"Build Me a Sanctuary" ; the Temple Wherein the Holy Ghost Dwells (Exodus 25:8)
This may be an odd reply to the following comment on my post about Exodus 3:14's Name being notification that God is involved with us, but it's what I've got.
What is love then?
The progression of my understanding of love is as such.
Hollywood love, emotions, flutter in the heart, butterflies in the stomach, etc.
And then I heard that love has 3 root words in the Bible, so there were 3 different kinds of love. The greatest one being agape, which connotes a sort of unconditional love, a brotherly love, a familial love that has no place for lust and romance. Something higher, so to speak.
Of late, I have moved away from the above notions of love. In order to avoid the counters of "what about the poor?" "What about war-torn societies?" "What about the Jews in WW2?" I have learnt that love actually means expansion as opposed to destruction. So it is not even about morality. It is not about people but about expansion. Expanding universes, expanding stars, solar systems, cities, species, etc., etc. And so the argument goes that love does not see murder and theft, etc. Rather, love is expansion in infinity. No morality.
What is love?!
And when I hear someone try to profoundly distil it into "God is love", it does not help at all since the love side of the equation is confusion to me!
Anonymous at 8:39
My response:
Dear Anonymous at 8:39,
I almost did not post your comment when I saw in it, "No morality." I agree that love is, or at least entails, expansion. Expansion is what Japheth means. Who does not want more of and for the one he or she loves? But I am not sure love does not mean or involve morality. God's sense of morality is way beyond ours. Yes, there is expansion outwards, but there is also to be expansion, conversion inwardly--the two becoming one spiritually, emotionally, and also "in the flesh." Doesn't infidelity against you by the one you love make you jealous? God had a reason for making us to live when He gave us life, and it is not unreasonable for Him to expect devotion. He is a devoted God ('jealous' is a mistranslation), and He expects the same from us. We are the Sanctuary He desires to live within and through--the Temple of the Holy Ghost. I do not know if you consider that a call to moral living, but I consider it a call to submission, fidelity to Him, and to Holiness. When we go into the Silence, it should be unto the Sanctuary within us wherein God dwells--the effect of being baptized in the Holy Ghost continuously, oneness with Him. There is a lot of love where "His train fills the Temple."
I read expansion as including both the outward and the inward, and do not see how you can have the inward without morality. Or maybe 'morality' just isn't quite the right word.
Thank you for the interesting comment.
Dan Steele
Thanks for replying to my comment.
I think what I was trying to ask was "what is love?"
I have passed on from ideas of joy, flowers, beauty, likes, kindness, etc.
I realised that to think of love as the positive things in life (aren't certain things controversial? What one person may like may be detestable to someone else) is an inadequate understanding of love.
Also, having learnt more about ONEness, how then can the colours dull brown, evil black, boring grey be any less lovable than sunny, springy yellow; heart-red-love; baby blue; etc?
How can the thunderstorm leave a person sulking and cursing that the weather disposed of a highly anticipated round of golf?
How can Russia be despised today if we actually are conscious of ONEness?
Do you see where my comment is coming from?
I have learnt to accept everything and not hate things and people in the world. I have learnt to be as the stoics and zen practitioners who accept whatever be. When a flower withers and dies, even that is God in action, God, love, etc. No good, no bad. So in a way, no morality in this sense. No judging in terms of good or bad.
But is this then love? Is this it? I am having trouble understanding love now. I have gone past love in the form of teenage relationships, marriage, the emotion of happiness, etc.
This is what I mean by "no morality". What then is love if both the good and supposedly bad in the world are all in the ONEness, in love? A trellis of lush green and blooming flowers, a brick wall, and a concrete wall with patches of mold: these 3 are all "good"?
Anonymous, at 8:54 AM
Anonymous at 8:39 and 8:54,
Thank you for the clarification. I see what you were getting at. But we are called to judge. For what is WANTED is the End. Because we love that, we ACCEPT that we have go through Crappy Stuff to get there. It is a mistake to love the crappy stuff. Would to God the Temple did not have to be destroyed. Did not love that, but it was/is necessary to get to the End. ONEness is going somewhere; there is progress to be made. This is on our plate--everyone's plate--all the time: CHOOSE.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 10:25 PM
Thanks, Daniel. I think I will leave it here for now. Choosing, judging, going somewhere rather than nowhere as zen philosophy seems to allude to.
I think I can speak for more than just myself when I say I was born into judging the world. Exploring and judging very quickly as a baby and through adolescence. Then, somewhere in adulthood, I learn about ONEness, acceptance, transcending duality, etc.
But it seems, now, like yet another evolution into understanding that it is okay to judge for myself.
It would adhere to the notion of going in circles. Ending back, it seems, at the same spot, but still keeping motion. Perhaps, the circular motion is actually a spiral in a higher dimension. So we are going somewhere still even if it seems circular at a lower dimension.
Anonymous, at 3:07 AM
Yes, we'll leave at this. I hope you have read Taron's theories in "Taron, and the Driving Force of All is the Nature of the Ineffable" (https://imagicworldview.blogspot.com/2023/04/the-driving-force-of-all-is-nature-of.html). He has said a lot of what I think conceptually better than I. We are all little parts, but God so loves the earth--warts and all--that He has fixed it, eliminating the bad. Not good to be that. We just haven't caught up to where He is. The eternal Jesus is the patch to get us to become the Sons of Man, which is Man resurrected back/ returned to God state. Heaven is not man's final state, which no man has yet imagined. "Streets of gold" might just be ways of purity in God's nature, will, and character we are to attain to: "me" as God. Don't expect the church of Man to see it. Jesus lives it, invites us to it. I found a sample of it on my knees, contrite and wholly submitted: "Remember this, and it is all right." THEN He filled me with His Holy Spirit. A whole life like that? Wow! Take care.
Daniel C. Branham-Steele, at 5:14 PM
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