Obsessed Focus With Respect To The One God: Oh, That’s How Nevillization Works
I would like to introduce Tom, a Christian minister who recently discovered causation by imagination and Neville Goddard. Tom has a unique story of events which led him into full-on “nevillization.” He posted his story on Reddit.com and has corresponded with me in a number of e-mails. In the interest of encouraging and enlightening everyone, and with Tom's permission, I have edited his Reddit report and our missives to clarify and post the more relevant parts of them here.
Briefly, Tom's daughter worried herself to a literal illness, and Tom noticed that her thoughts had "worked." As Neville frequently said, "When it works, you have found Him, God, to be your own, wonderful, human imagination." Having found God, Tom has earnestly obsessed over practicing God. Please see my posted note on respecting God.
It is interesting that Tom calls each thing he has imagined, but which has not yet manifested, a promise. Also, this Reddit.com post is the LAST thing that came up in our correspondence. It is the clearest and most important, so I give it to you first.
Tom's Reddit.com dialogues (https://www.reddit.com/r/NevilleGoddard/comments/85wbla/nextlevel_manifestations/):
Hi Guys!
First of all, I love you guys so much! It's great to be a part of a community of people that are getting ahold of these great truths. A while back I promised a report of some good things in the works, and here is the some of the first "crop" sprouting up. I really laid ahold of Neville and these truths at the beginning of the year (January, 2018), and here we are a couple of months later. There's been too much happening to tell it all. Now I know why John the evangelist said the world couldn't contain all the books if the works of Christ were written down! But these are some of the highlights so far. They really started popping up for me about 3-6 weeks after going "all in" with Neville and getting deep into the imaginal acts.
1) My Daughter:
My daughter Kylie ruptured her appendix in December of 2017. This was the catalyst for this whole thing. I had not yet found Neville, but I understood perfectly these truths. My mother read the story of Madeline, a classic children's tale about an orphan who gets appendicitis, to Kylie, and gave her a doll that goes with the book. The doll was complete with the scar from Madeline's appendectomy.
Kylie was shaken to the core with fear when she came home. She wept with trembling and shaking at the thought that she, too, would get appendicitis. I can normally pull my kids out of a fearful state, but not this time. For 2 or 3 days Kylie was absolutely afraid of getting appendicitis and fell asleep in this state. Well, you already know, don't you? About a week to ten days later she got appendicitis! She was only 7 at the time. It was the worst thing ever.
Long story short, by the time they transferred her to a children's hospital where a pediatric surgeon could operate, the appendix had ruptured. This was not good. We were in for the fight of our lives, and during the course of the 11 day stay in the hospital I understood this revelation of imagining creating reality. I was getting it, God "in here" vs. "out there." Anyway, she pulled through as we imagined her walking out healthy by Christmas. She was released ON Christmas morning!
But this is where it gets good. Neville comes into my life right about the week before New Year's. I really dig in, abandon my old network of orthodox Christian thinking the best I can, and fully immerse myself in imaginal acts. For my daughter, I imagined a scene implying her fullest health and life. We still had to have the appendix removed as they couldn't remove it due to the infection. Well, late February she finally had the appendectomy. The surgeon came out "rattled" looking, and I was like, "Is everything OK?" She said, "Oh, yes, everything went great, but..."
She took the back side of the surgery photos (which I'll post down below) and drew a picture. She said, "This is normally where the appendix is. It looks like a little peninsula hanging off the colon. Normally I'd go and surgically remove the appendix here (pointing to it), and there's a large blood vessel that requires sutures to seal it up. And then there are issues with the colon where the fissures/tears that allowed fecal matter to go through the lining and cause the infection on the appendix." Anyway, she said something to the effect of, "I've never seen this before, and I used to teach surgery, but your daughter's appendix wasn't there. It had auto-amputated itself!"
She said that when she put the camera in through Kylie's belly button, there was nothing but beautiful scar tissue sealing the area where the appendix should have been, and also around the colon area where the fissure likely was. When she moved the camera, there lay the appendix. She said she couldn't explain it, and I simply said something like, "Well, she's had a lot of prayer and love poured into her." To which the surgeon said, "Well, that's God then. That's a miracle!"
2) My food allergies and irritable bowel syndrome are apparently gone!
Long story short, I was diagnosed with a high tomato food allergy 3 years ago, which turned into a 3 year journey discovering other foods and ultimately an Irritable Bowel Diagnosis from a gastroenterologist (after biopsy and tests). All three of my kids have had food allergies since they were babies or toddlers. So I began to imagine us all eating whatever we want together.
I was in Walmart with my wife last week, and the Sun Chips brand of Garden Salsa chips in the bright red bag felt as though it jumped out at me. I felt a contraction-like sensation in my gut and I suddenly felt so famished, like I absolutely needed to scarf that bag down right then. I shook it off, but when going past that isle for something else, I experienced the same effect. This time I took notice, and said, "Screw it, I've already seen too much," and threw it to the shopping cart. My wife gave me that look. She's seen me doubled over in pain after having tomato, and this bright red bag has a giant tomato on the front. But see, she's being radically transformed through everything happening here just as I am. So she knows and is like, "Okay, it's on."
I got in the car, ate one third of the bag on an empty stomach, and felt great! I finished the bag this weekend, and during a family cookout had ketchup and BBQ sauce for the first time in three years! I feel amazing! Now, this may not sound exceptional to you, but you'd have to be in my shoes to know how profound it is.
3) My Son Noah
Noah is my heart. He's my firstborn and my only son. He was diagnosed with severe food allergies when he was a baby (allergic to the dairy-based formula). We've had three trips to the Emergency Room when he accidentally ingested either dairy or wheat (he is also allergic to eggs and tree nuts, and you have to understand that this lifestyle had ruled our lives ever since. He's 11 now). The ER trips were because he immediately throws up, breaks out in scary-looking hives all over his body. He's also had severe eczema his entire life, and in one incident his throat was closing up. So we're talking scary stuff here, right? But how big is our God? The Lord our God is one! He's absolutely amazing and beyond compare - there are no metaphors of earth, no words to describe the indescribable!
Anyway, you have to understand I've believed in this God since I "asked Jesus into my heart" when I was 10. I'll be 40 in May, and this is all part of a promise God spoke to my life in 2017. Anyway, I say that to say what 10+ years of prayer, of fasting, and of human endeavor seeking a God "out there" couldn't do, the Christ "in there" via my imagination did in a few minutes of an imaginal act! I mean, COME ON MAN! This is truly amazing stuff! (Oops, spoiler alert, lol.)
Well, this weekend Noah described almost the exactly same sensation when he saw my chicken tenders (wheat flour breading) on the kitchen counter. He said he really really wanted to eat it, and it looked so good, and he just really "felt" like he wanted to eat it so bad. Again, this was all just coming about so naturally feeling. So I made sure he was good, because I was already occupying this place for him, and he proceeded to eat wheat for the first time in his life! And he felt great! He started with one bite, then two, then a few minutes later still feeling great, he gobbled down the whole thing!
The next day, he moved on to a simple little item to all of us, but so, so special for him... he ate an Oreo cookie. Now you have to understand the burden of so much of our life revolving around food allergies. Think of other kids bringing special foods to school for birthdays and the like, and he's always left out. So this was a big deal for him. I just uploaded the video here so you can enjoy the moment with me:
https://youtu.be/LI7wN_2I2aI (that's Kylie his sister next to him).
4) My Dad
My dad was diagnosed with an aneurysm on his heart sometime in late 2016 - early 2017. Tests showed it was 4 cm in diameter. Aneurysms do not shrink, according to his doctor. He just turned 70, and this was a major thing; as in, "he's spending all the time he can with the grandkids" kind of thing. Well, I'm a believer, and so is he (pre-Neville), and we pray for healing. I've experienced many wonderful miracles over the years, but the well seemed to have run dry for the past several years. After prayer, he gets a 2nd test, and the aneurysm had shrunk 10% to 3.5 cm.
Now, fast forward to January, 2018, and I get ahold of Neville. I share with my wife, and she's being transformed. I share with my dad, and he catches fire like I've never seen! (As an aside, my "Christian" friends aren't so receptive. A couple are, but my pastoral/ministry friends are praying for me, because they think I have a devil.) Anyway, the day after one of my dad's first imaginal acts, he got a contract on an out-of-state investment property that he hadn't been able to sell in years! So I say, "Dad, let's create the scene that implies you are perfectly healed and healthy." Together, we envision a new doctor's report. I feel the paper in my hand, I crinkle it in my ear, I see in red ink, "NO ANEURYSM," and I circle the words in red and put 3 underlines underneath to emphasize and make it vivid in my mind.
He got his 3rd, and now final, test result a couple of weeks ago. He texted me a picture of the report, and in his own words simply wrote, "No aneurysm!!!!" The screenshot of the text and report are also below. I called him after the text, and he had a youthful/gleeful tone in his voice that I'd never heard. My mom, who is usually a chatterbox, was dead silent. I could hear her in the background, and my dad said she's been following him around the house all day randomly hugging him, just speechless. You'd have to know my parents to know they don't go around hugging each other, lol! They love each other; it's just they were not emotional like that.
5) My Business
See a post in this sub titled "MANNA FEST." (Dan's edit for non-Christians/non-Jews: manna was the "bread" divinely supplied to the children of Israel during their 40 year sojourn in the wilderness), It's too much to tell, but entirely remarkable to me. I have manifestations that are so incredible that I can't yet share them as I'm contractually under a non-disclosure agreement with certain companies. But boy oh boy, this is starting to get reeeeeaaaalllly interesting!
Let me encourage you to play around and have fun and exercise that wonderful imagination of yours. But for the love of God, USE IT TO HELP EACH OTHER! Yes, of course have everything you want. As Neville says, in the end the hunger for God's Word will be the only thing that satisfies and endures. So my friends, let's go and change the world for the better! "Ask me, and I will make the nations your inheritance, the ends of the earth your possession" (Psalm 2:8).
My daughter, son, dad, and myself are healed! We are taking it slow with the food allergy healing and eating new foods slowly, but surely, as the desires unfold in us still.
Proof: https://imgur.com/a/XleWe (text from my dad with test results, and surgery pics of auto-amputated appendix).
Video of my son eating Oreos for the first time: https://youtu.be/LI7wN_2I2aI
A Reddit comment:
This is absolutely remarkable. I really appreciate you posting the above to this sub. Plus proof! Wow!
Do you mind me asking you about your favorite Neville Goddard methods and material, if you get a moment to respond?
Congratulations! May things get even better.
Thank you! I've fully immersed myself into scripture and Neville for the last three months. There's so much to tell, I think I'll make a video to try and tell it better. Off the top of my head, these are some of my thoughts:
1) I'm obsessed with getting into the meditative state where it's just me and God in the divine mystery of our union together. Like Neville says, "Though we speak of Him as another, we are He." This is still something sinking in for me as I've had to overcome the thought that this is blasphemy. As I have "allowed" and "accepted" the truth of the Gospel, I've experienced more of Christ than I ever dreamed possible in the realms of love, wisdom, and power. I've had very life-altering mystical encounters with God that I am still processing. Just last week I had THE most intense power-encounter with God that I've ever experienced in my life. It was the explosion of the skull, and it went down into the base of my spine and exploded back up again into my skull in thunder. It lasted for hours -well into the early morning hours. I'll share more later as I can, perhaps in video form, as I feel it will be received more (especially by my Christian friends, who I love, but would be so scared to read it in text form).
2) My favorite Neville texts right now are the lectures. I scroll through the catalogue of them almost every day and read one that jumps out at me. Off the top of the my head, "Your Supreme Dominion" and one on "Christmas" were absolutely revelatory to me. In turn, all of scripture has become alive like never before! I know what Jesus meant when He said, "my words are spirit and life." If I could recommend one thing, it would be to take the revelation that Neville brings and go right to the source of the Living Word of Scripture and meditate deeply in it. I used the Blue Letter Bible app to study the Hebrew and Greek our English translation comes from. At the end of the day, Neville was a messenger. He was the message. God writes His law on OUR HEARTS, and so we must know we ARE the message, too. Jesus, or Neville, or anyone can lead us to the water, but we must be the ones to drink!
As for Neville books, I started in the beginning with the basic ones like Freedom for All, Awakened Imagination - anything with the basics of "the law."
3) Favorite Neville techniques? Any of them, and all of them. They're all for sharpening the mental/spiritual senses which create the "evidence of things not seen," which then manifests in the physical world. One of the keys for me is NOT holding onto the physical world or it's "stuff and things," but rather "seeking first the kingdom." The kingdom (power structure) from above absolutely dominates the kingdoms (power structures) of this world. Seek his first, and "these things" will be added unto you.
An early technique that really helped me get started was Neville's telling us to imagine holding a baseball and feeling it in our hands. Then imagine holding a tennis ball, then a golf ball. The feeling starts coming more quickly after practice, and you can slip right into it any time. Bi-location: I can almost be omnipresent in my own home as I can visit all of the rooms in my house in an instant, see my children sleeping at night, declare all the goodness and blessings of God over them, etc. So this would be an extension of Neville's technique where he uses the phone in the hallway scene, or he's in a hotel in Los Angeles but imagines himself in a hotel in San Francisco, and vice versa; or imaginally in his apartment in New York, but he's in Barbados.
Really, I've discovered that as much as I love Neville, I mean dearly love him (and some others that I feed on), there is no guru but yourself. The essence for manifestations, to me anyway, is absolutely FEELING IT REAL and PERSISTING IN THE ASSUMPTION that the promise you have mentalized is real, despite what you wake up to in the morning with your current physical state. That's why I'll listen to Wayne Dyer's I AM meditation music throughout my entire day on some days. I live in the mood, the feeling, that I got when I initially FELT IT REAL. I imagine the garden I'm planting, and I'm excited that life is happening even if the flowers aren't above the surface yet. Or I see an art gallery in my mind, and here are all of the beautiful paintings and sculptures I've created, and I love to gaze upon them and visit them whenever I want. So I continue to dwell on the promises. I dwell not in doubt to re-do the scene again as if it didn't happen (although I did do this at first just to try and water the seeds or something like that), but rather I dwell upon it because of the mood I've caught and the feeling of joy and excitement I have when I look at it and consider it mine.
Walter Russell is another great one I just discovered. He calls this "the ecstatic man." Neville uses the term "the heavenly pattern man" during a text lecture I read on Paul (I believe). The essence is that God Himself, who is the ONE who is all, in all, of which we individually are a small member, dwells in the absolute ecstasy of infinite love as perfect still light. He is the only "thing" in existence that is absolute rest and stillness; everything else operates from that according to the law of vibration. And so, "going into the quiet" is the best part. I'm endeavoring to live there every moment of my life. I'm not there, but we go from glory to glory! I can't shake the consuming feeling that getting this gospel out into the world is my truest calling. I'm believing for my business because I want to do it like Neville and never have to pass the collection plate. Like the man says, "this gospel won't cost you a single nickel!"
We have the keys brotha! Jesus said, "I give you the keys of the kingdom, whatsoever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven." I meditate on this a lot. He backs up whatever we do when we exercise the law! This was Jesus washing Peter's feet and telling him that He came to serve! Peter was like, no way, how can this be? But Jesus insisted! Amazing stuff!
Reddit comment:
Congrats!!!!!! Did you visualize separate scenes for each family member and yourself? Or did you visualize one scene of all of you happy and healthy and your business doing well ?
Both! I don't think you can overdo it, unless you're doing it because of doubt. I think about everything because I can't shut off my thoughts. So I imagine various levels that imply the fulfillment of the promise. I see each of my kids eating whatever they want and rejoicing. I see us sitting around our kitchen table, with a bounty of food laid before us, and I raise a glass and make a toast, I hear the sound of the glasses klink together, and we're so happy and amazed at it all. I see us in a pizza shop having pizza together for the first time. I have my own heavenly scene in the garden of Eden as I can best imagine it, that is the culmination of everything being on the earth as it is in heaven!
Reddit comment:
This is amazing, congratulations to you and your family. I am currently working through some of my own food allergies / sensitivities and I know the battle of trying to get this under control. I would love if you could share more details of how you overcame this by imagination. How did you imagine not being affected by these foods?
Thank you! I'm going to copy and paste from my previous comment: So I imagine various levels that imply the fulfillment of the promise. I see each of my kids eating whatever they want and rejoicing. I see us sitting around our kitchen table, with a bounty of food laid before us, and I raise a glass and make a toast, I hear the sound of the glasses klink together, and we're so happy and amazing at it all. I see us in a pizza shop having pizza together for the first time. I have my own heavenly scene in the garden of Eden as I can best imagine it that is the culmination of everything being on the earth as it is in heaven!
Tom’s EDIT: I will also add that the manifestation feels like it's happening very naturally but also progressively. I don't understand it all, maybe that's because that's where my faith is at, or that's just how it's unfolding for us. I think of the divine rhythm of nature and how flowers grow, things are born and develop and grow, and the interval of time it takes for regeneration to happen on the physical plane. So that's how it feels, like baby steps (small increments of the food as MY BODY "tells" me it's ready, then more will come in its due time). I said that to say, I don't recommend rushing out in "blind" faith and gorging on a food that could kill you. You will KNOW when it's happening in you. Learn to listen to what your body and feelings are telling you, knowing that really you dominate them as your true Self is the Life-Giving Spirt of Jesus who is the Christ! So looking from the Spirit, I learn to read and listen to my own body talk via it's feelings and sensations, all while knowing I'm the one that can adjust them via imaginal acts of the mind/spirit.
Do you visualize multiple scenes one after another? Or do you take a more focused approach, i.e., same visualization/mental scene until it manifests?
For me, when it comes to one thing I really want, like health or wealth, I imagine various things until I have a true "flash of inspiration," where in a split-second I see an image that literally jolts me. Kind of like if something startles you, and it makes you flinch. It kind of feels like that. For me, that's when I conclude with finality that "it is finished," and I worship and give thanks and it's done. Then, whenever I want to, just because it's enjoyable, I revisit the image and gaze upon it. I may create other scenes from there as well implying the fulfillment, or especially something I want to do "in real life," like take my kids out for pizza. Every kid deserves that! Or, if I'm getting pressed/pressured by the interval of time it takes for the promise to show itself in the world, I meditate back upon the inspired scene and catch the feeling again so as to remain in the assumption that it's done.
As I said, Tom has corresponded with me about this turn of events in his life. I am more of a theologian reconciling mysticism and Neville to the Bible, while Tom is more of an Israelite on the mountain experiencing it. It is good to find somebody who gets this stuff. Too bad he and I are on opposite coasts of North America (thank you, Al Gore, for inventing the Internet). Let me see if I can eliminate extraneous discussion and glean some salient points:
Hi Dan,
Wow, I just read one of your articles on the becoming of God! It's pure gold my friend, pure gold (that sounds salient to me).
It's so very refreshing to find you. I wish I could tell you everything that's happened in the last three months since discovering Neville. It's too much, though. I mean serious healing miracle kind of stuff and even planes beyond that. Your profile is similar to mine in that I come from serious ministry, and even saw miracles and what not back then. But then the miracles stopped. Then in December my seven-year-old daughter ruptured her appendix back by use of her imagination. I was processing all kinds mystical experiences right before that, then that happens and we spent 11 days in the hospital, and she was released on Christmas Morning. A little later I found Neville, or he found me.
I'm interpreting that I'm the state of Paul, and that I have a call for my blind Christian brethren that I can't escape. I want to escape it, because I know the stones they throw, but yet I'm consumed.
So I wanted to say thanks, because your article helps me especially with some deeper Hebrew, which I love. I wish I understood all of the deeper letters, numerals, pictorial meanings, all of it! A teaching by Myles Munroe on the deeper meaning of Eden that I heard almost 20 years ago changed my life! It means so much more even now, and its all so unutterably beautiful! I now know what it means to have joy unspeakable and full of glory! (1 Peter 1:8).
So bless you and thanks again. I'm going to check out some of your favorite books. I recall one of those experiences right before I found Neville. I turn 40 this May, and that still small voice said that this was going to be me coming into the promised land for my life. I didn't yet understand, let alone accept my I AM-ness, but it all makes so much sense now! Live from the Promise!
Lots of love and grace to you
I am much more long-winded when I’m writing as I don’t get sidetracked answering questions. I prefer to be able to get everything out. I write the blog to get this stuff out to as many people as possible for free, hence no book to pay for. The blog is read all over the world, by one person here, and by one person there. Well, it worked for the original Christianity. I am just trying to correct the world for the Big Guy.
Since full time youth ministry left me unable to take care of my family financially, I decided to pursue some of my invention ideas. I'm here in Vegas selling my first one and getting into retail, and ultimately Walmart and big box distribution. This is my first invention, to make a better item and evolve it into a still better item:
With the half-truth that I was walking in at the time (that Jesus is still "out there" somewhere), this nevertheless went viral and opened the most amazing doors. Now that I know who I really am, it's getting VERY interesting.
This is just the means to an end, though, and that end is the time and financial freedom to spread the true Gospel in all of the earth as best as I know how. As I said, I can't escape some of the visions that are overwhelming me in that vein. More on that later.
Tom continues:
No one in the Christian church that I know, I mean no one, teaches that the Bible is all allegory, let alone understands that it speaks of creation and is written of us. That would be downright "blasphemy," and I've already been called a blasphemer by a few I've talked to. I have a meeting in two weeks with the heads of an influential church in town, who are friends and acquaintances (they ask me to participate in a multi-church prayer and worship night). So I sent them a very detailed e-mail according to a strong vision I had, and included a Neville book for them to read. You can imagine how that went. I'm really excited for our meeting, though, as I see the vision very clearly.
I've been meditating very deeply for years on what I understood to be the Gospel of Grace as Paul called it -- Christ the Second Adam; It is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; I'm saved by the faith OF Christ and not by my faith IN Him; and on and on. I was really growing wonderfully in that revelation, but found it's truly the blind leading the blind in the church. And I think, "Who else really gets it? And how will they believe unless they hear and understand?"
I understand their psyche perfectly, because I spent 30 years of my life thinking like them on many different levels, starting as a Catholic, then Word of Faith (Kenneth Hagin stuff), and lastly the revival/prophetic Bethel-type stream. I still love their worship, though! I just can't sing all of the songs any more. That was my truest passion, to play guitar and worship. I now struggle with worship, as deep meditation is all I want to do. I do have new songs, though, springing forth for the first time in my life, and I think that with the coming awakening I'll have the words to give the world some songs to sing.
I see a coming knowledge age in our lifetime. We've advanced civilization with the information age, sort of, but information will give way to spiritual knowledge and the understanding of faith that will frame the world as the power of the age to come. I actually see the lion laying down with the lamb. I understand what it means: that, if you'd ask, I'd give the nations to you! I mean, if preachers can have millions of people follow them with half-truths and half-wisdom, then what could they do with the real Gospel!
Well, I'm not waiting for anyone else to do it. I mean, who will and where are they? So that's why your blog was a breath of fresh air. I found a group on reddit dedicated to Neville, but most of them only care about using the law for selfish gain. Last night a guy was bragging how he used the law to get laid so easily, and everyone applauded it. I told him to read Proverbs 5 and to remember that this is his autobiography. They throw Neville in and say, "Well, Neville was bothered by Ab's drinking and Ab said it's all God, everything. So because everything is God, and we are God, we can use the law for anything we want." Jesus of course says to cut off your hand, any extension of yourself, if it causes you to sin. Withdraw the sap of your attention from it, right? And hit the mark of the highest ideal which is perfect love and heaven. So I am not going to use the law to steal, kill, or destroy. It's the golden rule. Simple. I'm know I'm preaching to the choir, but these are all of the things I'm processing. If I have a blind spot somewhere, by all means, chime in. You can't offend me.
So that said, I'm really excited to bring this Gospel to the church and also the unchurched. My dad, who raised me in the church, is absolutely on fire like he's never been, after I introduced him to Neville. He had an aneurysm on his heart for a year, and it was 4 cm in diameter. We prayed, pre-Neville as I'll call it, and it shrank to 3.5 cm, which the doctors said was impossible. After Neville we did a basic imaginal act, and he just got the results last week - and there is no aneurysm! He sent me a picture of the report reading, "aorta dilated, but not meeting the criteria for an aneurysm." That's after three previous test results showing it there.
I don't know exactly how, or via what means I'll do it exactly, but I feel like making a video of my testimony and putting on my social media. I need people to hear and see the sincerity and truth. I may also share it with influential pastors that I know (and with those I don't know yet). I'm not really sure about that. I see flashes of my teaching and preaching in front of large crowds, so we'll see how it unfolds. I just had a high-level business contact, who is considering investing in my business, invite me to his home to lead his bible study based off of this! It was so powerful. It reminded me of Jesus teaching the two disciples of Himself in scripture along the way to Emmaus, how after he disappeared they said, "did not our hearts burn within us along the way?" Everyone was riveted in silence, about 20 people in this luxury high-rise condo, and I was just as riveted - if not more than they - as it just poured forth from me. I didn't dawn on me until later, but at the end I led some worship and put my own spin on "going into the silence." And then one by one they started asking questions. Good questions. It reminded me of Neville saying, "now are there any questions please." LOL. I really feel like something "fell" on me when I discovered Neville. I guess a lot of people feel that way, I don't know. I just have this overwhelming unction to see the world change as much as possible. And if this stuff be true, which it is, then the world can and will change remarkably.
I don't mean to unload on you, but it feels helpful to be seen and known by someone here. Now with that out of the way, do you mind if I ask you a few questions?
1) When I meditate, I get some very, very strong sensations in my physical body. Lately it's been like a strong pulse that contorts parts of my face, mainly my mouth area, and it sometimes crinkles my nose very strongly. I can stop it, but when I really let go and am especially deep in an imaginal act, it gets very strong and my breathing picks up almost to a loud snorting kind of thing. Most of the time in meditation I am completely unaware of my body, but this makes me aware of it. Last night was the strongest I've ever had it, as I'm alone in this hotel room. I usually try to better control my breathing and body relaxation/stillness because my wife is laying asleep next to me. But this was so strong it crinkled my whole face, and my eyes clamped shut so hard it was like I was seeing a ball of light. It so intense I thought I was having a seizure, as I felt it all through my brain and skull. I thought of Neville and thought to push and roll the stone away or something. I don't know if I did. I could let myself come out of it and it stopped, but I've come too far to turn back, so I went back in. Eventually it felt like I convulsed and I jolted my head and neck up in the air, but uncontrolled like if you get a strong chill up your spine and it makes you shiver. I've had one of these experiences last Spring, almost a year ago, about 6 months before I found Neville. That's one of the things that made me pay attention to what he was saying. It was almost like Paul's "whether in the body or out of the body, I don't know." But I saw some indescribable things, and I'll try and describe if you're interested, and for a few moments it felt as if I understood EVERYTHING. And I knew I wouldn't retain it all in my brain, so I was trying to retain and imprint on myself as much as I could. The only thing I retained was the vision of a golden figure 8 river of life that flowed from the cosmos, and what felt or appeared almost what looked like a ring on the planet Saturn (or at least that's what it made me think of at the time). And the figure 8 appeared bent as it flowed into the earth, as I saw the blue marble view of the earth from outer space. All I can retain is that I KNEW God was all, and in all.
[Dan's comment: See The Hidden Teachings of Jesus (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Upj5U1jx_WA&t=2998s). "When the Divine Goddess comes up, the tongue rolls back" (Ramakrishna, at 28:57). It sounds like your body may be trying to do this mudra.]
Is this kind of facial tick normal? I can get it at any time during the day even, if I let it. It's like as soon as I turn my attention to my I AM-ness and let myself relax into it, it starts happening.
2) Have you read the Kybalion or the Emerald Tablets of Thoth? Your thoughts? Coming from the church, and their great fear and demonizing of "the occult," I really hesitate reading or accepting it. However, it seemed to come into my life and I read it and am fascinated by it. The Kybalion especially helps me with imaginal acts, as I understand the concept of poles, gender, planes, etc. What I think I am beginning to understand is how Jesus manifested, and Peter after he got ahold of it and his "shadow" healed people as he walked down the street. I think there is a realm of what I'll call "instant manifestation." Walking in the instant and infinite wisdom and power of God, imagining on the spot with an awareness of everyone and everything around you, and having it manifest in the immediate, or not-too-distant, future. I think of Jesus cursing the fig tree. One gospel writer says it withered immediately, and the other says the next morning as they passed by it was withered. Jesus performed the imaginal act and it was done instantly, in His mind, and then it manifested outwardly the next day (or immediate future).
3) Don't you think it's possible that scripture is both an allegory AND an accurate historical account? That would make so much more sense and have so much more glory to it for me. Heaven and earth have kissed. I'm prepared to let all of it go, and I have in a way. But Neville says of Paul, whom I really identity with, that if there was a "real" person who lived it was Paul. And if that be true, would Paul create such an elaborate "story" of meeting with the other apostles and send greetings to random people in his letters? It seem so much more glorious, at least to me, that these ARE the psychological states we will all experience and fulfill, as they were fulfilled by these men and women of faith historically and physically. I see Jesus of Nazareth hanging on a physical cross IMAGINING in the most intense way, with the faith OF God, reconciling the world to Himself. All who came before and all who would come after, perhaps even down the billions of individual lives that had and would come forth from the Father. I saw it in a vision, pre-Neville, of sheer power emanating from Him as He hung on the cross. And I saw Him in "hell" during those three days preaching to the souls in prison, and those souls were us individually, lost in darkness. It was like a dark cave, and I was overcome as I FELT in that moment, that this actually was the three says still (a day with the Lord is as a thousand years), that He IS still here in the grave preaching to the souls in prison. Meaning it felt like time didn't matter and it was 2000 years ago, and Mary and John are weeping at the grave, and Jesus is here in the grave preaching to us in the darkness of the 21st century.
That said, I'm completely blown away by the fact that scripture IS our autobiography and a beautiful allegory that unlocks our creative wisdom and power! I mean, I just keep getting blown away. I'm not sure how many hundred Neville lectures and audio I've listened to, but I'm still grasping for it, I think. I think we will for eternity, perhaps? I feel like I understand the Lord's prayer, and the need for daily bread and fresh manna. It doesn't last, and I need to remind myself daily. I'm training myself to truly bring "every thought to the obedience of Christ." But if I persist at it, and still feel "barely saved," then how lost my Christian brothers are - and the rest of the status-quo of humanity. Then again, I don't want to have the Elijah syndrome and think, "I'm the only one." I know there are thousands of others, as God told Elijah hiding there in the cave.
4) Have you read any Walter Russell? It's amazing stuff. A little too complicated for me when he speaks of the more "engineering" side of creation and the structure of the kingdom (i.e., everything exists on a wave, and the law is the universal law of balance, and how the wave works with compression then expansion/explosion). It's good stuff, just curious if you know him.
You might find my testimony in a few of my posts. I was in a meditation class at the metaphysical bookstore in Honolulu. In one particular meditation, we were to allow an ascended master to enter our mind. I was suddenly enabled to see through the spirit approaching me, and it was all darkness inside. The light emanating from it was just a façade. I just as suddenly understood that this spirit had been grooming me for years for that particular moment. It had influenced my thoughts and opinions through rock music, eastern religions, paranormal and the occult, etc., etc. I had been prepared to lower my authority from over it to under it, to allow it to enter my mind WHICH IT COULD NOT DO WITHOUT MY PERMISSION. But Someone Who had authority over me opened my eyes and controlled my mind to see it. I realized I was going the wrong way. So I am not one in favor of meditation, the occult, and listening to spirits. What is trying to get into your head? I do not know. I do know that God had me in the occult to learn things I could not learn through the church anymore. I may have thrown the baby out with the bathwater, but I would be very judicious of any spirit trying to pry my head back for what the video talks about.
Maybe I can discuss more later.
(Later) I took a look this morning at a bit of Thoth and Kybalion. Neville was familiar with the Corpus Hermetica. I think there are some correspondences between biblical metaphysics and occult meta. Can’t hardly avoid it. Before my Christian rebirth I read things on the occult - Edgar Cayce, Jean Dixon, Seth Speaks, Zen Masters, The Teachers of Gurdjieff, The Sufis etc., I practiced TM, etc.. While these were used to lead me to demonic possession (never got there), they were also preparatory for my total submission to God for the baptism in the Holy Spirit. I could not have gotten there without the occultists' work. Interesting, no? Frank C. Laubach said that in rejecting all mystical and the occult, the church has thrown the baby out with the bathwater.
You might be interested in Gerald Massey’s Egypt, the Light of the World. I was fascinated by the Deserts of Amenti. Massey pretty much had a war against the traditional church. You might not want to mention Thoth and Kybalion to your more traditional friends. The trick is to figure out what Jesus had us learn from the mystics to get us to the baptism in the Holy Spirit and to biblical prayer. Walter was over my head, too, but even the little bit I got out of him was a lot - that the Whole is One Big Thing!
Who Paul met with were not necessarily the apostles of God uniquely incarnate. Jesus could have been a man who clearly incarnated the principles and spirit of God's anointing in the Season of Grace. There is a difference. There certainly were historical people involved, for there was already a church years BEFORE Jesus. Gospels were written much, much later. People are NOT reading the Bible in the context of the literal history of God's work in Israel. They think the fantasy the stories illustrating the Gospel produce is the context. The Season of Grace was to introduce the Age of Grace, NOW HERE. Think of it as a second Exodus, and Jesus as a second Moses.
By the way, that God designed and inspired the literal history to produce the allegories and types is a standard theological theory. It is a bit too much of a stretch for me, especially as I am familiar with other literature of the time.
Also, that this is our three days in hell with Jesus preaching to us is exactly the point of the Gospels and of the whole Bible. It started in Exodus. Welcome aboard.
Wow, I had the most profound power encounter of my life last night and into the early morning hours. Do you remember Neville talking about the spinal cord being the rod of God's power, and the explosion at the base of the spine that serpentine's up in thunder? It happened to me! I mean, wow, I finally let it all go and it was the great infilling of the Holy Spirit! Wow! If you asked me 20 years ago I would have said I got baptized in the Holy Spirit at a "revival meeting." But now I know what it really is! Yay!
I do understand most of what I've been experiencing very clearly. Understanding that we will all fulfill scripture, I see its fulfillment in so many areas over the past three months. Even the weird body sensations. I know to be those old branches of fruitless thought being pruned away, and the new network of thought and understanding transforming me. Be renewed in the spirit of your mind, right? That's exactly it. I'm casting my net on the right side, and it's a tangible experience. And the harvest is too abundant to pull in!
As for the church, yes they are very lost and very blind. That's why I left the youth ministry, I couldn't sit under the teaching any more. "And the shepherd leaves the ninety-nine to rescue the one." So I took my guitar out on the beach and I teach the Gospel. God so loved the world that He gave. I love how Neville says it, "He so loved you, that He gave Himself to you to awaken as you." And the Spirit of the Lord IS upon me, and you, to preach the good news to the meek, and bind up the broken hearted...and all of it.
When I say meditate, I mean in the true sense of the term, "to become, or to become familiar with." So, for example, I'll meditate deep on Isaiah 61. I'll look up each word in the Hebrew and reallly Selah - really think upon it - and open for the Lord to pour in wisdom and understanding. You have to become the thing you desire - "occupy till I come." And then I'll just be still and relax, deeply relax my body and mind. I put on Wayne Dyer's I AM meditation; it's really wonderful. I skip the talking at the beginning now, but it's worth a listen if you haven't heard it. He references a book called The Moses Code which is outstanding, too (or at least the free 50 page preview I found online).
I AM - guided meditation by Wayne Dyer (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lmNDC7Y3SNM)
Coming fresh out of this encounter last night, which was such a holy thing, I can't speak of it yet as I need to process. I get a lot of understanding as I look back through the newly forming renewed mind, the single lens. And it's fearful thing in that it was sheer power way beyond my knowing. From these meditations, of which your article on the lost flock of Jethro was a part of the journey and truly brilliant (ahh, sweet salience - Dan), I recognize my encounter first with pure love, and it's a state of ecstatic bliss, and then came Wisdom, and last night the Power. Christ is truly being formed in us! I mean you and I know that, and I've taught it for years, but to manifest/encounter Him in these ways is just a realm beyond. Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty! He's indescribably wonderful!
Lastly for now, let me encourage you to let your light so shine before men. You are a city set on a hill. The understanding you have of scripture and your teaching gift is the light. You are the light of the world! I only read your article on the becoming of God, and the lost flocks of Jethro, and your profile, but I recognize the immense value that you carry inside. Continue to find ways to bring it into the world. You're not done yet! That's the secret, we're never done, we never sleep nor slumber, lol. It just gets better and better, and it is good and very good!
I don't know how you feel about teaching in public, and I'm not insinuating anything as I absolutely follow the Golden Rule, but I could totally see you teaching this to the uninitiated. Especially those in the church. They have such a love and zeal for God. They are going all out, with such a hunger and fire for God in the understanding they have. All they know is the hearsay they've gotten from others in the church, who got it from others who formed what is today's Modern Christian doctrines. Watch this when you are able and you'll see:
How He Loves Us - Kim Walker-Smith / Jesus Culture - Jesus Culture Music (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JoC1ec-lYps)
In looking at the title of the album this is from, "We Cry Out," you feel the desperation. People are hungry - they are dehydrated in a dry and thirsty land, and we have the living water. So give them to drink however you can. I experienced the rivers of living water flowing from my belly last night. It flows from God's throne into all of the earth, and everything it touches comes alive! Jesus said, "When you give a cup of cold water to one of these little ones, you do it unto Me!" So beautiful! He's already cleansed them. "What God has cleansed, that call not thou common." That's the glory of the Gospel of grace!
Blessings to you and your family Dan! I'm available anytime you want to write back and forth or chat. Iron sharpens iron and I love it, I love it all. Abundant blessings upon you!
Hi Dan!
I'm still in awe of the baptism of the Holy Spirit! This might be a dumb question, but I don't really know who else in the world I could ask this to. If I completely relax in meditation, and especially if I get deep into an imaginal act, the same manifestation builds to a peak in some kind of a fervent focused power, and then it's like I "explode it out" or something like that as "it is finished," and I worship the Father and give thanks. Also, just upon thinking about Him in me, as me, I get these body sensations that feel like wiggles and little spinning tornados going up and down my spine. It feels good, very good. I can have it all during the day if I want, or not at all if I get into some daily routine. But it's not the same intensity or scary power of that night I was consumed spirit, soul, and body. I'm just curious: is this is "normal"? It's funny because it's not normal at all, but it is feeling normal now.
I don't know how familiar you are with Reddit. They consider themselves "the front page of the Internet," as a lot of stuff on the front page is what goes viral. But the best part of Reddit is that there are thousands of "subreddits" dedicated to various subjects and niches. There's a community over there dedicated to Neville in case you want to check it out. It's mostly people like myself just getting ahold of Neville and asking questions, having discussions, posting results. I just posted over there some of my healing miracles complete with medical records in case you are interested:
You can go to the parent Neville page to see other posts by the community there, and post your own if you feel so inclined. You have a very strong teaching gift and by all means multiply that talent! You'll see a lot of posts there with focus on the material side, the law of attraction kind of crowd. It's the interest in the law, as it should be, but the emphasis of the Promise is really where it's at, and I hope to impart more. I can't escape the feeling of needing to teach it and get it out there into the world. I mean, nothing is impossible. So why not believe for this to be the time that the lion lays down with the lamb! And so it shall, maybe not on the plane or level that I expect, but the promise is that He'd give the nations if we asked! So why not, right? Might as well go all the way!
Keep me posted on how you progress with the call. I too wonder about starting a "church," or lecture series in my town, or something. Maybe itinerant minister in churches that accept me. I'm really believing for my business right now because I need the financial freedom to go and do this well and completely free of giving to Caesar what is Caesar's. I'm not letting that hold me back from getting started, and so I'm doing it the best I know. I'm walking through the midst of the angry mob of my ministry friends, some very high-level ones who pastor megachurches, and who don't hesitate to hurl their stones, and yet this insatiable desire to see them saved propels me into them all the more (more accurately the "church" in general who is doing the best with the knowledge they have, especially the lay-people). I think it's time to thrust in the sickle!
I sometimes see reddit as a referring URL in the statistics of my blog, The Becoming God. I've never spent time there. Maybe I should check out the Neville thread, as I don't have the meditation experiences and sensations you have. I remember Neville frequently referring to his experiences with vortex and vortices in his lectures, some of which showed readily on a search:
I am disappointed that I cannot as readily find his references to power going forth from him when he heard good news for people. He said that some friend would ask him to hear good news, and within ten seconds he would hear it to the point that power or something would explode from him and he would feel it go forth as a release, that it was done; i.e., the imagined scene-idea was "pregnant" and would find fulfillment. For some reason I cannot find it right now in his lectures.
I have corresponded with a paralyzed woman who wants healing and has done everything she can to appease God for her healing. Haven't been able to get her to see that there is no earning God's favor. "Everything in life must be an investment," yes, but it is not like that. I was working on the following idea when I saw your e-mail: we misread almost everything in scripture because we think things are in the future. E.g., Jeremiah, Daniel, Zechariah, etc. talked about Jesus coming. Daniel was told it would be 490 years from a certain commandment to rebuild Jerusalem. But he was also told that He - the Messiah - would one who returned from Babylon to rebuild Jerusalem. It would be the same dude - an anointing of God's Spirit - from the going forth of the commandment to the completion of what I call the Season of Grace. At the end of the Season, He arrived - the Man who Realizes and Accepts that He is God.
The thing is, He was never gone. He is a constant; it is our REALIZING that comes. Check out the introduction to Robert Young's Literal Translation of the Bible on line: THERE IS NO FUTURE TENSE IN THE BIBLICAL HEBREW. He is absolutely shrill about it. There is no "Jesus will come"; it is "Jesus is here." It is just that we do not perceive it, don't have faith for it, for the realization.
Walter Russell in The Secret of Light describes/diagrams light as compacts of vortices. I know that vortices are channels of flowing movement from high to low pressure (or vice versa). I imagine Spirit flowing from this dimension to that dimension (or vice versa) - that God has mixed things up and His Spirit is moving one way or the other.
I envy your having the time, peace, and place to meditate.
WOW! This is powerful: THERE IS NO FUTURE IN THE BIBLICAL HEBREW. He is absolutely shrill about it. There is no "Jesus will come"; it is "Jesus is here." It is just that we do not perceive it, don't have faith for it, for the realization.
Man, I really feel like the church needs to get this so bad. Maybe it's me as I'm still getting it myself, ha. It's like I'm preaching these revelatory messages in my head and I can't shut it off. I picture, of course, preaching and teaching this to the church who I WANT to get it. But that night in Vegas, there in the desert, at the Westgate Hotel with a picture of Elvis on the wall behind me, I walked past the mirror and heard that still, small voice, and it said, "you're not preaching to others. you're preaching to yourself." And I was so startled at the truth and revelation of that. I was addressing all of the "hangups" and fears lurking in my old network of thinking, as I am renewing it daily it feels, as I mend a new net with new pathways of pleasantness and peace, and cast it on the right side of the boat!
So I stood there and preached the most powerful revelation-knowledge-filled message, and then I saw the crowd. And I knew the secret, when you preach to the crowd you preach to yourself! You're proclaiming all of the things you absolutely know and have experienced/witnessed to be true of yourself, which is what's true of God. And it led to the full acceptance of my union with God, as God, and the baptism in the Holy Spirit and fire exploded! So I have to think I'm going to be in that crowd and bear witness to it happening on a grand scale. Because why not go big with this thing, you know? It will either go big, or they'll stone me and I'll have to elude them, LOL.
Speaking of which, I have my appointment tomorrow with some local pastors that I know and care for. Imagine for me, that it doesn't involve rocks, lol! Well it's late here, just wanted to get back to you. And yes, make time to meditate. I do it an hour before I fall asleep. It's the best part of my day. Just enjoy divine union and give yourself permission to just BE. That twilight sleep is where things really start getting interesting. Enjoy!
You will see in my recent blog post that I encourage people to respect God. Respecting and honoring are really big things with the Ineffable Source. Typologically, Adam didn't, Cain didn't, Ham didn't, Esau didn't, Saul didn't, Israel didn't, Judea didn't, the ruling Jews didn't. Respecting and honoring the Father is like what? It is not following the Mosaic Law, for one thing. Respecting and honoring the Father in a LIVING way would be giving respect and honor to the Imagination, which He is, and to love, which He does.
I say this because your Christian friends are likely to think that imagining is selfish, arrogantly AGAINST God, and sorcery. We are from that camp - we know what we would have thought, that "You think you can order God around and have Him do your bidding?" And yet, what you do in imagining is respecting and honoring and yielding to Him. It is hard for traditional God-is-wholly-other Christians to accept that the wholly-other includes us. Or that the Ineffable is also the universe, or that It is consciousness and imagination. I keep J. B. Phillips book Your God Is Too Small on the top shelf of my bookcase where I will always see its title, just to remind myself that all my concepts of God are way TOO SMALL.
Coffee Break, at 11:17 AM
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