The Becoming God

Monday, May 30, 2022

God's Mistake

No, it was not His creating you. Or me. We learn from the Law of Assumption that creating is ever done in the imagination. Whatever we desire is to be assumed to already exist and to be already possessed. It is "been there; done that" for a future encounter. "What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them" (Mark 11:24 KJV). That is how God rolls.

Well, people's mistake is they WANT something instead of assuming that they already HAVE it. They imagine their desire to have what they do not have, and THAT is what gets manifested as their future encounter. By wanting they have implied/imagined that they do not have, and not having is what they get. Someone has said, "You can have anything you want, as long as you do not want it."

"I do not want ice cream." No, no, no. Not that kind of not wanting. Although that will almost certainly get you all the ice cream you want by grace, the idea of creating is to imagine and believe that you just HAD a nice big bowl of ice cream (or whatever) and are super satiated by it: "So full. So happy. Thank you so very much." Living in the grace of God, Eil Shaddai, we should be so satisfied and grateful all of the time!

I think that for a moment God wasn't. As the Beginning of everything, He imagined the heavens and the earth as they would be His perfect and complete Manifestation. (I am working on the idea that first was the physical earth, and then the spiritual heavens--the basis of the oft repeated Biblical preference for the younger son.) And then he WANTED Man. He implied in His own imagination that He did NOT have Man, and by the Law of Assumption Man was denied Him. God became his own adversary.

God has greatly desired us, and He has made a way (ding! ding! ding!) to undo the seeming separation HE has caused. In Christ He believed that He HAD us: "You in Me and I in them." From the Beginning there has been two spheres of existence, one under the adversarial relationship being wanted and the other under the restoration of belonging to Him. Salvation is about that simple: "You wanted me (this I believe!); I belong to You."


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