The Becoming God

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Conversations with Ed, a Former 2x2er, About Neville Goddard, Visions and Freedom: Part 7

Hi Dan,

When you say most people are not aware because of the amnesia, are you talking about the visions? Surely that is the gift--that you can put meaning to the vision. Have you ever had vision/experiences that give you a "knowing"? Surely we are meant to know!

Listening to Neville, he says all will come in lifetime an understanding and you can do nothing but try and explain to those around us? Blake says the journey takes 6000 years, do you think that is as me, or the "I am"?

Again, we hear from Neville that when we die we are restored as a twenty year old in a different dimension than this one. I don't understand this as each of us started from the womb? Do you believe that we have always been? There are some things I just don't understand!!



I suggest you read and spend time in contemplation. Visions experienced in meditation are notoriously unreliable, because you do not know where the vision is coming from. The e'had--the multitudinous one that is God--encompasses the whole spectrum of spirit energies.

Six thousand is a representative number like three, seven, ten, forty, seventy and four hundred. It just means the time it takes to become a perfect man, regardless of the length of that time. How long might it take to become the Ineffable? I think six thousand years is a conservative figure.

We have always been, but we haven't always been this. Haven't you read my posts? I discussed this stuff in the just a week ago. As I have said in my posts, we are not people; we inhabit people.

As to restoring after death (actually, a visit to Life) to the consciousness of a twenty-year-old, I am not sure what Neville meant by that, or where he got his information from. As I explained to Tina on the 8th and 9th of this month, I think Neville encountered people he had known, who had died and been restored as twenty-year-olds; but I imagine they had lived that twenty years as kids growing up. He just intersected their lives at their being about twenty. Otherwise he would have been speaking to infants. Like you, I cannot imagine twenty-year-olds popping into existence, nor can I accept that our childhoods are false memories, or that children are not really there!

I do believe that we annex infants' brains as their conscience and basically have the same interests in our twenties as them as we had had as us, which was the point Neville was making. Ascension is a gradual, accumulative process.

Remember, in reality there is nothing but the Ineffable. It is not a man, but It is eternal, and that is a long, LONG time! The age of the universe is not more than a TV show to It. This is an afternoon project, a few minutes diversionary daydream. It is a BIG Ineffable. We are Its energies. Do not expect to understand everything about It. Just love It.



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