The Becoming God

Monday, May 16, 2022

Matthew 12:40: The Message of Hope

Near death experiences (NDEs) are not new. People have been resuscitating from temporary death as long as there has been man. The Athenians waived Paul off because it was old news: "Another one of those 'I died' stories? We have heard plenty of people's experiences in Hades and Elysium." There is enough scientific evidence to pooh-pooh the euphoria and fears of near death experiences, even after hours or days of one being dead: "One thing is for sure, NDEs are fascinating and are (probably) nothing to do with the afterlife."

Yeah, but. I cannot dispute emotional and neurochemical causes of sensational effects within me, but what about the Other Guy? What about his healings and words of knowledge and prophecy? That Jesus was in the heart of the earth three days and three nights and rose on the third day would not have impressed many Jews: He had just raised Lazarus after four days. Now that, they recognized, was an exceptional miracle--a day beyond any expected resuscitation. Jesus' point of three days and three nights was the completeness of His mission. That Passover was not Jesus' first dance. He knew exactly how long it was from the 14th of Nisan to the end of the festivals. Three means perfect and complete, unmovable, fixed, finished. It was the original “Mission Accomplished.” Bullinger notes three is symbolic of the cube (x to the third power), of solid contents, of "that which is solid, real, substantial, complete, and entire" (1967. Number in Scripture. Grand Rapids: Kregel Publications. p. 107). Regardless of the period of time allotted, Jesus' work was going to be 100% complete within it. And so it was. Is. See Was Jesus in the grave for 3 days and 3 nights?

So what is the practical effect of Jesus' NDE? May I suggest hope? As in First Corinthians 13:13, "These three [things] are what binds us together: faith, hope and love" (Alexander). Hope of release from guilt, fear, and punishment. Hope where there is no hope: Sarah was restored to youthfulness to bear Isaac; Jairus received his dead daughter alive and hungry; the woman with the perpetual issue of blood was made well. "It is never too late" is only true when possibility for what is desired still exists. The only hope that may still exist for it is Jesus. His hope is ever "solid, real, substantial, complete, and entire"...for the three days and three nights He was in the heart of the earth. Hope in Him pays off.


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