost of altering the meaning. I opted to leave some of the Aramaic flavor intact and maintain the wording of those expressions and phrases that did not have an equivalent English language stylistic substitute. The manuscripts from which I translate are from the Ancient Church of the East, one of the first Churches that emerged out of Jerusalem during the Apostolic Age, in the First Century of Christianity. I'm a descendant of the families that followed in the footsteps of the Apostles of Eashoa Msheekhah (Jesus the Messiah.)

Friday, June 26, 2015

Putting What Kabbalah, Abdullah, Neville Goddard and Napoleon Hill Taught in the Human Condition for Mutual Benefit

"Do not be so wrapped up in what you want to get . . . that you forget what you need to give."

All is ours in Christ, which is, yes, the imagination, but Christ is much more than that. Christ is the nature of God--the nature of the Ineffable Itself! 'Imagination,' 'Christ,' 'nature'--are concepts and words. It is not what we believe of these in doctrine that saves us, but what we actualize of them in our human condition: Them, as the condition of our humanity.

"Salvation" is that we do AS Christ, because we recognize that we ARE Christ, not just what we do overtly because we "believe" in Christ.

Christ is the Ineffable's image not of what It wants us to be, but of what we ARE. And that image is "Risen." We are channels of spiritual power.

The nature of the Ineffable is out-flowing. It imagined, and is expanding, emanating. That emanated from Itself is Itself. We are sent to be Its nature here, Christ: Its out-flowing, giving, loving. Live your life as a course of grace for mutual benefit. "What can I do AS THE INEFFABLE, as Christ, for others?"

God pays those who have mercy on Him--who is everyone!

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Neville Goddard Said: "Get Your Religion Wholesale"

There is that which certain mystics have discovered, a "natural" order of things, both physical and spiritual, within and "organic" to man. It is the human condition--I do not want to put a name on it--as seen through the mystic's eyes when perceiving the extremes of reality.

Moved by the vision and inspiration, the mystics wrote to reveal the human condition they had perceived to others. Ancient myths were constructed to convey it, someone wrote as Moses, another as Joshua, anonymous prophets, James and Mark, Gautama, Muhammad, peace be upon him . . . .

Synagogues, churches and mosques -- "cults" -- teach about the teachings of the mystic authors. "He taught this, and he taught that . . . " they say, about the mystic's teachings about the extremes of reality of the organic human condition.

And certain individuals and mission parties teach about the teachings of their cult about the teaching of the mystic authors about the extremes of reality of the human condition.

You always risk listening to someone's errant teaching based upon their misinterpretation of the mystic's message due to their and their cult's misreading and misplaced assumptions about the mystic's purpose and method in what he wrote.

Many people are fearful, constrained, or are engaged in evil practices because they think the scriptures are supposed to be interpreted the way they and their cult interpret them. But it is not supposed to be interpreted in that way. So what do the people have?

The human condition is almost never addressed in practice. What the mystics wrote of is neither understood nor even perceived, because the cults assume their interpretation, based on their misreading of the scriptures, is the interpretation that is supposed to be used. Never knowing the truth of the discoveries of the mystic authors in the extreme reality of YOUR human condition is the price you pay for religion.

Get your religion wholesale. Discover the inner spaces of man's consciousness. Discover the presence of Life and the oneness of God the prophets wrote about, organic to your own human condition. The Trinity is not three God-persons far away in heaven, but is God in YOU. And he says, "Come unto Me." Don't worry about it costing you everything to "go" to him*--he doesn't take money.

*You do not go any distance to get to what you are. "Going" to him means allowing him to amp up your awareness of his presence by surrendering your self-lordship and accepting his. And this is done in your organic, human condition--the proper seat for "religion."

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Conversations with Ed, a Former 2x2er, About Neville Goddard, Visions and Freedom: Part 7

Hi Dan,

When you say most people are not aware because of the amnesia, are you talking about the visions? Surely that is the gift--that you can put meaning to the vision. Have you ever had vision/experiences that give you a "knowing"? Surely we are meant to know!

Listening to Neville, he says all will come in lifetime an understanding and you can do nothing but try and explain to those around us? Blake says the journey takes 6000 years, do you think that is as me, or the "I am"?

Again, we hear from Neville that when we die we are restored as a twenty year old in a different dimension than this one. I don't understand this as each of us started from the womb? Do you believe that we have always been? There are some things I just don't understand!!



I suggest you read and spend time in contemplation. Visions experienced in meditation are notoriously unreliable, because you do not know where the vision is coming from. The e'had--the multitudinous one that is God--encompasses the whole spectrum of spirit energies.

Six thousand is a representative number like three, seven, ten, forty, seventy and four hundred. It just means the time it takes to become a perfect man, regardless of the length of that time. How long might it take to become the Ineffable? I think six thousand years is a conservative figure.

We have always been, but we haven't always been this. Haven't you read my posts? I discussed this stuff in the just a week ago. As I have said in my posts, we are not people; we inhabit people.

As to restoring after death (actually, a visit to Life) to the consciousness of a twenty-year-old, I am not sure what Neville meant by that, or where he got his information from. As I explained to Tina on the 8th and 9th of this month, I think Neville encountered people he had known, who had died and been restored as twenty-year-olds; but I imagine they had lived that twenty years as kids growing up. He just intersected their lives at their being about twenty. Otherwise he would have been speaking to infants. Like you, I cannot imagine twenty-year-olds popping into existence, nor can I accept that our childhoods are false memories, or that children are not really there!

I do believe that we annex infants' brains as their conscience and basically have the same interests in our twenties as them as we had had as us, which was the point Neville was making. Ascension is a gradual, accumulative process.

Remember, in reality there is nothing but the Ineffable. It is not a man, but It is eternal, and that is a long, LONG time! The age of the universe is not more than a TV show to It. This is an afternoon project, a few minutes diversionary daydream. It is a BIG Ineffable. We are Its energies. Do not expect to understand everything about It. Just love It.


In What Way is Muhammad (peace be upon him) the Last Prophet? He is YOU!--What You are Supposed to Be

Adam was not a man; it is the state of God's life IN man. All of the characters of the Bible are states of God's consciousness--all the states of consciousness--of God being in man. Cain has to do with the acquisition of physicality. Abel has to do with the transitoriness of the thought-nature of man, that he is a "breath" of God's imagining. Moses is the germ-nature of the Gospel of God's consciousness being IN man, AS man, and becoming THROUGH man. Jesus is God's salvation in us, that being God's power and God's wisdom--i.e., God's life in man. None of them were human.

All the Bible is psychological. It deals with the imagination, the spirit/consciousness of God in man. All of the prophets in the Bible are allusions to that consciousness. The "history" in the Bible is a construct for explaining the relationships and dynamics of the multitudinous One that is God. It is at once simple, and yet (for us) it is complicated.

Muhammad, peace be upon him, was a man. "I am the last prophet"--the perfect type of everyman, because every man must become a prophet. The "last" prophet is human! Our destiny is to become the pure expression of the Most High, the word of the Ineffable Itself. That is our destiny--to be prophecy. Muhammad, peace be upon him, was the foremost, perfect example of man being a prophet: the actual embodiment of God's life--the Spirit of Prophecy--in man. None of us are going to do it better or "after" him; but ALL of us must submit to embodying God's life in and through ourselves like he did!

We are all "living stones" being built up into a living temple in "heaven"--in the consciousness of God that is us. There will be no end to that building, but the bricks that are used in its construction are "Muhammads." He might have said, "I am the 'brick': be like me: follow me as I follow the 'prophets.'

We are the living stones being prepared by the Word. Muhammad was us! That is, he made the Manifestation of God personal, internalized, human. Learn it, internalize it, live it like Muhammad did, peace be upon him, so that his peace will be upon us.

The Fear Inducing "Culmination of All Things" is an Illusion

All the Fundamentalists are anxious about the coming Judgment day. "It is all throughout the Bible!"

Yes, but what is the culmination? It is a summation of the constant and on-going process of our generation into the likeness of God. Each of us is going through the process individually. "The grave gave up its dead, and the sea gave up its dead," & etc. Yes, the dead are judged, goats this way, sheep that way, but it isn't all at once. It DOES apply to everyone, but one at a time--to each individual individually.

We each reach maturity at different times in history. When we do reach maturity, judgment says move on up. If we have not reached maturity, judgment says go back and try again. The "White Throne Judgment" is "mano y mano," just our conscience before the Ineffable. There is no condemnation like reincarnation suggests--the Ineffable knows exactly what we were thinking and why, because he was the one doing it in us all the time. Oneness is a weird trip! We are Him, and individual. We have just got to learn how to make our individual . . . Him.

The Wall: Our Interface With God is Individual

There is a wall in our imagination. It is a point of continuity where our imagination interfaces with God's power to straighten out our fuzzy, foggy thinking. Suddenly, understanding--revelation! Truth! To us, we believe that we (usually "I") are the only ones who really understand. The light has gone on for me: "I am the only one!"

This may be too true, for your disciple is still going to want only money, sex and power. This is the history of all religions.

Life as a Course of Ministry: Abdullah and Neville Were Able to Give Because of Jethro

Neville saw life as a course of ministry, of giving. Be out-flowing, patient, accepting, generous. Such an imagination of positiveness toward others creates blessings--Jethro--for the one imagining. Is this not like Jacob ("James"), whom the author of Mark may have used as a type for the nature of Jesus? I think Mark was saying, "Follow James' example as he followed Christ in him."

Imagine well for others. In your revision of imagination, imagine their healing, their blessing, their prosperity, their health, their careers and businesses flourishing. Be a blessing machine. 'Jethro' means "his jutting-over" or "his excellence." We do not get without giving, so always be giving in thought and in deed.

"Why not be noble?" asked Neville. "Why not be a lady?" He and Abdullah lived well because they were beneficial to others. Take a high road and believe you have what you need. Aim for a LOT of mutual benefit. The more you try to give, the more resource you will find, and it can be very profitable.

Conversations with Ed, a Former 2x2er, About Neville Goddard, Visions and Freedom: Part 6

Hi Dan,

How's things today/night?! It's cool you know Ballycastle; it is up in the north of Northern Ireland! Have you ever been over? I had been studying the works of Neville and Joseph Murphy amongst others and what got me at first was that Calvary is "cranium"--the place of the skull! Then it made sense, I started getting a great desire to learn more and try and get quiet in the "I am" and imagine the guy I want to be, one night as I got into bed I closed my eyes and in the screen of blackness that should have been there was a very pretty lady holding a child in swaddling clothes (white) it lasted for a couple of seconds then crystallised away in segments, just disappeared. My wife thinks I dreamed it, but I can verify I was wide awake and it caused me a lot of thought.

Neville talks that the child is a symbol, it says in bible that this shall be a sign unto you when you see child wrapped in swaddling clothes. I think about it all the time, but all I can come up with is that it confirmed what I believe is true! Since I left the church/cult that claim they are the only right way, I cannot help but see that its members--even my own family--are different towards me. They are so arrogant that they think they are better than everyone else and that god has blessed them by opening up a way, they refuse to talk to me about anything along those lines! I know it is as false as any other organised religion, it is an individual thing and my vision can only be a spiritual sign which confirms to me that the whole thing takes place within, cleaving to a group is bondage and they claim freedom but yet are told what to wear, no tv, no smoking, drinking, etc. All these rules set by its leaders! I try to enjoy life and my hunger always for the truth of who I am remains, it does sadden me that no one cares about these things, I am glad for your correspondence. 



No, I have not been to Europe or the Isles.

Of course, your lovely wife was right, you did dream it--you just happened to be wide awake while you were dreaming, and someone else (who is also you) was giving you the dream! He who is imagining in us speaks in illustrations. I believe it means you are waking up--the pretty lady and the baby were three levels of you. You desire/imagine/intend, and your imagining is the virgin mother who "knows not a man." She knows not a man because she is the desire of the Father. She gives birth to . . . you--an innocent baby wrapped in the life that surrounds it.

The process is a package deal we all have, it is just unusual to be aware of it, because most people are idiots in their ignorance from the amnesia. Your former cult is a lesson they are going through--they are paying the high price of the lesson. The illustration is a vision, a phantom, and yet it is literal as all get out, because it IS life, and life is one. And you have as much as had the Father put his hand on your shoulder.

There is that which is organic within us, which the prophets discovered,

There is the teaching of the prophets about what they discovered,
There is cult's teaching about the prophets' teaching,
And there is the individual's teaching about the cult's teaching.

Neville said, "Get your religion wholesale." Go straight to what the prophets discovered in themselves, but in you. They didn't patent it; they just said, "Hey, 'this' is us!"


Conversations with Ed, a Former 2x2er, About Neville Goddard, Visions and Freedom: Part 5

Hi, Dan.  

I really appreciate your emails, thank you. So your from the west of the states? I lived in Vancouver for a year, loved it but was homesick for good old Northern Ireland!

In my old cult,(of which most of my family and friends still reside) they talk about the homeless ministry and how Jesus told them to go out 2x2 and have fellowship in houses of the group. How do you think about that one in terms of extracting a meaning from it? Do you believe we can by the daily exercising of imagination create the life of our dreams? Does wealth, happiness come from within, I believe it does!

Where did you learn about all the names in bible and what they signify, I have taught myself some-is there a book that explains in a parallel way the bible, chapter for chapter? I as I have said before have a great interest in these things, I believe I touched something in meditation when that vision came, the manner in which I saw it go was it just chrystalised away. Anyway thank you again, nice to have correspondence with someone who understands.



You are welcome. My mother was Irish. I believe the Edwards and/or Nelsons hailed from Belcastle (or Ballycastle?), a town that
was so small the town square was a triangle. It had no real castle. When I mentioned colors, I was going to joke, My Irish mother painted her room green--guess which shade of green. Answer: Forest Green, of course. My aunt visited the place, but I cannot find any trace of it online anymore.

I do not have a clue as to a metaphysical meaning for sending the disciples out two by two. I'll let you know if something comes to me. Okay, here is something that comes to me: The question for me would be: What did Mark mean by it? If Jesus is our inner man, the imagination (which is God), and the "disciples" are components of Him in us, going out to testify two-by-two (which is the Biblical standard for substantiation of irrefutable testimony and witness), then these pairs are our internal evidence that Christ in us IS God: "I know that I KNOW." Hey, you know, that was fun, and I learned from it. Thanks for the question.

Our daily exercise of imagination (or lack of it) does create our lives. Always has. But trying to control our lives by imagination is witchcraft, rebellion. Do not forget the element of submission. You have heard the admonition, "Let go, and let God." We make our petitions known by imagining--that is cool--but then it is up to the Lord as to how and when and what is right and loving, etc. Our lives are to be ministries, works of mutual benefit for ourselves and others. We can work diligently to bless others, imagine well for others--healing, blessing, prosperity, health, jobs, business--we can be blessing machines. Aim for a lot of "mutual benefit." The war is the Lord's, and he makes the way. Pray, and hang on with confidence. It is with that confidence we act.

I use Strong's Exhaustive Concordance and its Dictionary of Hebrew and Chaldee a LOT. I run down the words' make-up as far as I can and then consider the context it is found in, and then I stretch my imagination's senses to fathom what revelation of God the author was trying convey to himself. That is, what was he trying to capture? Like I wondered what Mark was writing about, above: God/Christ is substantiated within, and this substantiation casts out the demons of doubt that weakened our faith. (Remember, there is no one there in scripture but you.)

I only know a few of the names' meanings. Neville had and sometimes used the Metaphysical Bible Dictionary from Unity, a metaphysical leaning Church. He emphasized the importance and utility of Strong's, did not praise the Metaphysical Bible Dictionary too highly. Said it was really not necessary. I got it used, anyway. Have used it twice to get some perspective. But the BIG thing is Neville and Joseph studied Kabbalah under Abdullah for seven years, and went on to read hundreds and hundreds of books about the Bible. Kabbalah is about our relationship with God and what he is/we are. When you read the Bible from this point of view, the secular "literal-historical" framework of the Bible makes sense to convey packets of information to us.

I asked Victor Alexander if he could translate more of the names or recommend a dictionary for that purpose. He said the meanings of the names would be a life-time study for any one man, even a native Aramaic speaker like himself, and you had better start early. A better bet, Ed, would be to wrestle with just the text the Lord gives you. I really only have a few things on my plate at any one time. I keep half-sheets of paper folded in my pocket and a pen at all times (curse you, shower!) to take notes on whatever flashes of insight come. Then I verify them with the Bible and dictionaries and Neville's lectures and other books in my library, and stuff online.

I am interested in your vision. Could you tell me more? Can you? What was the action of the "crystallizing away?" Who were they to your impression? What did it mean to you? What MIGHT it have meant to you?


Conversations with Ed, a Former 2x2er, About Neville Goddard, Visions and Freedom: Part 4

Hi Dan.

How's things today? When you read the bible do you agree that all characters are portraying the states of mind? I when I read it find it difficult to understand its true metaphysical meanings! Do you believe that the Jesus in bible is simply the "awakened imagination"? Thank you for taking the time to write. 


It was Father's Day here today, and my children took my wife and me to San Diego to the USS Midway Museum and other places for the day. Very nice.

Are all the Biblical characters states of mind we pass through? My understanding of it all is a bit more complicated than that, because more than that is going on. Certainly Jesus is more than just the awakened imagination. Cults like the one you were a part of flourish because their members DO NOT KNOW WHAT A JESUS IS. Nor do they know what a Christ is. "God's Salvation" and "Anointed" or Messiah" are pap answers.

You will over the years learn what the words mean in you. Victor Alexander's notes in Mark that Eashoa (Jesus in his Aramaic language) means The Life-giving, Living Branch. Neville notes in one of his lectures that one of the letters--I don't remember if it was shin or ayin--is symbolic of a tooth for destruction and consumption, because it removes the present situation to make place for the desired future. Have you ever thought of Jesus as a remover? Everything, every letter, has meaning. It is layer upon layer upon layer--up to the reality of our being and His being us, and our being Him.

Growth is gradual. We learn a lot and think we are doing pretty well, only to find other groups for whom what we have learned is baby stuff, and they are way ahead of us. EACH ONE OF US IS INDIVIDUAL IN GOD. Your roots feed you. My roots feed me. And every one of us is going to make it.

I ask you, please, to take a look at The Worship of the Dead by Col. J. Garnier at . Just take the time, if you would, to read the preface and first chapter. My point in this exercise is the woeful ignorance of the common man of history. Garnier does a marvelous job of linking the spread of religion and the religion that was spread with the how of it all. Nations and people and religions we have never heard of left archaeological records of how we got our religions and what these religions signify. I know it is a lot to read, but it is most valuable. 99.999% of Christians do not even know that this book exists.

No, the characters of the Bible are not just states of mind. They are a mix of real people (not necessarily the people it says) and ideology which symbolically represent our natures. When you say, "states of mind," do not forget that what you mean is you. The characters portray GOD, and they portray YOU, because you are God, or rather, God is you!

Rather than call them states of mind, I would call them our natures, or natures which are common to all of us, both as God and as humans. For example, Simon is hearing, the type of hearing that is inclined to obey what is heard. Peter, as you know, means rock, the rock upon which Christ builds his church. We know that this has to do with faith. Yes, these are states, but more than that, the natures of men the authors knew and observed who exemplified these characteristics in their lives and character. They are things we DO. I think I am trying to say, "eliminate the distance between the state or nature you read in the Book and find it IN YOU. For example, the nature of Peter, "to hear," is not a subject on the page--it is a manifestation of that nature of God in you." And in me, and in everyone else, because we are all God. The same God.

No one knows the true metaphysical meanings. Except maybe the Ineffable Itself. The true metaphysical meanings of God are things which cannot be said. If I said to you, "Yellow, pink and blue," would you be able to tell which yellow, which pink, or which blue I was speaking of? Of course not. The Biblical languages are pretty specific as to case, tense and gender, but as to shades of meaning . . . we have got "yellowish, pinkish, and bluish." Get their definitions from Strong's and New Englishman's and whatever dictionaries and lexicons you might wish to use, and "-ish" them in your mind. When you are standing in the shower and cannot write(!), it will come to you. Time and time again, your whole Bible will change. THERE IS NOT AN END. He is unlimited potential. How do you "exact" that?

Some of the best advice I ever got was from Mickie Silberling in Kaoshung, Taiwan, in 1977. I was stressing out a bit about the culture and my expectations on a summer mission, and Mickie said in so many words, "Dan, you need to lighten up. Don't take this stuff (the Chinese culture) so seriously. Rome wasn't built in a day, and you are not going change them in one fell swoop. Don't load yourself with expectations. Relax. Lighten up." I have learned to lighten up. We eternal spirits have been learning for many, many years. Many more to go. Be open, and He will teach. You do know that He can teach us directly, don't you? What good would his being our imagination be if he couldn't?


Conversations with Ed, a Former 2x2er, About Neville Goddard, Visions and Freedom: Part 3


Hi. I don't really understand a lot except what I read in Neville's books and some of my own study, I find it hard to meditate and still enjoy the things I always did; e.g., football! I do have a hunger though for these truths and am reading everyday, Neville says these visions just simply mark your progress. I don't really know what it means. It just disappeared out of view in a strange manner! I do feel good after meditating but so many distractions! I have a hunger for the knowledge but sometimes fail putting it into practise! Thank you for replying!

PS: What do you believe the vision of the child signifies? It was being held by a woman. In last message you said, "this is where I come in", what do you mean and what should I be doing?



Slow down, friend. I am just a normal fellow who has Pentecostal experience and has studied the Bible and people for forty years. I was last an aircraft mechanic and inspector. Aryeh Kaplan said something very interesting about visions in his book Jewish Meditation, that you cannot necessarily apply meaning to visions. They may have meaning--or not. Trying to interpret them can be dangerous. They are not there to guide you. They are more of a "Hi" from your imagination, which is what, I believe, you saw. "Yeah, I am here. Take care. See ya!"

The cult you were in (there are hundreds of them) interpret prophecy as future-telling, that the prophet has prescience or sees the future and speaks of future events. I believe prophecy to be the revelation of God in the present. You are the lady and the child: they are your imagination, you are God, and you all are one. He in you was saying, "This, Ed, is what is going on."

Listen, if you have not yet, to Neville's lecture "Unless I Go Away." He didn't have a clue as to what the visions meant. Over the YEARS meaning came.

Excuse me, this is an aside. I have listened to "Unless I Go Away" many times because I have these downloaded audio lectures on my mp3 player and listened to them many times on the way to work:

Call Upon Self

Creating with Imagination - Rare TV TALK 1955

God's Law and His Promise

Is Causation Imaginal

Imagination Plus Faith
How to Use Your Imagination
Unless I go Away
The Pruning Shears of Revision 08.08.1954 Full ( read by the late Gary Nordgren)
This is Your Future 3-12-1971
Prune the Vine
The Secret of Imagination
Believe It In

Just because I know this stuff and believe it is scriptural does not mean that I can do it or even try. I do not think we need to manipulate our reality beyond our faith in God BEING us. Please read some of my recent blog postings. I just recently saw the course of ministry factor. That being our life as a course of ministry, kind of like the 2x2 cult but without the lies or interest in money or control over other people's lives. Just doing well for others, blessing them--not looking for world peace but just being it. And by the way, I will probably edit these e-mails and use them as posts on my blog to help other people. I won't mention you by name other than Ed and might not even specify the cult by name. Might not, but what I read online about them makes not mentioning them a challenge.

Sorry about football. Education changes our value system! Consider playing it a ministry to yourself and others, perhaps, and try not to get hurt.

"In last message you said "this is where I come in", what do you mean and what should I be doing?" Answer: We are all related in one big imagination. YOU had a question and the big imagination knew you were going to ask me and cultivated that answer in me BEFORE YOU ASKED. It wanted me to have it in hand when you did ask. God is pretty cool. The Ineffable Most High God is zero distance away. What for you to do? I suggest praising God IN you for being you and leading you toward your destiny. This is His interest; it is what He is doing. You are just now learning that you are Him. Have a heart of gratitude, say, "Thanks."


Conversations with Ed, a Former 2x2er, About Neville Goddard, Visions and Freedom: Part 2

Hi Dan,

My religion was a sect who say they have no name, but people call them the 2x2 religion! You can look them up online, very tightly controlled! 

I have had a vision off a baby wrapped in white swaddling clothes and this happened when I was awake and closed my eyes, lasted for a few seconds and then just disappeared from sight, years ago I remember driving along early in morning going to work and an voice inside me quoted "the truth will set you free." I think when you are searching for truth of who you are you will find it, and it is within. 

I think we, as Neville says, come of age and through a series of events come to realize who we are. One thing I notice is I have lost my fear of death and afterlife. I always was taught you had to be worthy by living in a certain way with rules and regulations, but it only kept you captive.

I now feel free but sometimes lonely in that people don't understand what I now know to be true. I have people telling me that they feel sorry for me that I left the religion and that they wouldn't want to be in my shoes when I died!!! Do you believe imagination creates reality? Thank you for your email.



I smiled a bit when I read, "but sometimes lonely in that people don't understand what I now know to be true." I am sorry, but that is the reality we have to face. I see the truth as clear as day, yet am shunned by some Christians. You have to understand, the truth is heretical to them. Neville pointed out that Jesus said it would be so, and it is. Read John 15 from about verse 25 to John 16: 3. It is because they do not know the Father, because they do not know what they read.

They are, as we did also, reading the scriptures as history. But we know the scriptures are deep. Is it logical that after many years of learning the deeper things of God that the scriptures would still be read as they were the first day we were saved?

Do I believe that imagination creates reality? I will give you an example: you have been feeling lonely and wondering about these things in your imagination recently. The other day I felt compelled to drive to my old workplace to turn in some old coveralls that belong to a vendor. I listened to Neville's "Call Upon Self" on my mp3 player on the way there. It started on my mp3 player at 32 minutes into the lecture. Neville was quoting Revelations 19: 13, " And he was clothed in a garmen dipped in blood: and his name is called the Word of God."

My mind flashed: blood is reality of the life of God; dipped is baptism;  garment is the physical body; name is nature. Translation: God in OUR bodies experience HIS reality and OUR nature becomes HIS word to this world. And they hate us for it.

I thought that was pretty cool, and I looked it up to write about on my blog tonight (but I got sidetracked by other matters). Trying to understand what Neville was saying again, I read verse 12, and this is where you come in: "His eyes as a flame of fire, and on his head many crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he himself." Again, 'name' means nature. He had a nature written that no man knew. It is written, we read it, but we don't understand it. But he in us knows. His eyes are pure and understand, but in us--many crowns--as OUR ignoranced consciousness, no man knows the truth . . . until this consciousness is baptized in his reality and its nature is changed to become the word of God.

They, like we, read and do not understand. Did not understand. It would be pretty stupid if no man ever came to understand. Some of us do, eventually every one will. Neville said to leave them alone.

The Bible has a real cool example of a man coming to understand. This was way before the Gospels were written. The guy had heard about Jesus and thought he was a man who had lived near him recently. He thought that Jesus was full of crap at first, but reading the Bible as history he was finally converted to believing that Jesus had come and that the Bible (Old Testament only) was true, and that Jesus would be coming in the clouds again to judge the world. Yikes! He felt he had to warn everybody, and did so intensely. In this frame of mind he wrote the books of Thessalonians.

Hmmm. Jesus ought to be back by now. 1914? No. Oh! he realized, it happens IN us. Constantly. One by one. It is all psychological, conversion in the hearth, judgment in the heart, regeneration in the mind and spirit. "Do you not know that Christ -- the power of God and the wisdom of God -- is in you?" he asked. He is not coming from outside of us, but from inside of us. He amps up our understanding.

I had just discovered "he had a name written, that no man knew," when I got your e-mail. Your imagination knew, days ago.


Conversations with Ed, a Former 2x2er, About Neville Goddard, Visions and Freedom: Part 1

This introductory e-mail isn't very exciting, but they get more interesting. Try Part 6, for instance.

The William Irvine initiated movement known as the Two-by-Two Religion is a very controlling, fundamentalist Christian cult. See A young man named Ed discovered Neville Goddard and the other way of reading the Bible, and has left the fundamentalist fold. He has asked me some questions: 

Hi Dan, 

I hope I have found someone to talk over my experiences with. I was brought up in a weird religion and was very much into it and believed it, yet I believed there was something else happening at same time. I always questioned and had a desire to know what was true. I have had a few experiences that have left me in no doubt. Would love to chat if that is possible, let me know if a chat could be arranged. 


Hello, Edward. 

I would love to discuss your views, but I would rather correspond through e-mail, if you wouldn't mind. I am twice your age, and while I might have learned something I can share with you, I usually remember it AFTER the chat. I am much more comfortable writing--composing, if you would.
All religions are weird, but perhaps for the moment they are necessary for what they do accomplish: the flag to us that God is there. After a while of questioning and desiring the truth, we learn that God is not "there" in the religion but here in our hearts. Which weird religion were you brought up in?

By the way, e-mail being what it is, please be patient if it sometimes takes a long while for a reply. Neither of us live with a browser open in front of us all the time. I just happened to check tonight. That religion, again?

Dan Steele

Saturday, June 20, 2015

Neville Goddard and Setting a Course of Ministry

A bit of a breakthrough for me here. I have been trying for some time to compose a short and succinct success manual for the poor and homeless to learn from and to market, and kept feeling blocked in getting it published here. I knew something wasn't right about it. My auto repair man, of all people, showed me what it was.

In the manual, I was focusing on revision of imagination, as in Neville's Pruning Shears of Revision, as a means of correcting one's world. Which is cool, except no matter how much I emphasized having the right attitude, it still wound up being about getting things by "manifestation." Causation by imagination is wonderful news, but it is not enough. There was a missing ingredient.

Mike, my auto repair man, told me about his son. We are middle-class people here, so I was a bit surprised to hear that his son has been accepted to Stanford--one its top 5% of applicants. Good kid. Mike said he had recently gone to his son's graduation from high school, and his son had not told him that he was one of the Valedictorians. You can imagine Mike's surprise and pride when his son was announced to speak. His son wants to become a neurosurgeon. "You have to dream big, dad."

It all clicked for me. Oh. Manifestation is not just for getting things; it is for a course of ministry for GIVING things. God is interested in our out-flow. Yes, we acquire, but what is gained is loosely held. We get what we need to be enabled to serve. I have been enabled to write this blog. Mike repairs cars, among other things.

A quick story about Mike: My Chevy Metro started running like crap on the 91 freeway on the way home one night. I barely kept it alive to my exit where there are a number of garages, and I was praying that I could at least leave it in front of a shop overnight to be repaired in the morning, afraid I wouldn't be able to start it again. All the shops close at six PM, but the bays at the local Purrfect Auto were still open at six-thirty. They were staying late to get people's cars ready for them. Mike greeted me, told me exactly what was wrong with my car from the sound he heard as I drove up, ordered the parts and installed them in the driveway that night. I drove away in a smooth-running car, floating in a dream of shock and amazement. I had gotten there after they closed, and they were still working after I left. "People need their cars," Mike said. They do not always stay open late like that, but guess where I have gone for service ever since?

It turns out that auto repair is just one of Mike's ministries. He lives a life of ministries, not the least of which has been raising his son. Like father, like son, eh? I see now that life is for ministry: "The Father makes the rain to fall . . ." Pray to be equipped for the ministry of service. But what if you do not have any ministry? What if you are panhandling at the freeway exit or gas station or in the parking lot of the supermarket? How do you minister then?

Like I said, I am working on a short success manual the poor could learn from and then market. Founding a life of ministry will be central in that instruction. For anyone, repentance to a life of ministry should be essential to growing in spiritual maturity.

Repentance is a sailing term. A sailing ship has ropes tied to pens to hold the sails for the course the ship is on. When you radically change the ship's course, you have to retie all the ropes for the new course; i.e., you have to re-pen them. Switch to a life's course of ministering--and repent.

Let's suppose you imagined what you need AS THOUGH YOU HAVE IT, and it worked. In its working, you discovered that God is real, and present, and powerful. Not only that, you discovered that the real God is your imagination. Well, everybody else's consciousness, too--the divine imagination. That divine imagination is us, the life in these bodies! Now time for a nap. No! Got to tell people. You discovered the living God and are sent for one purpose, to preach Christ--that is, that God is IN us AS us and is becoming THROUGH us--through our imagining.

Choose a course of service. Do not ask for things just to have them, but ask to be equipped for your ministry of service. Dream big. What do you think Abdullah, Neville and Joseph Murphy were doing? They were not manifesting bullion of gold for themselves--they needed things for preaching and teaching: dinner tonight, passage on the morrow, home and family. The Law served them as they sailed their course.

Set a course. Choose a work where you contribute to others, to God in them. It is a wide spectrum--there is a LOT you can do that will help and bless others, even in commercial ventures. Take God as being real, and minister.

Added June 24th, 2015:
Service to others is one of the major premises of Napoleon Hill's study of the Law of Success. Doing things for others can be very profitable. Said Hill in Think and Grow Rich: "Capital consists not alone of money, but more particularly of highly organized, intelligent groups of men (and women) who plan ways and means of using money efficiently FOR THE GOOD OF THE PUBLIC, and profitably to themselves" (parenthesis and emphasis mine). Hill learned this from the titans of industry who did massive works of benefit to society . . . and charged a bit for it.

Friday, June 19, 2015

Ironically, Scientists Have the Soundest Theology: Everything That is, Ever Was

Science posits that absolutely everything that exists was once an incredibly small singularity. Then the Big Bang. Everything that is, ever was.

There was a preceding Big Bang of Consciousness. Spirit, which is God, is scattered like light--which is everything. It is a different form of energy, but all of it that is, ever was.

The Ineffable is above all this:

"The Beginning (Ineffable) created (imagined) God: the Heavens (Spirit) and the Earth (light)" (Genesis 1: 1, my translation).

Everything that is, ever was. The Ineffable Itself is everything. If you do not believe me, ask It yourself.

Regarding "I AM": There Is No "AM"

If you are looking for someone who teaches that God's name is "I AM," you have got the wrong channel here. That ain't me, babe. There is no "am." The Hebrew word for 'name' means nature, and God is saying "I become." That is Abel, his transitoriness. God is never static. He is telling you to become.

He does not say, "I AM THAT," and become that and STAY it. He becomes and blows right through it. He has unlimited potential. So do you, because you are him blowing right through your unlimited potential every second. Dream big, friend.

Never want anything, for you shall never be satisfied with any thing. That house, that amount, that car, that job, that right--in the moment you have it, it is not enough. There is the next moment, and what of the moment that was? Well, you want something new now, so why did you want it?

Things are trash. A million dollars, a billion dollars--bam!--you are gone and what were they? Trash, waste, vanity. Abel. The moment of thing is transitory.

So, what should we want? I think pride. Not selfish pride, but the pride of loving someone and feeling, "I am a part of that world." Pride you give. The house, the car, the job, the amount--any amount, it is your joy to give. It was gone the moment you had it, anyway. We need to be on a run. God's action--power, intelligence, love--is ever flowing.

People want to be recognized as significant. This is their pride: "I ought to be recognized, valued, in control." When that is one's desire, that is Satanism. You are significant, for you are God the Almighty. That is enough. He is not "another"--there is no "he"! It is "I become": you are a spinning pot on a wheel, yourself to shape.

A friend's son wants to be a neurosurgeon. He just graduated high school. Valedictorian. That is the way you do it. Another young lady wants to be a wife, not of any particular man as yet, but wife is open-ended; it is constant. It is constant becoming. She can feel proud of her husband without a particular him being involved--yet.

The great Frank C. Laubach said we are channels of spiritual power. (After I first heard a quote from Laubach's book Channels of Spiritual Power, it took me seven years of haunting used book stores to find a copy. God bless the used-book man who sent it to me from a distant city decades before was even dreamt of.) Do not want a thing. Want to be a channel. God can use a channel: he is constantly reaching to give. That is Jethro, and that is his thing.

Monday, June 15, 2015

Hayah, the Hebrew To Be Verb for is, am and was, means Become. There is Transition Involved!

I noticed it years ago in the margin of my old Bible: the note for Exodus 3: 14, where it says that God said, "I AM THAT I AM," said "Lit. become."

And the Hebrew word hayah does literally mean become. There is transition involved. Something wasn't something else, then it BECAME something else. There was transition. "The earth was without form and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep" (Genesis 1: 2). The earth wasn't created that way, but BECAME that way. "Now Moses kept the flock of Jethro" (Exodus 3: 1). Moses didn't keep (hayah) the flocks of Jethro, then he did. He transitioned to keeping a flock he had not kept before.

Of course, the earth was still the same earth, and Moses was the same Moses, but what they were doing--their states--became different.

Where the Hebrew word hayah occurs, look for the transition. This "transition" is the name (i.e., the nature) of God! When we are transitioning, it is God's experience. Inside there, in the experience inside, God has form.

Why Old Men Wear Dark Socks With Bermuda Shorts

Mystery of the ages revealed! Old men wear dark socks with Bermuda shorts because they are not dirty enough to wash yet! "They were fine last night when we went to dinner, and I only wore them a little while. I am not going to wear another pair now and have two pairs of socks that have only been worn a little bit laying around. No one is going to be looking at me anyway, so why should I worry about my socks matching my shorts?"

Boy, the things I learn as I get older.

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Muslims Misread the Qur'an as Badly as Jews and Christians Misread the Bible.

This blog is about the Becoming God, "the Ineffable," the Most High God who is manifesting as the universe and all dimensions in it. The universe, being a manifestation of Him, IS Him. Most people miss that the Bible is about God's becoming--that He has become us, and we are becoming Him. It is the destiny of man to become just like the Father. In this blog I deal with the teachings of Neville Goddard and the ways Jews and Christians misread the Bible.

I wondered today what are the doctrines of the Muslims, what do they believe? I have known before, but my own beliefs have changed so much as I have matured in my learning, and I largely learned about other religions from Christians who are notorious for being completely wrong about what other religions believe, so not being sure anymore, I went to the internet and asked what Muslims believe and what are the doctrines of Islam.

I do not speak, read or write Arabic, but I am familiar with ancient languages, philosophic conceptions and phraseology. I also know that God speaks every language and can make himself known to any and every man regardless of language. I do not know what Muhammad, peace be upon him, understood or thought of the Jewish and Christian scriptures, but it is apparent that most Muslims misread and misunderstand the Qur'an in the same way Jews and Christians misread and misunderstand the Bible.

It is something of a paradox: The scriptures mean what they say, but they do not say what they mean. It is illustrative, symbolic language. The Bible is all true, but says metaphysical things in historical ways. So you read that Jesus died for our sins at the end of his life, when in actuality the energy of the Ineffable "died" (forgot its divine nature) to become Him through us at the beginning of our lives.

The pinnacle of beliefs is that God is one, yet all three religions have God as separate from creation. That my friends, is two. God is not separate. If you exist apart from God, you believe yourself to be a God, and that is rebellion as witchcraft. Believing in dualism makes God angry with you. We are supposed to honor God as our Father, believe that we are OF our Father.

God is one, and everything is included in that one. God is inside us, and he is the outside, too. Muslims, like Christians and Jews, think according to their dualistic interpretations of the scriptures and mislead themselves. "Jesus" is Allah in you. He is not some first century prophet. He is Allah's Manifestation, and He is your imagination, your inner consciousness. You are Jesus Christ, because your inner man is God. There is no God but Allah, and He is the whole thing. Everything is one being.

The ineffable, Most High God is much more than the universe, but He decided to manifest, for He desired to have form. The physical universe exists to facilitate His manifestation, which is the experience of all living things. That experience in us is our imagination/"spirit"/consciousness. That inner man has been known as all the characters on the Bible. The Biblical characters were not the physical, historical people, but are states of consciousness we all must pass through to the attaining of the ascended state of awareness of being the Ineffable.

There is no God but Allah--because nothing is separate from Him. Creation is not separate from Him, but is an extension of Him. It is called emanation. He is emanating us and everything else. We are all one big, package deal: the WHOLE of everything is the Ineffable--the ONE.

Thursday, June 11, 2015

Neville Goddard's Pruning Shears of Revision: It Is Not Tomorrow That We Fix, But Today's Past

(See my 11-17-16 post:

If you have a different present, you must have had a different past.

The present is not what we want, but it is what the past has produced. In revision, we heal the past. We review the day, and where it is wrong, we make it right by imagining what we wish had happened as though it did. The objective is not a different tomorrow, but a different today. We imagine the past as having produced what we want, and we experience that desired now as though it had already been produced by our past.

Tomorrow it will be, but do not experience it as "tomorrow," else tomorrow will never come. Experience it as having been produced already in your past, that it is an already accomplished fact you have now, today. Then tomorrow will be the fruit of our revised today.

The text below is from :

I’ve applied a simplified version–express shears. I wanted to get up earlier each day and feel refreshed and eager to get up and start the day. So, I started with the pruning shears. Each night, I saw that I had gotten up later than I’d like and felt tired and worn out. That was the review part of the exercise. Then, I replayed the morning in my mind–“re-visioned”–it. I saw that I had gotten up that past morning before 6:30am and felt refreshed and eager to get up and get moving with the day. So, I imagined that this past morning was as I wished it had been, instead of how it actually was. I kept playing and seeing the desired morning over and over again. That’s it! That’s all I did. To even my own amazement, it took only about 4-5 days of “re-visioning” before I was waking up before 6:30am (sometimes even as early as 5 am). The best part of all is that I was feeling refreshed and energized. I’d been waking up at those same times, anyway, before. What was entirely different was how great I felt–yes, even at 5am! Well, this has made me a believer!
I call my version the express version, because I only focused on one new thing each evening. Quite frankly, it was only one thing, because it was all I could do before I’d fall asleep.
So, because I’d been visioning the new morning experience, I was actually creating it as a new possibility for the morning. I literally created a new neural pathway in my brain that makes it both easy and possible to wake up early AND refreshed!
I say, it’s working, so keep going! I’ve even added a new thing to my nightly “re-visoning”.

Coach’s Challenge

Think about one thing you’d like to do differently and start “re-visioning” it before you go to sleep at night. Just one thing. Keep it simple! Let us know how it goes.

Suggested Resource

Check out my recent article.
- See more at:
At the end of my day, I review the day; I don’t judge it, I simply review it. I look over the entire day, all the episodes, all the events, all the conversations, all the meetings, and then as I see it clearly in my mind’s eye, I rewrite it. I rewrite it and make it conform to the ideal day I wish I had experienced. I take scene after scene and rewrite it, revise it, and having revised my day, then in my imagination I relive that day, the revised day, and I do it over and over in my imagination until this seeming imagined state begins to take on to me the tones of reality. It seems that it’s real, that I actually did experience it and I have found from experience that these revised days, if really lived, will change my tomorrows.
– Neville Goddard - See more at:
At the end of my day, I review the day; I don’t judge it, I simply review it. I look over the entire day, all the episodes, all the events, all the conversations, all the meetings, and then as I see it clearly in my mind’s eye, I rewrite it. I rewrite it and make it conform to the ideal day I wish I had experienced. I take scene after scene and rewrite it, revise it, and having revised my day, then in my imagination I relive that day, the revised day, and I do it over and over in my imagination until this seeming imagined state begins to take on to me the tones of reality. It seems that it’s real, that I actually did experience it and I have found from experience that these revised days, if really lived, will change my tomorrows.
– Neville Goddard - See more at:
At the end of my day, I review the day; I don’t judge it, I simply review it. I look over the entire day, all the episodes, all the events, all the conversations, all the meetings, and then as I see it clearly in my mind’s eye, I rewrite it. I rewrite it and make it conform to the ideal day I wish I had experienced. I take scene after scene and rewrite it, revise it, and having revised my day, then in my imagination I relive that day, the revised day, and I do it over and over in my imagination until this seeming imagined state begins to take on to me the tones of reality. It seems that it’s real, that I actually did experience it and I have found from experience that these revised days, if really lived, will change my tomorrows.
– Neville Goddard - See more at:
At the end of my day, I review the day; I don’t judge it, I simply review it. I look over the entire day, all the episodes, all the events, all the conversations, all the meetings, and then as I see it clearly in my mind’s eye, I rewrite it. I rewrite it and make it conform to the ideal day I wish I had experienced. I take scene after scene and rewrite it, revise it, and having revised my day, then in my imagination I relive that day, the revised day, and I do it over and over in my imagination until this seeming imagined state begins to take on to me the tones of reality. It seems that it’s real, that I actually did experience it and I have found from experience that these revised days, if really lived, will change my tomorrows.
– Neville Goddard - See more at:
"Now every man in the world is rooted in you who look out and see that world. Every man is rooted in me; he ends in me as I am rooted in and end in God. Because he is rooted in me he cannot bear other than the nature the root allows. So he is in me and any changes desired in the outer world can be brought about only if I change the source of the thing I see growing in my world.

"You see yonder fields?
Don't be surprised when you see sesamum:
The sesamum was sesamum,
The corn was corn,
The silence and the darkness knew
So is a man's fate born"

"So don't judge it, because you are the source of the thing that you are beholding. Now turn within and prune it by using these pruning shears of revision.

"Now this is how we do it. At the end of my day, I review the day; I don't judge it, I simply review it. I look over the entire day, all the episodes, all the events, all the conversations, all the meetings, and then as I see it clearly in my mind's eye, I rewrite it. I rewrite it and make it conform to the ideal day I wish I had experienced. I take scene after scene and rewrite it, revise it, and having revised my day, then in my imagination I relive that day, the revised day, and I do it over and over in my imagination until this seeming imagined state begins to take on to me the tones of reality. It seems that it's real, that I actually did experience it and I have found from experience that these revised days, if really lived, will change my tomorrows. When I meet people tomorrow that today disappointed me, they will not tomorrow, for in me I have changed the very nature of that being, and having changed him, he bears witness tomorrow of the change that took place within me. It is my duty to take this garden and really make it a garden by daily using the pruning shears of revision.

"I know from experience it will not only bring about these objectives, and bring about these changes, but the glorious thing is, it awakens in you, who use it, the spirit of Jesus, and you find yourself then not justifying but forgiving, and you will realize that freedom and forgiveness are indissolubly linked. You cannot be free and not forgive, for the one that you would bind and judge and condemn anchors you by your own judgment of him--for he is in you. And so by identifying him with the ideal you want to really realize you free yourself.

"You are told "Forgive and you shall be forgiven. Forgive not and then you shall not be forgiven". It's automatic; it can't be otherwise for the whole springs from you who behold it. And as you begin to practice it the very spirit arouses itself within you and you know that you are he that others spoke about and thought lived 2000 years ago.

"So, when you realize it, you realize it through actual knowledge, you know it; no argument, you don't tell others, you know that you are he. And then you will read the words in the ninth of Hebrews, "He appeared to put away sin by the sacrifice of himself". And you will know you are the one that put away sin by the sacrifice of self and by the sacrifice of self it's not being a brave one who throws himself in the line of fire to protect a brother, it doesn't mean one who gives his body to be burned, one who is nailed on a cross, but the self of man is the sum total of all that that man believes and consents to as true. So that's the self that is sacrificed."
I’ve applied a simplified version–express shears. I wanted to get up earlier each day and feel refreshed and eager to get up and start the day. So, I started with the pruning shears. Each night, I saw that I had gotten up later than I’d like and felt tired and worn out. That was the review part of the exercise. Then, I replayed the morning in my mind–“re-visioned”–it. I saw that I had gotten up that past morning before 6:30am and felt refreshed and eager to get up and get moving with the day. So, I imagined that this past morning was as I wished it had been, instead of how it actually was. I kept playing and seeing the desired morning over and over again. That’s it! That’s all I did. To even my own amazement, it took only about 4-5 days of “re-visioning” before I was waking up before 6:30am (sometimes even as early as 5 am). The best part of all is that I was feeling refreshed and energized. I’d been waking up at those same times, anyway, before. What was entirely different was how great I felt–yes, even at 5am! Well, this has made me a believer!
I call my version the express version, because I only focused on one new thing each evening. Quite frankly, it was only one thing, because it was all I could do before I’d fall asleep.
So, because I’d been visioning the new morning experience, I was actually creating it as a new possibility for the morning. I literally created a new neural pathway in my brain that makes it both easy and possible to wake up early AND refreshed!
I say, it’s working, so keep going! I’ve even added a new thing to my nightly “re-visoning”.

Coach’s Challenge

Think about one thing you’d like to do differently and start “re-visioning” it before you go to sleep at night. Just one thing. Keep it simple! Let us know how it goes.

Suggested Resource

Check out my recent article.
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