The Becoming God

Sunday, April 16, 2023

For Pastors, Sceptics, and Deconverts 1: The Concept of Separation is Not the Real Deal, But There IS a Deal; Go to It

Try to conceptualize the consciousness of the Ineffable Being as a field of power. All the things in the Bible are symbolic of qualities in this field. All states of consciousness exist within it. Evolution of consciousness, of awareness, occurs within it. Here "as you think, you are" is exactly proper. So also "as above, so below"; and "as below, so above." The whole of the field is one thing, all consciousness. The "Wholly Other," the Source from whence the field is, is it, too. It is His Manifestation. All is imagination: the Ineffable assumes, and is (i.e., It becomes what It has imagined It is). IT HAS CONFLICT IN ITS IMAGINATION, ALSO, PART OF THE PROCESS OF ASSUMPTION, WHICH ALSO BECOMES: "This is what would work. No, this would. If that happened, things would get off-track. I want to experience this. I do not want to be that." GOD HAS GOT TO FOCUS, TOO. Jesus is the towards the likeness of God, the standing order that we be conformed to His image. Satan the resistance, the contrariness of our ignorance. It has already been determined by the Ineffable that the likeness wins out--the head and heel thing (Genesis 3:15) is constant. Hey, it is His imagination; He can work it out over time. ULTIMATELY HE WINDS UP WITHOUT IGNORANCE. Don't be it.

"Christianity" is the Living Spirit in you, not belief that the Bible's history, which is symbolic, is literal. God is One, us included in It, not outside worshiping It. Worshiping It, yes; outside, no. Inside looking around, and it is awesome. We are low states of God becoming higher, better, more like the Source of the Field, the Consciousness we are part of.


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