The Becoming God

Saturday, April 07, 2018


There is only One, only one One. The One is the Source of all the universe and of all the spiritual dimensions beyond the universe. Everything comes from the One, and yet still is the One. We have absolutely no idea what the One is, but the One is everything, and that includes us. Make it personal: I am in It, of It, and part and parcel to It. There is no other One out there, no "Wholly Other" who is separate and apart from me. There is nothing but the One, and everything - both sides of the Sephiroth - are "in house."

The One has many masks, personas: Father, Son, Breath, Provider, Savior. The One is all the masks, all the personas, all the actors. None of the One is not also me. I am all of the One.

The One is what I call 'God.' It is Allah, Elohim, Ashur, Buddha, YHWH (Jehovah), Brahman, the Big Guy, etc., except the One is not divided from me. The One is advaita - the One is me.

The One has forces, but no action. There is no movement. I am the One “come in the flesh,” the dimensions I find myself in. All these dimensions are the One, but the dimensions lack the awareness of the One. I am the One’s ignorance in these dimensions, here to gain awareness.

The revelation in the Bible, Exodus 3:14, is “I am the One.” Not that Elohim is, but that Moses is, that I am the One. “I have sent me” is my nature. The rest of the Bible is about that.

The revelation in Exodus 3:14 means that I am the One's imaginal act. Again, from the Aramaic: "My imaginal act is the One's becoming." The One acts in imagining. It imagines. Everything is an imaginal act of the One. Nothing goes anywhere; the states change. That never changes.

I am an imaginal act of the One. The One is No-thing. Its imagination is the nothing I was created from. Creation is the One's imagining. Everything is nothing, imagined by the One. The One imagined Its imagining. How can that be? By me. I was created in the Beginning to create the End.

Among the sunflowers in Neville Goddard's lecture "Unless I Go Away" was me, an imaginal act of the One. "I have sent me" to become free. My cage is not the Law but Love the One puts me into. My freedom is to create imaginal acts as the One. My imaginal act is to coordinate with the orchestration of the One’s imagining.

To pray, in love create an imaginal act of enjoying what you want - a state which assumes that you have what was imagined. Rejoice in it.

(I am sure this is not finished, but I must stop for awhile. I will post up to this point and come back to work on it soon.)


  • The following comment was made by Jose Garcia. It included his e-mail address. If you wish to contact Jose, I will forward to him.

    Hello Dan:

    The end or the beginning has arrived, as you wish to say.

    He, Jesus Christ, the Son of man, has come, yes I can assure you, because I have experienced it, I suppose THE SAME AS Neville.

    But this time, it's different, because this time, WE'RE GOING ALL

    I have used the techniques of imagination, which you have reflected again and again, NEVILLE techniques or more clearly your own.

    I have read your blog again and again, and never, I will never be more grateful, because it has helped me to understand God, or the Ineffable.

    I never got results with the technique of assumption, but one day I was reading the barbarities that the Nazis had committed with respect to the Jews, and other prisoners and ethnic groups. I was so moved by what happened, that I imagined that night what all those people had suffered and how cruel the men they committed. So I tried to reconstruct those photos of cruelty, by loving thoughts or amorous images, like fraternization, joy, love, between all executioners and victims. The next day, something changed in me, I do not know how to describe it. I do not know if it had worked or not.

    So I decided, practice the technique one more time. I remembered that it was said that nothing is impossible for God, and that nothing is impossible for the one who believes.

    So as I could, I imagined some videos that appeared on Youtube, in which there were men and women hugging each other, crying with emotion when they met, a video and another video, all featuring men and women of all races, from all over the world. world, singing, dancing with joy, throwing weapons to the ground, destroying all kinds of weapons, all being happy, without disease without fear.

    And this time, I can assure you that it happened. Or better, it will happen to all of us, because we are going to wake up all together.

    Read the lecture, Neville's THE CURRENCY OF HEAVEN. Apply it as I have applied it, and I assure you that you will awaken, while everyone else will bless, and with the help of each other, we will all wake up and go all together with Dad, which is what he wanted and imagined.

    So do it. Consider it a purpose. But if you do not do it or it does not work for you, at least send the message to others for them to do it, and doing it all to each other, all equally, using the imagination, we will wake up everyone, and it's over. There is an exceptional invention that is Internet, email, social networks.

    This is the end of the bible. The handbook of success of Moses, and the purpose of God, is over. Of course, go preparing a shipment of handkerchiefs, because you will cry a lot, of emotion, joy, ecstasy and joy.

    By Blogger Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 7:18 PM  

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