The Becoming God

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Neville Goddard Said: "Get Your Religion Wholesale"

There is that which certain mystics have discovered, a "natural" order of things, both physical and spiritual, within and "organic" to man. It is the human condition--I do not want to put a name on it--as seen through the mystic's eyes when perceiving the extremes of reality.

Moved by the vision and inspiration, the mystics wrote to reveal the human condition they had perceived to others. Ancient myths were constructed to convey it, someone wrote as Moses, another as Joshua, anonymous prophets, James and Mark, Gautama, Muhammad, peace be upon him . . . .

Synagogues, churches and mosques -- "cults" -- teach about the teachings of the mystic authors. "He taught this, and he taught that . . . " they say, about the mystic's teachings about the extremes of reality of the organic human condition.

And certain individuals and mission parties teach about the teachings of their cult about the teaching of the mystic authors about the extremes of reality of the human condition.

You always risk listening to someone's errant teaching based upon their misinterpretation of the mystic's message due to their and their cult's misreading and misplaced assumptions about the mystic's purpose and method in what he wrote.

Many people are fearful, constrained, or are engaged in evil practices because they think the scriptures are supposed to be interpreted the way they and their cult interpret them. But it is not supposed to be interpreted in that way. So what do the people have?

The human condition is almost never addressed in practice. What the mystics wrote of is neither understood nor even perceived, because the cults assume their interpretation, based on their misreading of the scriptures, is the interpretation that is supposed to be used. Never knowing the truth of the discoveries of the mystic authors in the extreme reality of YOUR human condition is the price you pay for religion.

Get your religion wholesale. Discover the inner spaces of man's consciousness. Discover the presence of Life and the oneness of God the prophets wrote about, organic to your own human condition. The Trinity is not three God-persons far away in heaven, but is God in YOU. And he says, "Come unto Me." Don't worry about it costing you everything to "go" to him*--he doesn't take money.

*You do not go any distance to get to what you are. "Going" to him means allowing him to amp up your awareness of his presence by surrendering your self-lordship and accepting his. And this is done in your organic, human condition--the proper seat for "religion."


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