The Becoming God

Thursday, July 18, 2019

So Many Things To Consider 3: Quantum Reformation Of The Past To The Elimination Of The Future

As a caption scientist I know almost nothing of Quantum Mechanics. I hear, though, that split quantum particles are entangled so that what affects one immediately affects the other regardless of where it is in space or time. I also envision the singularity of the Big Bang as being ONE quantum particle, making all the universe "entangled."

There is consciousness. We can be pretty sure of this, because we think. But the odds against any random chemical chain becoming a living cell is something like 10 to the 164th power. I.e., it ain't happening in the history of the earth or of the universe. And yet we think. Could the magical event have happened "naturally" in either the later history of the universe, or even in a prior Big Bang event, and by quantum mechanics have informed (conditioned) the singularity (and thus all quantum particles from it) to the potential of life?

THIS IS SUPER IMPORTANT! For if an occurrence of life, late in the history of the universe . . . by quantum mechanics conditioned the beginning of the universe to consciousness . . . that consciousness effectively sacrificed itself to give life to all. Lift the Essene Mirrors to THAT! Welcome to the imagic-worldview.

There may be billions of civilizations on the trillions of planets in the universe that are literally millions (if not billions) of years more advanced than we are. Perhaps they have already evolved to pure consciousness. I call these evolutionally ascended beings 'conscii' (no one has offered better). They may recognize that first self-sacrificing consciousness as the Source of their life and consciousness, and worship It as their Creator. Wouldn't their creed be, "I AM THAT 'I AM'"? Wouldn't Its beneficence be their religious practice? And mightn't they practice their religion here as "angels" of that first consciousness? Or, if some have acquired spiritual abilities while still being ignorant a-holes (maybe there is something we ought to watch for here), maybe they are our "demons."

Jesus, then, would be a guy who found the gate to evolving to the next state of consciousness, a consciousness we can now achieve. And church is to be a school of prayer unto it.


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