The Becoming God

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The Fear Inducing "Culmination of All Things" is an Illusion

All the Fundamentalists are anxious about the coming Judgment day. "It is all throughout the Bible!"

Yes, but what is the culmination? It is a summation of the constant and on-going process of our generation into the likeness of God. Each of us is going through the process individually. "The grave gave up its dead, and the sea gave up its dead," & etc. Yes, the dead are judged, goats this way, sheep that way, but it isn't all at once. It DOES apply to everyone, but one at a time--to each individual individually.

We each reach maturity at different times in history. When we do reach maturity, judgment says move on up. If we have not reached maturity, judgment says go back and try again. The "White Throne Judgment" is "mano y mano," just our conscience before the Ineffable. There is no condemnation like reincarnation suggests--the Ineffable knows exactly what we were thinking and why, because he was the one doing it in us all the time. Oneness is a weird trip! We are Him, and individual. We have just got to learn how to make our individual . . . Him.


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