The Becoming God

Tuesday, May 31, 2022

Mental Diets Continued With Siti Revisited


Thank you for your kind words on your last post. I appreciate being able to express my thoughts on this subject matter of mental diet, consciousness, a life journey from the inside out.

I found others from around the globe who also are on this similar journey…a man by the name Elitom Elamin, a woman named Erika Witthuhn, both are on YouTube. They speak very similar to what Neville writes about.
I mention these two because they’ve had a background in the Christian doctrines growing up, but realize that “the issues of life” flow out from within…the kingdom of love. They share, especially Elitom from the Biblical scriptures, and Erika for many years was encouraged by Christians in Northeast of Scotland, the Findhom Foundation, and a book called “Open Doors Within” by Eileen Caddy.

These two are in a lifestyle that I’ve never heard of or could imagine…it’s known as the “Breatharian Journey” or living “Prana”. But the more I listened to what they say, I can see how they exemplify the teachings of Jesus that was written in the Eastern mindset.

These two exemplify the writings of the writers of the Old Testament but in todays time frame. Just as Moses…”I am has sent me”. These two are One with Him.

Elitom speaks much about the science behind your physical makeup and how cultivating your mental diet changes your world into a reality you’re meant to live, changing your physical life which includes your physical food habits.

I mention these two because they’ve spent at least 20-30 years in their journey and not swayed by conventional thought and practice coming at them from family and friends.

There’s much on YouTube regarding this subject that are not mature enough in their knowledge yet.

Bruce Lipton, Wayne Dyer, Gregg Braden are mentioned regarding the metaphysical world, Conscious awareness. Personally I like to stick to the Biblical scriptures the way Neville has written and expressed and how I imagine Abdullah his mentor has led him.

I understand that you spent a few years in the Navy?…so I thank you for your service.
Enjoy this last day of the weekend!


Thank you, Siti. As always, take everything with a grain of salt and test with the known reality of the scriptures.

Well, I had to come back to this to say that I watched a few minutes of Breatharian videos on YouTube. One a scale of one-to-ten, I would say these people are full of crap. I did learn a new form of English: "I live entirely and exclusively on prana between meals (excuse me, I've got something caught in my teeth)." I guess we all are breatharians. But these are lie-arians. Seriously, these are the people I was saved FROM when Christ intervened in Hawaii and I became a Christian. They are not swayed by conventional thought BECAUSE THEY ARE NUT CASES willingly self-deluded. To quote "Monte Python and The Holy Grail," "Run away!!"


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