The Becoming God

Monday, April 16, 2018

Jesus Christ: The End of The Becoming God Becoming in YOU

This is a retraction. In my profile I state that this blog about the Becoming God is not about our being God nor our becoming God. I realize now that the Becoming God (the Ineffable, not the blog) is exactly about our being God and becoming God.

The Ineffable Most High desired form, to be manifest. That desire is our virgin mother who knew not a man but conceived by the Holy Spirit (the consciousness or imagination of the Ineffable) and is the mother of all living. We are spirits that are living because we ARE the Ineffable becoming manifest.

From before the Beginning the Ineffable imagined each of us as fully manifesting Itself. That takes some development and generation of the Ineffable's character and nature in us, but when we reach that point EACH OF US WILL BE "JESUS CHRIST." That potential -- the Kingdom of God -- is already in us in the process of development (and has been from the Beginning). Jesus Christ is that coming maturity in us. It came during the Season of Grace and is "coming again" in the destiny of each of us. Not a separate man is coming from someplace far away in outer space, but our destined end is approaching in our spiritual maturation.

When we call upon Jesus Christ or do things in his nature ("name"), that is OUR inner nature coming out in faith. When asking someone if they know Jesus Christ, it isn't the man two thousand years ago, but the Man in them they are and are becoming.


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