The Becoming God

Thursday, May 12, 2022

Trees (Strike the 's')

Something about near death experiences speaks to me about the Tree of Life and the Tree of the Knowledge of God and Evil in the Garden of Eden. Man was expelled from the garden, but there was kept a way back to the Tree of Life. I think I see now that the Tree of Life is the Sovereign Lord's way of doing things. Its principles. Its nature. Its intentions. Its assumptions. The omniscient, omnipotent eternal has set Itself, Its character, in stone. The Rock. Existence is Its way or the highway. Which is a problem for everyone who wants something else. For it is not their choice. This is not an election. God isn't running for office. It does not demand worship or obedience: It deserves worship and obedience. For this is right, because of what It is. What grace It has bestowed upon us - a chance to repent back to the Tree!!

The Tree of the Knowledge of God and Evil is not so much another tree as it just is not the Tree, the Tree of Life. It is actions of independence from the Tree of Life. Satan wanted his way, one third of the angels wanted their way, man wanted his way. These are big Bozo no-nos. Rebellion of independence has its comeuppance. Where are you going to go? There is not another way. There is only one Tree offered. No alternatives. No options. It really is God's way or the highway. Except there is no highway. Hell is the option rebels get.

There is provided a way back to the Tree of Life. The Tree is the Sovereign. The agency of return to Life is the Altar, Jesus Christ. He did Its will, and there you go--do Its will: "I in them and you in me" (John 17:23). Enter into the Provision. That is not believing about the Provision, that it is there, but exercising the Provision, that you are at, in, and of the Altar, Jesus Christ. Believing about the Provision, even to the working of miracles and signs because of it, does not buy you beans (see Matthew 7:22-23). You have got to go to and know the Power and the Wisdom of God provided for reconciliation to the Tree of Life. Bow the knee. It is that or the highway. Oh. Wait a minute. There is no highway.


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