The Becoming God

Saturday, April 14, 2018

Our Gods Are Too Few (But There Is Still Only One)

We have misunderstood the revelation of God in Exodus 3:14. "Moses" is the germ of the Gospel born in US. The question we have is: "What is life all about? If we are being refined as gold, what is the goal, the desired end?"

The answer is not that there is a self-existent eternal being apart from us. There is a self-existent eternal being, to be sure. THAT'S who we are talking to, and we already know that. That's why we are talking! The point of the story is Ashur, the bush structure. The pictogram of Ashur is the sun disc, with its son working in it, and its manifestation all around. It is the root, vine, and branch thing: all of it is ONE. The gist of the words 'EHYEH 'ASHER 'EHYEH in Hebrew, or AHIYEH ASHUR HIYEH in Aramaic, boils down to "WE ARE ONE." THAT is the Gospel: THE "BUSH" THAT THE INEFFABLE IS INCLUDES US!! The "gold" is Itself fully manifest: ourselves like Itself! Each of us shall be “Jesus Christ” (each of us are, for that is the end destined in our development; we just haven’t awakened to its coming forth in us).

The Ineffable is a continuum. From the incomprehensible Most High to the randomly manifesting quantum particles of matter, all is ONE. The self-existent eternal being is NOT separate from us, which is EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE OF THE TRADITIONAL "ORTHODOX" INTERPRETATION!! It did not create Creation out of a separate nothing; It created Creation by imagining it, out of the No-thing Its imagination is. I.e., out of Itself, which we are still IN and OF.

We call "God" the imagination of the Ineffable Most High. Imagination, or rather imagining, is the only action the Ineffable has -- Its only way of doing things -- and Its action is the only thing we can know of the Ineffable. "God" is a verb. As the Ineffable does imagine, Ashur: what It imagines becomes. This is Elohim is Hebrew: (He is) Over the flames -- That which manifests.

The manifestation of the Ineffable is something of a circuit. There is a relationship between that which manifests and that which is manifest. Everything is Ineffable-driven: it is the Ineffable who desires to manifest; the Ineffable which has the transcendent power to manifest; and the Ineffable which IS manifest to the glory of . . . the Ineffable. Symbolic Hebrew aleph-bet representations of this circuit which INDICATES the reality of the Ineffable's action in this relationship are yod, hey, vav, and hey. We call it YHWH -- "Yahweh" or "Jehovah."

Likewise, the manifestation of the Ineffable occurs according to the principles of Its own nature. Throughout Its existence It has been utterly free. Whatever It did not know, It worked out. From utter ignorance at first to all-knowingness, the Ineffable discovered and developed. We are manifesting that process now. There has always been an underlying current in the process to develop us higher, to reveal the light, life, and love of God to draw us toward the manifestation of the Ineffable. I guess it is the Ineffable's own character: "Yeshua" or "Eashoa" -- Life-giving, the Living Branch of the Ineffable. The English Bible calls It "Jesus."

All that would ever be required for the full and complete manifestation of the Ineffable was known to the Ineffable. Every potential was accounted for, including the fear and pain and suffering which could and would occur on the way to making everything the Glory of God All-In-All. All was known BEFORE the beginning of Creation. Before the Beginning, which was when the Ineffable became the manifesting action. INTO THE IGNORANCE OF AMNESIA AND ALL THE PAIN, SUFFERING, AND CONFUSION WHICH RESULTED, ROLLED THE INEFFABLE. THAT was the crucifixion of the Christ, the beginning of Its "three days" in Hades. "With (or As) a Beginning, (the Ineffable) created God, the heavens, and the earth" (Genesis 1:1, my take on translations by Jewish mystics [see Rabbi David A. Cooper God is a Verb, page 66] and Victor N. Alexander. Note that the Ineffable as creative imaginative action is the “Son”).

Last thought for tonight:
We are the Ineffable manifesting whatever we know right now. The Ineffable would have us know much more. As we submit to the Ineffable -- God -- and take on Its integrity and our appropriate humility respecting It, It can and will and does infuse us with Its Life-giving Spirit -- the "Anointing." This Anointing manifested as promised during the Season of Grace, which Season was an introduction to this Age, the Age of Grace. Do not let this opportunity slip by.


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