The Becoming God

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Why I Do Not Believe In The Law Of Attraction

Vibrations don’t talk.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Steal This Content, Please

I write this blog because I discovered there really is a God. No joking. There are not just powers and forces in the universe, but also a Consciousness, "God," Which is their Source. And there is a Source to that Consciousness -- the "Ineffable." !! These are not separate from each other or from us. We, the universe, and they are altogether one.

I live to promulgate knowledge of this Being we are. This is part of my contribution to It, to us, for we desire to make progress. Very few people will discover this blog. You will notice that there is no advertising on it, no request for donations, no books for sale. I want to make my writings as open and available as possible to all.

If you want to republish it, repost it, rewrite it, translate or convert it with Wordai or whatever, GO FOR IT. Just get it out to more people. I do not care if you make money with it (power to you), just do not change my intended meanings or challenge my copyright. If you do convert the text, please give my website a reference, so people can find the original for comparison sake (I doubt any computer program could accurately convert my screwed up grammar). You can always say, USED WITH PERMISSION. God bless and much success to you.

This is God’s Life

I discovered in the baptism in the Holy Spirit that God speaks to us in illustrations. Kneeling and facing a folding chair, I asked for the gift of tongues. Saved at the House of Praise, I had been surrounded by people speaking in tongues. I hadn't, so I was asking. Nada. Zip. Zilch. I gave God everything of myself I could think of, and He wouldn't touch me with a ten-foot pole. I was rejected, and became desperate to become acceptable. But what more could I give?

At this point I entered a trance, I guess, as my mind was focused on my plight to the exclusion of everything else. In my mind's eye I saw a dirt path I was following in a wash, a type of riverbed. As I followed to the left with tall brush on either side, a concrete wall appeared to the right. It grew higher as I walked along. I was raised near such a wash in Avocado Heights. It had been open, but I think it was enclosed with concrete walls when the Pomona Freeway was built. I knew the open wash well; it had been something of a playground for us.

I ran into a block, an impasse: a huge cement-like cube covering a passage. It was taller than I could jump. I didn't know what it was, but figured it was whatever made me unacceptable to God. I couldn't move it, climb over it, get around it, or even tell what it was. No name! In desperate sobs I gave it, whatever it was, to God. It was, of course, an illustration-- my point here -- and the explanation God gave me of what I had just given was also an illustration. On a level below the cube I saw a man-shaped scoop of mud taken from the earth. The mud became bone, organs, flesh, and finally given life from God, a living man. A dumb-as-mud man. A genuine tabla rasa.

I wondered what this new man could possibly think: a moment ago it was mud. In my mind's eye I followed the man as he sought shelter, safety, warmth, and food. He had concerns he was urgent to take care of. And never a thought of God, of thanks for the life he had been given, of what he had been made FOR, crossed his mind.


I felt like I had been hit upside the head with a two by four. I had spent my entire life up to this point concerned for whatever were my needs without ever a thought of God, of thanks for this life I had been given, or of what He had given it to me FOR, even though I had been a "Christian." I had robbed God of whatever His purpose for this life had been. I was a thief, a rebel. "Rebellion as witchcraft" came to mind. No wonder God wouldn't touch me with a ten-foot pole -- I had given myself to Him as His peer. There had been no real surrender or submission in my giving. If I didn't like what He did with me, I was going to take myself back! My respect for Him had been with reservations.

The error of my way became urgently clear. THIS IS HIS LIFE. I had no right of lordship. By His grace He had given me HIS life. I cast self-control out of myself, half expecting to fall down in an uncontrolled blob. Thankfully, I didn't fall. I saw a huge, felled pine in front of me. We were on a clearing high on a mountain. I was familiar with such places because I was an avid backpacker. God was speaking to me visually, and I hope you can hear what I saw. My head was bowed at the felled tree, but I could discern above me the Glory of God spreading across the sky like alpenglow on clouds. I said in my head to the Source of that Glory, "You are Glorious God; I am a mud man. Whatever your purpose for me is, that I will do."

I waited. I wasn't moving. I'd quit. And after awhile, I heard a small, still voice: "Remember this, and it is all right." I was expecting directions. Instead I received acceptance.

This was the first time God had spoken in words. My life in review had all been in images, illustrations. But the point had been made crystal clear: the life in me was and is HIS life. We are one. I SEEM to be living it, but it is in all reality Him. "Hear O Israel, being one with God is what makes you 'Israel'!" FOR GOD IS THE DOER OF THE VERB!!

Neale Donald Walsch notes that when we are born, we are perfect, for we are the Ineffable. Our only task is to grasp that. The universe always says, "Yes," for we are the Ineffable. We are never alone, for the Ineffable is everything, experiencing all things.

Honor God. Respect Him. Be noble, honorable, honest, generous, faithful, kind, loving. The Mosaic law was to show God how much we respect Him. Love is the same, the way by which one can show respect to God Whose life we are living! I think this is what Napoleon Hill was talking about when in Law of Success he said to determine what you will do or pay for what you want. Determine how you will show respect and honor to God, the Divine Intelligence, the Imagination of the Ineffable BY WHOM WE LIVE.

Monday, April 23, 2018

Directions From The Christian God: Electromagnetic Field Rather Than Human Imagic Form Type: "Just To Know Who Is Driving, What A Help It Would Be"

There are many "Why I am no longer a Christian" videos on from people who have deconverted from modern "orthodox" Western Christianity. I expected to find that many who posted had lost faith that there is any God and were opting for a there-is-no-God-at-all atheism.

It turns out that many of these non-Christians are, just as I, calling bull on the Western “Christian” image of God and church and are opting for what they (we) believe is a more Biblical and/or realistic view of God. Cool.

But where do they turn? While some have opted for a religion-free agnostic atheism (that there is a God beyond our ability to know or imagine, but It is nothing like the Judeo-Christian interpretation of the scriptures), others have opted for a Hebraic style Messianic Judaism, a life of legalistic synagogue halakhah. These latter adopt religious garb and speech and worry an incredible amount over names, as if having proper nomenclature and pronunciation were salvation.

It occurs to me that the problem for everyone in Christianity is the supposed human-form of God in the Bible. That is the impetus for the screwy literal-historical method of interpretation that plagues the church. Certainly God is not anything like us. It is a verb, for God's sake. But what is It like? It is like the heavens. But what are the heavens like?

I propose that the heavens are like the universal electromagnetic field. Try to imagine that in relation to the expressed nature of God in the scriptures. Our physical beings, especially our hearts and brains, transmit into and receive from the electromagnetic field continuously, and the field carries that information . . . to where? Everywhere. The electromagnetic field has been constant from the Big Bang approximately 14 billion years ago, and it is safe to assume that it existed eternally with that material before it boomed. The earth formed only about four billion years ago. Possibly ten billion years worth of intelligence transmitted into the field before life appeared on the earth. Is the electromagnetic field active? Is it all-knowing? Is it the Original Mind which affects us?

In the electromagnetic spectrum are all forms of light and life. It is power. It is infinite and eternal. In it is all consciousness. Is it in us as imagination? Is our consciousness of it? The "heavens" in Genesis 1:1 are MIND, imagination. God is certainly not a big guy sitting in a chair on planet Heaven ruling by remote control. The electromagnetic field is constant everywhere. Pervasive. It is giving and receptive like YHWH, life-giving and restorative like Yeshua, one like Elohim/Ashur.

Let your mind come up with the correlations. Wouldn't we all be better off knowing that something formless like the electromagnetic field is driving the bus than thinking it is a separate, powerful, and judgmental person like the church suggests?

Friday, April 20, 2018

I Cannot De-convert: I MUST Go On -- Keep On Keeping On!!

Last week I discovered several videos on YouTube from people who have "de-converted" from Christianity. I did not know there was such a word as 'deconvert.' The majority of these videos are testimonies by people who had a mistaken notion, just as I once had, of what Christianity is. They thought that having been raised in the church, asking Jesus into their hearts, believing in God and accepting Jesus as their Lord and Savior, being a Christian minister, a Sunday School teacher, missionary, or whatever, and ascribing to Christian doctrines, made them a Christian. But they had never actually been spiritually converted into being Christians by the baptism in the Holy Spirit. Accepting a set of doctrines, even with all sincerity of heart, is not conversion. In 1975, I personally found that it is one thing to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, and another for your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ to accept YOU. Regardless of what the scriptures say seemingly to the contrary, when I first converted God wouldn't touch me with a ten-foot pole.

The fact that God rejected me pushed me to discover and overcome what blocked my acceptability. In my case, I was holding onto self-lordship. I had given myself to God as his peer: if I did not like what he did with me, I was going take myself back. I was disrespectful of him and he utterly rejected me for it. He recognized it; I didn't. He took the time to show it to me through an illustrative dream, and when I had discovered it, repented, and found an attitude of true submission, he accepted me and filled me with his Holy Spirit. However, even the baptism in the Holy Spirit could conceivably be the effects of adrenalin and/or endorphins due the emotional rollercoaster I was on in my mind.

Were the ecstatic euphoria of the baptism all the spiritual evidence I ever experienced, I might be able to write off this "spiritual" evidence as chemistry -- just a different sort of drugs. The same might be said of Jesus' speaking to me audibly in the nervous system of my brain, and of being slain in the spirit. But when Charles Hunter asked Jesus to make everyone's limbs the right length, I WATCHED my arm, which I was holding very still, grow out about four or five eighths of an inch -- at the instant that Charles asked Jesus. My hyper-extended back was healed at the instant the elders at Christian Chapel asked Jesus to let their hands be his hands. My shoulder pain was healed the instant I said to the Ineffable's intelligence which makes us, "You can heal me." My friend Janet Gunther was healed of tuberculosis the instant God, before whom she worshiped in her mind, said to her, "You are healed."

There is evidence which demands a verdict that God is a powerful, hearing consciousness, and that evidence is signs and wonders. Recently I have been a student of Neville Goddard, from whom I learned that the Bible is symbolic, psychological, and illustrative. God is one, and that one includes EVERYTHING. Hear THAT, O Israel. What God is doing, we are doing, because we are him, and just as he is creating his world by his imagination, we are creating our worlds by our imaginations. WHEN YOU CAN SEE THIS, YOUR WORLD BECOMES A RUNNING MIRACLE.

I cannot de-convert; the EXPERIENCE of God talks me out of it! It is like he never shuts up, not that I would want him to. This is not the experience of most of the church, the pastors of which have never SPIRITUALLY converted unto God. The reason is that they have a dualistic God and an external Savior -- NEITHER OF WHOM ACTUALLY EXIST. This is the fruit of misinterpreting mistranslated false scriptures using an incorrect method which allows for conversion by the acceptance of doctrine. They have erred themselves into a corner and cannot hear God. Fear of transgressing a false "orthodoxy" keeps them from even considering the truth. I am so sorry for their ignorance of the correct methods of interpretation and of more accurate translations of better texts. Until the church turns around and actually becomes Christian itself, people are just going to continue leaving.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Jesus Christ: The End of The Becoming God Becoming in YOU

This is a retraction. In my profile I state that this blog about the Becoming God is not about our being God nor our becoming God. I realize now that the Becoming God (the Ineffable, not the blog) is exactly about our being God and becoming God.

The Ineffable Most High desired form, to be manifest. That desire is our virgin mother who knew not a man but conceived by the Holy Spirit (the consciousness or imagination of the Ineffable) and is the mother of all living. We are spirits that are living because we ARE the Ineffable becoming manifest.

From before the Beginning the Ineffable imagined each of us as fully manifesting Itself. That takes some development and generation of the Ineffable's character and nature in us, but when we reach that point EACH OF US WILL BE "JESUS CHRIST." That potential -- the Kingdom of God -- is already in us in the process of development (and has been from the Beginning). Jesus Christ is that coming maturity in us. It came during the Season of Grace and is "coming again" in the destiny of each of us. Not a separate man is coming from someplace far away in outer space, but our destined end is approaching in our spiritual maturation.

When we call upon Jesus Christ or do things in his nature ("name"), that is OUR inner nature coming out in faith. When asking someone if they know Jesus Christ, it isn't the man two thousand years ago, but the Man in them they are and are becoming.

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Our Gods Are Too Few (But There Is Still Only One)

We have misunderstood the revelation of God in Exodus 3:14. "Moses" is the germ of the Gospel born in US. The question we have is: "What is life all about? If we are being refined as gold, what is the goal, the desired end?"

The answer is not that there is a self-existent eternal being apart from us. There is a self-existent eternal being, to be sure. THAT'S who we are talking to, and we already know that. That's why we are talking! The point of the story is Ashur, the bush structure. The pictogram of Ashur is the sun disc, with its son working in it, and its manifestation all around. It is the root, vine, and branch thing: all of it is ONE. The gist of the words 'EHYEH 'ASHER 'EHYEH in Hebrew, or AHIYEH ASHUR HIYEH in Aramaic, boils down to "WE ARE ONE." THAT is the Gospel: THE "BUSH" THAT THE INEFFABLE IS INCLUDES US!! The "gold" is Itself fully manifest: ourselves like Itself! Each of us shall be “Jesus Christ” (each of us are, for that is the end destined in our development; we just haven’t awakened to its coming forth in us).

The Ineffable is a continuum. From the incomprehensible Most High to the randomly manifesting quantum particles of matter, all is ONE. The self-existent eternal being is NOT separate from us, which is EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE OF THE TRADITIONAL "ORTHODOX" INTERPRETATION!! It did not create Creation out of a separate nothing; It created Creation by imagining it, out of the No-thing Its imagination is. I.e., out of Itself, which we are still IN and OF.

We call "God" the imagination of the Ineffable Most High. Imagination, or rather imagining, is the only action the Ineffable has -- Its only way of doing things -- and Its action is the only thing we can know of the Ineffable. "God" is a verb. As the Ineffable does imagine, Ashur: what It imagines becomes. This is Elohim is Hebrew: (He is) Over the flames -- That which manifests.

The manifestation of the Ineffable is something of a circuit. There is a relationship between that which manifests and that which is manifest. Everything is Ineffable-driven: it is the Ineffable who desires to manifest; the Ineffable which has the transcendent power to manifest; and the Ineffable which IS manifest to the glory of . . . the Ineffable. Symbolic Hebrew aleph-bet representations of this circuit which INDICATES the reality of the Ineffable's action in this relationship are yod, hey, vav, and hey. We call it YHWH -- "Yahweh" or "Jehovah."

Likewise, the manifestation of the Ineffable occurs according to the principles of Its own nature. Throughout Its existence It has been utterly free. Whatever It did not know, It worked out. From utter ignorance at first to all-knowingness, the Ineffable discovered and developed. We are manifesting that process now. There has always been an underlying current in the process to develop us higher, to reveal the light, life, and love of God to draw us toward the manifestation of the Ineffable. I guess it is the Ineffable's own character: "Yeshua" or "Eashoa" -- Life-giving, the Living Branch of the Ineffable. The English Bible calls It "Jesus."

All that would ever be required for the full and complete manifestation of the Ineffable was known to the Ineffable. Every potential was accounted for, including the fear and pain and suffering which could and would occur on the way to making everything the Glory of God All-In-All. All was known BEFORE the beginning of Creation. Before the Beginning, which was when the Ineffable became the manifesting action. INTO THE IGNORANCE OF AMNESIA AND ALL THE PAIN, SUFFERING, AND CONFUSION WHICH RESULTED, ROLLED THE INEFFABLE. THAT was the crucifixion of the Christ, the beginning of Its "three days" in Hades. "With (or As) a Beginning, (the Ineffable) created God, the heavens, and the earth" (Genesis 1:1, my take on translations by Jewish mystics [see Rabbi David A. Cooper God is a Verb, page 66] and Victor N. Alexander. Note that the Ineffable as creative imaginative action is the “Son”).

Last thought for tonight:
We are the Ineffable manifesting whatever we know right now. The Ineffable would have us know much more. As we submit to the Ineffable -- God -- and take on Its integrity and our appropriate humility respecting It, It can and will and does infuse us with Its Life-giving Spirit -- the "Anointing." This Anointing manifested as promised during the Season of Grace, which Season was an introduction to this Age, the Age of Grace. Do not let this opportunity slip by.

Thursday, April 12, 2018

The Fool Says, “There Is No God, There Is Only Reality”; The Wise Says, “There Is No Reality, There Is Only God”

Neville Goddard was around when men first went to the moon. This amazed him, not that he doubted it, but because he taught and believed that we move no more in reality than we do on the bed when we dream. The movement is all imaginal. We dream states, and the states change. “Reality” is no less dreamed. Yet here were men traveling a quarter of a million miles from earth and back, dreamed. It is quite amazing, and yet true.

“So you are saying that things are not real, they are only imagined.”

What makes you think they are not both? That is why we pray, to change what is real by changing what is imagined.

Wednesday, April 11, 2018

Disrespecting God is a Slow Burn

Continued from "We Are Saved From Disrespecting God":

Like every other person seduced into fundamentalist Christianity, I wondered how I could have inherited the guilt of Adam's sin of disobeying God's commandment (see * at end of post). I had not disobeyed the commandment, so why was I condemned? I rationalized to make sense of it: Adam had been spiritually alive to God; he sinned and became separate from God; then I was born into the state Adam’s descendants were now in - separated from God. It is kind of like that: we are born into ignorance, a lack of awareness of God ubiquitous in the world.

“The LORD is longsuffering, and of great mercy, forgiving iniquity and transgression, and by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation” (Numbers 14:18 KJV). Adam's iniquity resulted in separation of awareness, and that separation of awareness was visited upon me. It as been a bit more than four generations, but it's a principle.

Yeah, but it don't work that way: "The fathers shall not be put to death for the children, neither shall the children be put to death for the fathers: every man shall be put to death for his own sin" (Deuteronomy 24:16). So again, why am I guilty and punished for Adam's disobedience?

"Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me" (Exodus 20:5 KJV, emphasis John Piper's). Now we are getting somewhere. The children do the same sins as their parents - "hating God." And as God's standards do not change, everyone gets their own iniquity "visited" upon them. Except I neither disobeyed God nor ever hated him.

The extreme unfairness of Exodus 34:7 long irked me. It reads just about the same as Exodus 20:5 and Numbers 14:18: "Keeping mercy for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin, and that will by no means clear the guilty; visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children, and upon the children's children, unto the third and to the fourth generation" (KJV). THEY sinned, and generations later those who did not sin like them still get the same punishment?

Niet. I was irked for forty years for reading the wrong version of Exodus. In Exodus 34:5-7, God is proclaiming his own nature to Moses:

"And the Lord descended in a cloud and stood with him there and called the name of the Lord.*
6. The Lord, then, passed before him, and the Lord declared, "The Lord is Merciful, Gracious, Generous* of Spirit -- His Grace and Zeal are bountiful;
7. "Who safeguards grace for thousands of generations,* who forgives sins and obligations, but who absolutely does not sanctify* [those who sin and fail their duties;] however, He does command the love of parents upon their children and upon their children's children, to the third and fourth generations" (Victor N. Alexander‘s translation from the ancient Aramaic, emphasis mine).

*34:5 Lit. Ar. idiomatic construction: "And called by the name: Lord." NB! This and the subsequent passage leave little doubt that it was the Triune God that was manifested through the Father (Lord,) the Son (Lord) and the Holy Spirit (symbolized by the cloud.)
*34:6 Lit. Ar. id.: "Flowing."
*34:7.1 Lit. Ar. id.: Or: "centuries."
*34:7.2 Lit. Ar. id.: "Sanctifyingly sanctify."
*34:7.3 NB! All other translations have translated this passage in error, suggesting that God punishes children and grandchildren for three to four generations because their parents sinned.

AHH! Look at that! The end of Exodus 34:7 is a gloss. No one else's sins are being visited upon us. God simply does not "sanctifyingly sanctify" us if we sin OR FAIL OUR DUTIES. What duties? To recognize God, to honor him, to respect him, to submit ourselves to his authority, to be humble in our position, to love our neighbors, our children --- could go on all day. Do, as it were, the nature of God: mercy, grace, flowing of spirit, forgiving sins and obligations, fulfilling duties, and loving. Teach your children and grandchildren well.

See? God is no monster punishing children for what great-grandpa (or great-grandma) did. AND YET EVERY CHURCH IN THE WORLD IS TEACHING IT WRONG!!

Well, every church except the Ancient Aramaic Church and possibly the Church of the East.

As imaginal acts of the Ineffable, we are beholden and obliged to the Ineffable for our existence. We exist for Its purposes, which I believe is Its becoming manifest. We are responsible to the Ineffable to manifest It. What do we Do? What CAN we do? Imagine. Our duty is to recognize and respect the Ineffable and engage in Its action: God. Our "God" is the Ineffable's imagination; i.e., the Ineffable’s ACTION. Imagination is the limit of Its activity, Its door to experience. Our imagination we offer up to God to perform with full faith in Its ability to experience its fulfillment.

*I believe that 'Adam' is God's life-force in each person, the Spirit-consciousness which makes us alive as living human beings. We, that Spirit-consciousness, transcended to become our human consciousness, BUT JUST ABOUT EVERYONE BELIEVES THAT 'ADAM' WAS A HUMAN BEING WHO STARTED THE HUMAN RACE. I did, too, for a long time as a fundamentalist.

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

What Are We Saved From? Disrespecting God. THAT'S What We Are Saved From

We are "saved" from disrespecting God.

Moses was raised in Egypt. Egypt represents the flesh, the ignorance we are born into in this world. Moses was expert in the religions of Egypt, gods from above and gods below, but he didn't know God, Eil, the Shaddai ("He Is," the Provider). Curious of what life is all about in the end, Moses contemplated Jethro, "His Excellent Remainder." Then the image of Ashur, the God of Assyria (where Abraham was from) came to mind: the Son doing the works of the Ineffable manifest all around. "OH! That is this, “God,” this action all around, and I am part of it" (Exodus 3:14 - me). Moses had found and respected the true God, his own destiny, and his life was changed forever.

In today's Christian vernacular we would say that Moses was saved, that he had believed on God, that he had repented and accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior, that he had converted and was born again. My point here is that Moses' life up to that point, though a prince of Egypt with all the education in the world, sophisticated, successful, and well meaning, was a catastrophe. Life goes bad to make us turn and respect our superior we are disrespecting.

Consider Adam, the life-force of God's Spirit in man. Turning its focus on the flesh rather than God and entering the ignorance, it lives its life for itself without regard for God. That is disrespect; Adam is "fallen." Disregard for God kills awareness of the Spirit; Cain is the flesh and Abel the Spirit - Cain is cursed in forgetfulness. Ham disrespects his father, Noah, a type of God and an example we are to be like, and even Canaan, i.e., those who disrespect God like Ham, are cursed. I always wonder, what is the deal with Nimrod? He set up a kingdom for his EARTHLY father, Cush. These two and their 'Eve,' Semiramis, are the unholy trinity instigators of all Pagan idolatries, all of which are cursed.

Fascinating stuff. There seems to be a pattern in the Bible. Kings come into Abraham's sphere and touch his nephew, and get their asses whooped. They unknowingly disrespected Abraham, whose name means "Merciful Father" (THAT name is why he is "the Father of many nations"), and were cursed. Being merciful, God has got to get us to respect our superiors. Sometimes that takes a heavy hand. He sealed up the wombs of Abimelech's women folk, caused Esau to lose his birthright and blessing, starved Egypt into submission, killed their firstborn, forbade Moses from entering the Promised Land, took the kingdom away from Saul, and killed David's son. The pattern continues even to today and is not going away anytime soon.

You think God is some kind of monster? He IS everything affected, and everything is on its way to manifesting Him in His loving Glory. He is in the process of becoming. The stories above are ILLUSTRATIONS, examples of what it is like to be in ignorance of God and disrespectful toward Him. The stories are educational, explanations. God would be a monster if he didn't correct us, and the faster we get out from under OUR ignorance that causes our disrespecting Him, and which causes all our problems, the better. By the way, as His imaginal acts we entered into this crucifixion on flesh under the curse of ignorance to gain the freedom proffered. As bad as it is, it is us AS GOD fighting to overcome our ignorance of the nature of the Ineffable. It is a price we willingly pay for the joy set before us in receiving the Spirit, to gain the right to forgive and save - to set the Man free from sin and death and the pains of hell.

Salvation is moving from disrespecting and dishonoring our superior, God, in our spiritual ignorance, to respecting and honoring our superior, God, spiritually aware. The Bible offers a really big example of this, a second exodus I call the Season of Grace (this is Alexander's designation). This spiritual exodus is the prominent idea in the Books of Isaiah and Jeremiah. All the prophets talk about it, even Moses said God would raise a prophet like unto himself, which appeared in the Season of Grace. "Jesus" is about him, the Anointed One (the anointing nature is the "name above every name," not the fellow it was on).

Isaiah, as I was saying, is one big poem which vacillates between those who respect God and are on track to succeed, and those who disrespect God and are on track to failure (if your life is tracking in failure, where are you?). These tracks progress together until the fruit of each manifests in its final form - either the Manifestation of Christ or utter destruction. It is very clear to me from reading Vic Alexander's translations from the Aramaic Old Testament (very few books of the Old Testament he has translated, but worth every cent in my opinion).

Daniel was told the Season of Grace would run 490 years from a specific commandment to rebuild Jerusalem to the Manifestation of the Anointing, basically from the destruction of the first temple in Jerusalem to the destruction of the second temple. God is not impressed with temples as much as He is with respect and honor. Malachi poses the question to the nation during the Season: "A son honors his father and a servant his lord; if I am the Father, how are you honoring Me; and if I am the Lord, how are you submitting to Me?" Some were drawing away to camps to get their lives right with God, and some priests were offering defiled bread and blind, lame, or sick animals in disrespectful "sacrifices" to God. He's going to be impressed with your garbage?

It isn't the stuff you give, it is the honor and respect you have for the truth of the structure we are in. As far as rank and authority go, the Ineffable is above us, God is above us, and the Anointing Spirit is above us. Confucius got it right: honor your superiors, be humble yourself, recognize your position, and honorably play your role well with true, loving respect. Recognize that God is in you (not far of somewhere) and the curse on the earth due to YOUR disrespect, repent, and flee its destructive power. You will be a whole lot more successful in life with love, honor, and respect. Repent means to stop floundering in ignorance, and to be baptized means to wholly submit yourself to your superior, God, and be accepted (!) by Him. If you will so submit in a true surrendering attitude, you will receive the enlivening Spirit of God’s consciousness into your being, and as an open bucket fallen into a well, receive living water.


Saturday, April 07, 2018


There is only One, only one One. The One is the Source of all the universe and of all the spiritual dimensions beyond the universe. Everything comes from the One, and yet still is the One. We have absolutely no idea what the One is, but the One is everything, and that includes us. Make it personal: I am in It, of It, and part and parcel to It. There is no other One out there, no "Wholly Other" who is separate and apart from me. There is nothing but the One, and everything - both sides of the Sephiroth - are "in house."

The One has many masks, personas: Father, Son, Breath, Provider, Savior. The One is all the masks, all the personas, all the actors. None of the One is not also me. I am all of the One.

The One is what I call 'God.' It is Allah, Elohim, Ashur, Buddha, YHWH (Jehovah), Brahman, the Big Guy, etc., except the One is not divided from me. The One is advaita - the One is me.

The One has forces, but no action. There is no movement. I am the One “come in the flesh,” the dimensions I find myself in. All these dimensions are the One, but the dimensions lack the awareness of the One. I am the One’s ignorance in these dimensions, here to gain awareness.

The revelation in the Bible, Exodus 3:14, is “I am the One.” Not that Elohim is, but that Moses is, that I am the One. “I have sent me” is my nature. The rest of the Bible is about that.

The revelation in Exodus 3:14 means that I am the One's imaginal act. Again, from the Aramaic: "My imaginal act is the One's becoming." The One acts in imagining. It imagines. Everything is an imaginal act of the One. Nothing goes anywhere; the states change. That never changes.

I am an imaginal act of the One. The One is No-thing. Its imagination is the nothing I was created from. Creation is the One's imagining. Everything is nothing, imagined by the One. The One imagined Its imagining. How can that be? By me. I was created in the Beginning to create the End.

Among the sunflowers in Neville Goddard's lecture "Unless I Go Away" was me, an imaginal act of the One. "I have sent me" to become free. My cage is not the Law but Love the One puts me into. My freedom is to create imaginal acts as the One. My imaginal act is to coordinate with the orchestration of the One’s imagining.

To pray, in love create an imaginal act of enjoying what you want - a state which assumes that you have what was imagined. Rejoice in it.

(I am sure this is not finished, but I must stop for awhile. I will post up to this point and come back to work on it soon.)

Tuesday, April 03, 2018

The Backlot of Obsessed Focus With Respect To The One God

I made one little change to my post, "Obsessed Focus: Oh, That's How Nevillization Works." I added "With Respect To The One God" to the title. For honoring, respecting, and loving of our Source, the Ineffable, is the foundation of success in causational imagining. We are the imagining of the Divine Imaginer, and our relationship with It is key to fruit or failure.

As Its imagination, "God," we cast ourselves into ignorance, the loss of all awareness of our Godhood. We did this, actually, to gain THE INEFFABLE'S freedom in OUR nature, which IT wants. It takes awhile IN THE NEGATIVE to cultivate THE POSITIVE. I.e., in our temporary ignorance and ignorant causational imagining in disrespect of God, bad things happen which CAUSE us to alter our nature toward faith, love, and respect of It.

I attached this to Tom's report because his daughter Kylie imagined, and it became true. In her ignorance as a little child, Kylie feared and inadvertently disrespected God just like we all do day in and day out throughout our lives of ignorance. The results were expectedly catastrophic: Kylie's appendix ruptured, she had to spend eleven days in the hospital too sick to be operated on, and Tom's family "was in the fight of our lives." Juxtaposition this against Tom and his family's endeavor FOR Kylie with their faithful RESPECT and HONOR to God: after the love and prayer they poured upon Kylie, they received their daughter alive and well on Christmas Day with beautiful healings where the infection had been, as the surgeon said, "A miracle."

I invite you to play with this idea of what happens to those who honor God and to those who dishonor God. Nebuchadnessar was given the whole earth, but in a moment of pride he disrespected God and found himself eating grass in the field as a madman. Although his son Beltshazzar knew this, he nevertheless disrespected God and was slain by his enemies that very night (see Daniel chapters 4 and 5). This ain't softball. Ham walked in and found his father Noah passed out drunk and naked, and joked about it to his brothers. Ham's descendants, i.e., those like him, ARE CURSED to be servants. Think about it. It didn't go well for the Jews who disrespected the Anointing that was Jesus, either. There really is Something in the place I call the Ineffable. I honestly do not know what It is, but It most certainly is there and is really real, is conscious of me, and is unbelievably powerful. God help me find ways to respect It.

Response to Billy Kitchens' Question on The Prayer Technique Edited Out of John 16: 23-24

I do not want Billy's answer to be hid in a comment section, so I post the question and answer here (from

Asks Billy:

I love the message and have seen the Gregg Braden video. I also have the book Neil Douglas-Klotz which also mentions it. However, when I read all three major Aramaic versions of John 16: 23-24, those extra phrases are not there. Where is he getting this? I have read the versions: Murdock, Etheridge, and Lhamsa.


Than you for such an excellent question. I am impressed that you have read these translations from the Aramaic. I am only familiar with that of Victor N. Alexander. I fortunately saved a number of his website articles, because at least for the time being his website is down. I think he is too involved in making his movie, The Story of Eashoa (Jesus). I cannot say for sure, as he has not answered e-mails for about a year.

Where is Gregg Braden getting his Aramaic text?
A) Only Mr. Braden can answer that. I do not think he would mind telling anyone if they asked. You will notice in Braden's video, though, that he has traveled to ancient monasteries and has gained access to off-limits libraries. Which brings up . . .
B) Why are these phrases not in the translations we commonly have access to? Here I have to weave together what I have gleaned from Vic Alexander, Neil Douglas-Klotz, a number of Jewish rabbis, my personal intercultural experience, etc..
First of all, the Western Church is quite convinced of the Greek primacy, that the New Testament was written originally in Greek. Western-trained missionaries to Mesopotamia a couple of centuries ago translated the Greek New Testament into Aramaic. This was problematic because the missionaries were predisposed to translating the Greek into Aramaic according to their Western theological prejudices and biases. Yes, they produced an Aramaic version, but it was an Aramaic version of their Western understanding. No wonder English translations from this "ancient language which Jesus spoke" sound eerily like the King James Version.
Second, it is apparent by even a cursory reading of the New Testament that the subjects of the stories spoke Aramaic, even though Greek was universally known to all. Regardless of whatever is the universal language, everyone speaks their mother tongue in their home. In our melting pot of the United States, everyone is expected to be able to get along in English, but among their family and native friends, all speak their home language. Aramaic was the language of the event, whether it was literal-historical or psychological and symbolic. I have reason to believe that the first iterations of the event were Aramaic, too. The Aramaic-speaking Church of the East supposedly had copies of those most ancient texts squirreled away somewhere, like the monastery Braden visited.
Third, as you see in Neil Douglas-Klotz (I only have The Hidden Gospel), there is a phenomenal range of possible expression of the meaning of the Aramaic. Saying in our language what the ancient author meant in his is interpretive: "It meant something like . . ." Can we even understand it? Even if we know a sentiment is there, how do we say it? Gregg Braden is expressing something in his "ask without hidden motive," but what that is in the ancient Aramaic, I do not know. Alexander does have in John 16:24, "Ask and be assured (note: and be satisfied) that your joy shall be complete." That is close enough to "be enveloped in" for me.
I vary from Vic Alexander in that I read the Bible largely without future tenses. In private correspondence Vic has explained the Aramaic does have a mark which indicates a word or phrase is definitely future, but I go along with Robert Young in his introduction to Young's Literal Translation of the Bible, that the ancient Hebrew had no future tense. It certainly could express future events, but did so using past or present tenses. I largely read the Bible this way, because everything I want in the future had to exist in the Beginning in the past. The Ineffable accounted for every potential of Its manifestation which I am now living BACK THEN. The house and family manifestation I will want to have in the future was the Ineffable's experience in the past before the beginning of time. I HAVE it. It EXISTS. I AM THAT STATE ON THE WAY TO BECOMING. So I read John 16:24 in Vic's translation from the ancient Aramaic, "Ask and be satisfied that your joy is complete."

Thank you for the excellent question.

See John 16:23-24 Without Ulerior Motives

Sunday, April 01, 2018

You Can Have Anything You Want If You Will Think From Having It

You can have anything you want if you will think from having it. This is the Law of Assumption, a divine manifestation of the nature of God. But first you must know exactly what you want. Why must you know exactly what you want? Because you can have anything you want if you will think from it. Therefore, do not think from having what you do not want.