The Becoming God

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

So Many Things To Consider 2: Creation of Life

I am something of a fan of James Tour, a Christian Jew who holds that it is impossible for random change chemical interactions to achieve a living cell. He is, of course, absolutely correct. Almost. I believe that there is no such thing as random chance interactions. You see, the universe was not created of dead matter formed of the quantum particles of the Big Bang. I believe it was formed of the Intelligence of the Ineffable Being who imagined being the quantum particles forming the matter life is evolved from. It observed them. They did not spring into being without purpose or without thought behind them. The idea was: “Make Me manifest.” Hence, an atom is never without purpose: it exists for the Consciousness who is working all things together for Good. Every quantum particle is a part of the Intelligence. We should be surprised that they gravitate toward life?


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